The Devastating Truth

It's been almost three days since Ethan and Lia crossed paths, and throughout those days, she made it her mission to avoid him at all costs. Occasionally, she'd hear her brother's chatter echoing the empty hallways, indicating that he was near and that it was time to play a one-sided hide and seek game, where Lia hid deep within the castle.

She knew that it was Noah who was responsible for her brother's recent appearance within the west wing since she'd never seen him lurking around before. She guessed that perhaps the boy was feeling guilty and responsible for worsening the relationship between the two siblings after his promise to help mend it.

"My lady, you have a visit," Jennett said. Lia glanced up from her book and to her surprise, Noah was standing by Jennett, with a small blush on his face.

"Good morning, Prince Noah," Lia said coldly, averting her eyes back to her book. Deep inside she knew that it wasn't her fault and yet she just needed someone to blame.

"I'll leave you two alone," Jennett sensed that something was wrong, or that something was bothering the young princess. She didn't know much of the details except the involvement of her brother and the young prince.

"What do you want?" Lia immediately jumped to the topic at hand, not wanting to beat around the bush.

"Jeez, you are cold. I've come baring a solution to all your problems." He said cheekily, his behavior did not faze the young princess.

"A solution? Hmm...let me guess? Maybe we should try shoving something in his mouth again? Perhaps if he chokes, he might come to a realization that his behavior is childish?"

"You know...maybe if you just apologize-"

"Excuse me?" Lia's head snapped to the boy in a matter of seconds.

"W-Well what I mean to say-"

"I am not in the wrong here. Why should I have to apologize? He's been treating me like trash all this time. Yet I have to be the bigger person and apologize?"

"Yes I know, but if you think about it, getting him to forgive you-"

"I didn't know that I needed to ask forgiveness for being born..." Lia was disappointed yet again. Maybe things could never be different?

"You know that's not what I mean-"

"Get out."

"Would you just let me speak?"

"Fine, I'll leave." She closed the book shut rather harshly, hopped off her chair, and proceeded to walk towards the door.

"Wait...what I meant to say was, it would be great if you two got along, and in a way, he blames you for the death of your mother. If you were to ask for forgiveness, I'm sure he'll realize that it is not your fault!"

"I didn't ask to be born! I didn't ask for any of this! And yet here I am..." Lia couldn't contain her tears anymore. With her small hands, she aggressively wiped them away but they just kept on coming. She hated crying or sulking over meaningless things. That's why she structured herself to be an unfazed woman. But lately, everything she's built, all of her walls and hidden desires, came crumbling down, revealing themselves in front of strangers!

Maybe the reason she returned back to life, specifically to a seven-year-old body was because of her inner child. A seven-year-old girl, trapped in the wishful dream of a happy and loving childhood. She didn't ask to be born again. In fact, she wished she'd just died in the car accident and be left with nothing other than having something that will forever be out of her reach.

Noah was taken by surprise by Lia's sudden breakdown, all this time he'd considered her as an immature child who knew nothing of the world and the meaning behind strong emotion, such as her brother's hate for her. He oversaw the fact that Lia, despite her mysterious past, had strong feelings of her own that she's been bottling up. He watched her silhouette disappear down the hallway with the lingering thoughts if he did the right thing by not chasing her down.

* * *

"Are you going to tell me why your eyes are red and puffy?" Lucas asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No," Lia mumbled into her arms. She had half her head buried in her arms as she lay on the table sitting upwards. She glanced at her brother again, who was staring at her with concern.

"Was it that hooligan?" His expression darkened.

"No, it wasn't...I'll tell you if you come here," Lia's eyes started to sparkle with a mischievous idea on her mind. Her brother looked confused, he decided to not question her. He walked around the table to stand by her side.

"Open your arms like this, and close your eyes," She ordered. He hesitated for a while but his sister's sad expression was still on his mind. Slowly, he opened his arms and closed his eyes shut, feeling like a fool for doing something weird. But if it meant his sister will cheer up, he found himself not caring.

Before he knew it, a small figure pressed their body against his, wrapping its tiny arms around him. His eyes immediately opened in shock. His body froze, not knowing how to react to the sudden warmth and comfort of another. He slowly wrapped his hands around his sister, his face slowly turning pink yet again. Lia's eyes were closed shut while her mind felt empty. She embraced her brother in a hug, a comforting hug that she hoped he wouldn't mind, after all, he wasn't like the other brother. He cared.

"B-Brother Ethan doesn't like me very much..." She mumbled in his shirt while he was patting her head. At the mention of his twin brother, his hand froze.

"He's a fool. You don't have to concern yourself with him." He scoffed, to think that it was his twin brother who made her cry.

"B-But I want all of us to get along!" She said, finally turning to face him. Her eyes were tearing up.

"I-I'll talk to him," He said on instinct despite his mind going blank from shock. Lia didn't know if it would make the situation worse or better, and her judgment of it wasn't helping. After all, they are twins, they must hold a special bond. Maybe Lucas can help Ethan realize that what he has been doing is wrong.

* * *

"What do you want?" Ethan burst in, an irritated expression was visible on his face. In fact, he has been in a cranky mood for the past three days, and the cause of it was clear. His dear sister who also seemed to have his best friend on her side. Ethan felt as if no one could understand him, his emotions and the reason why he felt so angry every time he saw her. She was the talk in the Empire, probably in other empires too. The people liked her, his best friend liked her, but what about the late Empress, his mother? Why were they so quick to forget about her death in the birth of the princess?

"It's about Lia," Lucas stated bluntly while looking up at his brother that berged in. Lucas told Lia that he would have a word with him, despite them not being close. Something within him didn't like the fact that Lia was so visibly upset.

"Oh great," Ethan rolled his eyes, anger slowly building up within him. Lia this, Lia that...

"I've heard you two haven't been getting along?"

"What's it to you? Get straight to the point, the air here is so stuffy..." He said, pulling on the collar of his shirt. He wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, the air was suffocating.

"I want to know why? Is it because of mother?" Ethan froze, his eyes widening. He knew that his brother has been spending time with Lia, and that they could possibly be relatively close. Ethan has always been closes to their mother, despite them both being twins. He followed their mother around all the time and he was hit deeply with her passing at such an early age. It only made sense to Lucas that he would hold a grudge.

"I'm done here." He said, turning around to leave. When his hand pulled the door knob, a cold gush of wind closed the door with a loud bang.

"Why do you care so much about her? I know it's not her fault but the fact that mother knew this was going to happen, she knew she was destined to die of childbirth, yet she still chose her. She chose her over me! OVER US! How can you be okay with this?" He yelled, walked closer to Lucas, who was standing a few feet away from him, a light breeze circulling his body after his use of magic.

"There is nothing special about her! She's a weakling, no mana at all! We came first, we had feelings! It wouldn't have mattered if that damned brat died in her place! Why are you not mad?" He grabbed Lucas's collar out of frustration, pulling him closer to him and even shaking him, as if it would snap him out of whatever spell she put him under.

"You think you are the only one who felt like this? All this time I've been trying to figure out what is so special about that child! I knew mother was going to die! She choose the future that she saw of that girl over us! You think I'm not mad? Everytime I look at her, I am overwhelmed with this feeling bottling up within me! I-I just can't seem to understand...why did she do this?" Lucas yelled out, his voice cracking at the end. He looked at his brother, his expression was pale.

He wasn't the only one who felt that way.

* * *

"Ethan, darling, come here!" His mother called out, opening her arms. Ethan immedietly ran towards her with the biggest smile.

"How do you feel mommy?"

"I feel happy, now that you are here to keep me company!" She said, brushing the child's hair with her hand.

"The doctor said your sister will be born soon. Are you excited?"

"Yes!" He said happily. His mother's smile slowly faded.

"Won't you promise me one thing?"

"What is it mommy? Anthing for you!"

"Won't you be nicer to her? I-I'll protect her, won't you?"

"Of course, I'll protect her!" He said with a cheeky smile.

"You promise?" Her soft smile reemerged on her face.

"I promise!"

* * *

Little did the boys know, right behind the two large doors, a small figure stood, shaking in her feet. Although the door was shut closed, it was nowhere near soundproof. Her cheeks were stained with a salt like substance while her eyes were closed shut. Ethan was not the only one remembering the past.

Lia heard everything that the boys said, their frustration and their sadness. But she didn't just hear their voices, she heard the voice of her other brother too, Susan's brother.

* * *

"You are the reason why mom disappeared! Look at dad, he is suffering because of what you did!"

"You are so selfish for wanting things your way!"

"I wish you disappeared instead of her!"

"Dad hates you! I hate you! I wish you didn't exist"

* * *

Lia took a step backwards, her trembling hand retreating from the door knob that she'd once was eager to open. The confrontation that she thought was necessary for the three of them was now gone. All of her thoughts and desires have crumbled until there was nothing left within.

She finally came to the realization that this wasn't going to work out. She couldn't live like this. Being hated all over again, wishing she'd just disappear. And that's what she set her mind to, she was going to disappear. In fact, leave this castle forever. After all, why was she born again if everything was going to repeat itself all over?