16. W-what are you doing?

Robin felt that he was not considered by the two people in the same elevator. So could the two people behind him make out? He couldn't help but stop when someone suddenly stood in front of the CEO's special elevator door.

The nervousness of seeing Nature so close to him, made Emily hold his breath. Nature's face was so close to him.

"W-what are you doing?" asked Emily haltingly seeing Nature so close to her.

"According to you?" asked Aaron with a devilish smile.

"Y-you, d-don't even try. Or-"

"Or what?" asked Nature defiantly.

"I'll break your leg"

Nature smiled, Emily's words slightly challenged him. Moreover, Emily's face was already red, he liked to see his wife acting awkward.

"We can see which one comes first. Did my lips kiss you or did I break my leg first?" challenged Aaron made Emily swallow his saliva.

How could the man in front of him be so annoying? He wanted to punch him in the face, but he didn't want to.


When the elevator doors open, Emily rushes out to the surprise of some of the people present as he gets out of the CEO's special elevator and doesn't use the elevator much except Aaron and the assistant-Robin.

Nature also came out and called Emily's name making everyone look at the two people, they were curious what was going on but Robin gave a signal so that they didn't have to pay attention to what was going on.

Emily who didn't know which division he should be in got lost and arrived after fifteen minutes.

"P-excuse me," he greeted as he tapped on one of the tables there to draw attention to him. "Sorry, I came late on my first day of work," he said, bowing his head apologetically.

He was very sorry for doing so, but the look he received was displeasure when he saw him just arriving made him frown. He knew the people there didn't like him. However, he tried to be reasonable even though no one greeted him.

"I wonder if he can discipline those people," said Aaron, making Robin's eyes follow his master's wife.

Nature who saw from inside the workspace smiled because his wife felt frustrated on the first day of work.

He also asked where he should sit, but his question was not answered and some even used earphones, which annoyed him. Everyone else ignored him again. Emily who was annoyed slammed his bag with a loud sound, it made all activities around him stop.

Seeing the place that looked empty, he stepped towards the table, he felt that he had found a table that he should occupy.

There were so many documents on the table, just looking at them made him dizzy.

"Shit looks like killing is better than this," he thought grumbling from work.

He looked into the Aaron room, he could see the face of his husband who was laughing at him who was so frustrated, plus the employees who did not have one courtesy to him.

There was no welcome, even everyone put on a displeased face.

Looking at the schedule, he tried to learn what he didn't know before. One by one the documents on the table were studied by him, including completing what he had to complete. As for his team members, no one wanted to help him.

"I want you to send me an interesting article," Emily said but no one answered. Seeing this, he lost his temper. "Are you all mute?" Emily snapped.

"Don't worry, we'll send it," someone shouted.

"Relax? You said relax?" Emily repeated the same words. He got up from his seat, sat in front of the table staring at one by one the employees who were there. "It's easy to say relaxed, whereas I've been working on everything on the table. You sit and gossip."

"Why blame us, isn't that your job? After all, employees who enter from the specialist should know, right?"

Emily couldn't believe he was being treated like in a drama. Is he being bullied right now? He does not deny that he entered and got the position because Nature gave him. She didn't have to apply for the job because her husband owns this. however, he did not wish to reveal his identity.

"I want to be gathered before 10 o'clock tonight," said Emily making everyone look at the watch.

Time had shown where office hours were about to end, and Emily had them send what he asked for while their new team leader was going home soon. After Emily came home, they started gossiping that Emily had a special relationship with one of them because of that he got the position of team leader.

Robin, who heard this, could only put on an indifferent face. They didn't know that the woman they were gossiping about was the wife of their boss. He couldn't imagine how shocked they were who Emily was.

Along the way, Emily cursed Nature which made him the team leader. It made him stop in the street and scream like a man in a trance, making some of the thugs who heard his screams approach.

Instead of reprimanding Emily for making such a fuss, they instead tried to kidnap and rape Emily. Her beautiful face invites them to want to taste her body.

"You'd better go. I'm not in the mood"

Hearing that made Emily laugh at the thugs. "Go? Well, we'll go after tasting your pretty body."

Emily looked at the thugs. He is very upset, and some goons want to harass him. Even Aaron-the husband never touched her and some men wanted to touch her.

"Don't make me mad, I'm not in the mood"

However, what Emily said was ignored by them. several men wanted to touch her skin, but Emily's arm was immediately broken, causing the man to scream in pain.

"Aaaaa…" one of them shouted.

Seeing his friends in pain, they even attack Emily. one of the men pulled at his hair making him wince in pain. He didn't want to fight today, but he couldn't let anyone harass him either.

Kicking a man right in front of him, and trying to rebel against the man who was pulling his hair, he did it very quickly. Not enough 5 minutes he can beat the men.

"Didn't I tell you to leave? But instead, you want to harass me without knowing who you are dealing with," Emily said while kicking one of the men's face again. "You met the wrong person, it's still good I didn't kill you," Emily said again making them all get up from running, even though they were still in pain.


To be continued…