Chapter 9: Times Can Change People

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 9: Times Can Change People

The next day*

Day 41: You Learn From Your Mistakes

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Sadly, as the snow continues to fall and making the ground covered in snow. Making it a bit harder for Lenalee to walk on her own, sometimes as she not used to her winter boots just yet. Only after a few hours did Lenalee got used to them, but this made it a bit harder for her to use her [Innocence].

As Lenalee still haven't figure out how to wear her deactivated [Innocence] over her winter boots and have to hold onto them until then. Furthermore, Lenalee is going to have a hard time finding a way to quickly switch out her winter boots with her [Innocence].

I didn't have a single clue and Esdeath only said to Lenalee to wear her deactivate [Innocence] once she figures out how to make them act like winter boots without activating them.

Through the whole day yesterday, Lenalee still haven't figured it out and Esdeath wouldn't help her much out of this. Because all [Innocence], be it the equipment type or the parasitic type.

Esdeath still treats the [Innocence] similar to a Teigu. Meaning, Lenalee has to figure it out on her own like Esdeath would, for her trumps.

Both Esdeath and Lenalee had a small talk yesterday about where did Lenalee get her [Innocence] forged into a pair of boots. Since one of the questions about the [Innocence] Esdeath spoke with the deceased Kevin was about the different types of the [Innocence].

Which there are only two types: Equipment and Parasitic, where the equipment types [Innocence] is the most common form [Innocence] takes and typically takes the form of an otherwise common item which, through a special forging process, has had the shard of [Innocence] of an Accommodator merged with it.

As for the parasitic types [Innocence] which is a rare form of [Innocence]. [Anti-Akuma Weapons] invoked from this type are typically made from part of the Accommodator's body, such as a limb, as the [Innocence] is actually infused with the body of the Accommodator.

Exorcists with the parasitic types [Innocence] don't have to go through the progress of forging their shard of [Innocence] into a form when they already take a form based on the part of the Accommodator's body.

So with that said, Lenalee's [Innocence] is the equipment type and Esdeath asked where Lenalee got her [Dark Boots], which Lenalee took some time to explain the best she can on how she gained her [Dark Boots].

To summarize the whole thing; Lenalee got sent to a laboratory and painfully got her shard of [Innocence] removed from her, then go through a long process of forging it into the [Dark Boots] Lenalee has now.

Lucky for Lenalee, the [Dark Boots] actually grow along with her, meaning she doesn't have to go back to get them reforge to fit her future growth size.

Much to Esdeath's disappointment of not being able to find out the special forging methods to give the shard of [Innocence] their equipment type form.

Still, at least, Lenalee got her [Dark Boots] already made or else we would have to go through many hardships to get Lenalee's shard of [Innocence] to become the [Dark Boots].

However, the big problem was that after the second day she gained her [Dark Boots] was the same time she ran away from the Black Order, which was the same time she met us.

Maybe this is why Lenalee is having a hard time to learn using her [Dark Boots], because she never got the chance to go through the training courses the Black Order would give Lenalee at the time to do.

Also, both Esdeath and I may have guessed that Kevin though Lenalee's [Innocence] was the parasitic type due to [Dark Boots]'s appearance. Or that Kevin was getting old and have bad eyesight to not guess Lenalee's [Dark Boots] is the equipment type.

During last night, we didn't make any campfire, seeing that we couldn't find any dry woods. So, we just had to deal with it after I use [Heat Control] to warm up the inside of the tent for us. Well, for Esdeath and Lenalee. I had to stay outside in order to recover my [Mana]. Along with increasing the amount of [Sword Qi] I possess. Raising the total [Sword Qi] to 200 for a few hours before changing my training to something else.

If it wasn't for [Gamer's Body]. I would be freezing my butt off while I was training last night. Mostly going through the katas of [Renewal Taekwondo] to develop my muscle memory of using this martial art.

Much to my delight, just going through the katas managed to level up the skill to level 5 after going through almost all the moves and repeating a few for the whole night.

Still slow of rising up the EXP for the [Renewal Taekwondo], but still leveling it up just doing the katas for the whole night is still considered good in my book. Of course, this meant I didn't use [Meditation] throughout the entire night.

But, I figure with my current MAG stat, I can miss out a few nights of using [Meditation]. As I raise my skills' level higher due to the facts, that almost every day during daylight. I wouldn't be able to train most of my skills due to the higher risk of causing any harm to Lenalee nearby.

Esdeath would easily be able to dodge or block any stray attacks with ease. Maybe even without looking if her awareness skills are very high to the point of doing these amazing feats.

If it just Esdeath and I traveling together alone without the presence of Lenalee to worry about. We may have already caused who multiple towns to its destruction just to get what we wanted.

Though, it doesn't mean neither Esdeath or I could just quietly steal what we want. After all, Esdeath told me a few of her missions included stealth and very precise on what to do on those missions. Mostly she has done it herself, proving to me that unless I use [Eagle Vision], then I would only be able to sense her through her bloodlust.

Otherwise, I would have a hard time sensing Esdeath. After all, from what Esdeath told me. At the time when I sensed on the second day of my arrival in Akame Ga Kill universe. Esdeath's bloodlust was the only thing that made me sense and while she watches, she just made to only allow me to sense a few times due to excitement, causing her to lose control a few times.

Currently, we're continuing on our journey towards the north, where there should be hidden small base belong to the Black Order's European Branch.

"So, Esdeath." I move my head to the right, as Lenalee try to attack me with a flying kick, but failed as she missed by a long shot. Right now, Esdeath got Lenalee's training to the part of trying to fight humans, and yet, Lenalee didn't manage to land a single hit on me for a while now.

"Hm?" Esdeath didn't look at me, but made a noise that she heard me. Right now, Esdeath continues to look at Lenalee and note down what mistake Lenalee made during the whole training. And if she has anything to say. Lenalee made too many mistakes for her liking.

"How do you want us to do this? I mean, do we enter the place in a stealth way, or going at it in brute force?" I ask my wife while continue dodging Lenalee's attack from all angles as we continue walking towards the location Esdeath gained from the deceased General rank Exorcist Kevin.

"Stealth. I rather not cause any damage to the materials, or worse, completely destroying all of them before we can get our hands on them." Esdeath knew the importance of trying to steal something in an enemy's base without the chance of the enemy deciding on destroying the target instead of allowing others to take it from them.

"So why am I being the practice dummy for Lenalee to train on?" I continue to dodge Lenalee's reckless attacks, without even coming up with a plan to take me down and just continue throwing herself at me and hope she gets a lucky hit.

"Because Lenalee got too used to finishing off her target too fast, making it not much of a challenge for her any longer. I'm surprised she has the talent for hunting." Esdeath almost sounds proud of Lenalee. Almost. Esdeath still didn't really consider Lenalee as a family, but more of a trainee before becoming a minion for her future plans.

Also, when Esdeath meant for hunting; she literally meant killing living beings and it doesn't matter if it's humans or not. All are preys to Esdeath. Even her husband, but more of a different hunting method.

I notice Esdeath's cheeks turn red a little, making me feel like Esdeath is thinking about something related to me. Since the only time, Esdeath blushes are always related to me.

"Hold still!" Lenalee shout at me, where she once more use her [Dark Boots] to increase her jumping ability, to jump over my head and try to land an axe kick on my head.

Of course, I could sense Lenalee's position easily without any of my skills' help. As I just sidestep to my left. Making Lenalee completely missing her attack once more.

"And having her attacking me would help how?" I didn't bother to guess since my imagination could just be over thinking about it and maybe something simple or very complicated for my brain to comprehend.

"She learns to plan her attacks instead of just throw random attacks and hope it hit. That's one thing. Plus, you're very hard to hit." Esdeath glare near the end, because during those sparring matches with me. I tend to use [Shundo] and [Time Alter] together to dodge Esdeath's attack multiple times until I ran out of MP. Then, things went down south with my defeat.

"Okay, then. And why she still does it when you're not teaching her about this? In fact, why Lenalee not doing it when we're literally talking about it." I glance at Lenalee from the corner of my left eye as she tries going for a flying roundhouse kick to my left ribs.

All I had to do was speed up my walking pace as Lenalee's flying spin kick almost managed to touch my back and end up landing back on the ground before running in a circle around Esdeath and me, to go for another attack of hers.

"Oh, she in her little zone. I helped develop over the weeks. This would give her the ability to focus more than she should be able to. This way she could barely find the weak points to take advantage of. Sadly, it looks like Lenalee forgot about how each target is completely different from the previous and future one. Because she not including the target's own skills set of their own." Esdeath replied with an irritated tone.

"Huh. Does that mean you have your own battle zone mindset, ready for battles?" I look at Esdeath with a curious eye. If so, then Esdeath may have a bit of a weakness in her awareness if she is too much focus into the battle.

"Kind of, but not to the point of losing myself into it. I learned my lessons from my childhood. And I'm trying to do the same with Lenalee here. The Partas Clan's traditional training methods for children. Learn how to enter the zone, where they can gain the temporary ability to focus more on the target and the surrounding." Esdeath explains to me how her own Clan developed training methods to make the children be able to get in the zone, but there are flaws in these training methods.

As the children would have a hard time to be able to focus outside of combat-related and would take double the effort to learn how to get out of the battle zone mindset just by a single thought and back on.

"Yeah...I'm going to call this your universe of bullshit. Since there shouldn't be any way for that to work, but then again, I shouldn't be talking with my own universe of bullshit." I knew that lots of things could be called bullshit and other things that should be impossible to do.

"The impossible is just a term for those that didn't meet the requirement to do those impossible feats. After all, anything is possible. You just have to put the efforts to make it work." Esdeath knew about this and work her butt off in order to get her present strength. Way before she even gained her Teigu, she already considers one of the strongest soldiers in the Empire without the help of a Teigu.

"You don't hear me complaining about that. Cultivators are literal beings that make the impossible possible with enough times for them to make it work." I know how cultivators can easily make a whole universe of their own and they just needed time and resources to make that happen.

"Anyway, how long do you think it would take before Lenalee would get out of her little zone and realize she won't be able to land a hit on me for a while now? Furthermore, I'm not even using my skills from the Gamer's ability to make it harder on her." I continue moving a few inches away, that's enough to dodge Lenalee's attack range.

"Just a few minutes before Lenalee's [Innocence] would deactivate and maybe she would be out of it. We just need to wait." Esdeath continues writing down in her journal on Lenalee's training progress and what needed to be changed to fix Lenalee's mistakes in her fighting style.

After around 3 minutes or so, Lenalee's [Dark Boots] deactivated the moment she jumps and the panic on her face was enough to make me want to laugh, but I knew Lenalee would get hurt if she doesn't have her [Innocence] activated to soften her landing from jumping so high beyond what she could do normally without her [Innocence] helping her.

So I caught Lenalee by the back of her winter coat, much to Lenalee's annoyance as she couldn't do anything but just stay like this. I took pity on Lenalee and gentle place her on the ground, but the only thing I got in return was her sticking her tongue at me again, with her eyes closed as usual.

"Now, Lenalee." At the sound of Esdeath's disappointed voice. Lenalee's entire body went stiff and the colors drained from her face as she slowly turns her head towards Esdeath's direction.

"You made too many mistakes and I trained you better than that. Look like we have to increase your training more if you continue to waste so much energy on random attacks and rely on your luck. I must say, that you disappoint me very much. And this requires punishment." Esdeath narrow her eyes at Lenalee, causing the poor girl to shiver at the look she getting from Esdeath.

For the whole day; Esdeath put Lenalee through her hellish training courses, with Esdeath forcing Lenalee to plan out her moves and execute the plan instantly. This led to Lenalee getting injure enough times to last her pretty much her entire lifetime.

The next day*

Day 42: Planning For The Future

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Once more, I skip my [Meditation] session last night and continue going through the katas of the [Renewal Taekwondo] until I could use them by instinct like how I use my family's martial art and my swordplay. I've already merged the [Nabong Needle Ryu] into my fighting style already.

Not that it was that hard to do so when I've got the experience in using pressure points way before gaining my Gamer's ability. Now, with [Nabong Needle Ryu] just make it much easier for me to use pressure points to deal major damages to the enemy.

Furthermore, I started combing the skills: [Shundo] and [Time Alter] with [Renewal Taekwondo] to make it even more dangerous than it already. After all, if one of the users of the [Renewal Taekwondo] can merge it with their own martial art to create the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon]. The combine of [Practical Taekkyeon] with [Renewal Taekwondo] to reinforce the weakness and strengthen it.

Then, it should be possible to do the same by following similar steps of that character by combing two different skills belongs separate universes and with this deadly martial art, that's also from another universe from the previous two.

I would have to say, that I'm going at it a good start. As I level up [Shundo] by 4, [Time Alter] by 5, and [Renewal Taekwondo] by 3.

It seems like my skills would level up faster if I were to train them together, which I should have done days ago, but then again, my present MP wouldn't last that much going through this type of training.

Nonetheless, I'm making progress and figure out how to use [Shundo] other than just a [Movement Technique]. As I slowly incorporate the skill of [Shundo] into the [Renewal Taekwondo] while [Time Alter] was mainly helping me to time it right without leaving me with a bad side effect from not timing it right.

In fact, my guess by using the [Renewal Taekwondo] later on with my other skills merge with it. I would be able to take on multiple higher level beings by myself while my level wasn't even in the 30s yet. But, as long my MP could last me. I would manage to outlast the enemy during the future fights.

But, for now, I could just use the [Renewal Taekwondo] without the other skills incorporated into it. But, get used to the feeling of it while using the normal version and the mixed version.

So far, from what Esdeath told me in the morning. We're still a few days away from where we're heading. But, we're in no hurry. In fact, we just exit the mountain and getting closer to the sea or maybe the ocean, hard to tell. But, that's what Esdeath said an hour ago.

"You know, Esdeath. I think after raiding the Black Order. We should find a small place to stay for a few years to train before continuing on finding a way to get to the [Ark]. After all, the only way we could enter the place is by the selected few, whose could get us there. And none of them would be willing to take us there unless we find a way to get them to do so." I said to my wife, as we walk down the hill while ignoring the pile of human corpses on top of the hills.

Most of those corpses belong to the Black Order's CROW trying to hunt us down. I could have sworn there would be fewer members in the CROW, but I guessed wrong. As they managed to hunt us down, not that we covered our tracks.

Good news, I gained EXP. Bad news, the amount of EXP was shitty. As I only get 100-1000 of EXP per kill. Barely enough to even level up once at my current level.

"Why would you want that? Well, I can understand why you want to do that. After all, it's better to level up all your current skills up instead of just leveling up yourself. Furthermore, if we stay in one spot for years. Then, we can familiarize ourselves with the area to the point of making it a home-field advantage." Esdeath was a little confused at first, then started figuring out why her husband wanted to do this and slowly, she got used to the idea she begins to like it herself.

"Alright. I don't mind we find ourselves a place to stay. But, we have to find one that either at the edge of a town for us to leave easily, so we can train in the woods and for the free air for you to eat. Or we can live in the wood after you build us a house to live. But, we still have to live near a town for us to restock on our food and other needs as well. Since our supply is still finite and are bound to be gone in the future." Esdeath already looks like she agreed with this future plan of ours.

Slowly, Esdeath started taking over the topic and forgetting about our plan to raid the Black Order for their special materials for their uniforms. As Esdeath got very into the topic of where we should live for years and maybe or maybe not send Lenalee into a civilian school for learning subjects that kids in this universe should learn while they're growing up.

The next day*

Day 43: Just Unreal

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

A few days into our travel from the last town to one of the bases belong to the Black Order's European Branch. And we finally reached our destination. Much to Lenalee's hidden relief. As she been traveling far too long and wonder when she would find her older brother anytime soon.

Last night instead of training or even using [Meditation]. I actually slept with my wife in bed for the first few days now. At most of the time, I would continue to train like a madman.

And the only reason Esdeath didn't force me to sleep next to her was that she understands how this means so much to me. Since I really couldn't train [Meditation] while we were moving and Esdeath like to train Lenalee during the time we continue to move to our destination. As Lenalee's training doesn't require her to be in one area to train.

So, Esdeath shows how happy she was to have me sleep next to her last night by giving me a few quickies before we go to sleep. Of course, we have made sure to put Lenalee to sleep via pressure points before undoing it after we're done.

Nonetheless, once we have done with our business here, then we're going to find a quiet place to live in. Maybe we pick a town, so we can continue finding any news about Lenalee's older brother. Who knows, we may even meet the guy during the time we search for a place to stay.

2 hours later*

"Okay. I'll be honest. I thought it would be a lot harder to get the materials we needed for those Exorcist's uniforms. We literally walked in and just ask a few people, and they actually led us to the storage room that contains more than enough to make a countless number of uniforms for thousands of new members in the organization and this is just for a small base. What made it more surprising. Is that after we got what we wanted. We just left and they didn't stop us." I said to my wife, as we continue walking away from the small base belong to the Black Order.

"Well, not everyone is smart. But, I think it's mainly the way I dress and have a hat to go with it. Pretty sure, those people thought I was a General Exorcist. Oh, wait. They did. While you were spacing out. Many of them called me by my rank; well, their rank instead of my former one back in my universe. Either way, they thought I was one of them and a high rank at that." Esdeath replied with a hint of amusement.

"Pretty sure, there should be some smart people there among the dumb one. After all, if it was just run by dumb one, then the base would be long gone by now. I guess we're lucky then." I said to my wife, who is a little quiet for a few minutes until I notice Esdeath staring at me with a blank stare.

"Didn't you add some stat points into your LUCK stat? Including the +10 LUCK stat bonus from your 2nd profession: [Contractor], then it shouldn't be a surprise we're lucky." Esdeath really wishes her husband would stop forgetting some of the other important facts. Honestly, she thinks her husband has a mind towards a single focus similar to being in the zone, that her Clan developing training methods to give others a mindset to focus on a higher level.

"But, with the debuff. I would only have 7.5 in LUCK stat. 2.5 points shouldn't make my luck, and maybe yours, to allow us to grab we wanted without any problems like nothing." I honestly can't tell if my LUCK stat actually affected this whole scenario, for us to get in, got we wanted, then get out like we own the place.

"Maybe. But, that didn't change the fact we did something impossible and could only be done in some kind of fictional books." Esdeath starting to believe in the power known as luck. After all, there is such as thing called lucky chance.

"If just 2.5 points higher than my previous original LUCK stat. I wonder what would happen after I lose the debuff." Now, that's a scary thought. If my LUCK stat is at 7.5 and made this very LUCKY scenario, with Esdeath's General uniform of the Empire, to be confused for an Exorcist's Uniform, when most of them should be in the color black or a darker color instead of white.

Who knows what my LUCk stat without the debuff affecting would be like. Therefore, wasting a few stat points, adding to it was actually a good thing if future lucky moments going to happen often. Then, I have no regret for those stat points used on it.

The next day*

Day 44: All of Us Forget Things Sometime

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Well, we got the materials to make our own clothes to draw in Akuma towards us. That only works if we nearby one to get them to react to us. Unless what those people from the Black Order say about their uniforms is false.

Of course, it would take some time to make the clothes out of these materials, which the name is just weird. Wondering why it calls the [Exorcist's Uniform: Materials] when I use my skill to find what it's called.

Even Esdeath was confused as someone giving such a weird name to this unknown fabric belong to this universe. Either way, neither Esdeath and I have to worry about crafting the clothes with these materials.

Since it looks like [Gate of Babylon] can do that for us. Until we realize at first we don't have the recipe to make clothes or the tools to make it. Since the [Gate of Babylon] doesn't include those crafting tools.

So yeah, our lucky end there unless we can find the tools for tailoring clothes and maybe a special tool too. For these materials for Exorcist's uniform. If it's named with that silly name.

Anyway, we still got we wanted, just not the way we wanted it to be. Maybe in the future, we will have our chances to get our own Exorcist's uniform. After all, it's just something to help us find more Akuma.

Now, after we got far away from that base, we went yesterday. We continue going north until we reached the sea. Where we set up camp for the night. Of course, neither Esdeath or I could sleep at night due to how frustrated we were trying to come up a way to use these fabrics we stole from the Black Order.

Only Lenalee slept last night while Esdeath and I literally wasted the whole night doing nothing but wasted our time coming up with useless ideas until we decided to give up on it for now and leave it to my stupid LUCK stat to do the job for us.

Even during breakfast both Esdeath and I were still irritated about this, but made sure not to affect Lenalee and her training. Well, it affected Lenalee's morning training a little when Esdeath was a bit harsh on her by forcing her to do the warm of push-up, sit-up, and anything basic triple the original.

This was unfair for Lenalee since she did nothing to cause this problem, but Esdeath was being merciful to Lenalee. When most of the time she would release her frustration on tortured victims in the past. Of course, Esdeath could have sparred with her husband to release some steam.

However, Esdeath knows her husband isn't ready yet for combat and would still need some time. It wouldn't be much fun if she beat her husband while he still hasn't finished developing his new fighting style. Oh, she is dying to fight with her husband after he's ready.

This would have made Esdeath be in a bad light for taking her frustration on a little kid. But, at least this would help Lenalee. Maybe.

After the morning workout, mostly for Lenalee, while both Esdeath and I just being a bit moody after wasting so much time traveling, for almost nothing.

Now, we start looking for the next town to stay for the next few years in this universe.

The next day*

Day 45: Good Bye Warmth!

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

I resumed my [Meditation] last night, but made sure to sleep with Esdeath this time and just made sure not to move at all, which is kind of difficult with Esdeath next to me. Nonetheless, I treated as a training of endurance for me last night and it was a miracle I didn't cave and last the whole night. Giving me 8 hours as usual. But, this time. I gained twice the of MAG stat due to [Meditation] being level 2 now.

So I got a total of 16 more stat points into the MAG stat now. Making the [Meditation] the best skill I picked. Furthermore, this made my MAG stat the highest stat among the rest. With a 120 MAG stat, giving me 1200 [Mana]. Well, after the debuff is gone, then it is at 1200 MP.

After packing everything up. We continue our journey to find a home for us while on the side, to search for Lenalee's older brother. Who we still haven't heard of for weeks now since we arrive in this universe.

Right now, we just follow along the river while moving north. Where there should be another town up ahead.

"You know. Why are we heading up north the whole time? Is there a place you wanted us to go to our temporary living place during our stay here?" I ask my wife while continue ignoring Lenalee trying to kick my head in. I have no clue why Lenalee kept on aiming for my head almost all the time, but just ignored it for the time being.

"I just felt like it." Esdeath smirk at me. Showing how she loves to confuse me almost all the time. "But, it's mostly because it's colder up north and it would great for training." Now, Esdeath revealed just a bit of what she is aiming for.

The next day*

Day 46: You Learn Something Every Day

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Another 8 hours of [Meditation] and with 16 more MAG stat to go with it. At this rate, I should have my MAG stat entering the 200s by a few days from now.

Surprisingly, we actually found a town today around the afternoon. But, it was mostly a small town with a few people that are very wary of us when we showed up out of the blue.

But, at least, they didn't try to kick us out of the place. Once Esdeath spoke a few people about buying a few things. Mostly the tools and other materials we may need before we leave town to build our own house out in the woods.

Took almost the entire day to get what we needed before we left the town, much to the town folks' relief at the sight of us leaving. Not that I could blame them with the way Esdeath threaten them if they don't give us what we wanted, then they could forget about living in peace.

Yeah, Esdeath's mood wasn't still good and wanted to get the tools for crafting already, along with books about how to craft things as well.

Good news, we pretty much got all the tools for my [Gate of Babylon] to use. Bad news, we won't be able to get those back out of the [Gate of Babylon] once the skill decided to permanently merge the tools with it.

This included all the books related to crafting as well. So there go those books, even if it's just about crafting. Since Esdeath could have just read them while she bored out of her mind. Nonetheless, we almost got all the things we needed.

It's a good thing the crafting process was very simple and don't require much work at my end. It's literally just like back home, wherein video games you just click, or press, and drag the materials into a slot, with the recipes there already, and you wait for the whole crafting process do its job and done. You got your product.

[Gate of Babylon] does the same. And I should not be surprised about this since the skill is literally called: [Gate of Babylon - Gamer's Version]. Had to be related to a game, so maybe that's why the crafting part was so simple.

But, the time was just too long for my taste. Then again, I could just speed up the progress with 100 MP for 1%. That's 10,000 MP for 100%. Sadly, my present MP isn't even close to 10,000 MP.

Still, it wasn't so bad when [Gate of Babylon] leveled up to 15 once all the tools and crafting related books are in my [Gate of Babylon], which the skill ate all of them up and give me a new option to improve the tools.

Well, it's bad either way. Because to improve those crafting tools. I would have to get the equipment that created those tools and the materials to reforge them.

Around 6-7 hours would be the time the whole house is what it takes for the [Gate of Babylon] to build the whole thing. It's just too bad that the [Gate of Babylon] could only make something one at a time or I would have used up all the materials by now to craft countless of other things, to put inside the house.

So for the last night of sleeping in a giant tent. Esdeath made a feast for everyone to eat. Of course, it's mostly for Esdeath and me while Lenalee would barely be able to eat one-sixth of all the food Esdeath made to celebrate.

"Esdeath." Lenalee calls out for my wife's attention after we just finished eating and cleaning up the dirty plates, along with other things. "Do you think I would meet up with my brother soon?"

"Hmm." Esdeath thinking if she wanted to tell the truth about how she was supposed to meet with him back in the Black Order after 4 years or speaking half the truth. Deciding on it a few seconds before she picked her choice.

"Well, while you were busy looking around. There were a few people at the base, we entered yesterday, that talked about your older brother trying to enter the Black Order. Just to reunite with you. Just to answer a few of your unspoken questions. No, they didn't mention your older brother's name." Esdeath stops Lenalee from speaking as she continues speaking.

"Furthermore, I know for sure it's your older brother because remember how I said that your older brother is trying to enter the Black Order?" Esdeath waited for Lenalee to see if she understand, and Lenalee nodded her head at Esdeath.

"Well, I'm pretty sure there not many older brothers out there, that would find someone from the Black Order and try to join. Just to reunite with their siblings, even if it means to join an organization that kidnaps children just because they are Accommodator." Esdeath slowly explain to Lenalee while making sure Lenalee understand every word Esdeath is trying to say.

"If you wish. We'll bring you back to the Black Order after we have some words with them. This way, your older brother will be able to find you sooner or later within 4 years. After joining the Black Order. Just letting you know, the chance of meeting your older brother outside of the Black Order is lower chance than being in the Black Order. So, this is your choice. Lenalee." Esdeath said to Lenalee, not minding she would lose her future minion. After all, she already planted the seed of loyalty within Lenalee after weeks already.

Lenalee didn't know if she wanted to return to that awful place or not, but she really wanted to reunite with her only living family member. On the hand, she was taken and protected and even got trained by someone very powerful to protect herself in the future.

Lenalee took in a deep breath, then release it as she stares Esdeath right in the eye. "Please allow me to return back to that awful place." Lenalee knew she was abandoning the one that helped her over the month, but she missed her older brother and this may be the only chance she could get.

"Alright. Ragna. Don't release the house outside yet. We're heading to the Black Order's European Branch." Esdeath didn't really care if Lenalee stays or not. But, secretly, Esdeath wanted Lenalee to leave so she can have a reason to pick a fight with the Black Order once more.

"Got it." I guess the canon's plot still going into motion in this parallel universe. I just wonder how much did we changed that, only the main plots are left before it the main plots would be affected by the countless numbers of smaller parts affected by Esdeath and my presence in this universe.

Slowly, as the night comes and the only light source coming from the campfire Esdeath created. After I took some broken woods around and toss them in my [Gate of Babylon], then use the [Archive] to separate the snow from the wood.

This way, it would make the wood be dry enough for Esdeath to use to make a campfire. Took an hour for me to make a program to be able to separate even the cold within the wood out of it. Lucky for me, the program wasn't that hard to make.


Program Name: [Dismantle]

Main Feature: Separate chosen parts from the target.

Target: Anything within [Gate of Babylon]: Snow Covered Broken Branch x10

Input: Separate the Snow from all [Target].

Output: Snow Covered Broken Branch x 10 = Cold Broken Branch x10

2nd Input: Separate the Cold from all [Target].

Output: Cold Broken Branch x 10 = Broken Dry Branch x 10

Yeah, the [Archive] didn't come with any computer programming languages. Until I found out I have to create my own. It's shitty, but it works for me like how I 'program' my other skills.

Nonetheless, it worked for some reasons and we got dry woods for making a campfire. Even Esdeath found this a bit too much, where even the [Archive] could even manipulate the [Gate of Babylon] doing something like this.

The next day*

Day 47: Goodbye

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Instead of wasting time to get back to the first town; well, ruin town, Esdeath and I came to upon our arrival. We didn't go to sleep last night and rush south. Furthermore, I was the one that did the work as Esdeath made me carry her on my back with Lenalee in between. Making it a bit uncomfortable for all of us.

I had to use both [Shundo] and [Time Alter] throughout the whole run. While eating the air around me like crazy. As the rate of my MP being consumed by these two skills is very high in a long run.

On the bright side, I managed to get [Shundo] to break through the level 20s and entering the 30s, stopping at level 37. Close to entering the 40s. All because I haven't stopped once for the whole night and morning.

Furthermore, for each time [Shundo] leveled up. My speed increase as well, and after entering level 30. The 2nd Effect of [Shundo] is unlocked.

[Shundo] - Active - Lvl.37/100 - EXP: 65% - MP cost: 1 MP per step

Description: This is a [Movement Technique] by focusing [Mana] into the feet, the user can cross a limited distance in a burst of extreme speed (enough to appear almost instantaneous). However, unlike true teleportation, the movement itself can be intercepted, and the exit point calculated, once began, the skill cannot be stopped. It must also be performed on some sort of foothold or surface.

1st Effect: Increase AGI x (2 + level)

2nd Effect: [Koku Shundo] - Where instead of using a fixed surface, the user simply uses 'air' (space) as a foothold. As this can be performed in mid-air, moving in any direction is possible, eliminating the base weakness of [Shundo].

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 50)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 2nd Effect unlocked)

Now, this would help me in the case of falling or just change direction, which I couldn't do in a long distance and only in mid-range distance instead, with the help of [Time Alter] while I decrease the number of steps to reach the exit point.

As for [Time Alter]. I actually got it to level 31 and unlocking the 3rd Effect, which requires the skill at level 20, along with the 4th Effect as well, where I need to reach level 30 to unlock it.

[Innate Time Control: Time Alter] - Active - Lvl.31/100 - EXP: 20% - MP cost: 1 MP per second

Description: This is the [Magecraft] for [Time Manipulation], which allows for "time adjustment" to oneself instead of affecting the world around them.

1st Effect: Double Accel - Increase AGI and WIS x 2

2nd Effect: Double Stagnate - Decrease AGI x 2

3rd Effect: Triple Accel - Increase AGI and WIS x 3

4th Effect: Tripe Stagnate - Decrease AGI x 3

5th Effect: Locked (Require level 40)

Yeah, I was confused at first why I didn't have the opposite of acceleration until I reached level 30 and finally got it.

Now, my speed is even faster than ever, thanks to [Time Alter: Triple Accel]. But, I stick with [Double Accel] due to the G-force would have knocked both Esdeath and Lenalee off me every time I take a turn. Even then, Esdeath and Lenalee almost fall off more than once already.

Just around near night time did we returned to the same ruin town, where Esdeath and I found Lenalee. Also, the same place we enter this universe.

Instead of just waiting on the Black Order to notice we're here. Literally close to their main base. Well, Esdeath made it known to the Black Order of our presence by creating a giant ice tower, to find where the Black Order's European Branch's Headquarters is.

It didn't take us any time to find the European Branch's Headquarters at the top of a dangerous-looking plateau from the west side, where we are. The familiar looking tower, that's bound to be destroyed after the Invasion of the Black Order and the Destruction of the Black Order arcs.

"Yeah, I can barely see it where we are." My eyesight isn't really that bad, but even I can't see something a mile away and only could just barely see a small shadow figure of it instead. The only reason why I can tell the small shadow figure was due to the shape and it's pretty much the only thing that resembles the European Branch's Headquarters.

Esdeath frowns a little, as her eyesight wasn't that good compared to her husband, but didn't say anything else as she brings the ice tower down before she picks Lenalee up and climbs back on her husband's back.

3 hours later*

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia: Black Order's European Branch: Headquarters: Main Entrance)

"I'm going to be honest with you, Esdeath. I rather not come with you two inside the Black Order. Who knows if they have some types of equipment that could detect [Dark Matter]. So, if you don't mind. I'm going to stay out here and wait for your return." I said to my wife, as we look at the Main Entrance, where I see the giant face attach to it.

It's a good thing I stopped a good distance from it or who knows if the thing could detect the [Dark Matter] within me.

"I can understand this, but I really wanted you to come with me and help out a little. But, it would make things more complicated than it already is thanks to our action of taking Lenalee from them a month ago." Esdeath looks at the giant face attached to the giant gate.

"Alright. If I'm not back within 3 hours. Use your title." Esdeath said to me, as she hinted to use the only title I currently have, which is the status of being married to Esdeath and having the effect of allowing me to directly teleport to Esdeath's current location without anything stopping me.

"Now, Lenalee. Say goodbye to the mean man, because this would the last time you see him until years from now." Esdeath said to Lenalee, who blinks before looking at me with a frown on her face.

"Bye mean man." Lenalee looks like she really wanted to go back to the Black Order if it means getting away from me.

"Make sure to not move from this area, dear, unless you need to." Esdeath ignored the annoyed expression of mine and lead Lenalee to the Main Entrance, leaving me behind.

Watching both Esdeath and Lenalee leaving. I didn't dare using my [Gate of Babylon] in the case of any hidden cameras nearby watching my move. Instead, I just find a random boulder to sit on while taking the time to wait for my wife's return. I activate [Meditation] and also start making more [Sword Qi].

3 hours later*

Without having to worry about anyone nearby. I increase the amount of time I devour the air around me, but made sure to pause once a while to allow more air to fill in the gaps. Either way, I created 42 [Sword Qi]. Giving me a grand total of 243 [Sword Qi].

And while I wait for the area to be filled with air a bit more before eating it again when I heard footstep nearby. Either Esdeath doing this on purpose to let me know she return or it someone else.

Not risking it; I activate [Eagle Vision] and I lower my guard once I got the result back, where [Eagle Vision] show it's Esdeath and she looks happy for some reason.

"What made you so happy?" I look at my wife, who clearly didn't look one bit sad about losing her only minion in this universe; well, for now, that is, and look like someone who just won the lottery.

"I got us some books on the [Magic] of this universe. But, it's mostly for [Restrictive Magic] and [Defensive Magic]. Couldn't get the other branches types of [Magic]." Esdeath grin at me, as she took out an old brown book with a few weird letters or symbols on the cover.

"Oh, that's good. Are you going to try to learn some of them?" I wasn't really interested in them since I literally have a universe based on [Magic] as its core. Furthermore, I have other [Universe of Knowledge] that have a bit of [Magic] in them too for me to use if I wanted to.

"Yup. I may have my Teigu. But, I feel like having more skills just in case. After all, I saw how you try to mix up with your own [Magic] with your own personal fighting style. Why not do the same for me?" Esdeath put the book on [Restrictive Magic] back in the [Gate of Babylon].

"Now, carry me." Esdeath didn't bother to wait for my response as she jumps into my arm, forcing me to carry like I was supposed to after our wedding day. "Come on, I want us to have some alone time back in our own home." Esdeath gives me a deep kiss on the lip, then giving me a loving smile.

So without wasting a single word. I reactivate [Shundo] first, then [Time Alter: Double Accel] and run straight back to the same spot before coming back here. But, this time I was faster than before without having to worry about Lenalee while Esdeath can handle the G-force enough somewhat.

5 hours later*

By the time we got back to the area, Esdeath picked for us to place our newly made log house, which was enough for just us two. Pretty empty, but still good enough. As the log house is pretty much and has an upper level, where we choose as our bedroom; well, the entire upper floor level is the bedroom. But, at least, we got a place of our own and great time too. Since winter just started.

I place the giant bed, that Esdeath and I share. It's mostly the same bed that we slept back in Esdeath's universe and in her bedroom. We took it with us and Esdeath didn't want to get a different bed when she is already used to the one she slept in for years now.

(Lemon: Skip if you don't want to read!)

Upon the sight of her bed, Esdeath started to breathe heavily and begin kissing me all over, with the neck first, slowly and steady until she reaches my lip.

"Come on~! Give me it!" Esdeath's eyes look at me in the left eye, where I could see Esdeath's crazy sex drive came right in just when I lay her on the bed.

Esdeath didn't let go of me, continue to hold me by my necks with her arms. As she waits for me to give her what she wants.

"Now. Now. Esdeath. You know the rules." I smirk at Esdeath, who glare at me for a few seconds before unwrapping her arms and started taking off her clothes. Until she was left with her white bras and pantie.

Just as Esdeath was about to take those off as well. "Stop." I order Esdeath, who look at me and shiver as I stare at her. "Lay on your back." I order Esdeath once more, where she did as I said. I took off my gloves and toss them aside, where Esdeath's discarded clothes are.

"My lovely, pet." I spoke softly as I lean over and place my right on Esdeath's left face, causing Esdeath's breath to pick up. "Tell me, what do you want right now?" I knew what she wanted, but my inner desire to hear it from Esdeath's own mouth saying it.

"I want your dick." Esdeath replied in an equally soft voice, but she didn't dare move a muscle.

"Where do you want it?" I slowly trace my left index finger from the tattoo of her Teigu down to her womanhood. Where her pantie is soaking wet.

I give her a few slow rubs against her pussy, causing Esdeath to grasp at the touch, and making her pantie even wetter than it already is.

"I-In my pussy!" Esdeath shouts at me and throws herself at me, but I forcibly push her back down, where Esdeath struggles to get out of my grips and wanted to get what she desires the most right now.

"Esdeath. Enough." I said in a cold tone, causing Esdeath to stop for a moment, which was enough for me to slide her wet pantie to the side and insert two fingers into Esdeath's pussy.

Esdeath jerk from this sudden pleasure and felt all her strength leaving her, with a few teardrops coming out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry." Esdeath's mind wasn't stable at this moment and she throws away her pride she held as for being the greatest sadist of her universe and actually begged her husband.

"Are you going to listen to what I have to say?" I look at Esdeath, who looks like she would agree to do anything just to satisfy her urge.

Esdeath quickly nods her head at me, and force herself not to do anything that would make this wait any longer.

"Now. I'm going to remove myself from you and you will not move. Got it?" I said to Esdeath, who didn't do anything just to show she understand and didn't even dare nod her head in response.

As I get off Esdeath, where I find Esdeath's pussy twitching a little. I notice how Esdeath was struggling to control herself or else she gets punished.

Yes, Esdeath, who is known for being the greatest sadist of all time in her universe. Is submissive to me and obey what I say to her during these moments. It all begins when her crazy sex drive made her like this and what made me happy to marry Esdeath, for having such a sweet hidden side of her I didn't think she would have.

"Now. Remove all your undergarments." I didn't even have to wait for a second or so when Esdeath took them off so fast that I didn't think she had them on the first place as she throws it to the side and got back to her original position.

"Suck on it first, and be on all four while doing it." I order Esdeath, where she quickly unzips my pants and made sure she didn't touch my dick with her hands before she starting sucking on my dick the moment it's fully out.

Esdeath was trying to make me cum by going at it fast. This way, she would be able to get her itch to be scratched once this is done. But, I wasn't going to allow that to happen.

"Slowly." I said to Esdeath, causing her to stop for a moment, then begin sucking my dick again, but slowly this time compare the speed she was going at the time. "Make sure to use your tongue while you're at it." Esdeath did as I said, and stopped sucking as she licks the tip of my dick like it's a popsicle.

Then resume sucking my dick slowly and I notice how Esdeath was getting really into it as her pace started to pick up once more. Finding this was enough. I place my right-hand on top of Esdeath's head, stopping her with the tip of my dick still in her mouth. Which she took the time link around the tip, causing me to feel tongue going all over the tip of my dick.

I push Esdeath's head away, causing her to lay on her back as she stares at me with a confused look on her face.

"Spread your legs." I said to Esdeath, causing her confused look to turn into a happy one instantly as she happily spread her legs as I told her to and even use her hands to spread her pussy wide open for me to insert my dick in.

Too bad, I wasn't going to give what she wanted. As I thrust my dick into Esdeath's butthole, causing Esdeath to let out a loud moan as she started squirting just from thrusting into her other hold beside her pussy one time.

The look on Esdeath's face shows that she already happy, even if my dick is in her ass instead of her pussy. Not the mention how much she squirting still until my shirt is soaked with Esdeath's juice.

I took my wet shirt off and toss it to the side, where Esdeath's clothes are. Then, started thrusting, in and out, of Esdeath's asshole, where Esdeath continues to moan out loud.

I push my left index and middle fingers into Esdeath's mouth and she starts to move her tongue around them. Happy to have something in her mouth while her bottom half is filled; well, one of them is filled with something.

Ejaculating the moment I thrust one more time, filling up Esdeath's ass with lots of cum before I take my dick out and thrust it into her pussy, causing Esdeath to moan even louder than ever. Along with making Esdeath push the cum inside her ass out a bit with each time I thrust my dick into her pussy.

I give the mental no command to my [Gamer's Body] when it pop-up if I wanted to impregnate Esdeath.

Esdeath wraps her legs around my waist as I start our second round. Which Esdeath was happy to go again, but with her pussy this time.

I move my fingers, leaning over to capture Esdeath's tongue with my own. Making a new battle with our tongue, to see who will win this time of tongue of war.

A few minutes into this intense motion, both Esdeath and I climax at the same time and the same moment we separate from our tongue kissing.

"Who are you?" I thrust one more, causing Esdeath moan before she could answer me.

"I'm your pet, ma-ASTER!" Esdeath cried out in bliss when I thrust in again while she was speaking.

"And what's my first rule when we having our own moment together in bed or anywhere we feel like it?" I ask my lovely wife, with an eye of passion. While we continue with our dance for the third time.

"Al-Always li-isten to-o you ma-master!" Esdeath shout while she was enjoying her husband/master's dick rapidly thrusting inside to almost hitting her womb. Also, cumming again during the whole time she speaks.

"And what happens if you break this first rule?" I ask Esdeath, who barely could understand a word I'm saying as she begins thrusting her own hip as well.

I didn't get any response from Esdeath for a while beside her moaning out my name and with the word: Master a few times. So, I may as well just continue this until Esdeath regains back her mind.

(Lemon: End, thanks for reading!)

The next day*

Day 48: Love Can Change People

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Well, last night; Esdeath and I went at it until the sun rising, then to afternoon until Esdeath finally got a hold of herself, with her body covered in cum. Both her pussy and asshole are leaking a large amount of sperm, that's pretty much going to stain the bedsheet.

It's a good thing I got [Archive] now and could use the [Dismantle] program to remove it, along with the unwanted sperms as well.

Esdeath glaring at husband for a while, but with her cheek being red. It's not hard to tell she wasn't really mad and actually like being submissive during sex time. As she felt a whole new pleasure experience. Oh, she still a sadist and would punish her husband whenever she can. But, she loved the way he treated her during their sex time.

This whole new switching role made it a thrill for her, which she has no desire of changing it if she could help it. In fact, she loves the feeling of having her husband continue to ejaculation inside her every single time. Be it her pussy or butthole. She loves it.

But, even if she discarded her pride during those moments. Doesn't mean she lost them completely. So Esdeath will show who's the boss in this relationship once more outside of sex. And secretly, she wishes for her husband to punish her in return during future sex time.