TREASURE Part 5 (End)

"Alright, I'll see where Leon is," Mrs. Niemar who had calmed down began to perform the ritual of searching for Leon through her magic.

'I wish I could know where you are, Leon. I haven't calmed down when I haven't seen you, and for some reason, I have a feeling that something big is going to happen in the future,' Ichigo mumbled.

Madame Niemar began to perform the search ritual, and while they had all been waiting for a while, Madame Niemar raised an eyebrow.

Mr. Diego, Iori, and Ichigo, who noticed Mrs. Niemar's gesture, also asked, but it was Mr. Diego who asked.

"What is it, honey. What do you see from your vision? Have you been able to see Leon? Where is he?" Mr. Diego asked curiously.

"I... I can't see where Leon is. But I fully believe that Leon is still in this demon world. He didn't cross over to the human world," Mrs. Niemar replied confusedly.