Chapter 6: No Pain, No Gain

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 6: No Pain, No Gain

Day 19: I Didn't Die At Least? Part 2

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

"Well, seeing how we don't really need to find any food to eat, thanks to us putting in a large amount of food inside your [Inventory] when we were still back in my universe. Including drinkable water as well. So food and water are not an issue for months at least if we also include little Lenalee here." Esdeath said to me, as she reminds both of us that we are not in dire need of food and water at the moment.

After all, both Esdeath and I made sure to pack everything we may need into my [Inventory]. This includes food and drinkable water, so we don't have to worry about having Lenalee with us to feed. As these supplies would last us long enough for a year due to how the hidden effect of the [Inventory] would freeze the time of everything inside it. So, when I take something out, it would be the same state it was before entering my [Inventory].

"Therefore, we could go out hunting Akuma for a while, so you can upgrade your [Dark Matter]. But, we got to make sure to keep a low profile. Because I rather not face an army of Teigu user, sorry, Exorcists I mean. Along with any other [Magic] users as well. Not to mention we may face the Noah Family sooner or later." Esdeath continues off while finally getting off my back, relieving me of my punishment for now.

"This is true. Since technically, we're on the Black Order's radar now due to Lenalee. Even then, the knowledge of me possessing [Dark Matter] would be revealed at some point, which would cause the Black Order to hunt me down to gain the knowledge on how I survived when I should be dead for holding [Dark Matter] inside my body." I agreed with Esdeath as in this universe. We don't really have any allies.

The Noah Family would either invite us to join their side, but may end up betrayed since both Esdeath and I are technically still human. An abnormal human, but still human at this point. Which some of the Noah would kill a human on sight.

As for the Black Order; they would plain out experimenting on both Esdeath amed I, mostly to find my method of gaining access to the [Dark Matter], which they will still find out a way either way in the future in the Third Exorcist Program.

"And, we should find some way to contact with Lenalee's older brother without getting the attention of the Black Order while doing so. If what you say about Lenalee's older brother: Komui Lee is true. Then, Lenalee here would reunite with him three years from now if we were to leave her with the Black Order." Esdeath wasn't that keen on keeping Lenalee in the first place, but after finding out the child possess one of those [Innocence].

Well, Esdeath changed her mind quickly enough and keep her words on helping Lenalee finding her home or find Komui instead. Since Esdeath know Lenalee wouldn't care about her home and rather be back with her older brother.

"Right now, Komui could be anywhere. Since he hasn't joined the Black Order yet, to come after Lenalee." I stretch my muscles out of habit, then pull out a water bottle out of my [Inventory] to drink a little before passing it over to Esdeath.

Where it's my turn to hold the sleeping Lenalee and watch over it while Esdeath can do whatever she wants right now.

"Nonetheless, we can't just stay here any longer. We need to move soon since those CROW and maybe even Exorcists are trying to find us as we speak." Esdeath finishes drinking all the water inside the water bottle, then destroy it with her Teigu.

Esdeath didn't want to leave any evidence behind at all, even if there are countless of other empty water containers somewhere in this ruined city. But, with how dusty some of these places is. Then, seeing something not covered in dust would lead a trail towards them.

It's not like Esdeath didn't get her husband to pack countless numbers of water containers into his [Inventory] along with any other random things they may need when they transfer to a whole different universe. So getting rid of one isn't a problem for them.

"Well, lead the way Esdeath." I didn't bother to be the one to pick a direction, seeing how I have no clue where we are in the first place, besides, we are in England, and anything else is either not that useful at the moment or nothing worth mention.

Esdeath looks out the glassless windows of the broken down house, which we stayed for the night and we didn't need to worry about where we need to sleep. Since I have sleeping bags in my [Inventory] as well.

Of course, last night is still considered our wedding day, but neither Esdeath or I was in the mood for sex, this includes the penis in pussy sex too. Not to mention there Lenalee's presence at the time.

"Come on, I think I know a way out of this city. First thing first, we need to leave this city and find a populated area if we want to blend in this universe." Esdeath already knows what our course of actions is.

3 hours later*

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

It took us three long hours just to leave the ruined city, or part of the city that looks like it's in ruin, and not even a single Akuma show up during those three hours. Not even the level 1 Akuma, which we found one yesterday.

So during the walk; Lenalee woke up and had a quick breakfast of waffles, with syrup and butter, along with a glass of orange juice. Then, we started running and to save us some time. Esdeath carried Lenalee the whole time during the run until we reach the edge of the city.

"Do you know where we are, Esdeath?" I look around the area, with the ruined city behind us just a few miles away.

Esdeath looks around, with Lenalee doing the same in the hope she could see anything that would trigger her bury memories of where she used to live before the Akuma came into her life.

"Ragna. I only know the basic, that doesn't mean I would know all the places around here." Esdeath gives her husband a deadpan look, then continue to look around the area to see if she could find the right direction to pick before continue our travel.

"Sorry." I said to Esdeath, but still haven't found any other people yet, not including those people from the Black Order, since we're still trying to avoid them.

"Let's just head north." Esdeath decided to just pick a direction and hope there would be a town in this direction with a few days of travel on foot without any vehicles or any types of transportation.

The next day*

Day 20: Lesson On Tactical Retreat

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Last night; Esdeath and I still didn't have sex or even doing any heavy petting. Since we're literally out in the open for the enemy to take advantage of us. But, I managed to use [Meditation] for 8 hours long before it's time for Esdeath and Lenalee to wake up and resume our travel.

So far, we travel for who knows how long on foot and nothing, but grasses and trees. At least, we took breaks every often for Lenalee to eat and rest. After a while, Esdeath decided to let Lenalee walk on her own while we continue our travel.

This way, Lenalee can train on her endurance and build up her stamina during our journey to find her brother. And it wasn't really a surprise when Esdeath wanted to start Lenalee's training, which Lenalee was confused at first and started to feel afraid since the training Esdeath put her through is almost worse than the one she went back at the Black Order.

But, Lenalee's fear disappeared once Esdeath reason with her on why she needs to do this or she won't be able to reunite back to her older brother due to her lack of power to face the world.

Yup, Esdeath actually tricked little Lenalee to train without having to force her to train through physical methods. Then again, from what Esdeath talk about her life in the military during the week we spent together back in her universe. This wasn't that hard Esdeath to trick a child.

"Come on, Lenalee. You got to be faster if you want to run away from an Akuma long enough until either myself or my husband arrive to rescue you." Esdeath said to Lenalee, as she started her lecture on what she needs to do while there a chance of being separate somehow.

Currently, we are still walking and Esdeath chooses this moment to give Lenalee a lecture on what she needs to do and the first thing Esdeath taught Lenalee is to retreat or find a way to survive against an Akuma until she is found by one of us.

After all, Lenalee is still a child and don't have the training or any experience in using her [Innocence: Dark Boots]. But, at least Lenalee already learned how to activate her [Innocence].

Which is a good thing, because neither Esdeath or I know how to activate one and even if we managed to get our hands on one. It still doesn't mean we know instinctively know how to use it.

From what Lenalee could tell us yesterday from what she could recall easily. Is that people like her tend to find out how to use their [Innocence] by instinct once they're in the presence of an Akuma.

Afterward, we wanted to see how long Lenalee could keep her [Innocence] active and found her limit is ten minutes before her [Innocence] deactivate on its own. Which both Esdeath and I found a little weird. Since we thought Lenalee would either fall unconscious from the mental fatigue of using the [Innocence] beyond her limit or some other unknown side-effects from using an [Innocence] too long, but still be able to keep their [Innocence] activated.

All we could do now; well, Esdeath could do now is to train Lenalee to be able to move fast and be aware of her surroundings. So she could find the best place to hide for a few seconds, then move to other different hiding spots.

The next day*

Day 21: Healing Spells For The Win!

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Same as the previous night. I raised my MAG stat by 8 once more via [Meditation] for 8 hours long. Where I don't need sleep and can watch over the girls without any problems.

Yesterday, we still haven't reached a town yet and continue training Lenalee. Where we chose to train Lenalee in endurance and spatial awareness, along with keeping her [innocence] activate until it deactivates on its own before waiting for 20 minutes before reactivating it again.

We wanted to see if this could be a way for Lenalee to sync with her [Innocence] in a way for her to keep her [Innocence] activate longer. Sadly, so far, no progress. But, we can't expect to see the result instantly. So we had Lenalee continue to do this to see if anything happens.

At least, Lenalee is a fast learner and started getting a hang of the training methods Esdeath put her through. Though, Lenalee would end up getting badly hurt at the end due to countless mistakes Esdeath pointed out.

Then, I would use [Tier 1: Healing Wounds], [Tier 1: Healing Fatigue], and [Tier 1: Healing Body Stress]. Yeah, not my best naming for these healing spells. But, it's easier for me to remember without having to bring up my skills list to find out which spells I create for which [Slayer Magic].

[The Art of Healing]:

1st Form: Hand - 1 MP = 1-meter radius

1st Effect: Heal external wounds - Varies MP = 1 MP per second

2nd Effect: Increase 1st Effect's speed - Varies MP = 1 MP x 1st Effect

Name: [Tier 1: Healing Wounds] - MP cost: Varies | Minimum: 1 MP

[The Art of Healing]:

1st Form: Hand - 1 MP = 1-meter radius

1st Effect: Recover fatigue - Varies MP = 1 MP per second

2nd Effect: Increase 1st Effect's speed - Varies MP = 1 MP x 1st Effect

Name: [Tier 1: Healing Fatigue] - MP cost: Varies | Minimum: 1 MP

[The Art of Healing]:

1st Form: Hand - 1 MP = 1-meter radius

1st Effect: Recover body stress - Varies MP = 1 MP per second

2nd Effect: Increase 1st Effect's speed - Varies MP = 1 MP x 1st Effect

Name: [Tier 1: Healing Body Stress] - MP cost: Varies | Minimum: 1 MP

Honestly, I wanted to recreate that unnamed healing spell Wendy use in the Fairy Tail series, but don't have enough MP to create it sadly. So I went with these healing spells. Plus, I can actually use it and pick which one to use to save MP.

Either way, this training helped Lenalee slowly get used to both Esdeath and I. While at the first day; Lenalee would still be wary of us and took a few seconds before she accepts anything from us.

Now, due to Esdeath's training and words of comforts to help Lenalee lower her guards around us. Mostly with Esdeath than with me. As Lenalee is still wary of me for some reason instead of Esdeath, who clearly is a much threat compare to me. And I'm the one that healed her back to health, but afterward, Lenalee would quickly run over to Esdeath and hide behind my wife's legs.

Esdeath was very amused during those moments and didn't bother to get Lenalee to like me. But, I did my job and wasn't even trying to get the child version of Lenalee to like me.

At least, thanks to Lenalee. I managed to level up my [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] by 5 times today and 6 times yesterday. A total of 11 levels. Halfway to unlocking [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]'s 6th Effect soon.

The next day*

Day 22: Nowhere In Sight

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Three days now; and still no town in sight, but we were in no hurry to get there due to training Lenalee and once we reach a town filled with people. We would have to find a way to train Lenalee without making it look like we're abusing Lenalee in the public point of views.

Last night, Esdeath and I did some heavy petting to get rid of the sexual frustration. Where Esdeath would give me a handjob and I give her a finger job until both of us climax. Of course, we made sure Lenalee wasn't awake just in case after round one.

Once we were in the clear; Esdeath would suck me while I do the same and we continue doing this until we no longer feel the needs to continue. Which we may have miscalculated because we continue to go at it until sunrise.

Both Esdeath and I learned one thing last night. If we don't do it or a way to relieve ourselves with each other. Then, it would cause our sex drive to go crazy and may last longer than we wanted it to.

So we're lucky, that we got that out of our system and without Lenalee finding out two perverts were going at it like animals nearby.

Nonetheless, both Esdeath and I promise each other to at least do a quickie every night from now on unless we want to risk ourselves going mad from sexual frustration.

Bright side, both Esdeath and I are much happier due to this, which Lenalee clearly can see we were too happy in the morning.

Bad side, I didn't get to use [Meditation], but it was worth missing the time to use it in my opinion. If I have to miss the extra MAG stats because my wife wanted sex, then I would be a fool to reject that.

"Hey, Esdeath. See anything around us that would tell you where we are?" I ask my wife, who currently helping Lenalee wipe her mouth after finishing our lunch, then later resume our walk.

"Nope." Esdeath said in a tired tone, then resume watching Lenalee running around us in a circle before the food is ready to be served.

The next day*

Day 23: Finally! And Shit!

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

I got 3 hours into [Meditation] after Esdeath and I did a few quickies to be satisfied, then Esdeath would go to sleep and made sure Lenalee is sleeping comfortably.

It's a good thing both Esdeath and I came to an agreement on the second day of our stay in this universe. Where I would continue my time using [Meditation] while watching over her and Lenalee.

After all, I can still use [Eagle Vision] while under the effect of [Meditation]. I just need to increase the number of times I need to recover my MP back up. It's a good thing, I only require a single second to recover my whole MP or else I couldn't continue using [Meditation] without risking both Esdeath and Lenalee dying from lack of oxygen in the air to breath.

And we finally found a town, with people in it and no Akuma in sight. Well, kind of useless to use my [Sha Naqba Imuru] when it could only work on a single target at a time to see if they're an Akuma or not. Otherwise, it's pretty much a waste of my [Mana] to continue checking on every single person walk by us.

The town we found is literally close to the mountain and far away from the ocean or sea, I can't tell the difference where we are. But, I just know we not close to a water body.

The folks here seem nice enough to tell us where we are after explaining how long we walked to come here. But, only Esdeath and maybe Lenalee knew where the heck we are, because the name of this town doesn't ring a bell to me.

While looking around; I just remember, we're literally broke in this universe after realizing all the cash we have on us don't match, which wasn't that surprising, and so, I had to bargain with a few of the people for healing.

Of course, I wasn't stupid to use my [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] here in the open. I would be using the [Nabong Needle Ryu] instead and lucky for me, to have the 3rd Effect belong to the skill unlocked.

It's a good thing these people were very trusting, too trusting in my opinion, even Esdeath find this a little weird and disturbing. As not everyone could be trusting to random strangers like nothing without having the time to stay here, for the people here to get used to the strangers until they either leave or live here with the rest of the town folks.

Furthermore, come before you and claim they know a way to heal you without having to go through a painful progress and a little bit of time to doing so. But, here, the people gladly accepted the treatment with a smile on their faces.

Seeing this a little weird, I use [Sha Naqba Imuru] on my next 'patient' and wanted to know what the hell is going on. While both Esdeath and Lenalee are next to me, talking to the other people waiting for their turn to get treated.

Character Name: Anke [Anker]

HP: 100%/100%


Status Ailments: Possession

Age: 30 [4 Months]

Current Emotion: None [Rage]

Relationship Status: N/A

Special Ability: [Evolution: Level 1] - The user will grow through killing humans. Once the substantial quota of kills of humans or Exorcists will the user, evolve to [Level 2 Akuma]: 81% until evolution.

'Well, shit.' I didn't think I would find another Akuma less than a week and in a populated area. Furthermore, I'm literally giving one a treatment at this very moment.

"And that's done. Do you feel any pain?" I pull out the [Acupuncture Needles] out of their left arm. 'Good thing I got these made along with the wedding rings.' I was happy to request for these the same time Esdeath requested for the weddings rings.

As [Nabong Needle Ryu]'s 2nd Effect can give my fingers the ability to function as needles. But, I can't stick my fingers all over the place due to some pressure points need to be stuck with a needle for the whole time while going for the other pressure points.

"I feel much better! Thank you, kind sir." The Akuma disguise themselves in their lover/cousin/etc body, as they shake my hands, with a bright smile on their face.

"No problem." I said to the Akuma as I give them the permission to leave while making sure to imprint the face of this Akuma's human form to memory before I accept the next patient.

Esdeath saw this and knew right away something is wrong, then quickly figure out the person she saw her husband look at for a few seconds longer than usual when his patient left. Therefore, the last one her husband just treated just now is likely to be an Akuma.

1 hour later*

I level up [Nabong Needle Ryu] once this whole time, but still, at least I leveled it up instead of nothing.

Nonetheless, I have managed to get us enough money to get rent us an apartment here for a few days. Not like we wanted to. But, since with my weaken stats right now. Esdeath and I would rather play it safe for now.

Plus, Esdeath and I wanted to know if I would get another debuff from eating a level 1 Akuma again. So, Esdeath and I walk around and made sure to look like we're considering buying anything in this town before looking a place to sleep for the day.

The next day*

Day 24: Scouting Ahead

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

It took some time, but we found a small place that has a single bedroom available for us to rent for a few days, which was big enough to fit Esdeath, Lenalee and I without any trouble, yesterday.

During last night, Esdeath and I made sure no one was awake in the building before we did one quick round before going to bed, and sadly, I couldn't use [Meditation] due to how little the room is, along with the windows being shut tight and couldn't be open. So no [Meditation] session last night.

In the morning, we went around and greeting everyone before finding a small place that sells food for us to eat. As neither Esdeath or I carried any bags with us. It would be weird for the people here to see us not eating anything during our stay here. Even the people that rented out their bedroom to us would find this weird.

So, going out to eat and in public would have to do for now. The only downside to this was the quality of the food we ate. Lenalee did not like it one bit and almost complained if it wasn't for Esdeath sending a look in Lenalee's direction if she so much as make a single rude remark to the kind people who made our food for us to eat, even if we paid for it.

Afterward, we walked around the place until we found anything interesting. Nothing caught our attention, but Lenalee's small mind did find lots of things interesting and pull Esdeath's hand to point out lots of things around us and ask what they are.

Which causes the people nearby to look at us with smiles on their faces, as they watch a young couple and their daughter bonding before their sights.

Neither Esdeath and I made a comment about how Lenalee isn't our daughter and just ignore the whispers, but loud enough for Esdeath and me to hear them while Lenalee's attention wouldn't allow her to hear anything, but Esdeath or my voice right now.

The next day*

Day 25: For A Moment

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Same as yesterday, no [Meditation] and another quickie, and went the same place for breakfast and lunch. Then walk around to see other unknown places before walking back to the nearby park, where all children spend most their time playing there. With other parents nearby watching over their kids.

We let Lenalee play with the other kids as Esdeath use these moments to speak with the other wives while making sure it looks like she mean no harm. As Esdeath try to gain intel about anything interesting happens here lately.

As for me, I would take this time to use [Meditation] while Esdeath do the talking. Therefore, I just look like one of those quiet ones and watch over their kids in silence.

I managed to reach 2 hours and could have made it to 3 hours if Esdeath didn't have to make me talk sometimes to make our acts look real in front of these married women. But, I still got 2 hours in lucky, even an hour would be fine.

During those 3 hours; Lenalee looks like she actually had a normal life as she played around with the other kids until it was time for us to leave, which made Lenalee feel sad for a while for having to leave her new friends. But, knew this was for the best after Esdeath persuaded her about how her life compares to other is completely different.

The next day*

Day 26: It's Almost Time

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Finally, today was the last day before my debuffs disappear and tomorrow would be the time for Esdeath and I to attack the Akuma. As we discovered seven Akuma in this town. Well, the one I managed to find through [Sha Naqba Imuru]. It's mostly out of plain luck for the last four of the seven Akuma, that Esdeath and I found today and yesterday.

Right now, Esdeath is trying to explain Lenalee on what she needs to do tomorrow while we hunt down the Akuma inside this town. While we could warn the nice people here about the Akuma we're about to face tomorrow. Sadly, neither Esdeath or I are nice enough to tell the town folks. Even if we did, they wouldn't believe us and just think we're crazy, then go on with their lives.

Well, unless someone possesses an [Innocence], then that's a different story. But, so far, I didn't find one and only found those Akuma. I've been using the [Sha Naqba Imuru] more often since I arrived in this universe and only managed to level it up 5 times.

"Hey, Esdeath. What do you think the chance of this whole town would be destroyed by the time we finish killing off the Akuma?" I ask Esdeath while I continue to think of a way to take down all the seven Akuma without letting one kill all the town people to evolve to level 2. As three out of the seven are close to becoming level 2 Akuma.

"Who knows." Esdeath didn't really care if the town survives this or not. She just wants this to be done with and wanted to continue training Lenalee up to her standard.

"Then we'll have to resume our search for another town, then after tomorrow's battle." I said to Esdeath, who pause for a moment and shrugged her shoulders, to show she really don't mind at all about having to search for another place for us to stay.

'Right. Esdeath is used to living outdoors without any problems.' I thought dryly from the memories of how Esdeath explained how she survives in the wildness during her childhood before she joined the Empire.

The next day*

Day 27: Aww Man!

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

"Lenalee, do you remember what you need to do?" Esdeath crouches down to Lenalee's height level and stares at the child she took in to raise. "You need to stay somewhere quiet and make sure to stay safe while the fight is going on. We don't want you to get hurt, okay?"

Lenalee nods her little head, but looks a bit confused until Esdeath explains the best she can to Lenalee or thing may be bad.

"Alright, take care and make sure not to cause any problems while we're gone." Lenalee rubs the top of Lenalee's head before signaling me, that we're ready to go.

20 minutes later*

"So how do you want us to do this? Confront them or what?" I ask my wife, as we ignore the people looking at us with our weapons in sight when the first day coming here we had our weapons in my [Inventory] to show we're unarmed to lower the people's guards down around us.

"Oh, we just have to wait a few minutes before going back to where Lenalee is at. Those Akuma should be coming for her now that we're gone from her side." Esdeath pretty much just told me we're literally using Lenalee as Akuma bait.

Esdeath notices her husband staring at her and figure she should explain more since it looks like he doesn't know the reasons for this.

"Well, if you don't know this, but Akuma tends to draw to [Innocence] user once they activate them near an Akuma's sense of range. And since Lenalee is still a child and activated her [Innocence] within this town before. These Akuma would search for Lenalee and whenever she alone or someone similar to Lenalee's case. These Akuma would wait until other are gone before taking action." Esdeath explains this to her husband and started heading back to where Lenalee is.

I didn't know if I should smack myself for not remembering this or what. But, since this already happening. We quickly rush back to where we left Lenalee.

"Wait, isn't level 1 Akuma stupid though. Wouldn't sensing Lenalee's [Innocence] be completely useless due to not being good at sensing at all. They're just programmed to kill and evolve only at level 1." I said to Esdeath, who blank out for a few seconds before smacking her forehead.

"Forgot about we're dealing with a level 1 and not those higher level ones." Esdeath let out a tired sigh, but still kept on heading back to Lenalee.

"So now what?" I ask Esdeath, wondering what we're going to do now that Esdeath's plan is pretty much useless. "Because if you haven't remembered; well, sort through all the knowledge you gained. But, only special Akuma would have the ability to be a sensor while the rest are pretty much fighting idiots and only know how to fight. Other than that. They don't really know much."

Esdeath frowns a little and continues walking back to Lenalee, and maybe find another plan to get rid of the Akuma.

I pull up my status list to see what my stats look like without the debuff effects applied on me any longer.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral - Chaotic

Lvl: 10 - EXP: 30/102400

Profession: The Gamer

Title: [Husband of Esdeath D. Mercer] - Have the ability to teleport to your wife location instantly per 24 hours. Title effect will still be in effect even if it's not equipped.

HP: 180/180 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 470/470 - Regen: 6.4 MP per minute

DM Tier 0: 10%/100% - Regen: 0 per minute

Tier 1 Requirement: 1/10 Lvl: 1 [Akuma]

STR: 15

END: 18

AGI: 13

INT: 48

WIS: 64

MAG: 47

LUCK: 20

RES: [Dark Matter]: Tier 1: 50% (Can't add points into this stat)

Point: 4

Money: 0

Age: 19

'Hmm, I wonder...' I started thinking maybe having the -75% debuff in all stats wouldn't be a bad thing on a long run once I thought about something just now and should have tested it out on day one when I got the debuff. And wonder why I didn't do it yesterday when I still had the debuff.

Nonetheless, the MP is 6 times than it was before I came to this world. Then again, it's thanks to the skill: [Meditation].

5 minutes later*

Lenalee stares at us and wonders if the fights were over already. Because she didn't wait that long and didn't finish the book she was handed to read while she waits.

"Okay, so my plan wasn't that great." Esdeath looks a little bit disappointed, but at least she can learn from her mistakes and not treat the Akuma like the same enemies back in her universe.

"If I recall correctly. We just need an Exorcist's uniform to draw out the Akuma. As they are made to cause the Akuma to look for them due to special materials they crafted it out of. Well, that's based on my fragment of memories. I don't know if this is true or not." I shrugged at Esdeath, who looks like she thinking about raid one of the Black Order's bases for those uniforms or just the materials for us to make our own clothes from it. After I grab a skill to allow me to craft clothes first, though.

"Oh, hey. There's one right there." I look to my right and found one of the seven Akuma is walking by itself towards somewhere, maybe to kill another human to evolve.

Funny enough, [Nabong Needle Ryu] could be tricked by these Akuma, since it still works with these Akuma in their human forms. But, I have no idea if it really works or these Akuma just didn't care enough to realize if it works or not.

I'm learning to, not because I tried to kill one of them before with [Nabong Needle Ryu] and the result was a failure.

Then again, they were wearing the human skins to disguise themselves and my [Nabong Needle Ryu] only target the surface area. So who knows if it works on an Akuma in their true form or not. Better test it out later on. Since it worked on danger beasts, making it not limited to a human only skill.

"Esdeath make sure Lenalee doesn't get hurt. I want to see if these Akuma would come after killing one of them." I said to Esdeath, then use [Shundo] to appear behind the level 1 Akuma, then quickly activate [Time Alter: Double Accel] the next second.

I slice the Akuma's human's head with [Flick Sword Form] and no surprise to see the Akuma still alive, and quickly transforming after getting its human head separate from its body.

Backing off quickly, then use [Fire Devil Slayer Magic: Fire Spear] and strike at the back of the Akuma while it's still in its progress of transforming. Burning the Akuma alive, but the Akuma didn't even let out a sound. As it's being burned alive before disappearing in a matter of seconds while not being able to finish its transformation.

Also, gaining another level for the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] due to a successful in killing the Akuma.

"Well, shit. I didn't get to eat that one." I thought out loud at the sight of destroying the Akuma without leaving its corpse behind for me to eat.

The people nearby that saw this, stared at me for a few seconds before running in all directions while screaming at the top of their lungs for murdering one of them.

I let out a tired sigh, wondering if I should kill these people to save the trouble of hiding my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] or not.

However, I didn't need to think about this any longer as ice spikes appear around the area, piercing through all the town folks, killing them instantly by Esdeath.

Slowly, the ice started to cover the whole town until giant size spikes of ice are formed high enough to overtake the tallest building in this town, which wasn't that tall being 2 stories high.

Wanting to know why Esdeath killed everyone in this town, and maybe even those other six Akuma. So with both [Shundo] and [Time Alter: Double Accel] still activated. I rush back inside the building I just left in order to kill the first Akuma.

Upon arrival, I found Esdeath looking bored and unamused, who is currently staring off into space while Lenalee shivering from the sudden coldness and afraid of Esdeath's cold presence.

"Okay, what's wrong and why the whole killing everything?" I ask Esdeath, who look at me with a bored look.

"I save us some trouble by getting rid of these people, so they won't reveal what happened here to the world. Well, not like there won't be people searching for us, but I want to get ourselves some more time to get ahead of them." Esdeath said to me, then snap her fingers as all the ice broke down instantly.

"But, weren't they nice to us?" Lenalee's little mind couldn't comprehend what's going on and wonder if she picked the right choice of tagging along with these two and stayed behind with those bad people she ran away from.

"Lenalee. Here is an important lesson in life. No one perfect." Esdeath said in a serious tone, causing Lenalee to shiver as she remembers this is the same tone Esdeath would use when she made a mistake during training.

"What does that mean?" Lenalee didn't really exactly know some of these words, but knew it important if someone like Esdeath would say them.

Esdeath blankly stares at Lenalee, then think the best way to explain this to a six-year-old child, who clearly don't know all the words and their definition.

I quickly look away when Esdeath looks in my direction and try not to notice when Esdeath knew I was trying to avoid this.

"Remember. I'm a self-learner." I throw in these words to get Esdeath to stop trying to force me to help her out on this when clearly I'm no good at teaching others.

I continue to ignore the way Esdeath glaring at me for a few seconds before trying to explain to Leanlee about how there is always a dark side of mankind. No one is the perfect nice person as they would always do something to benefit oneself.

Looking out the broken windows thanks to Esdeath; I notice a few giant shadows floating in midair and realize there are six of them and are Akuma.

"Well, they're clearly not dead." I thought out loud, causing Esdeath to look back in my direction and quickly figure out she didn't manage to kill off those remaining six Akuma on her own.

Walking over; Esdeath can see all level 1 Akuma are floating everywhere, checking for anything alive to kill. Seeing how they are only made to kill and nothing else until they level up to 2.

"I guess I can't kill them." Esdeath frowns a little and feels a little disturb about this. Since throughout her whole life she can almost kill anything if she put her mind to it. "At least now I found some worthy prey to hunt down. Now, I just need to come up methods to kill these Akuma."

I glance at my wife and wonder if this was a good thing or not, but decided to just go along with it. Let Esdeath be crazy about this until she goes back to normal or Esdeath's normal at least.

Without giving me a chance to say something to her. Esdeath tap the wall I'm leaning on and it broke down, showing that even though she made all the ice to disappear. There would be some left over for her usage and it looks like the wall I was leaning on was clearly made out of ice, with the outer layer kept for a cover to hide what's underneath.

Then, Esdeath raises her left hand to the sky, where she creates several icicles from thin air and fires them at all the six Akuma, sending all six Akuma crashing down.

"Think that would kill them?" I wanted to know if Esdeath could actually kill these Akuma with her Teigu while I know for sure I could kill an Akuma through [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. On the hand, for Esdeath, I have no idea beside she could freeze them in place.

"Nope. I didn't put too much into that attack. It's mostly getting them to ground level. Now, go and kill them off while I take care of Lenalee." Esdeath waves her right hand at me while she returns back inside the building, with one of the walls gone, leaving a big gap in the building.

"Didn't you say you found some worthy prey? Wouldn't I be stealing these from you?" I look back at Esdeath, who clearly didn't pay much attention to these Akume any longer.

"I know what I said. But, I meant those higher level Akuma, not these weaklings that can't even sense Lenalee's [Innocence]. So no, they aren't worthy for me to hunt down myself and I just help you out like a good loving wife I am. So be a good husband and go do your job while I do mine." Esdeath continues to wave her left hand at me, showing that she gave her permission for me to leave her presence.

I didn't know if I should laugh or not due to Esdeath sudden mood swing, maybe thinking it her time of the month, but kept these thoughts to myself. I rather not end up with a worse punishment than Esdeath inflicting on me already.

They are weird and unusual punishment and doesn't really cause heavy physical pain, but not something I would like to experience any longer than I really want to. So, I went off to finish off the other six Akuma and eat them if I can, to see I get the debuff again or not. If so, I can use that idea I came up with to see if it work.

3 hours later*


For running for a long time. As a result, your endurance increased by 5.

This is my 4th times, increasing my END stat by 5s. A total of 20 END stat increase so far. Along with a total of 23 AGI and 15 STR stats increase due to having to use my [Korosu] to cut up the five remaining Akuma fast enough before they could counterattack, then for me to consume them afterward.

While the first one gave me the -75% decrease in all stats, besides the RES stat for some reasons.

My idea was to train myself physical again to raise my stats, which worked due to the -75% debuff and even with the increase stats. The debuff's effect still applies to the newly acquired stats.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral - Chaotic

Lvl: 10 - EXP: 30/102400

Profession: The Gamer

Title: [Husband of Esdeath D. Mercer] - Have the ability to teleport to your wife location instantly per 24 hours. Title effect will still be in effect even if it's not equipped.

HP: 95/95 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 117.5/117.5 - Regen: 6.4 MP per minute

DM Tier 0: 70%/100% - Regen: 0 per minute

Tier 1 Requirement: 7/10 Lvl: 1 [Akuma]

STR: 30 (-75%): 7.5

END: 38 (-75%): 9.5

AGI: 26 (-75%): 6.5

INT: 48 (-75%): 12

WIS: 64 (-75%): 16

MAG: 47 (-75%): 11.75

LUCK: 20 (-75%): 5

RES: [Dark Matter]: Tier 1: 99% (Can't add points into this stat) [Require level 2 Akuma for 100%]

Point: 4

Money: 0

Age: 19

Yeah, this debuff may be a blessing in a disguise. So, with this said, I'm pretty much going to keep on having this debuff on until it doesn't matter at some point later on in the future.

Furthermore, after consuming another five Akuma after the first one. I discovered the debuff increase an extra day for how long this debuff last. Meaning, I got five extra days added to the week I already had for this debuff. A total of twelve days until the debuff disappeared.

"How did it go?" Esdeath ask me once she saw me coming back. "Did you manage to kill the remaining six Akuma or were they already dead by the time you found them?"

"Yeah, you managed to pin them down to the ground without giving them an option to escape for a while until I finish them off with my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] or with my Teigu. Furthermore, I did try to experiment by using [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] on them. No luck. Didn't deal much damage than I thought it would be unless I create a high tier spell for it, but I'm low on [Mana] as it is due to the same debuff applied onto me again." I shrugged at Esdeath, who at first look amuse, then later disappointed that one of the skills that dealt with a dragon wouldn't be able to affect much against the Akuma.

"Look like you have to work hard if you want to be able to use your so-called [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] would be able to kill an Akuma at a higher level later in the future." Esdeath smile at her husband as she listens to what he thought up about dealing with the debuff. Seeing how he would be getting it every time he devours one of those Akuma.

20 minutes later*

Esdeath, Lenalee, and I resumed our travel as the town pretty much a ghost town now, with all the town folks are dead. Even if we wanted to ransack the whole town for anything valuable. But, almost all the foods and water disappeared on Esdeath's Teigu.

As Esdeath aimed everything and still wasn't used to trying to not aim towards [Food Items] and drinkable water, or any source of water.

Once we almost walk out of the borderline of the town; we heard a few footsteps coming towards us.

Much to our surprises; it was the same members belong to the CROW and they found us faster than we thought. Or they were already heading here either way.

[Sky Dragon Creation Magic]:

1st Form: Ball - 1 MP

1st Factor: Compress - 10 MP

2nd Form: Bullet - 5 MP

2nd Factor: Piercing - 10 MP

1st Effect | Target: Fire off a high speed compressed wind bullet in a straight line- Varies MP

Trigger: Whistle with the target in front of the user - 1 MP

Name: Sky Dragon's Whistle



1st Form: Ball - 1 MP = 1-meter radius

1st Factor: Compress - 10 MP = Condense 1st Form to 0.1-meter radius

2nd Form: Bullet - 5 MP = Change 1st Form into 2nd Form

2nd Factor: Piercing - 10 MP = Increase piercing effect

1st Effect | Target: Fire off a high speed compressed wind bullet in a straight line- Varies MP = 5 MP per 1 meter x 1 MP increase in speed

Trigger: Whistle with the target in front of the user - 1 MP = 1 MP per spell cast


Successfully in creating a spell for [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]!


[Sky Dragon's Whistle] - MP cost: Varies | Minimum: 32 MP

Creating another spell for the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] on the spot and for mainly sneak attack and quick to kill. Furthermore, it could act as my downgrade [Sky Dragon's Roar] for now. So, I whistle towards the first person in front of me and shockingly for everyone.

The first guy lets out a shout of pain, as they cover their left shoulder. Which bleeding badly from what everyone could see a flow of blood coming from their left arm and dripping the ground of their blood.

Their voice had become hoarse from their screaming. Furthermore, not even a second upon their arrival. One of them already starting to bleed badly, to the point they can't use their left arm anymore, cutting down their strength way before the fight could even begin.

Firing off two more [Sky Dragon's Whistles] towards two other unguarded CROW members before taking a single to breathe in the air to recover back my [Mana] before using [Sky Dragon's Whistles] three times and afterward breathing another whole second of air to repeat this action.

Leading to all the CROW members of eight to be disarmed and deal enough damage to make none of them any conditions to fight back. In a matter of five to ten seconds before anyone could react.

Also, it took a few more [Sky Dragon's Whistles] to take down just one due to my AGI stat causing me to miss a few times before adjusting my aim correctly. This gave me 3 stat points into AGI alone and another level into [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic].

It's lucky for me that they were in my range for me to hit them with [Sky Dragon's Whistle] or else I would have to increase the amount of [Mana] for the distance alone and would limit myself less than three [Sky Dragon's Whistles] for a single second.

Taking a few steps closer to decrease the distance between me and the enemies, then fire off more [Sky Dragon's Whistles] until all of them are dead with almost all of them are filled with small bullet size holes around their bodies. Creating a small pool of mixed blood belong to these now corpses.

"Wow, talk about whistling someone to death." Esdeath looks around in surprise of seeing someone getting killed by a whistle of all things. But, she saw her fair of unusual deaths in her life, and those weren't even caused by her and some were dealt by her hands.

"Also, surprisingly I gained a level from killing all these guys too." I wasn't kidding, when I was surprised. As the EXP requirement have already entered the six digit range. So, killing these eight humans, and none of them possess an [Innocence] after using [Sha Naqba Imuru] on all of them quickly before attacking them.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral - Chaotic

Lvl: 11 - EXP: 1030/204800

Profession: The Gamer

Title: [Husband of Esdeath D. Mercer] - Have the ability to teleport to your wife location instantly per 24 hours. Title effect will still be in effect even if it's not equipped.

HP: 95/95 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 117.5/117.5 - Regen: 6.4 MP per minute

DM Tier 0: 70%/100% - Regen: 0 per minute

Tier 1 Requirement: 7/10 Lvl: 1 [Akuma]

STR: 30 (-75%): 7.5

END: 38 (-75%): 9.5

AGI: 29 (-75%): 7.25

INT: 48 (-75%): 12

WIS: 64 (-75%): 16

MAG: 47 (-75%): 11.75

LUCK: 20 (-75%): 5

RES: [Dark Matter]: Tier 1: 99% (Can't add points into this stat) [Require level 2 Akuma for 100%]

Point: 9

Money: 0

Age: 19

"Really now? Too bad, you didn't kill those other ones back then." Esdeath knew how much EXP her husband gets from killing humans, which maybe be the difference with these humans compared to the one in her universe.

"I...huh...why didn't?" I was speechless at this and wonder didn't I killed them instead of leaving them behind to hunt down the first level 1 Akuma after coming to this universe.

Slowly, I start to think that my mind is literally changing under the effect of the [Gamer's Mind] and turning me into something that would clearly make me beyond recognizing by those I know back in my universe.

Esdeath frowns at the sight of her confused husband and also know how dangerous the [Gamer's Mind] is. Who knows what else it would cause her husband to do under its effect. The skill may give the description of what it does, but doesn't explain how it does it.

"Anyway, how is Lenalee doing?" I ask my wife, seeing how I just killed someone before her very eyes in cold blood. This would clearly scar a child for life in other places.

Esdeath looks down to her left, where she still holds Lenalee's right hand with her left. And found out Lenalee look very pale and already have tears going down her cheeks. But, didn't dare make any noises as she afraid of something.

Esdeath's eyes lit up, then quickly pull Lenalee into her arms and give Lenalee a hug while rubbing her back as she whispers a few soft gentle words to Lenalee to calm her down.

I would have been able to hear what Esdeath is saying, even when whispering easily if I wasn't under the debuff's effect, but didn't let it bother me as I continue to think up other spells I could create for my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] while having a limited amount of MP.

Lucky for me, I pretty much have the same amount of MP I start off in Esdeath's universe before gaining the [Meditation] skill. And already used to fighting with low MP and could just rely on [Korosu] with [Basic of Movements of Sword Skills] to deal with the enemy in the future if need it.

"Now, Ragna. Apology to little Lenalee for scaring her by killing people without any mercy." Esdeath said to me, as she held Lenalee in front of her, with her smirking at me behind Lenalee's back.

Looking at Lenalee, who is clearly afraid right now and even flinch once I lay my eyes at her, causing her tears to pour out even more, but continue to keep the sound of her crying down. As if she afraid this would make things worse for her if she cries out loud.

"I'm sorry, Lenalee." I said dryly, but it didn't make much difference as Lenalee didn't even look like she was really paying attention to what I just said and quickly nods her little head to the point of breaking her neck.

Esdeath pulls Lenalee back into her arms and starts walking around the corpses. "Come on, Ragna. Time waits for no one. We got to find another town." Esdeath didn't look like she is going to wait for me, so not to be left behind I walk after her.

The next day*

Day 28: Discovery of Stats

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

On our travel to the next town; both Esdeath and I started thinking why my stats didn't increase during the week I was under its effect the first time until Esdeath pointed out how I put more effort into training while during the whole week. I didn't even train and just watch Esdeath training Lenalee.

Hell, all I did was hand out foods and sleeping bags for us during that week. But, upon gaining the debuff again and actually putting myself to surpass my limit under the debuff's effect. It started rising quickly.

So clearly, I need to actually put more effort than just be casual about it. As the Gamer's ability would just make it seem like I'm just idle instead of training.

Of course, I can't just sprint like no tomorrow when I got two people with me, one of them could easily match my pace and pass it like nothing, but the other one is a child and could barely keep up with our pace when we're just walking.

So for now, I could only increase my MAG stat through [Meditation], with another six hours into it. As for the rest of my stats. I won't have much trouble raising them, but the stats INT, WIS, and LUCK stats are going to be hard to raise.

LUCK stat I have no idea if it's a good thing or not, but I did find myself being lucky a few times today. As for Int and WIS; well, just thinking about how I raised the WIS stat on day one, but won't work any longer, which is sad.

However, by just talking to Esdeath about war tactics and strategy for a few hours managed to raise my INT and WIS by three points each. But, that's all I got so far and even after talking for hours. I still didn't increase those stats any further.

Nonetheless, I enjoy talking with Esdeath and very happy to have her on my side with all these war tactics she came up with and even modified a few existing one too.

The next day*

Day 29: Survive Until You're Strong

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Another six hours into [Meditation], with three points into STR and END by doing a push-up, sit-up, and other working exercises until I gain some points after finishing breakfast, then warming ourselves up before resuming our journey.

Well, warm up for them; I had to go at a fast pace and doing it without stopping until I reach the point of my Gamer's ability awarding me the stats I earned by doing this. I don't even have to worry about breaking something thanks to [Gamer's Body] fixing them for me and make a correct change as my HP stay the same without a single point drop.

A few miles now into our journey and we only found a few wild animals, which Esdeath found this a good way to teach Lenalee how to survive in the wildness without the aids of someone supplying her anything to eat her fill.

So today, we have made it a few miles into the forest before stopping somewhere up north and allow Lenalee to gain some experiences in hunting down wild animals without the help of her [Innocence] and only the survive knife Esdeath made me give her.

This would have been a great thing for Lenalee if Esdeath wasn't trying to brainwash Lenalee's little mind with her creed of the whole strong survive and the weak perish. By using this survive training session.

The next day*

Day 30: Practices Make Perfect

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

A total of thirteen hours into [Meditation], with eight hours during sleeping and four hours of watching Esdeath to teach Lenalee how to skin an animal she hunted. I didn't at first, but there is more than one method on how to skin an animal.

However, Esdeath wasn't stupid enough to allow Lenalee how to skin by just watching her. So she made sure to help every step of the way through the progress repeatedly just to be on the safe side.

If I didn't know Esdeath's plans to raise Lenalee to be a strong and loyal minion; I would have thought Esdeath was doing this out of her kind heart. Sadly, her kind heart is literally 70% filled with evil and the remaining 30% is the love for me.

Anyway, I decided to fight both the Akuma and the humans in this universe. Because I rather not waste years of staying at a low-level Gamer compare to the other Gamers in the multiverse.

Well, for the time being. I would raise the level of the skills I have currently, which I thought would be easier to do when it really isn't. Now, if I can just find the right spells and techniques to create while I'm under the effect of the debuff for a while.