
Lia was currently walking through the library, searching for a cooking book that she could use to make something sweet and delicious for her maid. Based on what Rose had told her, Jennett left the palace for something family-related and there was a pitiful look on Rose's face, one that Lia was all well too familiar with. She wanted to cheer Jennett up, after experiencing the way she broke down about Lia's health, it was clear that something had happened to her own family.

But right now, her heart wasn't into it. Her mind was too distracted after the events that happened this morning. Rose rushed into her room, not only holding a lot of sparkly stationery but with two other maids right behind her. Lia was confused since she was sipping her tea while reading a bunch of letters that were sent from different people, some of whom were also children.

She was surprised by how good their grammar and writing ability was, seeing as some were around seven-year-old. Rose explained delightfully that the Emperor was arriving after the yearly conference meeting between the Empire where King's and Queen's all over the empire meet together in the current year's chosen city. It was a yearly event, the Emperor usually is gone anywhere from one to three weeks depending on the location of the conference meeting. That is all Lia knew from the maids and the historical book she started reading that carefully lay underneath her bed.

When the maids dressed the princess up, they took her all the way to the other side of the castle where she had never stepped foot in. She was surprised to find out how big the castle truly was. She was also very excited and nervous, she was going to meet her father for the first time and she couldn't even imagine how he would react to her awakening. But to her disappointment, it was something she never expected. Not only did the Emperor make eye contact with his daughter as well as his two twin sons, but he didn't even acknowledge them.

Lia was shocked. The Emperor saw them but didn't say anything, he continued walking like they were insignificant and Lia couldn't understand why. Didn't he give Prince Lucas, her older brother, a whole library for his birthday? Wasn't that a big act of love? It was surely more than what she got in her past life. In a way, this entire situation reminded her of the past, the way her or rather Susan's father would look at her. With cold and emotionless eyes.

Lia also got the chance to see her other brother, Prince Ethan, who was on the lively side of the family. However, when he saw Lia, he seemed even colder than his brother Lucas. Neither of the siblings said anything to each other, they barely even made eye contact.

That is what was bothering Lia from focusing on finding the cookbook. She couldn't stop thinking about how this family was no different from her past. She didn't expect everyone to be so cold towards her, especially after she had woken up from her seven-year slumber. Heck they didn't even get the chance to know her, to judge her personality. Was it because when the princess was born, the Empress lost her life in childbirth?

Lia found herself crying, for the second time since she had awakened here. The first time she cried this hard was when she thought she was going to be killed by the mob of castle workers that chased her around when she woke up. But that situation was explainable, she was afraid and confused. It was natural for anyone to cry in that situation. But right now? She was letting her feelings get the best of her. And it was out of her character.

She made a promise to herself that she wouldn't cry. That she would focus on the present, her survival, and fitting into her new life. She promised herself she'd move on from her past, even try to forget about it. It is better this way, she told herself only three days after she first woke up. She'd been holding it in so well, but now she just couldn't help but break down. Her hopes of living happily, perhaps even with a caring family were ruined. She thought that since she was a princess and this felt like a fairy tale that her life would turn into a happy ever after.

But oh how wrong I was...

She was just feeling disappointed than pretty much nothing changed. She's rich. Pretty. Still smart. And her family ignores her. It was almost like the same replica of her old life. Lia felt like God was mocking her. Making her live a different life but with the same situation all over again.

She didn't even know if the maids cared for her sincerely or was it only because she was this imperial princess? She only felt that Jennett really cared. She shed tears for her, she showed worry. She stayed by her side, well by the princess's side when she was asleep while no one else did.

Lia was determined to show Jennett that although they only knew each other for two weeks, that she cared for her deeply. Lia whipped away her tears with her hands, pushed all her disturbing thoughts away and continued to look for a cookbook with her trolly following behind her, The trolly from the gifts that were given to her. Once the guard left, she decided to keep the trolly for one purpose only. Transporting books. Since her arms were weak due to her small body, she could use the trolly to move them from place to place. It also perfectly fit underneath her bed due to it being low. When the guard left, she quickly moved all the gifts onto the floor and stacked them up nicely while hiding the trolly. It was the perfect plan and it could also carry more books than her two weak little hands.

Lia found the cookbook section and was delighted at a specific book that caught her eye, the book of desserts. She had a sweet tooth and she loved anything sweet, she was sure that Jennett would also like it.

Something sweet and warm is the key to one's heart, she repeated in her head. It was a line from a chef from her favorite cook show that she watched every Sunday. She sat down on the floor and opened the book. Each page had the ingredients, details, and steps on how to make certain desserts with pictures of course. It took Lia twenty minutes to look through them, she decided to settle with muffins even though the cookbook didn't have instructions for those. She decided to use the details and ingredients from a cake. She quickly dropped down some of the ingredients on the page, putting question marks next to some that she didn't understand. She also wrote some important steps using the pen and stationary her maid Rose got for her. Lia decided it would be best if she copied and took some notes rather than taking the entire book. How would she be able to go to the kitchen to make it while carrying such a heavy book? The trolly would make it more suspicious.

She copied down the important parts, many ingredient names she didn't recognize so she would need someone to help her within the kitchen. She also didn't know where the kitchen was, so she would need help with that too. After she copied it down, she placed the book back into the shelf and went around returning the books that she had already read. The history book was still in her room, she was rather slow with that one because she kept on getting distracted by books about magic and fictional romance that she had a soft spot for. While walking through the aisles and returning different books, a certain one caught her attention.

It was the same silver book that she saw before, still sitting there waiting to be read. Lia made a mental note to check that book out first on her next visit to the library.

* * *

Lia snuck into the kitchen the next day, after of course gathering some information. She asked her maid Rose to go on a walk with her after her 'nap', but in reality, Lia was looking for the kitchen. She also asked Rose to give her a tour of the castle since she only stayed in one area, which was known as the west wing.

Rose didn't argue at her lady's silly request, especially considering that the young girl's eyes were red, indicating that she was crying. She tried her best to comfort the princess but she claimed that she just had a bad nightmare. However, the maid wasn't fooled. So instead, to cheer the princess up, she accepted her request for a tour of the castle. Lia asked all the useful questions and directions so she will be able to find her way around the next day when she was planning on visiting the kitchen.

Lia was able to see the stables, the kitchen, another big library that was located all the way on the other side of the castle, and the green field where her brother Ethan practiced his sword magic with his friend, another boy who looked close to his age. Princess Lia stayed for a while, watching her brother curiously, trying to get a glimpse of his magic power but she got caught causing her to hide and run away with her maid grinning and following right behind her. Now, of course, she saw other things too like the big ballroom as well as countless gardens and although each was more fascinating than the last, the girl's mind was elsewhere.

"Miss Rose, can you dress me up, I'll be going to the kitchen today," Lia said. She didn't want the maids to be worried and search through the entire castle for her. It would be so much easier if they were aware of her location. She also knew it was odd for a child her age to go to places like that, since kids shouldn't be allowed to play in the kitchen, especially if they tried to cook. However, in Lia's case, she already had rumors going around of how mentally and intellectually gifted she was. The princess wasn't a complete fool. Thanks to Jennett and Rose, rumors spread of Lia's fast ability to adapt and learn their basic, as well as write it. To Lia, it was basic English. But for everyone else, she wasn't entirely useless.

"The kitchen? Why is that my lady?"

"I want to make something for Miss Jannett for her return tomorrow."

"Miss we can make it for you whatever you want, you shouldn't trouble yourself with such tasks."

"I want to do it myself, it's how you show someone that you care about them and Jannett has been taking care of me for such a long time. Don't worry, I'll make sure to make some for you too!" Lia said, flashing her million-dollar smile that made the maid's heart melt.

"When did you become so bright my lady? You've only been with us for two weeks and yet you are already so smart! What secrets lie behind Jannett's teachings?" She teased and Lia laughed in response.

"In that case my lady, why don't you wear something simple today?" Lia tried to quickly finish her vegetables by stuffing her face with them.

"Perhaps this dress? It's rather plain and you ca- ahh never mind, it's already dirty! Unacceptable, which maid didn't clean this?" Rose asked aloud, shaking her head. Lia looked back at her maid and almost choked on her food as the maid tossed aside her blue dress, her favorite adventure dress that she usually wore on her trips to the library. No wonder it was dirty since she chose to sit on the ground in the back, to avoid anyone who might walk in.

Lia looked away with a guilty expression. Although she came from a rich family in her past life, she worked hard to get to where she was, especially when it came to having things that she didn't dare ask for before. In a way, it made her slightly possessed over her material needs such as clothing and personal objects.

"I like that dress," Lia said after swallowing her food.

"Then I'll have it washed and ironed for your next time out," Lucy said with a smile.

"But for today, you shall wear this one. Do consider picking a day for shopping my lady, you need more dresses that fit you better."

* * *

"You can go now Miss Rose," Lia said with a smile.

"Are you sure my lady? Is there anything else you need?" She asked.

"No, thank you for keeping me company, you are free now to do as you wish," Lia said. Her maid, Rose, has been taking care of her the entire two days Jannett was gone. Phiona rarely came in, she was mostly responsible for the food that the princess ate.

"Thank you Princess Lia. Enjoy your time," Rose said, bowing respectfully before leaving. Lia now stood outside of the door that led down to the kitchen. She wore a plain light pink dress with slippers, and with her right hand, she held on to the paper that had the recipe written down. Now, of course, Rose questioned the paper but Lia simply lied and said that Phiona was the one who wrote it out for her, seeing as she was the food maid.

Lia walked down the narrow staircase slowly, to make sure she won't trip over her long dress that wasn't fitted that greatly. When she first woke up, maids requested dresses for a young girl and since the princess was below the average weight and height of a seven year old, many of the clothes had to be pinned or were a bit too long.

It was already past four, meaning it was time for the kitchen staff to rest and have their own lunch after preparing and serving the food to others. It was also a great opportunity for Lia to use this time to bake muffins without distracting the people from doing their jobs.

Lia happily skipped through the hallway, holding the recipe close to her heart as she felt the excitement of finally being able to share her cooking with others. Only if she figures out how to make it.