Since Cenora is currently at the end of her schooling, year-end holidays for 9th graders are not as many as students in lower grades.

And because of that, during a holiday like this, Cenora had to come to school to receive extra lessons to welcome the final school exams that were only a few months away.

This morning the sun was scorching hot and the principal's welcome was long and boring.

"Cenora, are you alright? Is your body healthy again? Can we celebrate your birthday yet? It's still in the Christmas mood, isn't it? It's not too late to celebrate Christmas while also celebrating your age!" said one of Cenora's friends who was lining up on the school grounds at this time.

"Don't bother celebrating that for me. I'm fine with that. Besides, I don't celebrate anything because these two weeks I prefer to stay at home to sleep. Seems like I've been really weak lately!" answered Cenora limply.

"Are you sick? Why not call us when you're sick? We can accompany you to the hospital or just for treatment!" Cenora's other friend grumbled.

"My pain wasn't that bad that I had to be hospitalized! I just need to rest," replied Cenora.

'How could I go to the hospital when I'm like that? If when I looked outside the house I was greeted by demons, what if I went to the hospital? Not. I don't want to go to the hospital even though my pain is so bad!' continued Cenora in her heart.

"So, are you okay now? Let me feel your temperature first!" asked one of her friends as she pressed the back of her hand to Cenora's forehead, "You're sweating cold, Cenora. Your face is very pale too! Come on, let's go to the school clinic and you should rest now!" continued her friend while nagging.

"It does not matter. Don't worry about me too much like this! I'll hold on to this for a bit. I want to listen to the Headmaster's speech to the end!" Cenora refused weakly and she said that only to avoid going to the clinic which is usually very quiet and there are only many ghosts that make the clinic room stuffy.

"And this time I will also convey one important news for the students of grades 9-2. Since their homeroom is currently on maternity leave, her position as the 9-2 class supervisor will be replaced by Mr. Kris Ichigo!"

After hearing the name 'Ichigo' mentioned by the headmaster, Cenora also looked at a man who had just stepped onto the podium. And sure enough, the person Cenora was worried about was now right in front of her eyes.

"Hello, my name is Kris Ichigo, nice to meet you! In the next few months until the final exams, I will be the supervising teacher for grades 9-2. So please help, yes, my students! Let's face this final test with spirit!"

Ichigo began to take his place and speak to welcome the students he would be tutoring in the next few months.

With such a handsome and unpretentious stature, Ichigo becomes the target of praise from female students at Cenora's school.

'Ichigo? Turns out I wasn't dreaming at all, huh? Or at this time I still haven't woken up from my sleep? But why did I sleep so long?' Cenora thought to represent her confused feelings about all the strangeness she had been through.


Now Cenora is standing facing her new teacher in Ichigo's office because before...

'Cenora, are you awake? If so, our new teacher, Mr. Kris, calls you because he wants to ask something. I thought it was about the scholarship you got,' said Cenora's friend who told her the news after Cenora opened her eyes from her stupor earlier.

And this is where Cenora is. She did not expect that the figure of a handsome and unpretentious adult man in front of her was a demon.

'Why do I still hope that what happened to me before was a dream? Even though I've fainted, but it's all true,'

'Why does a handsome man like you have to be a demon? If not, maybe I wouldn't mind all this, Ichigo…'

Cenora muttered to herself when she saw the calm Ichigo was looking at her education records during school.

"You'll fall in love if you keep looking at me like that!" Ichigo said without turning to Cenora, "Sit down or you'll faint again!" he continued to command.

"Do you have to do this?" asked Cenora as she sat across from Ichigo, across from his desk.

"What did I do?" Ichigo asked back as if he didn't know anything, "Ah, wait. What are you asking now? My future wife or as my disciple?" he continued to divert the conversation.

Cenora raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"If you ask about your position as a student, then call me politely, like Mr. Kris! But..." Ichigo's words stopped and he got up from his chair to approach and was now behind Cenora.

"But if you ask me about your position as my bride, don't hesitate to call me 'Honey'!" Ichigo continued as he brought his face closer to inhale the scent of Cenora's body on the nape of her neck.

Of course, the fine hairs all over Cenora's body stood up instantly. But Cenora just remained silent and instead replied to Ichigo's perverted treatment with scathing words.

"Same thing I will tell you, Mr. Kris! Please act politely like a teacher to your students!" said Cenora scathingly, "But I am not surprised by your impudent attitude because you are not a civilized human being. You are a demon who can easily do whatever you want!" continued Cenora as she rose from her seat and stood up.

"Now tell me why did you come to my neighborhood and now come to my school as my teacher? That's how crazy the demons want to scramble to find me?!" Cenora couldn't contain her anger anymore to continue to speak harshly to Ichigo, although the rude one wasn't offended at all.

"Do I need to answer that silly question of yours, huh? Was my explanation yesterday not clear to you, dear? Do I need to repeat myself if you are so precious to me?" instead of answering, Ichigo even asked back. But Ichigo's question this time made Cenora have her own answer.

"Of course, I am here to protect you, Cenora. You're my bride, so there's no way I'd let you be bullied or approached by other demons! Why do you ask something like this again? It just bores me!" Ichigo finally said the reason.

"Your answer is exactly what I thought, and I thank you very much! Thanks to you, today my day feels light because there is not a single demon flying around me. But…" Cenora hung up on her sentence and brought her face closer to Ichigo's.

"But, should this help of yours make me grateful, when in reality I'm just a piece of the body that you take care of for you to eat one day?"

Ichigo looked silent after hearing Cenora's harsh words this time.

"Why are you silent? Why isn't the look on your face as relaxed as before, huh? Am I saying the right thing? That your presence around me right now is only because I am the future wife of a demon lord like you? Ah no. The truth is that I am just food that you keep and will eat when the time comes!"

Ichigo stared at Cenora's face without blinking. He could sense that Cenora was really mad at him.

"Am I that low in your eyes?" Ichigo asked with hurt feelings "It doesn't matter if I am that low to you, but please don't look down on yourself either, Cenora!" he continued as he took one of Cenora's hands and placed it on Ichigo's chest.

"You don't feel my heartbeat right now, do you? Yes, it's because I'm a demon like you said earlier. This body does not live like a human. But do you know how much it hurts me to miss you?"

"I don't know why I feel a stabbing pain around here. It's been ten years of pain I feel here and it's gone when I can finally see you again, Cenora!"

Even though Cenora didn't see Ichigo's eyes tear up, Cenora could feel that what Ichigo said was the truth.

It was very difficult to fend off the feeling of being moved after hearing Ichigo's words. But the fact that Cenora believed was Ichigo was a demon who couldn't possibly have felt like that.

Knock Knock

The sound of repeated knocks on the door interrupted Cenora's thoughts of Ichigo and immediately pulled her hand from Ichigo's chest.

"Come in!" said Ichigo who is now re-entering his role as a teacher.

A beautiful female student opened the door to Ichigo's office.

"What is it?" Ichigo asked the female student and briefly ignored Cenora behind him.

'If you were human, maybe I would willingly accept what you said earlier. But sadly you are a demon and I am only food for your people, Ichigo.'

'What is Moon Fairy reincarnation? Why do your people use the parable that I am a reincarnation of the Moon Fairy when in fact I am just a toy and food for you? That's bullshit!'