"To think my little act made you kiss me. I'm so happy, honey!"

Hearing Ichigo's story just now made Cenora's face turn red. But it is undeniable, she is also a little annoyed that Ichigo has been toyed with again this time.

Without responding, Cenora walked away from him towards the car they were in.

"I just want to go home!" she said without looking back. Cenora's steps seemed to be pounding harshly but it made Ichigo smile.

"What's she thinking, Leon?" Ichigo asked Leon who was standing beside him.

"Miss feels annoyed and embarrassed, sir. She's telling the truth if she doesn't fully accept you. But she doesn't hate you anymore or wants to avoid you again," Leon answered without hiding anything from his master.

"Alright, let's go home," Ichigo said again with a smile as he walked after Cenora.

Cenora's face was still sullen as Ichigo watched her from the rearview mirror.

"Hey, why is it like that? Where would I go wrong if I received a kiss from my lover?" Ichigo asked as he glanced at Cenora who was sitting in the back with Leon.

'How can I not be angry at your reckless attitude? I kissed him because I was afraid he would kill Ken and make him get a punishment! But in fact, I was framed by you! You bastard!" Cenora grumbled in her heart.

Leon laughed lightly as he covered his mouth.

"Seeing Leon's expression, it looks like you're grumbling to me in your heart. Am I right?" said Ichigo who smiled again.

Cenora immediately turned to Leon.

"Leon, don't say anything to him or I'll be mad at you! I won't carry you anymore or compliment you if you're cute! You are not cute and sweet at all!" said Cenora half threateningly to Leon.

Leon instantly turned his head back and forth at his master and mistress in confusion.

"Then which one of you should I choose? Whoa, I want to cry!" Leon spoke confusedly to the two.

Leon's helpless attitude becomes the laughing stock of Ichigo and Cenora until they arrive at their residential area.


"Good night!" said Cenora who hurriedly got out of the car before Ichigo got out of his car.

Without waiting for Ichigo's response, Cenora immediately ran towards the gate of her house. But when she tried to open the gate of her house, someone's hand was already holding her hand which was trying to open the latch of the gate of her house.

"Ichigo, you! When did you-" said Cenora surprised at Ichigo's figure who was already beside her. And when she looked at the car she was riding in had disappeared and Leon wasn't there either.

Only a perverted handsome demon was left, who was now beside her.

'Of course, everything disappeared so quickly and he was already next to me. He's a demon, isn't he!' Cenora grumbled in her heart.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep early and wake up early. I haven't come to school today and I don't want to miss another day tomorrow!" Cenora spoke without responding to Ichigo's presence. She seemed to be talking to herself and was more likely to be muttering.

"I told you your absence today wouldn't be a problem. I'm your teacher, right?" Ichigo responded without breaking his smile.

"Good, if there are no problems. So let me sleep comfortably tonight!" replied Cenora who didn't look at Ichigo's face when she spoke. She was afraid that she would be enchanted by the demonic looks that kept on teasing her, "Please don't block the gate of my house with your magic. It was fine before you were here!" she continued speaking.

"I didn't use any magic to prevent you from entering the house. Just try it if you don't believe me!" Ichigo exclaimed as if to evade, "Maybe you are the one who is so nervous about my presence beside you, to make your hands tremble," he continued.


"Or what?" Cenora asked spontaneously.

"Or are you still afraid to sleep alone after what happened and want me to accompany you? Remembering these two nights, I'm the one who hugged you while sleeping, right? I think you are very comfortable closing your eyes and dreaming next to me." Ichigo added his shameless remarks with great confidence.

But when he smiled proudly and imagined that Cenora would justify his words, the sound of metal colliding loudly as Cenora closed the fence, made Ichigo realize that Cenora had entered the house and left him.

Ichigo shook his head with a smile.

'You're so adorable, honey!' he mumbled before walking back to his house.


"Ken, wait!"

A female student's voice was heard calling Ken's name from behind. Ken turned his head with a sweet smile when he found three female students who were half running towards him.

"Oh my God, my eyes are so bright. Why are you so handsome and your good looks inhuman, huh?" said one of the female students.

"You are right! If only I knew a man named Ken was so handsome, I would be willing to be my best friend's love rival!" grumbled the other female student.

"No way. Ken is mine!" protested the female student in the middle. And when she looked at Ken who was silently watching her, the girl looked nervous to fix her expression.

The girl held out her hands which were holding a small box wrapped in pink paper and a ribbon of the same color to Ken.

"Ken, please accept this gift from me. This box contains chocolates that I made myself. I hope you can feel my feelings for falling in love with you!" straightforwardly and bravely, the beautiful girl with long black hair expressed her feelings for Ken.

Ken smirked but didn't answer. And when his eyes fell on the object he was waiting for, Ken's smile grew wider with pleasure.

"Cenora!" he called to Cenora who seemed to have just arrived at school and ignored the three girls who had come to him earlier.

'Ken? What does he want?' Cenora whispered in her heart as she saw Ken walking and looked happy to come to her.

"Don't do anything in a place like this. I warned you!" Cenora immediately gave a warning to Ken who was already nearby.

"I'm not a stupid demon leader! After all, I said I would snatch you away in a nice way, didn't I? Just take it easy. As you said, don't do anything stupid and make a fuss in a public place like this. So just come with me for a bit. I need your help," Ken replied matter-of-factly to her.

"Not. I don't want to be close to a demon like you. Please, my life has been so hard all this time!" Cenora refused and walked away from Ken. But her steps stopped when Ken's words sounded like a threat.

"I will hurt the humans here if you avoid me and refuse my invitation!" said Ken in a relaxed manner, until Cenora instantly turned around again to face him.

"What do you want?" asked Cenora curtly.

Instead of answering Cenora's question, Ken came back closer and now embraced Cenora and led her to walk towards the three female students who had called out to him earlier.

"You'll find out, honey!" Ken whispered in Cenora's ear grinning happily.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting, especially you," said Ken to the three female students earlier and his gaze stopped at the female student who gave him a box of chocolates.

The three females looked at Cenora with envious eyes because at this moment Ken seemed familiar and close to her.

"I can't accept your gifts or your feelings. I already have a girlfriend and she is my lover. Her name is Cenora, surely you guys already know her, right? Understand, because I have to take care of my lover's feelings," said Ken who was very relaxed to the three female students in front of them at this time.

Without answering, the female student who was rejected by Ken immediately turned around and ran away. Her face was gloomy and looked like she was about to cry.

"Hey, wait for us!" shouted one of her two friends who followed her away.

Cenora immediately removed Ken's hand from her shoulder as the three girls left.

"You are crazy! Why do you admit that I am your lover?! I'm not your lover, you know?!" Cenora protested loudly.

"But you're not anyone's lover and that means I haven't lost any chance of getting to you," Ken answered without feeling guilty, "Come on, Cenora, I don't want to start a war with Lord Hybrid. I will ask you kindly to remember the rules that exist in our nation," he continued.

"I-" Cenora was unable to clarify her status.

"Cenora!" the cold voice of a man behind them was heard calling her name.

"Ichigo..." Cenora called softly. Her expression changed to fear and anxiety as she recalled the two's argument, "I can explain it to you!" continued Cenora walking closer to Ichigo to dispel him from approaching Ken.