Chapter 70: Trouble Coming Our Way!

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 70: Trouble Coming Our Way!

Days?: Reunite With The Unwanted Part 2

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Home: Main Building: Living Room)

So far, no one has spoken once everyone settles in the Living Room, where everyone grabs a seat or just stay standing. Of course, I didn't dare sit down and just stand next to Pyrrha and Blake.

While in front of us are our parents. With Pyrrha and mine on our left and Blake's on our right. Neither parent looks happy one bit. Well, unless you consider Blake's parents trying to keep up an appearance, to not show any sign of a weakness.

Blake's parents look exactly the same from canon.

As for Pyrrha and my parents look just a bit older, but nothing has changed since then. Thanks to the power of aura, got to love that healing ability.

There was no "welcome back!" or "it has been a long time since we last see each other!" Nope. Neither Mother dearest or Father of the month greeted Pyrrha or me beside acknowledging us with a nod of their heads.

Guess Mother got it through her thick head, that Pyrrha doesn't like her at all. Even Father was pissed when Pyrrha picked Beacon Academy instead of Haven Academy. Then again, I was the one that gave Pyrrha the idea of going there in the first place.

And of course, this made Mother and Father hate my guts even more, to the point of wishing I was never born or was born first, and instead, wanted Pyrrha to be born first. This would have given Pyrrha a better chance of becoming the Head of the Nikos Family.

"So." Blake was going to bring up a topic, to get rid of this awkward silence, but that was a mistake on her part when everyone looks at her, causing her to swallow her words back down and everything returns back to silence.

"I see you bring your second fiancee and your sister with you back here." My Father said in an emotionless tone, causing others to feel like he doesn't have any emotions in the first place. This made Ghira frown a little, but kept his silence.

"Why wouldn't I?" I replied with a question, causing Father to narrow his eyes, but that's it. No one asked about Shigure, but Father did hint about it. As if how come I bring Blake, but not Shigure. Seeing how she is my first fiancee and only bringing Blake show that I favor Blake more than Shigure.

But, if I bring up Shigure, then I would fall into Father's trap and give him the option to put me in a bad example of how I favored Shigure more. This would give him the chance to switch me for my cousin, to be Blake's fiance. Like I would give the bastard the chance to do so. Blake is mine now.

Currently, I have [Franken Stein]. Yes, the very same one from Soul Eater. And I made sure to make him at [Persona's Rank: 10] right away. I didn't care about the [System Points] as this [Persona] is worth the [System Points] I put into him.

[Soul Perception]:

Active Effect: Allow one to be able to sense and perceive the souls of other beings. Unlike other [Meister], [Franken Stein], not only can he simply see the [Souls] himself, but is also so high-rate that he can read an individual's personality, characteristics, and [Soul Wavelength], even the target's battle capability and type of [Soul]. As well as their emotional states. 100% effect applies to the user and can only sense the souls of other beings. Also required [Franken Stein] to be equipped to take effect.

Type: Active

Target: Area

Rank: 10

Cost: None

This is a skill I wanted to be at max rank right away. Including with my [Grandmaster Detection Mastery] made [Soul Perception] go beyond its rank. So yeah, very happy to get this [Persona] at the time. Didn't care if I wasted those [System Points] when I could use them for something else.

Also, [Franken Stein] is my first [Persona] to reach max rank, with [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] almost being the first one out of my [Persona] to reach max rank.

So under the effect of [Soul Perception], with [Grandmaster Detection Mastery]. I can tell Father is annoyed I didn't fall for his little trick and drop me from becoming Blake's fiance.

In fact, I know for sure it was Grandpa Viridian's works for making me Blake's fiance instead of one my cousin. Which I know for either Father or Mother would pick those guys in a heartbeat than picking me.

Father didn't say anything after I replied to his comment. Everyone just stared at me and at Father. Neither of us broke eye contact, as if the one that does, will lose against the other.

I didn't know about this losing thing, but call it a gut feeling, that Father would say something later on if I break eye contact or blink.

Also, because with [Soul Perception]; I can tell Father is trying to put me in a bad light with Blake's parents. Too bad, Father and Mother didn't expect Blake to be with me, and look like she close to me at that, with the way she trying to move closer to me when she thinks no one is looking.

All of us could see Blake show by her action alone made it look like she very close to me, if she nervous enough to come closer to me as a mental support.

This made Kali smile and whisper a few things to her husband: Ghira. Didn't even need to be a faunus, with super hearing to tell what Blake's Mother is saying. As Blake blushes a little and looks down at her lap while I try to keep my eyes from blinking.

The staring contest is really a silly thing at this point, as there are others here, not just Father and I alone. If it wasn't for Blake's parents, Blake and Pyrrha. Then, both Father and I would be fighting with each other by now. As in a physical fight.

Over the years, we decided that in private, if there any argument with each other. We fight it out with the other, with Father leads the wins, but I'm catching up fast each time we face each other.

As for dearest Mother, neither of us spoke to each other and just ignore each other presence. The only time Mother tried to physically harm me. Well, she got a gun pointed directly against her head.

At least with Father, we use our bare hands without any weapons. Not even using our semblance. [Magic] in my case. As I don't possess a semblance of my own. So yeah, we literally beat the shit out of each other. Furthermore, this is actually a common thing in the Nikos Family.

Hell, I even finally got to read the Nikos' family rulebooks. And one of the rules literally said that Father vs Son is to fight it with one of another, but without killing each other, just badly injure each other that could heal up by aura alone in a matter of days. Not cripple either, as that would lower the family's fighting power.

For Mother vs Daughter, it's more complex and involves more people. It's even worse if it's Mother vs Son, where it could even last month before the whole thing is done.

Kali decides this was enough and cough in her hand, causing both Father and me to look at her at the same time, causing Blake's Mother to blink at this.

"It's nice to meet the person that will marry my Daughter. I heard a lot about you." Kali said to me, as she gives me a gentle smile. Unlike my Mother who either scowls at me or gives me a glare instead.

"It's nice to meet you, Lady Kali." I give a small nod to show my respect to Blake's Mother, causing her to giggle at this. Ghira smirks at this, but kept silence.

Score one for my side, with the way Father narrow his eyes again while Mother just outright glare at me, where everyone could see it. Even Father knows how to hide all his emotions, but not completely perfect. Nonetheless, he got better face control compared to Mother.

It's pretty much Mother gave it away that my own parents hate me; well, I don't know about my Father, honestly. It's mostly just beating the shit out of each other after entering Sanctum Academy.

"You're going to become my son soon in the future. You may as well call me Mom now. No need to be respectful." Kali smiled at me, with Ghira giving a small nod in my direction.

While everyone heard this, caused multiple reactions.

With Mother, her face went blank before it turns into a deep frown. Don't know if she jealous of another woman allowing her child, even if the one she hates, would be jealous of. I find my own Mother is really the jealous types, even towards an ally.

Father didn't show anything besides narrowing his eyes every time now. Pretty sure the guy is annoyed or something. Not everyone could read facial expression to the smallest detail. But, I can by cheating with [Soul Perception], and he is mad.

Hell, I could only do that with Shigure since I'm used to being with her. No clue if this work on others. But, I can tell by Father's [Soul], he is not happy about Kali and Ghira likening me.

Blake's face going into a darker shade of red and look ready to run away or faint, to escape from reality.

Pyrrha just smiles, but I could see it in Pyrrha's [Soul], that she jumping with excitement that we gained Blake's parents as a potential ally. Well, that's what I could think of. As all I'm getting from Pyrrha is that she happy and excited.

"It would be disrespectful, to call you that when I haven't even married Blake yet." I politely decline, but show that I would happy to call Kali, Mom, after marrying Blake.

Everyone with a brain would know what I really meant.

I blink and look to my right, which caused everyone to look in the direction I'm looking at. As everyone curious of what catches my attention when we're in an important meeting.

And we find a black water coming out of the wall. That's starting to take on a form, but I appear right in front the moment everyone looks to the right of the room. As I slam my left palm against the wall with a [Soul Menace].

[Soul Menace]:

Active Effect: Allow one to apply their own [Soul Wavelength] offensively without the usage of a weapon. This [Skill] allows one to attack with a variety of [Technique] in which mimic the properties of electricity. This [Skill] also allows one to deal deadly internal damage powerful enough to negate an enemy's defense, depending on what the defense is. 100% effect applies to the user.

Type: Active

Target: Self-Single-Area

Rank: 10

Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [D]: 1%(30AP:Aura Point) Aura Unit Level per second

Of course, I couldn't use this skill if I didn't have [Wavelength Control], which I do. As [Franken Stein] come with it. Furthermore, I unlocked all the available skills [Franken Stein] give me at maxed rank.

[Wavelength Control]:

Active Effect: The ability to allow the user to control over one's own or other [Soul Wavelengths]. 100% effect applies to the user.

Type: Active

Target: Self-Single-Area

Rank: 10

Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [D]: 1%(30AP:Aura Point) Aura Unit Level per second

The black water that was about to take form, let out a shriek, that caused all faunus, and even humans, to cover their ears at how long the thing is shrieking. As I continue to shock it with [Soul Menace].

Not caring if I destroy a part of the building; I use channel more aura into [Soul Menace] until a large number of electrical currents begin to cover the entire wall.

I move back before spinning around with a swift sidekick to the wall, breaking the wall down, causing all the black water to collapse on the ground. Where I was already launching a [Soul Menace: Three-Fold - Kicks Version]. As I rapidly stomp the black water three times in succession, using the same leg I used for the sidekick.

From trial and errors, I could use [Franken Stein]'s powerful variation of the [Soul Meance] with my feet instead of my hand. Even [Franken Stein] didn't think of using his feet with this [Technique], but then again, he doesn't use kicks in his fighting style. From what he told me a while back.

I quickly jump away when the black water tried to grab my left foot. The others already got into position, for a fight when they realized someone was trying to attack them while their guards were down.

"Well, I guess the Olympians didn't want the whole alliance thing to happen." I said to everyone, letting them know that what we're facing belong to the Olympians.

This got a few eyebrows raised by Blake's parents and Father as well.

Mother didn't care as she charges at the enemy, with her aura covering her body, to show Mother using aura enhance to boost herself.

Father seeing this, didn't want anything to happen to the love of his life and help her out by following after her, with his own aura enhance.

I signal Pyrrha to help Blake out while I pull out two [Colt M1911A1 Pistols] and toss them to Kali, who was surprised I would toss her my own weapons instead of using them myself.

I didn't bother to explain myself and rush in to attack the black water, that already took on a humanoid genderless form, where both Father and Mother are already trying to take it down, but failing. As each time they land a hit, their aura dim.

As if the black humanoid water creature is draining their aura. Which is really bad, as mankind hasn't faced anything that absorbs others' aura, and if it did in the past; well, those people die before they could report this to the world.

Reaching into my right back pocket, to take out a [Lightning Crystalline Dust] and toss it into my mouth and crush it with my teeth, but really, I just convert it into [System Points]. As I'm using this as a cover for me to continue using either my [Magic] or one of my [Persona].

Unlike [Franken Stein], who continue his path in science and other unrelated to CQC. I continue to improve his [Techniques] like [Soul Menace: Three-Fold]. I didn't care about copying other moves from the series. I just take them as they are used for combat.

Which is why I tried my best to increase the numbers of [Soul Menace: Three-Fold] even further.

I attack the black water humanoid creature with a [Soul Menace: Six-Fold] with my right palm, then a [Soul Menace: Twelve-Fold] with my left palm, then back with my right using a [Soul Menace: Twenty Four-Fold]. A total of 42 palm strikes in less than a few seconds. And that's without the help of aura enhance or [Moonlight Step].

And man does this put a strain on my body without it. But, I got to watch my aura reserve.

Sadly, all I did was scatter the creature back into a liquid form before it's trying to return back into a humanoid form.

"That would have killed the average huntsmen." I said with a hint of shock, but I didn't let my guard down. Actually, due to the strain on both my arms at the moment. I had to wait until my aura heals them. Until then, I can't use my arms unless I wanted to waste more aura to speed up the healing process.

"Then, we just have to hit harder." Father said to me, as he appears behind the black water almost regained back its humanoid form, where he gathered a large amount of his aura into his right fist and punch the creature to the ground.

And like that, the black water scattered all over the place, covering some of us in black water, but our aura shield protects us from touching it physically.

A quick pulse of my aura, to blast the black water off me before using [Soul Perception] to check if the thing still alive, but much to my dread. Instead of dying and disappearing from the living. Tiny bits of the creature's [Soul] are attached to all the black water around us. Even the smallest liquid amount.

Narrowing my eyes at this, I pull out an [Ice Crystalline Dust] and crush it with my teeth, then slam my right palm onto the ground, and cast [Kontbufudyne] to attack the creature while using [Soul Perception] to target it only.


Active Effect: A greater control/manipulation over [Ice]'s size, shape, density, and the temperature of [Ice]. Along with inflicts heavy [Ice] damage to one target and 10% chance of freezing the target after the target receives damage. Freeze disables the target's physical movement for 5 minutes.

Type: Active

Target: Area

Rank: Tier 4: Control| Tier 3: Power (Require Using [Upgrade] to enter next Rank)

Cost: [E]: 38%(380AP:Aura Point) Aura Unit Level per use and 3%(30AP:Aura Point) per second

The entire room is covered in black ice now before it turned into black snow, with some of us didn't get the chance to remove the black water off and are now covered in a layer of black snow.

Kali and Blake let out a sneeze, causing the black snow to fall off their bodies. With Ghira just grunt and shake his body, to make the black snow fall off his body. With the other doing the same.

"Well, that's one way to make sure it's dead." Father said in his usual emotionless tone.

Mother just clicks her tongue, but made no comment on me for killing the black water creature, which I know for sure was a member of the Olympians. After all, I faced an Olympians member similar to this, but completely different types, while back at Vale on the Rooftop with Raven.

Who knows if the powerful entity allied with the Olympians could create an entirely new species by changing them into a half breed [Shadow].

With the Second Great War, adding with these Olympians are going crazy; well, I would say this world is going to experience a large scale [Dark Hour] sooner or later, with how things are going.

"What was that?" Ghira ask me, seeing how I was the first one to react to it and found out it belongs to the Olympians.

"Pyrrha and I faced something similar to these, uh, thing. Let's just say these things used to be human or faunus. And some dangerous people or fools messing with something that's dangerous to the world, and think it's some kind of power up. And this is their result, turning themselves into a monster worse than grimm." I explain my theory and add a bit of bullshit nonsense into it.

What I didn't say was that the grimm could be considered [Shadow] as well, seeing how I never did try to see if I could remove those bone masks attached to those grimm.

Maybe it would turn them into [Shadow] or just outright kill them. But, until then, I just have to watch my surrounding and words. I rather not have unwanted people asking me too many questions.

Which I'm doing now, answering Father, Ghira, and sometime Kali asking a few questions of her own. As I try to answer the best of my ability, not. But, enough to satisfy them long enough to get them off my back.

Afterward, Ghira patted my shoulder and give me a smirk, to show I earned his respect or acknowledge of being with his daughter. I have no clue, it could be either those two or both or neither.

Kali whispered a few things to me, that made me raise an eyebrow while Blake cried out in shock and embarrassment and follow her parents out of the Nikos' Main Building.

As Blake and her parents decide it's time for them to leave and head to the Hotel they're staying at.

Nonetheless, Blake's family kept their guards up and I even allowed them to keep my [Pistols]. As only Blake carries her weapon while Ghira could just use his own claws. Kali, on the hand, doesn't look like she strong enough to use her own bare hands to attack. So yeah, I told her she could keep them. Seeing how I got more of them in case the one I used somehow end up destroyed in the future.

Surprisingly, Blake gave me a quick hug and Pyrrha as well, before rushing off to her parents. Look like all that sex roleplays made Blake be more affection towards Pyrrha and me.

After Blake and her parents left. Leaving Pyrrha and me with our parents. Neither side wanted to speak with one of another after this failed assassination attempt. So, like always, even before Pyrrha went to Beacon Academy.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Home: Main Building: Nikos' Twin's Bedroom)

We went up to our Bedroom, where nothing has changed, but we didn't rule out that our parents placed some hidden cameras or planted listening devices in our Bedroom.

So, Pyrrha and I just lay on our bed and decide to sleep. Since it's close to night time already. May as well get an early sleep and tomorrow we meet up with Shigure at her place, where the rest of the others should be at.

Therefore, Pyrrha and I didn't speak a single word, afraid we could be overheard by our parents, even if they not in our room or closeby. Seeing how they could use aura enhance to increase their sense of hearing to listening onto our conversation. And just sleep.

next day*

Days?: You Just Had To Say It!

(Mistral: Mistral City: 80th Floor Area: Unknown Park)

After a good night's sleep; well, somewhat good as the entire night. I had to keep [Ecological Derivation System], with [Soul Perception] activated for the entire night. But, at least, this would give Pyrrha and me the comfort that no one would attack us during our sleep.

Of course, it's more like semi-sleep, with us still being aware with our surrounding. The trade off for doing this, made the sleep more of a nap than a standard of a full night's sleep.

Nonetheless, neither Pyrrha or I felt this was bad. After all, if you can't even feel safe in the same house you lived in almost your whole life. Then, you know it's bad at home, that both Pyrrha and I consider this place not really home at all. But, more of a place to stay over the night like a sleepover.

A sleepover that neither of us like to stay longer than a day. Hell, Pyrrha and I started making up excuses to stay at other people's place instead with our parents.

Luckily, Shigure's family are used to this and gladly help us out on this. In fact, Shigure's Father, even got two Guest Bedrooms turned into our own personal room.

Yeah, that's how bad Pyrrha and my relationship with our parents at this point. Civil most of the time in public, but private. That's a different story. Most of the time, they would try to separate Pyrrha from me. But, after shooting at my own parents more than once.

Well, getting shot at more than once was enough to deliver a message. Now, our parents just try to get us when we least expect it while we're here. Luckily, they didn't do anything last night.

In the morning, neither Pyrrha and I wanted to stay any longer and left, where we head over to Shigure's place. Took a quick shower, then I made breakfast for everyone. Team RWBY and JNPR, along with the others did stayed over at Shigure's place.

It's a good thing Shigure's home is more of a mansion like the Nikos' family home. Most of the building here in the 80th Floor Area contains more mansions than an average regular house like in Vale kingdom or below the 80th Floor Area.

After having a good breakfast; we head to one of the many parks, as to enjoy the fresh air while we can. Who knows when the first attack would come.

"I'll say it again, but do you kids really want to be here instead of being with your family? Miss Blake is already with her family, which is a surprising thing to happen, but besides Miss Pyrrha and her twin brother. The rest of you don't have any family members here in Mistral." Glynda look at her former students.

Yes, after a while, Glynda has decided to join the Arcana organization. And not because of her friend, Kirihime continue to pressure to join for an entire 2 weeks, that included the nights as well. Nope, not at all.

"Come on, Glynda. Just let them come with us. They're going to join in the war anyway. May as well let them experience it together than be randomly put with different people. Also, we can just continue training like we did for 2 weeks now." Kirihime smirk at team RWBY and JNPR, causing them to shiver at remembering those 2 weeks.

If they have to experience that; and it was near above the basics from what they found out by Pyrrha and Weiss, then they starting to rethink about this whole thing about joining them.

Too late to rethink their choices and could only regret at this point. With all of them in Mistral Kingdom, which is the enemy territory for them. After all, they did came from Vale Kingdom and stayed there more than most of their live.

Well, some of them, but if the people here in Mistral find out their status as Beacon Students. Then, they may have to worry about their lives.

The only reason Glynda hasn't been captured by the Council of Mistral is because of Kirihime's presence and the Arcana. It's a known fact that Glynda is a close friend with one of the dangerous members of the Arcana.

"Fine, but I can't wait to say, 'I told you so' to you kids later." Glynda rolls her eyes at her former students giving a half-hearted cheer. Now that they realize how in danger they are from being in Mistral.

It's another story if they were in Atlas Kingdom, but in Mistral Kingdom. Which is the enemy of Vale and Atlas Kingdoms, then yeah, this is bad for them.

"Well, what could go wrong?" Nora asks everyone, with a smile on her face as she tries to cheer everyone up. Sadly, she didn't notice how Izaya looks very annoyed and how Ziarre's face gone pale as a white piece of paper.

Weiss slaps her forehead and Pyrhha had an awkward smile, that she doesn't know how to stop Nora from doing this when she clearly explained to Nora more than once already.

"Ren. You'll have to explain to Nora about saying those words again. At least, she would remember what you would say during a time like this, then the rest of us." Jaune said to his fellow male teammate. Even Jaune knew how badly some words are not meant to be spoken while in the presence of the Arcana.

Seeing how most saying, would actually happen often, badly, whenever someone speaks out those words. And Jaune got a crash course of it by his partner, who made sure he remembers it, even if it kills him.

"Team RWBY, JNPR, and Glynda Goodwich! All of you are under arrest for trespassing without permission! Drop your weapons and get on your knees or we will fire!" A loud shout came behind us, where we see a squadron of police officers in a formation, with their handgun pointing at us.

"I'm guessing, you forgot to check the surroundings, because you thought we were safe here, out in the open, where there is a war going on. Am I right?" Izaya asks me in a dull voice, knowing that it wasn't really my fault that I haven't thought of keeping [Ecological Derivation System], or even [Eagle Vision], activated during the time we're in public.

I let out a tired sigh and give my first male friend a nod. Really wished I hadn't let my guard down somewhat, even on the 80th Floor Area. There will always be a problem, not for me and my group, but for these, new people are known as team RWBY and JNPR.

Pyrrha and Weiss I didn't really have to worry, but the rest. Well, I learned my lesson.

"It's a good thing Blake not here with us at the moment." Pyrrha whisper to me, which I nod in agreement.

"Shigure. You know what to do." I whisper to my fiancee/lover, as she slowly walks behind me to disappear from the police officers' view of her. As she begins her work on getting us all out of this.

Of course, these police officers didn't have to shout that the members of the Arcana are arrested as well. They just need someone among us to be used as a scapegoat. So yeah, even the rest of us will be taken with team RWBY and JNPR, along with Glynda.

As this is why I told Shigure to do her job on getting us out of this mess. Now, that we're spotted and would take a while for us to get out of the 80th Floor Area, but at least we're on the 80th Floor Area. Instead of the Lower Section of Mistral.

After all, Shigure's family here on this Floor Area and is willing to help us out. But, we have to find Blake and her family, then get them out as well. Before the Council of Mistral get some stupid ideas of capturing them too.

Time like this, I'm glad to train my butt off, so I have the strength to overcome or escape the laws if used against me.