Chapter 1: The New Cycle

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 1: The New Cycle

Day 1: Shock, Then Joy



You have slept comfortably in your bed. All HP and MP are restored, along with any temporary status effects are removed.

Looking at the weird blue screen, with the words before my eyes. I've no clue if this is a dream or I'm somehow kidnapped by strange people to be forcibly put inside some testing capsule for the virtual gaming experiment. Because if it's the latter, then it better not be like SAO (Sword Art Online).

I frown when I realize this should be a good moment to panic, but all I felt was peace. Like something is forcing me to be calm against my will.

I thought about how to get this weird blue screen away from and it disappear instantly, much to my surprise. Carefully, I check my surroundings and let out a sigh of relief that I was still in my Bedroom. Nothing out of the ordinary beside that weird blue screen popping up the first thing I open my eyes from my sleep.

Then it finally hit me; I jump out of my bed and rush toward my laptop. Turning it on and search up the manhwa: The Gamer. Quickly, I speed read a few of the chapters from the beginning and try copying the MC and realized that I have the Gamer's ability.

Well, a weird upgrade and downgrade version of the Gamer's ability. One thing for sure, I can't create my own skills like the MC from The Gamer. Which was shitty in my opinion.

I tried doing thoughts command first before speaking out like a crazy person for talking to themselves. And surprisingly, I can open the status window and skills list window by thoughts instead of speaking them.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral

Lvl: 1 - EXP: 0/100

Profession: The Gamer

Title: None

HP: 100/100 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 100/100 - Regen: 1 MP per minute

STR: 10

END: 10

AGI: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 10

MAG: 10


Point: 0

Money: 0

Age: 19

Lvl: Level, a basic measure of experience and estimate of strength. When you get enough EXP you will level up and gain status points.

HP: A representation of your life force and health. When HP reaches zero you will die.

MP: A representation of your magic energy. Used to perform skills.

STR: Governs brute force. The higher your strength, the higher your physical output will be, whether be it attacks, movement or defense.

END: Governs physical endurance. The greater your endurance, the greater your stamina and defense will be. Increases HP capacity: 1 END = 10 HP

AGI: Governs reflexes, agility, coordination, speed and accuracy. The higher it is, the higher your speed, critical rate, dodge rate, and accuracy will be.

INT: Governs the ability to process and store information, increases your mana control and efficiency.

WIS: Governs sensibility, perceptiveness, willpower, and the ability to make information useful. Increases mana regen: 1 WIS = 0.1 MP

MAG: Governs magical energy. Increases mana pool, magic damage, and magic defense. 1 MAG = 10 MP, 1% MD (Magic Damage/Defense)

LUCK: Luck controls how many events will be in your favor, and governs the quality and frequency of favorable opportunities. Increases drop rates, change for critical hits and favorability of events. Does not increase naturally unless you experience a streak of good luck.

I started thinking about why I gained the Gamer's ability now of all time; furthermore, my stats should be varied and not be evenly like a newly created RPG character. Also, I shouldn't even be a level 1 character.

With the kind of life, I lived up to now. I should have more stats in STR, AGI, END, and WIS. If what the stats' description going by is true, then these stats are all wrong. Either it based on myself instead of the world, then it's still wrong. If it was so, then it would be at 1 instead of 10.

I glare at the status window in front of me, at the stats: MP. 'So this is the reason why I couldn't train in my family's inheritance.' I close my eyes and rub my forehead as I hated how I couldn't train like my relative.

[Gamer's Mind] - Passive -

Description: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through in most circumstances. Allows a peaceful state of mind. Immunity to psychological and mental status effects.

[Gamer's Body] - (Default) - Passive -

Description: Grand's a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Pain from damage does not last after a few seconds. Sleeping restores HP, MP, and heals all temporary status effects.

Variants: [Mostly normal body], [Locked]

[Fiction Adaption] - Passive -

Description: This ability allows you to adopt functional knowledge and skills to your life and to use them as if they were 'truths'.

Looking at my skills list; I can see why I can't create my own skill like the MC from The Gamer. It's because of the skill: [Fiction Adaption] or in other words: [Skill Book], where some video games required the player to use a [Skill Book] in order to learn a skill.


For figuring one of the restrictions placed on your version of the Gamer's ability. As a result, your wisdom increased by 3.

Opening my eyes, I see the new window screen in front of my eyes, telling me I just gained 3 WIS stats by just thinking about the reason why I can't create my own skill.

Which was a relief for me, since it would have sucked if I could only raise my stats by leveling up, equipment, skill, and title only.

So without wasting any more time, I quickly grab a manga book from my hidden stash: Under my bed. Thanks to the family I live with, I had to hide my hobby or end up getting punished like those that stray from the family's so-called paths.

Anyway, I grab the first manga I got my hand on and I wasn't disappointed once I got it. As a new blue window screen pops up after I grab a manga.


You have acquired a [Skill Book]!

Would you like to gain access to the [Negima Universe of Knowledge]?


The choice wasn't that hard to pick and I thinking yes, more than ten times at least by the time I finished reading the pop-up.

Upon picking, yes, the manga in my hand turned into dust and like a bad brain freeze. I realized the knowledge from the [Skill Book] I just 'ate' was literally downloading into my mind or at least that's what I could barely think.

No sooner after a whole minute, I've gained complete knowledge of the manga/anime: Negmia series and its spin-off for some reason.

I shook my head, then wanted to test a theory of mine I just thought of and look for another volume of the manga, to see what happen after I've already gained access to the [Negima Universe of Knowledge].


Due to the player has already gained access to this [Negima Universe of Knowledge]. All copies no longer count as a [Skill Book] and resume as a normal book.

'Well, that proves somewhat of my theory upon grabbing a book from the same series.' I thought to myself, then just toss it in my [Inventory], which I'm glad to find it not restricted to a limited amount of how much I could carry and including it weights.

Bringing back up my skills list and found [Negima Universe of Knowledge] is under my [Fiction Adaption].

[Fiction Adaption] - Passive -

Description: This ability allows you to adopt functional knowledge and skills to your life and to use them as if they were 'truths'.

List of Adopted Knowledge:

[Negima Universe of Knowledge] -

Description: Giving the player access to the knowledge from this universe and gain a skill from it. Effects may be different from this universe based on the rules in your current world.

Now, that I gained something like a skill tree and quickly wish for a skill belong to the [Negima Universe] that I wanted since I saw it in the manga.


You have accessed the [Negima Universe of Knowledge] for the first time and import the skill: [Shundo].


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Negima Universe of Knowledge].

[Shundo] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 1 MP per step

Description: This is a [Movement Technique] by focusing [Mana] into the feet, the user can cross a limited distance in a burst of extreme speed (enough to appear almost instantaneous). However, unlike true teleportation, the movement itself can be intercepted, and the exit point calculated, once began, the skill cannot be stopped. It must also be performed on some sort of foothold or surface.

1st Effect: Increase AGI x (2 + level)

2nd Effect: Locked (Require level 30)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 2nd Effect unlock)


Due to your current level, there is a restriction placed on you from gaining more skill from the [List of Adopted Knowledge]. You can only import 1 skill from each [Universe of Knowledge] every 10 levels.

I gawk at the new window screens popping up one another. And find myself disappointed and frustrated. I thought I would gain access to countless of overpowered skills. Instead, I got a big fat slap in the face. Telling me that I have to earn if I want it.

I drop my head and feel like crying. But, I shook my head and reread the last message. A smile appears on my face once I realized I could still get more skills.

Choosing carefully of which series I should take, since it's going to take me a while to reach level 10, maybe, to gain another skill from that selected [Universe of Knowledge].

The second [Skill Book/Tree] is from the Fate Stay Night series and I knew right away which one to import for the first skill from this [Nasuverse of Knowledge].


You have accessed the [Nasuverse of Knowledge] for the first time and import the skill: [Innate Time Control].


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Nasuverse of Knowledge].

[Innate Time Control: Time Alter] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 1 MP per second

Description: This is the [Magecraft] for [Time Manipulation], which allows for "time adjustment" to oneself instead of affecting the world around them.

1st Effect: Double Accel - Increase AGI and WIS x 2

2nd Effect: Double Stagnate - Decrease AGI x 2

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 20)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 3rd Effect unlock)

Sure, I could have gone for Shirou's [Tracing], but I don't know for sure if [Tracing] would work without the help of [Structural Grasp]. So it's better to grab a [Skill: Magecraft] that I could use right away without the help of another skill.

Now that I have two support skills, it's time for me to grab something for offensive or defensive. And I knew right away the best [Skill Book] for the job.


You have accessed the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge] for the first time and import the skill: [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Fairy Tail Universe of Knowledge].

[Fire Devil Slayer Magic] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies

Description: This [Devil Slayer Magic] allows the user to produce and control the element of [Fire] for various purposes. Furthermore, the user can manipulate their own body to some degree, allowing them to change the color of their irises and summon black markings across their body at will. Like other [Slayers], the user is able to consume external sources of [Fire], even ones formed from nothing, in order to replenish their strength and enhance their power, as well as having a tremendous resistance to the element of [Fire]. Additionally, the user is able to somewhat control the [Fire] of others and is able to just as easily burn a large scope of land with a mere flick of their wrist. Unlike other [Slayer Magics], this [Magic] allows its user to obtain a basic analysis of a Demon's bodily composition based on sight alone.

1st Effect: Grant the user immunity to all [Fire]

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Demonic Fire Creation Magic]

3rd Effect: Recover HP and MP x (level/2%) per second

4th Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 4th Effect unlock)

'Huh, I would expect this [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] to come with all the spells that go along with it. But, instead, I have to create my own.' I raise an eyebrow at the description of the newly acquired [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].

I would have gladly picked the [Dragon Slayer Magic], but I don't have a dragon to enter my soul to stop me from becoming a dragon of that chosen element. Well, maybe later if [Gamer's Body] would be able to prevent this from happening.

It was a good thing, that I gained the basic instinct on how to activate these new skills of mine and how to use them; well, the basic methods on how to use them that is until I level them up further later.

Glancing around that could be useful right now and later in the future. No sooner after I laid my eyes on my gaming console and knew right away what next I should get.


You have accessed the [Assassins Creed Universe of Knowledge] for the first time and import the skill: [Eagle Vision].


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Assassins Creed Universe of Knowledge].

[Eagle Vision] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies

Description: This skill allows the user to be able to instinctively sense how people and objects relate to them, which manifests as color glow, much like an aura. Red indicates enemies or spilled blood, blue indicated allies, white indicates sources of information or hiding spots, and gold indicates targets or objects of interest.

1st Effect: Able to see sounds and hear shapes.

2nd Effect: Range = level x 5 meters radius

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 3rd Effect unlock)

After looking at my newly acquired skills. I picked up another manga, which I know for sure would help me on a long run in the future.


You have accessed the [Medaka Box Universe of Knowledge] for the first time and import the skill: [Hundred Gauntlets].


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Medaka Box Universe of Knowledge].

[Hundred Gauntlets] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies

Description: A skill that reverses causality. This allows the user to reverse the effect of a target and makes the cause return back to the original start. Way before the cause would lead to the effect.

1st Effect: Reverse the cause-effect by minute x level

Other Effects: Locked (Require level 100)

I blankly stare at the [Hundred Gauntlets]'s description and wonder why I got this skill instead of [All Fiction], which is what I was aiming for. Then, a quick memory lane and I discovered the [Hundred Gauntlets] is the original version of the [All Fiction] before Misogi Kumagawa remodeled it into one that "makes it so that cause and effect didn't happen." Leading to [All Fiction].

At first, I was sad to get this [Hundred Gauntlets] until I realized I could remodel it into my own version of how [All Fiction] was developed.

I smile in satisfaction at my choice in getting the [Hundred Gauntlets] from [Medaka Box Universe of Knowledge] as my first skill.

Thinking about it for a moment, I grab another support skill and a passive type at that. So, I grab one of the Fullmetal Alchemist manga, then look around to see if there anything else I want to to be a skill.

I grab a volume of the God of Highschool series and toss it in my [Inventory], along with my Fullmetal Alchemist book.

After all, I can literally have all of the skills insides series of anime, manga, and even video games.

My eyes lit up when I realized one video game that would make me overpowered from the get-go. I quickly reach for the disc, but discover something froze my body in place.

Not a second later, the ground below me disappear and I fall straight down. All I could see is space, which would have caused me to panic. However, thanks to [Gamer's Mind] forcibly make me calm and push all the other emotions away.


Welcome to the Multiverse!


Good luck in your adventure player!

(Unknown Forest)


Welcome to the Akame Ga Kill Universe! Find your destiny one in order to enter another universe. Until then, you're stuck here! Better find her before you end dead somewhere in this universe!

"I almost had God of War just a few inches away from my fingers." I said dryly, then dismiss all the windows until I reached the last one, that literally tells me if I wanted to leave this world.

Dismissing the last notification screen, then look up at the sky and found out I'm lying on the ground.

I frown when I notice half of my vision is gone. Raising my right hand, where I found I'm wearing black gloves for some reason and place it over my right eye. Touching what to seem to be an eyepatch, taking it off and sigh of relief that I didn't lose my right eyesight for an unknown reason.

This would be a perfect time to use a skill like [Observe] to see if there anything special about this eyepatch, that was forcibly placed over my right eye upon entering this world.

Glancing down my body, noticing my outfit is completely changed too as well. I look to my right to see a river, standing up and walking over to see my reflection while keeping the eyepatch in my right hand just in case.

Looking over the water and I notice the color of my eyes changed as well. Since before it was black. However, what freaked me out for a few seconds was that my right eye is replaced with a familiar tattoo. The Ouroboros tattoo belongs to the homunculus known as Wrath, possessing the [Ultimate Eye].

I didn't know if I have a history log of everything happen to me and what I did, but seeing there no such thing after thinking up all kinds of command to bring it up. I just pull up my skills list.

And found another skill I did not import in the first place and couldn't find the [Fullmetal Alchemist Universe of Knowledge]. I got the feeling, that Truth from Fullmetal Alchemist found out that my [Fiction Adaption] tried to access all the knowledge in that world.

Honestly, I feel like Truth gave me this eye in exchange for something, like never being able to gain access to the [Fullmetal Alchemist Universe of Knowledge] and [Alchemy].

[Ultimate Eye] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: This skill grants the user extra-sensory vision of their general surroundings; however, this skill's true ability is precognition; allowing the user to perfectly and efficiently anticipate all variables and their opponent's attacks and take action with absolute efficiency without any effort. This allows the user to adapt perfectly to all factors achieving maximum efficiency in offensive and defensive strategy, ensuring optimal results as long there is the slightest chance and depending on the means of the user disposal. A simple glance will detect the target's nature, strengths, weaknesses, etc.

1st Effect: Give the user information about the general surrounding by 3-meter x level

2nd Effect: Give the user the instinct on how to combat the target

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

As I started feeling a bit of a headache coming and discovered a hidden side-effect of possessing the [Ultimate Eye]. Gaining too much information for my brain to handle and [Gamer's Mind] seem to allow this for some reasons.

Luckily, that's all the changes I went through or so I hope. Unless something changed inside me as well.

I pause for a moment, then slap my forehead with my left hand at how stupid I am. Of course, my body would change after gaining these skills from other series. Maybe the eyepatch is helping me with suppressing a side-effect belong to one of my skills. One of those skills I know for sure is why I have the eyepatch in the first place.

Thinking about it for a second, where I am placing my bet it because of my [Ultimate Eye] and [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. So to test this little theory of mine.

I drop the eyepatch on the ground, then raise my left hand and activate my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], causing my left hand to be coated with a blood red color flame.

Sadly, after what like to be 10 seconds or so, the blood red flames disappear. Showing that my MP is empty just by lighting up my left fist with my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].

'Okay, this is a problem.' I started sweating at the big problem I just realized after picking such a powerful [Magic]. Sure, I can pick any skills, but from the look of it. Just by using a rough method to use my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] pretty much drained me of all my [Mana].

Pulling up my status, I frown at how slow my MP regeneration is with 1.3 MP per minute. A quick mental math and I figure out that around an hour and 17 minutes is how long I have to wait before my MP is back to full.

It's a good thing, with [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], I can speed up my MP recovery by 'eating' fire itself. But, I can't eat my own fire sadly.

I lower my head to glance at the eyepatch for a moment before picking it up and replacing it over my right eye. Who knows what would happen to me if I don't leave it on for a while. I better not risk it or I'll end up regretting it later by then.

"Now, where am I and what episode/chapter am I at right now?" I thought out loud, wondering if I was ahead of the canon or behind it or even in the middle of the events in canon. "And who the hell is the destiny girl?! I have a destiny girl in the first place?!"

I'm completely confused at how my Gamer's ability is literally telling me I have someone to go out or even marry in Akame Ga Kill.

Pausing for a moment, to consider all the female characters in this anime/manga and hope it wasn't Mine. Out of all the female characters, I can't stand her and rather not be matched with her. If it's her, I shall live the rest of my life in this cruel and crazy world.

Looking around, I have no clue where I should go and since this is a forest, making things worse for me, I'm literally lost in an unknown forest that may or may not fill with danger beasts. Oh, joy.

So I just pick a random direction and started walking straight while waiting for my [Mana] to be filled back to 100%. After all, I'm technically defenseless without my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] when it's my only offensive skill I have currently until I reach level 10 to grab new skills.

30 minutes later*


'Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.' I calmly curse my bad luck while continues running for my life. With the help of [Gamer's Mind] and [Gamer's Body]. I don't have to worry about losing my cool head and figure a way to escape this tiger based danger beast chasing after me.

All I did was taking an apple from a tree, then this tiger, or from what I could recall is called a Land Tiger and it started chasing for no one besides just want to eat me.

It's thanks to both [Shundo] and [Time Alter] that I'm still alive. With [Time Alter] doubling both my AGI and WIS original value. Along with [Shundo] doing the same and double the effect of [Time Alter] in double the AGI Stat once more, giving me temporary speed that surpasses the tiger's speed in a sharp turn.

Only a few meters in between me and the danger beast, and I wasn't inside a forest and open field. I would be dead by now, even with these two skills helping me. Thanks to the countless trees getting in the way of the danger beast from getting its claws on me.

Right at the moment the Land Tiger pounce on me again, I activate my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and punch the danger beast right in the face. Shockingly, the danger beast burnt into ashes in just a few seconds before my very eyes.


Due to player first time battle. Increase EXP gain by 30%.


You have gained 13 (original 10) EXP by killing a [Land Tiger] single-handed!

My left eye twitched at the pop-up screen, that I only gained 13 EXP after having to run for my life for a while now. And I only get 10 EXP, not including the bonus, then I have to kill 9 more of the same animal that almost tore me to pieces.

Before I could reach level 2; I feel like I'm on hard difficulty mode. Maybe even higher than hard mode if I'm getting small EXP after killing a tiger of the size of a car.

Luckily, it seems like even a level 1 [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] is still consider overpowered when it instantly kill the Land Tiger like nothing. It's no wonder this [Magic] drained my [Mana] so fast. The fire produced by it is no joke at all.

I try to smile, but it was more force than it should be and even [Gamer's Mind] stop me from smiling after a while. I shook my head at this and wonder if there is a way to turn [Gamer's Mind] off whenever I want to. Because at this rate, I will just be a cold heartless killer with an emotionless look on my face the whole time.

Now, that I know that I will level up by killing 9 more of those Land Tigers and could easily kill them with [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] alone. But, I have to figure out a way to reduce the [Mana] cost or else I would have to keep on waiting until my MP is back to full before I could go for the next Land Tiger.

While walking without thinking about the destination; I continue to think up a way to use my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] by using every single point to its full effect.

Thinking back to manga that has a similar problem, then try it out and see if it work out.

[Demonic Fire Creation Magic]:

Form: Ball - 1 MP

Effect: Burn target - 5 MP

Target: Fire in a straight line - 5 MP

Name: Fireball



Form: Ball - 1 MP = 1-meter radius

Effect: Burn target - 5 MP = 1 second

Target: Fire in a straight line - 5 MP = 1 meter


Successfully in creating a spell for [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]!


[Fireball] - MP cost: 11 MP

I blink at the [Fireball] appear above the palm of my right hand, that just appear the instant the Gamer's ability finished calculating if the spell would work.

Furrowing my eyebrows once I realized I don't know how to fire...and all I need to do was think about it and it fired itself. Lucky, I didn't start a forest fire due to uncontrollable [Magic].

20 minutes later*

After experimenting a few times; I discover the [Fireball] won't continue draining my MP after its cast and only burn down the target for a single second. So no need to worry about it continue to burn everything to the ground, or even the ground itself as well, and that it would disappear by itself after it passed the distance limit.

Furthermore, another surprise was that I don't need to make it appear in my hand and can just make it appear anywhere in my sight or with the support of [Eagle Vision], increasing the deadly power of the [Fireball] further.

Too bad, [Eagle Vision] drained almost at the same rate as the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. Thankfully, I remember to use the trick of using something similar to a program to help me solve this problem.

It's just too bad the EXP on my both my skills didn't raise up after all these practices. However, [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] actually went up to 10% and I got the feeling it due to using it on an enemy instead of just practicing without involving killing.

I have the feeling due to the nature of the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]; I have to kill something to level it up similar to just killing mobs to raise my own level as well.

So after experimenting a few things; I come to a conclusion and that my Gamer's ability has more restrictions than I've already discovered. Making me not be able to completely go overpowered within months.

It's a good thing I have a way to get OP later on, but I just need to build up my foundation first, then I know the right skill to make me OP in some worlds.

But, first, one more spell for my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and a melee version too, since I got a mid-range spell already, maybe long-range too if I change the program.

[Demonic Fire Creation Magic]:

Form: Claw - 2 MP

Effect: Burn target - 5 MP

Target: Contact - 5 MP

Name: Conflagration



Form: Glove - 2 MP = 2-meter radius

Effect: Burn target - 5 MP = 1 second

Target: Contact - 5 MP = 1 meter


Successfully in creating a spell for [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]!


[Conflagration] - MP cost: 12 MP per second

I raise an eyebrow at the MP cost for the new spell: [Conflagration] and thought about modifying this spell later in the future to make it better.

Bringing up my right hand, then cast [Conflagration] and the familiar sight of the blood red flame coating my right hand. For just a few seconds before disappearing again like the first time when I used a rough method to activate this skill.

Now, I have to wait for a while until I get a good amount of MP before I can cast my two spells and skills again.

Thinking about it further, I can fire off a [Fireball] every 9 minutes and 10 minutes for [Conflagration]. So I have to carefully think about when to use my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] since it looks like it's my only attack skill. Since the other skills are mainly support than an attack skill.

As I continue walking; I still haven't found another Land Tiger in sight and wonder if maybe the one I fought was the only one in the area while the rest are scattered far away from my location.

Having this thought, I feel like crying and after thinking it was easy for me to level up after killing 9 more Land Tiger. How would that work if I can't even find another one to gain EXP.

I don't even get a quest from the look of it; well, side quest as the only one I got right now is find my so-called destiny girl and I don't see myself accomplishing that any time soon.

I let out a tired sigh; not much I could right now while waiting for my MP to regenerate. Rechecking my status and I have enough MP to cast [Fireball] once. Sadly, I may not even have enough MP later when I start using my other skills.

Speaking of skills, I bring up my skills list to see if my some of my skills' EXP raised at all. I mainly skipped over [Shundo] and [Time Alter] for both [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and [Eagle Vision] at the time.

[Shundo]: Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 65% - MP cost: 1 MP per step

[Innate Time Control: Time Alter] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 20% - MP cost: 1 MP per second

[Hundred Gauntlets] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 5% - MP cost: Varies

My left eye wide a little in surprise, before [Gamer's Mind] force my expression back to blank.

It looks like I can still raise the levels of both [Shundo] and [Time Alter], which mean that I don't need to kill an enemy to raise these two skills' level. This brought a smile to my face, then it disappears right away much to my disappointment. And even the feeling of disappointment disappeared.

As for the [Hundred Gauntlets]; I haven't used it that often due to how much [Mana] it take away just reversing a cause and effect of a target. Depending on the target, it could be little as a normal [Fireball] to just draining out my whole MP instantly and there is still the chance of failing to reverse the cause-effect. Making me waste all my MP for nothing.

This was just a small experiment to test out the limits and it was too many restrictions compared to the other skills I acquired from other [Universe of Knowledge].

Then again, reversing a cause and effect is already abnormal to the point of making things crazy enough to drive others insane just by figuring out how [Hundred Gauntlets] worked in the first place and even I don't know the whole structure behind the skill.

As for the [Ultimate Eye]; well, that end up with almost similar to as the [Hundred Gauntlets]. It seems like I can't use the thing for last than a whole minute before I start getting a bad headache. I discovered the 'cooldown' is an hour before I could it again. But, I guess it could be used as a trump card.

"And I'm still lost." I thought out loud, not like anyone is nearby to hear me talk to myself like a crazy person. Hell, I still find myself thinking this one big dream and I'm in a coma.

I blink and heard a growl behind, turning around and found my second Land Tiger. Not bother to wait for the danger beast to launch its attacks after realized it was discovered by me.

I cast [Fireball] in front of me the very moment the Land Tiger pounce in my direction and straight into the complete formed [Fireball], causing the danger beast to be covered in a blood red flame for just a single second before disappearing into ashes for a brief moment and is scattered across the whole area due to the wind.


You have gained 10 EXP by killing a [Land Tiger] single-handed!

I stand there for a whole minute, staring at the pop-up screen and wonder if maybe the monsters in this world just weaker than I thought. Because if so, then maybe I'm going to have a harder time leveling up in the future if this is the case.

Bringing up my status and see EXP: 23/100, with only 77 EXP left to be acquired before I level up.

And I just used up my MP without even consider that maybe there could be a chance of another danger beast nearby, waiting for their moment of chance to attack.

I still wonder about my stats, but didn't put too much into and begin my journey of finding my destiny girl or else I'm stuck in this world forever until it's my time of death.

The next day*

Day 2: Well DAMN!


The player has reached the EXP limit for leveling up.


You have leveled up to 2!


You gained 5 stats points.


The skill: [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] has leveled up to 2!

I let out a sigh of relief, that I finally killed the last Land Tiger I needed to level up. Furthermore, I got [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] to level up at the moment I level up as well.

Looking around, I started wondering where the other types of danger beasts in this forest. After all, I can't level up without killing since I don't have any quest that actually gives me EXP.

Bringing up my status screen to see if the EXP requirement to level up changed at all or not.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral

Lvl: 2 - EXP: 3/200

Profession: The Gamer

Title: None

HP: 100/100 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 100/100 - Regen: 1.3 MP per minute

STR: 10

END: 10

AGI: 10

INT: 10

WIS: 13

MAG: 10


Point: 5

Money: 0

Age: 19

Thinking about it for a moment, should I go with increasing my [Mana] regeneration or increase the MP capacity instead. This way I could use my skills more often, but if I increase my WIS stats instead, then my MP would recover faster.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I decided to raise my MAG stats instead of WIS. After all, with [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]'s 3rd Effect: Recover HP and MP x (level/2%) per second. I could recover my MP faster with a fire nearby for me to eat.

Plus, if I did my math right, just eating fire alone would restore my MP like nothing. Instead, it would be an example of wasting a high-level HP potion for a small loss of HP. When I could use a lower level HP potion to do the job.

So I put all 5 stats points into the MAG stats; bringing my MP to 150 now. Now, I could use [Fireball] 10 times now and [Conflagration] for a little over 10 seconds.

Not much different, but those little numbers can make a big difference in the future. Now, I just have to find a direction to get out of this forest and hope there is a village nearby.

It's a good thing I picked [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] or else I have to find some dry woods and rocks before I could make a campfire. Thanks to the program actually help me with my control over the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. Just 2 MP to create a small campfire, wasteful, but I need the fire to cook the Land Tiger's meat.

Hey, I may have [Gamer's Body], but that doesn't I can't taste at all. Because I tried eating fish raw after I killed it. Well, it tastes like raw meat as usual. Too bloody as well, causing me to almost gag at the taste.

Further notes, the campfire created through the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] doesn't go out after a few hours like normal fire should do. Which was weird, then again, it is made of [Demonic Fire]. Not normal and it shouldn't be expected to follow the same rules as normal fire.

So, I had to waste 2 MP to put it out. Where I could save those 2 MP without having to wait 2 minutes to recover them.

Anyway, it took me almost the whole day to find and kill 4 Land Tigers, then the rest today until it's afternoon now.

Honestly, I wish I can create skills, because by now. I should have more than 3 skills at this rate. One for stealth, another for cooking, detecting or scouting I guess, are the skills I could be named.

Lucky for me, even without the skill for cooking. I still have my experience before I gained the Gamer's ability and can still cook these fishes for me to eat.

After I figure out the trick to make a normal campfire without using my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. As the fishes tend to turn into ashes just by a small ember touching it.

However, I did discover that even by cooking these fishes and eating them. They don't act like HP and MP potions. Which I tested just in case due to my HP and MP are at 100%.

So I try to lose some HP just a little, 1 HP by biting my lip enough to lose a point in HP, and eat the cooked fish. Sadly, my HP didn't recover at all. So either I require to have the skill: [Cooking] to make it work or my [Gamer's Body] doesn't accept what I make without having the skill to make it into a[Food Item].

I didn't test out if eating someone else cooked food would work yet. Since there no one near me, to make them and have no clue if it works. After all, I don't have the skill: [Observe] to check if it actually does restore either my HP or MP, maybe even give a buff.

So until then, fire alone is equal to HP and MP potions to me, when I find a way to get a skill similar to [Observe].

If it wasn't for [Gamer's Mind]; I would be stress out like crazy by now. I got tossed into an anime/manga world and can't even leave a note for my family to find out why I disappeared without a single word of notice.

As I continue to walk without thinking about a direction, I still haven't found any other danger beasts beside those Land Tigers for some reason and no human in sight. Then again, it's only a day so far. I shouldn't expect to find any people in the middle of the forest.

I'm not at the point of getting sick of seeing trees and rocks just yet. And with [Gamer's Mind], I'm pretty sure it won't even let me feel sick of seeing something so often.

2 hours later*

Still trees and rocks, nothing changed in the past 2 hours and no danger beasts coming to eat me. I'm starting to think I'm very deep in this forest and near a high-rank danger beast that took some of these areas as its territory.

Maybe that's why I would see Land Tigers mostly when I should at least see some small animals as well. But, nothing at all. Hell, even the fishes are rarely seen in the many rivers I walked by.

If it wasn't for having an [Inventory] to carry these fishes, I wouldn't have anything to eat. Well, technically, I don't even have to eat in the first place due to [Gamer's Body], and mostly out of habit.

Plus, I wanted to see if someone cooking these fishes could actually be turned into a [Recovery Food Item]. Now, I just have to hope the next person I see wouldn't be crazy or shitty at cooking.

I take crazy anytime over shitty cooking if I could help it. At least, I could still have the sense of taste or I would have to abandon food in general due to tasting like cardboard.

But, why do I have the feeling I'm being watched since this morning and feel like this watcher is worse than a danger beast. Trusting my instinct, since it never lets me down. I start to keep my MP at the level enough for me to cash [Fireball] 3 times just in case.

Starting to really wish I could create my own skill right now. Because I could sure use a detection based skill at a time like this. Maybe I should have grabbed all the manga/anime/video games/etc from the get-go. At least, I could have more skill to gain to help me.

I heard a small whistle noise coming from my right, not dismissing this just the wind and quickly do a front roll, then got into position. Ready to activate [Time Alter] and [Shundo] right away.

Carefully, keeping my eyes in the direction where the sound came from and slowly take a few steps back until my right-hand touches something cold. Out of reflex, I glance at what caused this cold sensation.

I pale at what I found; an icicle of all things in this forest and I don't know any danger beasts that use the element of ice, but I do happen to know a certain female character that does.


You have found your destiny one! Now, you just have to marry her before getting the option to leave this universe!

If my face was pale before, I'm white as a sheet of paper now that I found out who the lucky girl and in my opinion the unlucky me for having this lucky girl as my future wife.

"Well, I've to say. I'm impressed and that's something people would rarely get from me." I heard the familiar deadly female voice and footsteps closing onto me.

If it wasn't for [Gamer's Mind] and [Gamer's Body]; I would be shaking in my boot right now and would gladly run if I didn't know that I could end up getting attacked from the back.

A tall, beautiful and slender woman with long light blue hair and blue eyes. Wearing the same General's outfit I saw from the anime/manga. Along with a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. Along with the dead away tattoo on her chest, to show the person possesses the deadly Teigu: [Demon's Extract].

Esdeath herself in person, staring right at me with an amusing look on her face. Not even bother to notice how uncomfortable I am at the moment; well, not like she could see it as my Gamer's ability forced them away. Lucky for me.

"And who are you? Why did you attack me? Also, can you cook?" The last question was out of nervousness, causing Esdeath to giggle at this. Since I'm pretty sure, no one would ask her of all people if she could cook when she got people to do that for her.

"Oh, just someone out on a walk. How about you? Got a name stranger?" Esdeath completely ignored my questions, much to my dismay. Mostly for the cooking part, since I really wanted to test out my theory of not having the cooking skill.

Yes, I placed cooking as the main priority. Sue me, I can't even feel fear due to [Gamer's Mind], so I may as well try my luck with Esdeath.

"Lady first." I mentally scold myself for doing this and should just tell her what she wanted. Because I rather not get tortured and was discovered about my abnormal healing rate. In someone's point view, and find out how the pain will go away in a matter of seconds.

This would make me a big target for someone of Esdeath's taste in preying on the weak.

"Hmm." Esdeath didn't seem to mind at this, much to my relief, "I'm Esdeath. Nice to meet you, stranger."

Okay, Esdeath didn't attack me outright for my response and dreading if she is just planning for a way to torture me later on.

"Ragna D. Mercer." I said to Esdeath, as I scream in my head, for speaking out my full name out of habit in my original world for introducing oneself to others.

"Ho. You have a last name. This is a surprise. Did you come up with it on your own or did you come from a clan of long history?" Esdeath's eyes light up at this, walking even closer to me. Only by a few meters in between us and decreasing by the second.

"I'm the last of my clan." I lied through my teeth, but somewhat true. Since my family isn't even in this world and I'm the only one here unless they find a way to travel to this universe. So technically, I'm literally the last of my clan (family).

Not even a week, and I've already found my so-called destiny one that happens to be the dangerous female characters in Akame Ga Kill and have to marry her if I want to leave this universe.

'Maybe living in this world far away from society isn't a bad idea.' I thought to myself, completely ignoring the fact that I may never reunion with my family.

At my reply, Esdeath's eyes widen a little in surprise and her smile grew further. As if she just found a treasure or something similar.

"I see." Esdeath replied, almost a meter or two between her and me right now. "Mind telling me why are you in the middle of a forest?"

'I do mind!' I mentally shout, "Would you believe me, if I'm lost in this forest?" I seriously hope she not aiming to torture me, because if so. I'm going to try my best to run away. Call me a coward all you want, but Esdeath is a high-level character if I had the skill: [Observe], then I bet she like in the level 100s or something.

"Oh really now?" Esdeath looks like she doesn't believe me one bit, "Then, would you like my help in getting out of this forest and back to the Empire?"

I really wanted to reject Esdeath 'kind' offer, but I have no clue where I'm at right now and who knows how long I would be lost in this forest. It could even be years by then.

"Sure." I calmly replied, "Now, can you answer my last two questions? Why you attack me and can you cook?" I'm starting to think my [Gamer's Mind] is messing with my mind more than I think. Because I still think about foods of all things.

"I wanted to see how strong you are to face a danger beast like the Land Tiger and kill it on your own. In fact, I was wondering if you could tell me about those flames of yours. I find them a little interesting." Esdeath was now just a few steps away from me. Surprisingly, I'm taller than her just by an inch or two.

'Why oh why did it had to be Esdeath of all people. I have to meet first upon arriving this world and also the key to leaving this damned world.' I feel like crying, but [Gamer's Mind] won't let me.

"Don't know. It just appears to me one day and I try to learn how to use it without burning everything around me." I made sure to keep my eye contact with her. Also, technically, what I'm saying is mostly true since that one day was yesterday. I just didn't speak out the whole truth. Who would with a person like Esdeath.

Esdeath continues to smile at me, which was a little funny when it looks like a normal smile instead of her sadist smile.

"Hmm. Well, you look like a good fighter without those flames of yours. Alright, let's go. I know the direction back to the Empire." Esdeath grabs my left wrist with her right hand and drags me along.

"Hey! Wait! I never agree to come back to wherever you came from! All I wanted was if you could cook!" I shouted in a panic, then calm afterward, much to Esdeath surprise at how fast I calm myself. Not that I will tell her about the [Gamer's Mind].

"Oh, don't be like that. I promise you, that it's the safest place you can stay instead of out of where in the forest." Esdeath tries to bribe me by informing me a few benefits of coming to the Empire with her.

'Lies! All lies!' Thankfully, [Gamer's Mind] stop me from having a panic attack. "I'm sure that's nice, but I rather not stick to a crowded area. I like to be alone and not have to deal with lots of people. It's one of the reasons why I decided to walk through the forest. At least, I don't have to deal with people."

Right now, I tried to struggle to free my left wrist, but Esdeath has iron like grip and from the look on Esdeath's face. She isn't having any trouble dragging me with her physical strength alone.

"I insist." Esdeath tries her best not to get mad after she found someone very interesting and the only reason she didn't follow an attack. Is because once she laid her eyes for the first time. She knew right away, what she has to do next. So she did her research on the person she dragging right now. By observing what flaws he possesses before approaching him throughout the whole morning.

Thinking fast, I activate [Time Alter: Double Accel], then throw multiple palm strikes to Esdeath's hand, forcing her to let go of my left wrist due to the sudden impacts.

Out of pure reflex, Esdeath throws a back roundhouse kick at me and use her Teigu to create an icicle above me at the same time.

While still under the effect of [Time Alter: Double Accel]; I activate [Shundo] afterward and appear behind Esdeath, much to her shock of seeing me appear right behind her, with my right fist already in the range of hitting her in the back.

I would have used [Conflagration], but I don't even have enough MP to cast it for a single second. Leaving me with only just a plain punch instead.


20 HP is lost due to the player not reverse the effect of [Time Alter: Double Accel] on time before MP went to 0.

Sadly, my MP ran out and the side-effect of [Time Alter: Double Accel] took effect right away. As my body tries to sync back to the normal time flow. Leading to damaging myself.

This gives Esdeath the chance to counterattack due to me suddenly stopping for just a second. Enough for her to spin around and knee me in the stomach, taking away 30 HP instantly.

I'm left with 50HP now and Esdeath could just do 3 or less more attacks, then I'm good as dead.

I kneel over while holding my stomach since the pain didn't disappear until a second passed by. A second too long, as Esdeath go for her second attack and aim to crush my head.

I force myself to roll to the left, dodging Esdeath's stomp. If I had an SP (Stamina Point) as a stats. Then, I would be out of it too soon. Then, I wouldn't be able to move at all.

But, seeing how I don't. I have would have to say [Gamer's Body] is making me stay in the average amount of stamina like how I can't feel pain after a second or so.

Making it seem like I have unlimited stamina. I just need to reach the breaking point and I would be out for a few seconds. Those seconds are enough for enemies to take advantages if they're given the chance to.

"Now, why did you have to do that? I've been watching you since this morning and I know your weak and strong points. So you may as well come quiet or else things could get ugly." Esdeath sends a smirk my way, much to her delight at seeing how I frown at her comment for a moment, proving some of her own theories being right.

"Just answer me this." I look at Esdeath with a serious look, causing Esdeath to raise an eyebrow at me. She gives me a hand gesture for me to go ahead before she takes me down.

"Can you cook?" I ask her, as I send her my own smirk, which may or may not be the right thing to do. Because Esdeath stares at me for a few seconds before her face turned red and quickly turn around to hide her face.

Much to my confusion, because I know for sure in canon. She wouldn't act like this. If anything, she just blushes for a moment or two, then back to her usual self. Hell, from my angle, I could see Esdeath look like she struggles with something.

I was about to ask another dumb question when Esdeath let out a cough and turn around and look at me with a familiar loving smile towards a certain male character of Esdeath's love interest in canon.

I try my best to think up all the pros of having Esdeath's love interest towards me. Surprisingly, I found more pros than cons. Which is sad in my opinion, if I was that desperate to have someone like Esdeath as a love interest.

Either this Esdeath has more experience in love or she was raised a bit differently compared to her canon version.

"Of course, I can cook. The question is, what would you give me in an exchange to cooking for you?" Esdeath asks me and didn't bother to wait for me to reply as she appears right in front me. Pushing me on my back as she sat on my stomach, much to my delight and dismay for multiple reasons why.

"Uh, my love?" I knew right away that question of mine would lead to countless problems in the future. Where I see Esdeath begin to breathe heavily and her face turns completely red once more.

"So this is love..." I heard Esdeath whisper to herself; I got the feeling some unknown force changed Esdeath's point of view about love instead of actually following the guideline of what she would consider someone as a love candidate.

'Welp, goodbye normal life, not like it wasn't normal in the first, and welcome to hell call: Esdeath. My future wife if I truly want to leave this universe.' I made a sad joke to myself, but with [Gamer's Mind] affecting me. I even gave Esdeath a chance, which shouldn't be possible unless I spend time with Esdeath in person more than just 20 minutes.

"So all I have to do is cook for you and I have your love? Sound like something cheap in my opinion." Esdeath quickly got a hold of herself, thinking that she getting ahead of herself and maybe this isn't the right love she wanted. But, her heart is beating faster than normal and she is breathing a bit too fast as well.

If Esdeath has to say anything, it looks like she in heat or something. The only reason she didn't just have sex with the person lying below her, which she found it could be a good or bad thing in her current situation. She has her pride to not just toss her virginity like it means nothing to her. Yes, she is still a virgin at her age and looks.

"Then I can leave?" I really wish I could get a skill that stops me from speaking without thinking before opening my mouth.

Esdeath smile further, once she realized that the person she held down was the type of person who speaks without thinking. This is one of her favorite and least favorite people to deal with.

Depending on who they are; she would be delighted and if she hated them, then she would outright kill them after gaining all the information she could get from them.

"Oh, no you don't." Esdeath leans her head towards mine and whisper, then notice my eyepatch. Causing Esdeath to frown at remembering someone in the past that wears an eyepatch as well.

"Let me see how badly hurt you are and maybe I have a way to recover your missing right eye." Esdeath gently said to me, as she brings up my eyepatch and went stiff.

Esdeath didn't know why, but after just raising the eyepatch of her love interest, she feels a familiar feeling. The feeling of killing intent, that caused her to come to this area of the forest yesterday. Now, she found out it was from the very same person that caught her interest.

Also, she was shocked to see a tattoo instead of the normal pupil and cornea. Just a little freak out about that, but was more worried about the rising killing intent.

She didn't know why, but it's more of a gut feeling. She put the eyepatch back in the same position before she moved it. Much to her surprise, the heavy pressure of killing intent disappeared right away like nothing happened just a second ago.

Esdeath blink. I blink. We stare at each other in the eye, then Esdeath moves my eyepatch again, enough to see my right eye, which is fine and the heavy killing intent return, then Esdeath quickly moves my eyepatch back in place. Making the heavy killing intent disappear right away.

Esdeath repeatedly did this at least 5 times until I stop her. Even I could feel the killing intent after a while. In the beginning, when I first took off my eyepatch. I was too focus on my [Ultimate Eye] and [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] to notice.

So thanks to Esdeath, I know another reason why I had an eyepatch covered over my right eye on my arrival in this universe. Besides the whole [Ultimate Eye].

"Before you ask. I have no clue why." I spoke out the moment Esdeath open her mouth to ask her unspoken question. "Also, the whole eye tattoo thing. I have no memory how I got it in the first place." Which is true, since I never got to pick what skill I can import from the [Fullmetal Alchemist Universe of Knowledge], but I will be able to later in the future thanks to Truth, maybe.

Esdeath raises an eyebrow at me, then lift her hand away from my eyepatch, then punch me in the face. Losing 10 HP at that single punch. Now, I'm left with 40 HP much to my horror.

"Huh, you didn't pass out." Esdeath frowns a little, then smirk at me. "So are you coming back with me to the Empire?" To help her persuade me. She even grinds herself on me, hoping to cause me to react. Sadly, she found out nothing happened.

Esdeath looks down at my crotch, "I know for sure you're not a eunuch if I could still feel it. Are you gay?"

My left eyebrow twitches like crazy and I blame my [Gamer's Body] or [Gamer's Mind] for not even letting me have a boner.

Before I could say anything, I let out a yelp when Esdeath actually grabs my dick, causing it to harden right away. Much Esdeath delight before her disappointing eyes it went limp.

"Okay, maybe you're not gay and something just wrong with you." Esdeath said to mostly to herself than to me. "Ooooh~! I see now." Esdeath smirk at me, which caused me to be confused at what's she talking about.

"So you are the same as me!" Esdeath was even more delighted than a few seconds before. "You want to experience love as well after going through so many battles in your life. Am I right?!" Esdeath had this crazy look in her eyes, way different compared to her canon version.

'Now, I'm really lost. Where did Esdeath come up with this conclusion?' I blankly stare at Esdeath, who continue to speak out her thoughts for a minute or so now.

"Sure?" I wonder if there a way to level up to 10 soon, so I could grab a skill to help me block the influence of the [Gamer's Mind] if I keep on speaking without thinking about it first.

Esdeath is delighted to hear my response, even if it sounds like a question at my end. As Esdeath literally pick me off the ground and spin me around with a hug, to her joy and my horror, that this is my life now.

'Now, I really wish this was all a dream and not my new reality.' I truly feel like this is on hard mode or higher. I wanted easy mode so I could be overpowered within months at most and weeks at least.

"You're mine and I'm yours. Now, let's explore the wonder of love together~!" Esdeath gives me a loving smile, with a hint of insanity in her eyes.

'Well, damn. I got the extreme yandere version of Esdeath, maybe. There goes my plan of a harem.' I thought dryly; like I could ever get a harem with someone like Esdeath in it unless I was overpowered enough to stop her from killing the other girls.

"Now, we shall return to the Empire and plan our wedding." Esdeath drag me once more and this time, her grip was even stronger than before and not taking no for an answer. Not even bother to waste time to talk with me like she did a few seconds ago.

"Wedding!? Isn't that too soon?!" I panic for a few seconds before the [Gamer's Mind] remove. 'I want to panic, okay?! This is a good time to let me panic longer than a few seconds!' I roar at my [Gamer's Mind].