Chapter 27: Well, This Is Interesting

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 27: Well, This Is Interesting

Days?: Oh crap... Part 2

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour])


You have entered [Dark Hour]. The duration of [Dark Hour] before it disappears is 1 hour. If Host fails to destroy all the [Shadow] within this [Dark Hour], would cause all victims, whose got their minds devoured by [Shadow] will lead to them gaining the [Apathy Syndrome]: When victims are inflicted with this, will cause them collapse where ever they happen to be before they had entered [Dark Hour] and become unable to move, feed, or care for themselves. And in some cases even become a [Shadow] as their physical form dissolves, reducing themselves to being a [Shadow].

'Well, shit. I honestly forgot about the whole [Apathy Syndrome] thing, along with becoming a [Shadow] too.' I thought a little panic about forgetting something so important like these two facts.

Looking around the surroundings and let out a sigh of relief once I realize I didn't need to go to the last spot Momoyo was before she enters [Dark Hour], just enter the borderline of the [Dark Hour]'s field.

"Man, I haven't seen a background like these in forever since I played the game." I thought out loud before I start to resume my goal of reaching Momoyo's current location, where there is a likely chance of a [Shadow] already entering the Dance Club she is in.

However, before I could even make it halfway towards Momoyo's location. A black blobs fall from the sky and land right in front of me, then started growing with arms and a mask sticking out.

'Okay, if I remember correctly. This is a [Shadow: Cowardly Maya].' I thought with caution before I take out my [Mana Gun] and shot at the [Shadow: Cowardly Maya] once to see how much damage I deal.

'Please don't be [The Answer] version, if these [Shadow] are really based on the Persona 3 compared to the other ones.' I didn't let my guard down for a second. Plus, I've already tested out the other two ways to find the [Shadow] and I was proven in some of my theories that picking among the 3 starter gears would lead to a different version of the [Persona System].

And so far, [Dark Hour] is mainly from Persona 3 unless someone managed to find or recreate the unknown artifact that came from the Kirijo Group's Ergonomics Laboratory, to cause the [Dark Hour] to appear.

If it is the latter, then this world is in much trouble than it already is with the grimm already among us.

Much to my relief, the [Shadow: Cowardly Maya] before me turned into a black and red mist before it disappears completely.

Quickly, I increase my pace towards Momoyo's location while at the same time draws out a second [Velvet Nightmare Arcane Custom] and destroy all the [Shadow] I come across by.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour]: Unknown Dance Club: Ground Floor)

From what I learned over the past few minutes, I gained [System Point] by killing [Shadow] as well. So that is another source of [System Point] for me to grind with. I discover [Dust] does not, in fact, hurt any [Shadow] at all. I guess the only reason the [Mana Bullet] worked because it's created through my [Persona: Edea Florence].

Next, I tried hand to hand combat against a low level [Shadow: Maya] to see if I could destroy them with pure physical strength, because if so, then Momoyo could easily destroy these [Shadow] around her then. But, at the same time, I would be losing a ton of [System Point] from Momoyo stealing kills of [Shadow] for more [System Point].

But, seeing how Momoyo is a close friend and helped me out develop my personal fighting style. I'm not that greedy enough to allow Momoyo to just stand there like a defenseless girl, who is anything but that.

Once again, I'm pretty happy that I could kill [Shadow] with a few punches and kicks. So it's a maybe for Momoyo to fight back as well, but this maybe because I contain [Persona] within me is the reason why I could fight off [Shadow].

After killing hundreds or so of [Shadow]. I finally made it to Dance Club that Momoyo is using as a temporary base until [Dark Hour] end.

"Hey, Momoyo! You there?!" I called out for Momoyo right as I enter the Dance Club's building while finishing off any [Shadow] close by.

"What the hell took you so long?! I had to keep running away from this abnormal grimm! Hell! I don't even know if it is a grimm or not!" Momoyo's voice appears to be above me, where I could see Momoyo is being chased by a [Shadow Arcana: Magician]. One of the fragments of [Death] and I guess there is a [Full Moon Night] within the [Dark Hour] because with the whole broken moon is hard to tell for me.

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour]: Unknown Dance Club: Second Floor)

'Really wish I got a [Skill] or [Magic] to scan these [Shadow] or a [Persona] that have one.' I thought dully, as I use aura enhance to boost my jump and land on the same Floor Level as Momoyo and begin firing at the [Shadow Arcana: Magician], but must to my shock.

The [Shadow Arcana: Magician] pulls out a few [Short Sword] out of nowhere and parried away my [Mana Bullet].

I deadpan at this since this is the first time a [Shadow] managed to parry away my shot, but then again, I technically killed all those [Shadow] by sneak attacking them without giving them the chance to detect me and a way to counterattack, since I was too fast for them.

Putting away both [Mana Gun] in their [Holster] while jump around the [Shadow Arcana: Magician] and land next to Momoyo, as we begin to run together away from the [Shadow Arcana: Magician].

I send an upper spin side kick, to parry away a [Sword] thrust to the side before it could stab me in the back, then did follow up with another kick to the hand holding the [Short Sword] I just parried away, but sadly, the [Shadow Arcana: Magician] has one strong grip and didn't let go of its [Short Sword].

I had to do a roll to dodge away multiple [Sword] thrusts aiming at me, which was pretty slow for someone like me and got back up from my roll, as I catch up to Momoyo easily enough.

"So, did you try to punch it when I said not to get its attention?" I ask Momoyo since I don't know if she really did and curious if she could actually damage the [Shadow] since she not in a coffin like the others. Then, that means she got a chance to summon her own [Persona] and if not, she could still hurt a [Shadow] either way.

"Yeah. Sorry about not following your directions, but I got to test my [Skill] on it after what you said. Who knew at first that I would see this thing appear after I destroyed, what like a dozen or so of those monsters, then the last one I was about to destroy turned into that. I managed to crack its mask, but afterward, it went crazy and got even stronger for some reason." Momoyo answer truthfully, much to my false annoyance and excitement.

Since this really means that Momoyo, who never summon a [Persona] in her life could still fight off a [Shadow]; well, depending on the person themselves if they got the raw power to deal damage to these [Shadow].

"Then why didn't you kill it instead of me finding you being chased after it?" I ask Momoyo, with a confused look on my face as I duck my head when a [Sword] pass above my head, which my head was at the second ago. As the [Shadow Arcana: Magician] tried to chop my head off from the rest of my body.

"If you think I'm all muscle and no brain, then you're going to get smack." Momoyo growl at me, as she broke one of the [Shadow Arcana: Magician]'s [Short Sword] among the rest, that tried to stab her in the side of her stomach, with a quick jab to the middle of the [Short Sword] and aura enhance for small burst.

"The reason why I didn't kill it. Is because I never got the chance to. I was about to, then you show up while it was finally stopped acting crazier than I think it is." Momoyo answer my question, then let out a snort once she sees me looking at her with a deadpan expression after realizing that Momoyo could have killed the [Shadow Arcana: Magician] by now, but couldn't because its fighting pattern turn into a mess before she goes for the killing hit and didn't want to end up getting stabbed somewhere on her body, even with the help of aura.

"Then, do you want to kill it or should I?" I ask in a casual tone, but I felt something inside me die from just asking that question alone when I could imagine the amount of [System Point] would be rewarded to me from killing one of the [Shadow Arcana] fragments of [Death].

Momoyo raises an eyebrow at me, with a suspicious look when her intuition is telling her that I'm hiding something that's related to the thing chasing after them.

"I got this." Momoyo finally decided that she could wait for her friend to reveal what he is hiding from her and decided to take care of the enemy behind them, with a simple straight punch that anyone could tell by looking at it.

However, it is anything but simple towards some people, who could tell how dangerous it is to face it head on. As Momoyo's simple straight punch contains so much concentrated aura alone, that anyone worth their salt in sensing aura usage would say Momoyo should have emptied her entire aura reserve into that single punch.

Then again, with Momoyo is considered as inhuman among her peer, with her alias being known as a Battle Goddess, for defeating countless challengers including Pyrrha Nikos, The Invincible Girl. Well, in public Pyrrha is known as that, but in secret.

Pyrrha has not once managed to defeat Momoyo in combat since they met. As the only managed to defeat Momoyo, not including her own family, are a selected few among her peer. It depends on the battlefield that Momoyo take place for her fights and who they're, along with what type of fighting she joining to.

With Momoyo going for the kill, the [Shadow Arcana: Maya] is blown away and scatter into a mist before even crashing to the Ground Floor.

"I still hate how you've more aura than me." I said dryly, as I watched the [System Point] I could have gained, disappear before my very eyes.

Momoyo snort at me, "Say the guy who could easily beat me before I could even begin my attack. Do you have any idea how my state of mind was at that time, when I was ruthlessly defeated by you for the first time?" As both Momoyo and I walk outside the Dance Club.

(Vale: Vale City: [Dark Hour])

"I honestly don't know, but the way you smile at that day. I've to say you're happy?" I ask Momoyo since I was shocked that I managed to defeat Momoyo, who is a league of her own in hand to hand battles.

"Yup, thanks to you, some of my family are hating you for causing me to pick up my training and some of them love you for helping me grow much stronger. You have no idea how much a mess you caused that day after you left. If I hadn't told my family you're already in an arranged marriage with Shigure. I'm pretty sure they would try to get me to be in Shigure's place if they had the chance to. But, instead, they just asked me to be with your friend. Plus, I could easily beat you from this point on by outlasting you until you run out of aura." Momoyo answer me truthfully, then let out a chuckle at the end.

"Not like I needed to be told since we're already a friend to begin with on that first day of the enrollment to Sanctum Academy." Momoyo finishes with a smile, to show how happy she is to have a friend, who could allow her to bring out her full fighting power without the chance of killing them off the second the battle's start.

"I'm still sore from last week sparring with you." I said to Momoyo, with a deadpan expression.

But, Momoyo didn't believe that one bit after learning how I healed too fast compared to those whose unlocked their aura and specialize in healing more than the other two branches of aura enhance: offensive and defensive.

"Sure. Now, are you going to explain to me where the hell are we?" Momoyo folds her arms, which leads to pushing her breasts up as she stares at me, waiting for my answer.

'Shit. I can't lie to Momoyo when she could easily see through them.' I started to sweat and failing to come up with a bullshit answer.

"I'm waiting." Momoyo spoke out in a voice that tells me that if I don't give her the truth. She would try her best to beat it out of me, even if I could take her down before she could and the only way for her to beat me is to outlast me, which isn't too hard after learning a secret [Technique] belong to her family, that could help her out last me.

"Fine. I'll explain what these things are." So I begin explaining Momoyo what [Shadow] are and how they are formed, along with what [Dark Hour] is, even when I don't remember everything about them but just the gist of it.

20 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City)


All [Shadow] are destroyed. [Dark Hour] is over and disappear from the area. [Dark Hour] will no longer appear within this part of the Vale Kingdom.

Success: All victims' minds are restored back to original state.

After I finish explaining what [Shadow] and [Dark Hour] are, as well answering some of Momoyo's questions, which I could answer while some I can't or won't.

And killing off all the [Shadow] around the area before [Dark Hour] end, which we successfully did while I continue to explain further about the [Shadow], but told her about tame [Shadow], which is called [Persona] to those that managed to tame their own [Shadow].

Sadly, I don't have a way for Momoyo to summon her and she didn't want to take her chance of shooting herself in the head, even when the [Evoker] isn't really loaded with a [Bullet].

The [Tarot Cards] I could give to Momoyo to try out, but I don't know if it would even work for her when it's not even linked to her. So that option was a dead end as well.

"So is this [Dark hour], again stupid name, will happen later in the future? And if so, these [Dark Hour: Ticket] you give me. Would allow me to enter one like we were in a minute ago?" Momoyo asks me, as she holds the [Dark Hour: Ticket] in front of her face to get a good look at it. As the [Dark Hour: Ticket] looks like a black metal card, with a blue butterfly in the middle that continues to flap its wings.

"Maybe. I still have to do some research. This is the first one I have seen so far." I answer truthfully and who knows how many [Dark Hour] are appearing across Remnant.

Momoyo wanted to know where I got all this information from, but just thought I gained it by finding it among the books I always kept on reading that interest me. And it must be really interesting since she knows some books would put me to sleep in a matter of minutes.

"Well, with that all over. I'm starving for something to eat. Come on! I know a good place to eat and we could even bring takeout if the others want something to eat as well if they haven't already." Momoyo said to me, as she leads to me a place to eat, which a high chance of the same old man running it too.

few days later*

Days?: Should I Be Worry?

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dorms: Team: RWBY's Room)

I poke my head inside team RWBY's room, since the door is open for some reason and notice all of them wearing different outfits than their usual ones they wear for combat and not their school uniform.

Blake approaches her bunk as she tightens her wraps, "I thought that class would never end."

"And I never thought Ozpin wouldn't even stop me from continuing to enter his academy without having to be a student or a part of the staff members." I follow up, causing team RWBY to shout in surprise, and with Ruby fall off her mattress and painfully land on the floor.

"Enma! Don't do that! I had enough with Shigure randomly appear during classes just to ask me a few questions already! I don't need to deal with having you doing it as well!" Weiss snarl at me, with eyes filled with rage and to show how irritated she is at the moment.

"I'm okay!" Ruby cried out from the ground before she stands back up perfectly fine, thanks to her aura breaking her fall.

"If I didn't know any better. I would say you're trying to give us heart attacks." Yang said dryly, as she places a hand over her heart.

Out of the four girls, Blake's reaction was the most interesting one. As she is currently hiding in the corner and shaking in fright due to hearing my voice suddenly out of nowhere.

"Look what you have done to Blake, Enma! Do you have any idea how hard it is for us to calm her down whenever anything related to you is the cause? I swear you're going to be the death of the girl." Weiss said to me and sadly, she picked the wrong choice of words at the end.

As Blake already rushes towards the window to escape the room since the door to the room is currently block with me being near it. Which Blake wasn't going to take her chance of trying to outmaneuver me in order to escape through the hallway.

I throw a ball of yarn in front of Blake, who pause in her step as her eyes alone follow the ball of yarn flying across her face, and with quick cat like reflex and snatch the ball of yarn from midair.

"I guess Blake's faunus side has more control over her than we thought." Yang said with amusement in her voice as we watch Blake play with the ball of yarn I throw at her.

Weiss facepalm, then out a tired sigh and look at Blake with dull eyes for a few seconds until her eyes moved to me.

"So...why are you here in the first place?" Weiss asks me, as she catches the ball of yarn from midair before Blake could continue playing with it. And the way Blake is hissing at Weiss to return her ball of yarn, but end up moving away from Weiss after being glared at.

"Wanted to check on you girls; well, mostly on you Weiss. Whatever you girls are thinking about doing." I pause for a moment as I look at each girl carefully, causing them to be a bit nervous with the way I look at them like I'm looking at my henchmen that's suppose to keep on finding random stuff for my usage, or someone else.

"Make sure whatever you find. Please do bring them back for me. I may have a way to sell them to...people, who would gladly buy it off our hands. I'll, of course, share the Lien I profit from whatever you return with." I said to team RWBY in a monotone.

"I'm not one of your henchmen, or henchwomen, in the first place." Weiss folds her hands against her chest and gives me an icy glare.

"I'll pay you, remember?" I said to Weiss, but she didn't look amused one bit.

"Wait, how much are you paying and when will we get our share?" Yang asks me, once she registers the words I said a few minutes ago and was eager to earn more Lien by just looting junk around her.

"I would say enough to get you a good lawyer in the future." I answer truthfully but wasn't the complete answer Yang was looking for.

Yang opens her mouth to say something, but pause and close her mouth once she let the words sink into her head for a moment.

"This would save Dad and Uncle Qrow ton of Lien. Plus, the Lien Uncle Qrow been gifted a few years back is gone now. So...I don't know if Dad wants to go back to asking Headmaster Ozpin for help again." Ruby said to her older sister, who had a thoughtful look.

I twitch a little when Ruby mentions about a little suitcase filled with Lien and find out it's being used by Ruby and Yang's family. Nonetheless, I kept my mouth shut but will get my revenge later.

"I don't think none of us could carry anything, but our scrolls and weapons, to bring back." Blake said in a fake calm voice while edging towards the single window in the room.

"Something wrong there, Blakey?" Yang asks with concern in her voice, as she looks at her partner being a nervous wreck from the presence of her teammate's fiance's friend in the room that is the cause.

"Nope. Nothing wrong. Not that there is a dangerous person in the room, that could smash us like [Tofu]. Nope, nothing wrong. Everything is just fine." Blake continues off with a fake calm voice.

"Anyway, I'm just going to go now. Do please remember if you have the chance to take anything with you after you come back wherever you girls are going. Have fun and make sure not to get killed." I said to them, then walk over to Pyrrha's team room, which is just across from team RWBY's.

"Did he leave?" I heard Sun's voice back in team RWBY's room, which I ignore for their favors and knock on team JNPR's door.

"Coming!" I heard Nora's voice coming from inside the room before the door is open, showing me everyone on team JNPR are together in their room like team RWBY.

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Dorms: Team: JNPR's Room)

"Hi-!" Nora was about screamed about something, but I knock her out cold before she could and gently toss her over my shoulder, then walk in the room while making sure Nora's head don't hit the side as I closed the door.

Both Ren and Jaune look at me with horror, while Pyrrha didn't look like anything wrong in this picture as she calmly took Nora from me and place her next to the terrifying Ren, who move to make space for the unconscious Nora on body instinct alone.

"Sorry about that. Can't let her find out it's me or else she would try her best to make me make more [Pancake] for her. Unless you want me to?" I explain my reason for knocking Nora out, then ask Ren if I should have left Nora to stay conscious, with a chance of me having to make [Pancake] for her.

Ren quickly shook his head, once he knows the reason for knocking out his childhood friend.

'Well, at least he no longer has the urge to take me down for being a criminal. Then again, he has to face me along with my little sister. It's pretty much lose-lose to him.' I thought to myself, as I took a seat on Pyrrha's bed, right next to her.

"He's not wrong." Jaune said in a nervous tone, "After seeing how crazy Nora went after eating his [Pancake]. I'm not surprised anymore."

"So, I just drop by to see how my little sister doing." I pull Pyrrha in a one arm hug, which she cheerfully hugs me with both arms and rub her head against my chest, with a big smile on her face.

Pyrrha didn't say anything for a while now and continue to hug, even when both Ren and Jaune are watching her doing this.

Once I make a fake cough, but Pyrrha ignores it as she enjoys her twin bonding time. So, I just calmly rub Pyrrha's back while ignoring Ren and Jaune's stares.

"So...about that sparring match, we agreed on." I said to Jaune, and there goes his face draining of blood to show how afraid he is at the moment.

This was enough for breaking Pyrrha's trance of mind and got in front of me, with her usual fake polite smile show up on her face once more.

"I'm sorry, but Jaune isn't available for a spar. But, you could take on Ren though." Pyrrha apologizes to me once more on stopping me from having a sparring match with Jaune, but she literally throws Ren under the bus as an exchange for Jaune's safety instead.

"What?!" Ren shouts at Pyrrha, with a betrayal look and pale in fright of having to take on a deadly criminal on his own.

"Something wrong?" Pyrrha asks in a false cheerfully tone while looking at Ren, with dull eyes, causing him to shiver at being stared at. Is she cruel for throwing her teammate to his death? Yes. Is she cruel for saving Jaune, who is weaker than Ren by sacrificing him for her older brother? No, she just helps Jaune out. It isn't because Ren was the one who tried to send her sweet twin brother in jail and this is part of her revenge. Of course not, that be silly.

"Nothing..." Ren gave up any resistance he could put up after realizing he was getting his karma from almost leading the others to capture Pyrrha's older twin brother to be sent to jail, for being a criminal. Sadly, he miscalculated the unknown variable: Weiss Schnee, who isn't like her reputation suppose to be after the arrival of her so-called friends, along with Pyrrha's older twin brother.

"Sorry, Ren." Jaune apologizes to his only male friend when he thought it's his fault for making Ren face against his partner's brother in a sparring match.

"Not your fault. If anyone should be blamed. It's me for my recklessness affecting my state of mind from thinking clearly. This is karma coming to get back at me." Ren replied back with a tired tone as he stops his leader from kicking himself for not being faulted in the first place.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Beacon Academy: Campus: Combat Training Building: Arena)

"Do we really have to do this?" Ren asks me from across the Arena's edge as he took out his [StormFlower] and got into his fighting stance.

"I just want to see how good one of little sister's team members is. Don't want her to be overwhelmed against multiple enemies or a single strong enemy by herself without the help of her team." I spoke truthfully, causing Ren to narrow his eyes at me.

I could see Pyrrha shaking her head at my responses while Jaune and the now conscious Nora, who look mad at me for knocking her out upon just greeting me before she could even ask anything.

"Well, I could see the theory about how twin has an evil twin among them. Guess everyone knows who the evil one now." Ren made a remark, causing Pyrrha to frown, but didn't deny it since she knew one of my mottoes was to become evil to everyone but the one I care for.

"Not going to deny it." I smirk at Ren, "Got to become evil to get things done." After done speaking, I watch Ren started firing at me with his [StormFlower].

A quick switch to [Amakusa Shirou Tokisada], as my first [Persona], would be the best one to face against someone like Ren and his semblance.

Ren shiver at the sudden change in my eyes, as I begin to analyze him and making it feel like all Ren's secrets are being revealed before my eyes.

Just this alone was enough to drive Ren the urge to end this sparring match as soon as possible and rush at me while continuing to fire at me, which I easily dodge them with barely moving my whole body to the bare minimum that's required me to avoid being shot at.

I step into Ren's personal space, much to his surprise at this, but sadly before he could make a counter, he ends up getting a quick jab to his left rib. Breaking his build up momentum and throw off his control over his arms for a few seconds, stopping him from shooting me at close range.

Then use the same arm to smash my elbow against Ren's center chest. Blasting him off his feet and a few feet above the ground before he falls back to the ground after a few seconds in midair. Of course, I only use a bit of strength behind that follow-up.

'I wonder how team RWBY, Sun, and Neptune are doing in Vale?' I thought a little curious if there are any changes going to happen since with me being friends with Weiss had already caused multiple things to be different compared to canon.

"AH!" Both Ren and I heard Jaune shriek like a girl, causing us to glance over to see what's going on and discover Shigure is standing next to Pyrrha, with a blank expression while Jaune is breathing heavily and holding onto his chest as if his heart about to stop any second now.

Nora, on the hand, is firing off multiple questions to Shigure, which lead to us staring at their direction even more.

Well, mostly with Ren as I took this chance to send a palm strike to the same spot I aimed last time.

"I'm surprised someone like you would be easily distracted." I comment without thinking, causing Ren to scowl.

"And what's that suppose to meAN?!" Ren asks me a question, but end up having to dodge another palm strike towards his chest by rolling to the side.

I snort at Ren, "Oh, I'm going to enjoy this." I didn't even stop my attack but keep on holding back as I continue to think out loud, much to Ren's confusion and frustration at this.