Chapter 12: Shocking Events, Maybe Not

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 12: Shocking Events, Maybe Not

Day 63: We Go And We Arrive Part 2

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

In a small town on the northeast side where both Esdeath and I found just in a few hours in our travels. On the way here; there were a few obstacles we had to overcome. Well, it wasn't that hard to overcome when we just had to kill it. By killing it, we meant the animals that wanted to kill us for some reasons.

At least, we got some meats out of this whole thing. It's just too bad that I don't even get 1 EXP from all those killings. So, there must be some restrictions, again, to stop me from grinding on weaker creatures below my levels. Maybe below 10 levels or so would stop me from getting EXP from these kills.

"Find anything interesting in this town?" Esdeath asks me, as both of us enjoy ourselves a cup of warm green tea. Ignoring the scared people nearby due to Esdeath's pet grey wolf lying next to her and sometimes growls at people coming near us.

"Well, after I asked a few people just in case." Looking down at the grey wolf that still growling a little towards people walking nearby and are too afraid to ask us to take Esdeath's pet away from this area. "By myself, without your pet, and found out a few things."

Esdeath just smiles at me, knowing that due to her pet would cause others to move away and the chance of talking is close to zero.

So I had to separate from Esdeath and meet up with her at this tea shop, which I find myself wondering why there a tea shop in such a small town in the first place. And walk around the area to speak with people about if there any local legend that seem unnatural.

"There is a town further into the mountain. The thing is that there is a local legend about that town, where it would disappear at a certain time of the day and reappear at a different time. The mystery town would appear the moment the sunset while disappearing the moment the sunrise. Furthermore, all those that stayed when the sunrise. They would disappear along with the town and trap within that town forever. Never be able to escape from that town." I start telling Esdeath about what I found and a few things that some other local would know more than the others.

"Also, I don't know if it's true or not. But, all those that are trapped within that town are bound to some rules, but won't be revealed to those that are new and require to stay until it's afternoon. Which is impossible. Therefore, those that knew about this would escape right away after confirming a few things." I continue off as Esdeath listen closely.

Esdeath and I didn't really care if there are some people nearby listening onto us when this is open public information anyway, so there is nothing to hide.

"However, those that just arrived at the town for the first time would only have an hour to leave the town without any troubles, but afterward, the people within the town would slowly change their personality and try to keep the new ones to stay a bit longer. If you don't try to find the best excuses, then things would get violence and more people would try to stop you from leaving until it's too late." I finish what I heard from the local about this legend.

Before Esdeath could say anything; Esdeath's pet grey wolf started growling again, and this time, she stands on her legs, look ready to pounce.

As two people; one look tall around Esdeath's height and the other one smaller. With both wearing a uniform belonging to the Black Order. A black uniforms with silver trimmings. But, what's weird is that they are wearing a version of the Finders' uniforms. A long, hooded, black jackets that cover their entire bodies, with zippered pockets lining both sides of the breast.

Both of them are hard to tell what races they are, with bandages wrapped around their bottom half of the faces and with their hoods up. Making it almost impossible for Esdeath and I to find them later on if they were to take those uniforms off.

However, the only things we could tell the difference between these two and the other people are their eye color being blue and their heights.

"Excuse me." The first one to speak was the tall one and their voice was a bit high pitch, like a woman. So we could think this one could be a female or a male, it's hard to tell with their body shape being more neutral.

"We couldn't help, but overheard you speaking about this legend. Do you mind explaining this further to me and my little brother? Both of us are travelers and our hobby is to find these supernatural events that may be true or not. We just wanted to see it for ourselves with our eyes." The older one, that could be either a woman or a man, with that voice, but we wouldn't rule it out just yet when there are countless numbers of guys sounding like a girl.

"Sure. Not like it's a big secret or anything." Esdeath smile at these two, causing them to shiver at the cold eyes Esdeath is giving them, but they stood there and waited.

Esdeath repeated word for word of what I just said to her a minute or two ago, to these two that may or may not belong to the Black Order.

A few minutes later*

"Thank you, and I hope you enjoy yourself with your friend here." The tall one nods their head at us.

"He's my husband." Esdeath said with a hint of rage as if the word: Friend was an offended word to her whenever it related to her relationship with her husband.

Everyone could easily tell Esdeath was mad now; quickly the little brother of the two jumps in to save them the trouble.

"Sorry for my older sister! She still getting used to the outside world and doesn't know her manner that well from the way she was raised unlike me." The younger brother quickly informs or made up an excuse to calm down Esdeath's rage.

"It's okay. You two may want to leave." I spoke out for Esdeath and ignore Raubtier's growling at these two, and this is due to the pet feeling the rage coming from her master.

These two didn't need to be told twice with the way Esdeath is leaking a bit of killing intent and that was enough to frighten them to the core. Even the nearby people looking with curious eyes were scared away as well, even when it's just a small bit of Esdeath's killing intent, but towards to these people. It was very big and they have never felt anything like this before.

One thing I learned about Esdeath is that she is very possessive of me to the point of only allowed strong women to marry me and to those that are weak shall die either by a natural cause or by her hands. Yeah, having the status of a married couple change to a friend one would make Esdeath kill someone as she doesn't joke around with other that she doesn't consider close.

"Why you let them leave?" Esdeath whispers to me with cold rage, as she wishes to inflict it on those two for their words, but couldn't do it now since they have escaped. Even if she goes hunting them later, I would stop her long enough for them to escape.

Seeing how Esdeath is really mad; I quickly thought of something calm her rage down, even for a few minutes. "Well, seeing as those find the legend interesting and wanted to check it out. So we'll meet with them again if we decide to go check out the mystery town now before it's too late."

Yeah, I decided to throw those two to the wolf, literally. And rather not face Esdeath's wrath, where it would make Esdeath look like a yandere for some reasons. You stick in crazy, you stick with them forever. Well, my life has been already crazy, to begin with, so why not add Esdeath to it.

Hearing this, Esdeath calm down just a bit, but her rage is still there, ready to be released into the world. So she shall take her time for now and will take her time on torturing those two later.

"Fine. But if you stop me..." Esdeath left her warning in the air, showing that even if she loves her husband, she will punish him and not even her way to punish him when she feels like it is required.

I quickly raise both hands up, to show I won't stop her. Call me a wimp or whatever; I like to live and Esdeath could still kill me with the way she is right now. Including her mastery over her first trump put her threat level even higher.

Maybe if I was stronger, then I may change Esdeath's mindset of killing anyone that offends her even once and torture them afterward. But, seeing how I could barely last against her in a sparring match. Then again, I wasn't going all out, but that would end killing Esdeath and I rather not do that to my own wife.

"So you want us to go now or...?" I ask Esdeath, who didn't bother to think about and just got up from her seat, then drag me by the back of my collar without caring about my dignity as a man, but who was I to care about what others think about and only cared about what Esdeath's feeling for me instead.

I blink a few times and wonder if this was the thoughts from myself or influences of the [Gamer's Mind]. Deciding to save myself from thinking too hard about this and just left it aside for now.

2 hours later*

It took some time, but we found the area where the mystery disappearing town would appear soon in a matter of minutes once the sunset. In fact, thanks to my [Eagle Vision] and the boost with [Archive]. I found those two exorcists right away and are just a couple hundred meters away from us from our left. However, I didn't tell this to Esdeath or else she would go hunt them down the moment she know they're close by.

Of course, Esdeath is too busy playing with her pet grey wolf to pass the time before the mystery town appears. At least, this way Esdeath could keep her mind occupied instead of punishing me with those unusual sexual punishments she likes to do after getting so into it.

Now, if only I could figure out a way to allow Esdeath to keep her wild animal pets to tag along with us to travel to another universe. And my only solution was the [Ark], where I find myself wondering if this was a sign of Esdeath going to own an army of dangerous wild beasts.

But, I don't know if this was possible until I gain control over the [Ark]. And that's a long way into the future. Who knows when I would get the chance to enter the [Ark], where I could use the [Archive] to gain control over it.

"Ragna." Esdeath calls for my attention, as she wraps her arms around me from behind, pressing her breasts onto my back and place her head beside mine, whisper my name into my left ear softly.

"Yes?" The power of the [Gamer's Mind] help me keep my voice calm, much to my relief and wish it would do the same with my lower half, but that wasn't much help since Esdeath started rubbing me with her right hand.

Knew it was too good to be true when Esdeath didn't do anything for the past 2 hours before coming here and now she wanted to tease me like this.

"Do you love me?" Esdeath continues to whisper in a tone that promises a world of pain if I don't reply with an answer she wanted from me.

"Of course, I love you." I started to sweat when Esdeath grabs a hold of my dick and how tight she holding it in her grip.

"If you really love me. Then, why didn't you tell me about those two nearby?" Esdeath whisper voice turns towards her usual cold rage when she speaks with someone she really mad at.

"Because you were busying playing with little Raubtier at the time?" I was really grasping for straws right now and would use any excuses if possible. I rather not have Esdeath find another way to hurt me besides doing physical torture and sexual torture.

"Try again." Esdeath didn't believe this excuse one bit and she bites my left ear softly, to show this was just a sign of warning towards me if I don't give her the right response.

"I wanted to use them as baits and would know that if I inform you, that would lead to their deaths before we could use them for us to gather some information about the mystery town without resort of us getting the worse of the stick while leaving the trouble part to these two exorcists?" This was my next excuse that I just thought and feel a little proud for coming this up in no time flat.

"Good enough." Esdeath release before she moves around and drop herself onto my lap and push her butt against my crotch and even give a feel wiggle, to cause me to groan at this, which is what Esdeath aimed for and grab both my arms to wrap herself with them, then lean her back onto my chest as she waits for the sun to set soon.

Esdeath's pet wolf looks at this and let out a whimper as she walks over to us and looks at Esdeath with pity eyes. Wanting to get a hug from Esdeath and she doesn't even care about Esdeath's mate and willing to share much to Esdeath and my amusement at this.

"Come here." Esdeath open her arms open, which made me move my arms away, and Esdeath's pet wolf took this chance and rush into Esdeath's arms before sitting down while rubbing her head against Esdeath. But, would snap her teeth at me whenever I try to wrap my arms around Esdeath, much to my frustration and Esdeath's amusement.

A few minutes later*

Sunset and the mystery town appear in a blink of an eye, literally. As both Esdeath and I blink at the same time for some reasons and it appears out of nowhere in front of us. Much to our shocks, that we missed on how this mystery town appeared out of thin air.

"Ragna." Esdeath said in a dull tone while she stares at the town before her eyes with a blank expression.

"Yeah, Esdeath?" I replied in an equally dull tone as my wife and wonder how in the world did an entire town pop into existence like nothing. I even wonder, maybe someone with space manipulates related skill did this, but I can't seem to remember who that possessed such a skill in this universe.

"Please tell me you saw how this town appear instantly like it was there the whole time." Esdeath really wishes she could develop a skill similar to her husband's [Eagle Vision]. At least, with this way she could maybe gain an insight on how this town came to existence or maybe an illusion was placed over it until it was removed by sunset.

"Nope. I blinked my eyes for some reason and the next second. That town appeared before my very eyes." I didn't try to lie to Esdeath and told the truth, since I rather not get punished by Esdeath for lying to her about something like this.

"I see." Esdeath's left eye twitch before she stands up, causing her pet wolf to whine at this. "Let's head in, but make sure to track down those two exorcists. I still haven't forgiven them for their comments back at the other town. Come on, Ragna." Esdeath's grudge knows no bound.

"Alright." I stand up and brush the grass off my pants and continue to use my [Archive] with [Eagle Vision] to keep an eye on the two exorcists. Surprisingly, I gained 7 levels for both skills for doing this spying thing this whole time.

I should really stop dismissing all the pop-up windows whenever one of my skills level up. Since it almost became a habit now to dismiss them right away. So, I had to check the skills' levels by opening the skills list every once in a while now.

But, still, at least with [Eagle Vision] leveling up, including [Archive] using with it, the range is already passed the hundreds distance range.

Esdeath order her pet grey wolf to stay put and hunt nearby, but never to enter the town when she not completely sure it's even safe for her pet to come with. Even with how much whining the grey wolf made, but accept Esdeath's orders and run off to do anything a wild grey wolf would do at a time like this.

20 minutes later*

So far, the people in this mystery town are friendly, too friendly in my opinion. Even Esdeath find this a little disturbing. Well, if you live your whole life filled with fear from others towards you almost daily. I'm not surprised to see Esdeath feel a little disturbed by how these people look friendly, act friendly, and even offer free samples of all types of food.

Much to my regret; my stomach got the better of me and we wasted too much time, thanks to my stomach wanting to taste all these new things.

"Did you have to try all of those samples?" Esdeath asks her husband with a deadpan expression. She already knew this side of her husband that made this a part of him, who would have the desire to eat all the world could offer. After all, her husband's sense of taste is the only thing that wasn't changed by the Gamer's ability, for now, and he wanted to keep it that way for as long he can before it changes as well.

Esdeath may not care about this, but even she knew how fragile her husband's mind is and only the [Gamer's Mind] is keeping it intact and her presence. Yes, she knew her husband's mind wasn't stable at all and close to breaking since the first-week spending with him.

She has seen this with other people before in her career as a soldier of the Empire. Of course, some of them she caused them herself and know the best ways to stop that from happening to her husband. It's easier to destroy than it is to protect something.

Esdeath could see this as a weakness of her husband, but she knew the difference between people from each other in this state of mind. Even herself had her mind scatter for a few seconds after getting her Teigu and overcome it with her might.

However, the way she has done it left some side effects she knew herself that made who she is, which is why she wasn't that shocked about her new crazy sex drive appeared out of nowhere once she had her first taste of sex with her husband.

Thinking about it now, her crazy sex drive could be a mixture of both her mental state from the influence of her husband's [Gamer's Mind] affecting her from the connection of the marriage and her Teigu.

Oh, Esdeath has no regrets about this as she loves spending time with her husband no matter what. In fact, these moments are the best time of her entire life and she wouldn't change it for anything. If she meets her prime version before her ending; she would hope her prime is happy with her choice, because she would even gladly help her gain her love life.

But, until then, Esdeath will just make sure her husband doesn't go completely crazy like some people she know. Of course, she crazy herself, but not the crazy one that would act on instinct alone only and doesn't care about what's happening around them until they either stop by something or die by someone's hands.

"Hey, Ragna." Esdeath hugs her husband's left arm, pressing her breasts onto them, causing her husband to gulp a little, which she always finds satisfying.

"Yeah?" I look at Esdeath, who just smile at me while I just finish off the last sample of food I got from a too friendly old man butcher. Who knew bacon-wrapped hotdog would be so tasty even when it's cold.

"I love you." Esdeath said to her husband to moment he ate his last sample, causing him to look at her with a calm expression like he already expected this and she would be a bit mad if he didn't.

"I love you too, Esdeath." I give Esdeath a smile; I would give her a kiss, but my lips are a bit covered with a little sauce from the other samples covered in them. And I haven't cleaned my mouth yet.

Too bad, Esdeath didn't care and pull me into a kiss; she even licks off the sauce off my lips too before she goes in a tongue kiss to show her love for me.

Some of the people nearby whistles at us, and some of the husbands nearby look envy at this sight before they got told off by their wives.

"Not that I mind about the kiss, which I love to have more often, but why?" I wanted to know what's going on with Esdeath to show such affection right now when we're trying to figure out what the problems with this town and why the people here look like they were proud of living here for some unknown reasons.

"Because I felt like it. So, shut up and accept a kiss from your loving wife." Esdeath kiss me again before I could say another word.

Well, I didn't mind and lean in to give Esdeath a kiss in return, causing more people to look at us with bright smiles on their faces for some reasons.

The kisses lasted for a few minutes before Esdeath stop and lead me to another road with fewer people nearby.

"Now, that is over. Did you find anything strange with these people?" Esdeath acts as if the last few minutes of showing a couple moments didn't happen at all, but the blushes on her face prove otherwise of what she felt.

"Well, they seem happier whenever we kiss and show that we love each other, which I think is a little weird. Since most people would either look at us with negative emotions and some brave ones would tell us to find a room to do all these public displays of affection." I spoke out my random thoughts that pop to mind, which Esdeath took in and start thinking about something.

"Isn't that normal?" Esdeath couldn't help remember a few scenes in some of her books she read about romance that similar to their situation. "I'm sure they just happy to see young couples being in love with each other."

"Esdeath. This town not normal to begin with." I said to Esdeath dryly, reminding her about the place we're in currently. Not that I could blame her since it's technically my fault for distracting her while I was stuffing my face with foods.

"Of course, this town isn't normal, but isn't this a normal reactions to young couples?" Esdeath may have social inexperience with the common people due to her career, but the books help her somewhat.

"In some novels yeah, in the real world. The chance of that happening is very low and in a good neighborhood. Most places would find this disgusting and depend on the appearance of the couples. Trust me, humans are ugly creatures with cruel nature when it comes to some useless stuff like appearance alone." I explain Esdeath my reasons why it was unnatural with these town folks looking happy for us.

"We may want to find those two exorcists before we continue with our search for those unnatural beings." I hint the words: Unnatural beings as to hide the facts we know about the Akuma and who know if there is a higher level Akuma here that just listening onto us and decide to attack us right away to keep their secret.

"Right. Lead the way." Esdeath knew this wasn't the best time to talk about these types of subject. So she follows her husband to where the two exorcists are since her husband still got his skills to track onto their locations as we speak.

3 hours later*

If Esdeath and I weren't trying to act like everything was normal; we would have met up with those two exorcists by now, but those two weren't really trying their best to hide and are running all over the place. Making it difficult for us to chase after them at a walking pace.

"Hm?" I notice something interesting on my right, where an unusual blacksmith store, with a bald old man that's still buff and didn't look like they about to die any time soon.

Walking over, with Esdeath following behind in interest of what I've found. Glancing over the place and notice how there are multiple weapons of all kinds. Most in a form I have no saw before, but didn't dismiss them as something useless. Everything has their usage, no matter how useless, they are for most of the time.

"Find anything you like? If not, beat it. I don't have the time to deal with you folks." The old blacksmith grunt at us, causing Esdeath to narrow her eyes at him. Instead of being afraid, the old blacksmith just grunts again at Esdeath like she wasn't much of a threat to him. If only he knew, but seeing how Esdeath can't torture the living out of this old blacksmith without drawing unwanted attention.

Esdeath has to deal with it for now, but afterward, it's fair game for her and she already has two targets just waiting for her to get her hands on. This old blacksmith, if he was still alive that is, would be targeted by her as well.

"We want to buy all your swords." I glance around the place, then notice some barrels filled with throwing knives that look like they are made from scrap metals. "Along with all your throwing knives if you have more." I point at the barrels on my right.

This caused the old blacksmith's eyebrows to rise very high and a big grin replaces his scowl. "Well, let me help you out with that! Ah! Wait, how are you going to pay for all this?" The old blacksmith may not be the best businessmen when it comes to money values, but he knows this would be his biggest sale ever and wanted to know how they're going to pay for all these and not just a prank.

"Here." Esdeath didn't try her best to hide by pulling out a big bag filled with jewels inside out of the [Gate of Babylon] without giving the old blacksmith the chance of wondering where she pulls such a big bag out of nowhere and Esdeath place it on the counter with a loud bang, to show how heavy the jewels inside the bag are.

"Would you like some help to carry your purchase?" The old blacksmith didn't care if these two were aliens or some bullshit fantasy things, and all he cared about is his money.

A few minutes later*

Esdeath and I left the blacksmith store, with the owner waving us goodbye and ask us to come back anytime. Not like we would since we got all we needed, including a special sword I'm surprised to find in this universe. Also, we restocked on more swords and with throwing knives for our usage.

Twirling the black sword in my left hand as I use [Sha Naqba Imuru] on it again just to be sure I wasn't seeing things. Dismissing another notification window that I level up [Sha Naqba Imuru] again. Making this the 15th time now, leading to the skill at level 21 now from using it a lot more than I had over the weeks until today.

[Skiajati] - Rank: C+ - Durability: 1000/1000 - ATK: N/A

Description: Forged of steel of unknown sources, with the unique ability to turn its wielder invisible temporarily by killing something. This weapon was used by great unknown beings and in a war of unknown. The weapon utilizes a similar model to the shikomizue or joto katana, best described as a swordstick or cane-sword.

1st Effect: The wielder turns invisible for 5 seconds upon killing something

1st Effect's Stealth Stacks: 1 stealth stack = 5 seconds, where each kill would add another stack to extend the duration of invisibility. The maximum limit is 5 stealth stacks.

2nd Effect: Repair durability by 1 per minute while staying in the sheath

3rd Effect: Increase blade's sharpness per kill for a limited time by 10% for 5 seconds

3rd Effect's Blade Stacks: 1 blade stack = 10% increase for blade's sharpness, where each kill would add another stack to extend the duration. Reset upon putting the sword into the sheath.

Whatever it is made of. The [Shiajati] can actually handle my [Sword Qi], unlike other common swords. Even if I pour in 100 [Sword Qi] in one go. It didn't even lose one point of durability at all! Talk about good quality. Maybe the only sword in the C-Rank range and above could handle my [Sword Intent] right now.

Don't know what happens once my [Sword Intent] enters the next stage and wonder if this [Skiajati] could still handle my [Sword Qi] at that time. But, that long into the future. For now, I'm just happy to have a sword that I could other than the [Korosu], which would just eat my [Sword Qi] instead.

Later on, I should figure out a way to improve the [Skiajati] in the future to make it into the B-Rank range to handle my [Sword Qi] in the later stages.

Thinking about the [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic]'s [Enchantment Creation Magic]. Maybe this would help me upgrade the [Skiajati], but I will experiment with it on low-rank weapons before trying it on [Skiajati] and end up breaking it because I didn't practice it with it first. By then, I would regret it for a lifetime and wonder why I didn't stop and think about it first.

"Happy now?" Esdeath smirk at her husband, watching him getting used to his new sword before using it in a fight. Which should take a while, so until then, her husband would have to resort to unarmed combats or just use one of the low-quality swords.

"Very." I said to Esdeath, happy to find this sword and wonder if my LUCK stat caused this. If so, I'm happy to put those stat points into it and may put in later on once I figure out a way to increase my INT and WIS stats without having to read who knows how many books to raise them.

A few hours later*

"You know, I feel like someone watching us." Esdeath said to her husband as they continue walking towards the two exorcists and wasted who knows how long to just meet up with one of them.

And yet, we haven't reached one of them and lost them more than once already. In fact, it took multiple turns and random routes before one of them got back in my range of [Archive: Eagle Vision]. Sadly, this happened for dozens of times already and both Esdeath and I call it quits by letting them come to us.

So right now, both Esdeath and I look around the place to find a place to spend the last bit of time of our stay here until it's time for us to leave this town unless we wanted to be stuck here forever like these town folks.

"You know. I find it a little weird these people haven't commented about us carrying our weapons in the open." I whisper to Esdeath, as I wait for her to pick a place for us to waste our time waiting for either one of the exorcists to see us or for us to leave this town.

Esdeath blinks, then look at her husband's [Skiajati], where he is holding it with his right hand right now, which is the same length as her long rapier and she looks at her own long rapier, then looks around her. Where all the town folks just seem happy. Like nothing is wrong with the world. Which is creepy in Esdeath's opinion. She's not used to all these happiness without any torture or anything negative related involve in this happiness.

To get some comfort out of this creepiness; Esdeath moves a bit closer to her husband and held his left arm in between her breasts. Just to calm her down and mostly to stop herself from lashing out to cause discord, to make the situations something she more familiar with instead of all this.

"Okay, here two options we could do right now since we can't find the best place to idle away our time away before we either leave or found by those exorcists. We can leave now and leave these people alone, along with those exorcists or we can slaughter all these people to draw whatever is making this town disappear on sunrise." Esdeath whispers to her husband since she rather not deal with people she doesn't like to be near with.

After all, Esdeath would mostly kill them back in her universe pretty much all the time. So she doesn't have to get used to these types of people when it reminds her of unwanted memories.

"We could just leave...or we can just kill everyone here, that is fine. We're not a saint after all." I quickly change my tone when Esdeath's cold eyes glance at me when I mention we could just leave instead of killing, which she had the urge to release by killing people. As it has been very long time for her since her last human kills.

And just like that, I discover that Esdeath is addicted to killing human beings. Go figure. Not a surprise, but just a little since I thought Esdeath would be more of a sadist and a battle manic, not addicted to killing. Then again, her childhood is filled with a kill or be killed.

"But, we can only use our swords since we still don't know who watching us right now and we already revealed the [Gate of Babylon] back at the blacksmith store." I remind Esdeath not to use her Teigu until the enemy has shown themselves before us or they could counter us, if they're smart enough to do so that is, then we have to keep some of our skills hidden until then.

10 minutes later*

"Huh. I really thought there would be more reactions, then just die with a smile on their faces and didn't even defend themselves." I said to my wife, who was frowning at the lack of fear and scream of pain and despair.

"I'm still waiting on whatever is behind all this." Esdeath switches her target from massacre the town folks to the person of this disappearing town act.

"Now that you mention it. I don't see anything out of the ordinary besides these town folks." Looking down at one of the corpses and feel weird out they all have the same smile.

"Ignoring these weird people and focus on finding either those exorcists or something that's out of place." Esdeath started looking around ignoring the fact of these dead town people counts as something out of place or we're the one out of place since this town is their home and all.

Reactivating [Eagle Vision] through [Archive] again, gaining me three more levels from using this for a while now for both skills to keep track of what's going on around us.

"Hey, Esdeath." I call for my wife's attention and let her see what's going on the interface of the [Archive]. Showing both of us, the two exorcists are facing the town people, where instead of a smile on their faces and accepting their deaths. These ones still have their smiles, but twisted into a disturbed version of one. As they try to take down the exorcists.

"Where is this?" Esdeath looks eager to go there and fight both the exorcists and the town peoples that turned into these.

"East of here and I'm guessing it's because we started too early and killed these people before they transformed into those from the other side of the town. As sunrise is coming soon." I said to my wife, telling her my theory on why the ones we killed didn't fight back and maybe it was due to the time frame.

"Don't care." Esdeath left me and rush towards where the fights are taking place, leaving me behind with a pile of corpses. That I have no clue if these are human beings or not in the first place.

"And she's gone. You can come out now. You can't hide from me." I said to no one and I was testing out my LUCK stat to see if they would show up after Esdeath is gone now.

Letting out a mental sigh of relief as the sound of a girl giggling appear in the area. Before a shadow appears behind me, which was easily seen through the [Archive]'s interface and another relief that only Esdeath and I could see these interfaces. I left the unknown reasons why was due to Esdeath's status as my wife that give her the limited access to my Gamer's ability.

With [Skiajati] still in its sheath; I just moved my left wrist to raise the end tip of the sheath to my back, where the being that trying to ambush me from behind was caught off guard a little at my action, revealing to them that I discovered them the moment they appeared.

"Miss me~! Now you got to catch me~" I heard a familiar voice from this universe's anime and I did not like it one bit. Since I have no clue if I could an enemy, who could easily teleport me into a pocket dimension with absolute control over that pocket dimension.

I frown, wishing I wouldn't do this until I was completely sure I could do it without forcing it, but with the enemy, I'm about to face. It needs to be done.

[Weapon Technique Creation]:

Weapon Focus: Sword

1st Core: [Sword Intent]

2nd Core: [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]

1st Form: [Cleave Sword Form]

1st Core + 2nd Core + 1st Form = [Cleave Sword Intent]

Upon creating a new [Sword Intent] forcibly through [Pumba] instead of comprehending like a normal sword cultivator for a new technique. I had to use a forced method to gain the [Sword Intent] in the first place. Instead of the normal way.

Lucky for me, my multiple guesses were right and I unlocked 10% of the [Cleave Sword Intent] instead of just outright, creating it at the get-go like with [Sword Intent]. Furthermore, I feel the locked knowledge over [Sword Intent] loosen a little upon gaining [Cleave Sword Intent]. So I was going the right approach for this in developing my [Sword Intent].

[Cleave Sword Intent: Space Cut], this was the [Sword Technique] I was trying to comprehend upon gaining [Sword Intent] afterward. Based on [Judgement Cut] from Devil May Cry series of the weapon known as [Yamato], that's imbued with tremendous [Magic]. The sword is said to be able to cut through anything, even the very fabric of space itself.

Of course, I made it even better, leading to [Cleave Sword Intent], able to split or server anything, as long as I have the [Sword Qi] to do so.

So 10% of the [Cleave Sword Intent] were plenty enough since I gained the ability to literally cut space AND time if I wanted to or just one of the two. So unlike [Yamato]. I can even cut time itself as well with [Cleave Sword Intent] and this is just 10%. I can't imagine what would happen if I have 100% for the [Cleave Sword Intent].

Furthermore, this [Cleave Sword Intent] can still be used like the normal [Sword Intent] where I could cover my body with it. But, for now, I send 300 [Sword Qi] into [Skiajtai], coating with a red mist to show it worked. Showing I can use [Cleave Sword Intent: Space Cut] with the [Skiajati].

Spinning on my left heel and slash the space behind me, causing the fabric of space itself to split apart, where I see a shocked Noah of Dream, who found out someone possesses the ability to create a pathway to her pocket dimension.

But, I didn't dare enter the newly open pathway to Road's dream dimension as the universe quickly repair the space I just cut and made it like nothing happen just now.

Sadly, this included the small connection to Road's dream dimension I was lucky enough to track down through sensing it by using [Cleave Sword Intent] to locate her. But, now that the universe fixed the temporary pathway to the dream dimension belong to the Noah of Dream.

I couldn't detect unless Road creates a temporary link to this dimension to hers. From the moment she spoke to me was the moment the I can detect the space in between the dimensions of this universe with my [Cleave Sword Intent].

Of course, I could use the link of this town to Road's dream dimension, but it looks like 10% wasn't enough for me to do this and require a stronger link from Road herself to do so, even when this town is Road's handy work.

All I get was the space around this town is fading and the time of this town was frozen for some reason, making this town separate from the rest of the world. Almost like a whole different dimension, but still connected to the dimension outside of this town.

I click my tongue, then use [Shundo] to meet up with Esdeath and get us out of here before it's too late. I rather not test my luck if I could use [Cleave Sword Intent] to open us a way out of here. After all, I just got it and don't have much experiences using it yet.

2 minutes later*

I may have miscalculated on how much Esdeath is addicted to killing and torture. Because I'm looking at Esdeath looking at the moon with a beautiful smile on her face, with the moon as a background would make this whole picture almost perfect.

Almost, if there weren't multiple corpses lying next to her feet and with the two exorcists among was in the worst state. Oh, they're dead alright, but they didn't die painless or peacefully. As the agony on their disfigure faces was enough to tell me Esdeath didn't hold back and did it as fast she could to calm down her urge.

"You alright there, Esdeath?" I call out to my wife, keeping a good grip on my [Skiajtai] and ready to use my new [Cleave Sword Intent] to counter any attacks coming from Esdeath, who clearly look like she was thinking about something very important.

Esdeath slowly moves her head and look at me with her eyes, so dull, but glowing like the moon behind her as a background.

"Ragna." Esdeath whispers my name as she reaches out to me with her left hand, wanting to touch me. But, didn't move from her spot.

I have no clue what happened in the last few minutes of separating from Esdeath, but I know one thing, this is a moment where Esdeath could change to something bad or good, or nothing at all. However, I didn't hesitate and walk over to Esdeath, who still didn't move from her spot and have her left arm raised in my direction.

Walking over to my wife, who is a little strange, stranger than usual, but I didn't let that stop me and I still have [Archive: Eagle Vision] up and running, but really wish I had kept my eyes on Esdeath when I had to scare a Noah away. If I actually did manage to scare her away.

I place my right hand on Esdeath's left palm before she pulls me over as she hugs me, pressing her face onto my right shoulder and wrap her arms around my back.

"Is there something wrong, Esdeath?" I ask my wife while keeping an eye in the direction where the sun is about to rise in a few minutes now.

"Don't leave me." Esdeath whisper to me as if she didn't even hear me and in her own little work.

Frowning at this and feel the need to see if I could get Esdeath's full attention, but didn't dare take any more chances and do it here, where we're still in the mystery disappearing town, that may be the work of Road, the Noah of Dream.

So I use [Gate of Babylon] to take Esdeath's long rapier and my new sword in before I pick up Esdeath in a princess carry, then started running with [Shundo] and [Time Alter: Double Accel] to helping me get out of this town.

A few minutes later*

Day 64: Heart Yearn

(Continent: Europe: Country: Scandinavia)

Just a minute or two to spare before I managed to carry Esdeath out of the mystery town, which disappears the moment the sunrise. Much to my relief that Road didn't try to attack me while my hands are used at the moment, but I could have used [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] to deal with her.

Using [Archive: Eagle Vision] to track down Esdeath's pet grey wolf and found her, where I run towards the wild grey wolf and whistle, causing Esdeath's pet to notice me and quickly follow me.

I didn't stop running until I was miles away from the area where the mystery town disappeared on me when sunrise, but made sure Esdeath's pet was following me once I running at normal speed without any of my skills to help me.

Much to my confusion on why Esdeath didn't say anything the whole time I was running. All she did was look at me with a small smile as she held onto my front shirt.

20 minutes later*

I ran straight towards the north until it was almost freezing cold to those that don't wear a winter coat and any winter gears require staying in this cold environment. Which neither Esdeath or myself need them for different reasons.

The reason why I picked a cold place to stop at and instead of a warm place; well, I wanted Esdeath to cheer up by being in a familiar environment she used to and that anywhere pretty much with snow everywhere.

Once I know there no danger nearby with [Archive: Eagle Vision] and again ignoring the leveling up notification which happens thrice now. So another 3 levels to those two skills.

I use [Gate of Babylon] to summon our log house, filled with all the stuff I left inside it, which I find myself glad I don't have to keep on repeatedly places everything in their exact same spots every time I wanted to use the log house.

Going inside, with Esdeath's pet following along as I place Esdeath on our bed, but Esdeath didn't let go of my shirt and gently pull on it. Telling me she didn't want to be left alone and want me to join her in bed. With Esdeath's pet jump on top of the bed and lay next to Esdeath.

So I lay next to my wife, holding her tightly to my chest as I wait for Esdeath to say something to me. But, then I realize I shouldn't really be waiting in the first place when I should ask her right away before things could become more complex later on.

"Esdeath. Is something wrong?" I look down at Esdeath, who looks directly into my left eye. Waiting for Esdeath to reply about what caused her to become like this.

Instead, Esdeath reaches out to my eyepatch with her left hand and gently remove it aside, where Esdeath let out a smile of relief like she finally solves something. Of course, Esdeath's pet jumps away the moment it felt my killing intent and look from a distance, but didn't dare come close now that my [Ultimate Eye] is shown.

"You're real." Esdeath whispers to me like she thought I was an illusion to her, wondering why this was the case until I remember about Road. But, I know for sure Esdeath didn't enter Road's dream dimension since I managed to look into it and didn't see Esdeath in it either. Furthermore, I check back on Esdeath right away afterward.

So either Road got a level 2 Akuma with a special ability similar to Road's [Mind Reading] and recreate her fears within Esdeath's mind instead of Road's method of recreating them within her pocket dimension.

Or Esdeath has a mental issue of seeing things that are not there in the first place. Thinking about it for a moment. I'm leaning to the first one instead of the latter. Since Esdeath didn't have any problem with her mind, besides the whole mindset of the strong survive and the weak die.

Which wasn't that much a problem when I've grown up in a similar setting. Plus those wuxia novels pretty much include similar creed the one Esdeath go by. So that's nothing special if Esdeath were to born in a world of cultivators with all that bullshit in powers. She would fit right in no problem at all.

"Yeah, you're real. No one would blank out like you do for no reason and do you silly inner monologue all day." Esdeath smirk at me, letting me know she almost back to normal.

"You wanna tell me what caused you to be; well, not your normal self back there in the mystery town?" I move Esdeath's left hand to push back my eyepatch back in place to hide away my [Ultimate Eye].

"Well, after I left you, which was my biggest mistakes, and found the two exorcists along with those town folks. My bloodlust got the better of me and I killed all those town people before torturing those two exorcists for their comments about you being my friend when you're my husband." Esdeath leaks out a bit of killing intent, which shows a dark blue color aura covering her body.

This caused Esdeath's pet to let out a whimper before it runs to a corner and stay while curling up in a ball, wanting to know what's going on, but decided she will stay in this little corner for today and see how things go before she thinks it's safe again.

I find this a little interesting if Esdeath knew she could do this or maybe it's just a bonus hidden effect belong to her Teigu that manifest itself in a way whenever Esdeath releases her killing intent slowly.

"Go on." I completely ignore how Esdeath is like those unreasonable characters in those wuxia novels that kill people for just looking at them funny or don't get what they wanted or something.

"Well, after torturing with all my heart. I found myself in this weird illusion, that show how you hate me and try to kill me. Of course, I knew this wasn't real and begin killing everything in sight for what could be like hours or so until different people from back in my universe show up out of nowhere. Oh, the battle I went was gloriest until I no longer saw your appearance and I didn't care about the illusion. I wanted to see you." Esdeath started off how she found herself in an illusion, which may have a different time frame, because it was only a few minutes for me and hours or days for Esdeath.

"I just trap these fakers of enemies belong to my memory until I see you again. But, as time went, I didn't see you until you show up out of nowhere. I didn't care if you were an illusion or not and let you take me. All I wanted is to see you again. As my heartache without your presence. I just wanted to be sure if you real or not by removing your eyepatch. As your illusion did have your [Ultimate Eye], but didn't have the killing intent appearing right away whenever it's revealed. Furthermore, you spacing out like that and still react to me show you're real to me." Esdeath finishes and kisses me on the lip, with tears going down her cheeks.

I didn't know about the Esdeath prime version, but this Esdeath of mine is my wife and seeing her so fragile actually cause my heart to hurt. Maybe it's the [Gamer's Body] helping the [Gamer's Mind], but I didn't care one bit and kiss Esdeath back.

Knowing that I actually love Esdeath with all her good and bad sides. As she loves me back if she is willing to accept her death if I was an illusion trying to trick her. Showing me that even something like an illusion could cause Esdeath's death, making me furious at either the Akuma or Road, whoever caused my Esdeath to feel so weak. Only I can do this.

As I broke the kiss and stare Esdeath's eyes. "It's okay, Esdeath. I will never leave you. We'll be together always." I whisper to Esdeath and kiss her again, which she kissed back.

Esdeath stops kissing me and gives me a sad smile, "I love you, Ragna. I'm happy to be your wife, but I know you won't be with me forever. After all, what about those other girls? Can you still say this in the future?"

"I won't try to make up an excuse by making an empty promise. Who knows what the future holds for us. But, know this, you're my wife, my first one, and you even gave me your first. All of them, be it your kiss, your virginity, anything. I will always have my mind on you whenever I see you. So no matter how many girls I meet, if you don't like them, then I won't accept them and ask them to find someone else. I rather stay in that universe and come up with our own methods to travel the multiverse." I didn't dare make a promise I won't hold and rather speak my mind on what I would do instead.

Esdeath's eyes widen a little and more tears go down her cheeks, then press lip onto her husband's lip. Just a simple kiss with no tongue. Just like the ones she did with her husbands a few seconds ago. Simple, but filled with so much love.

Doubts that Esdeath held deeply within her heart, afraid some of them would come true until it becomes a reality. But, just these words from her husband alone made almost all of them disappear.

Esdeath is okay if there some doubts left within her heart, but she will fight for her love of her husband. She may show weakness more often now that she met her husband, but that's fine with her as she will use these moments of weakness to motivate her to become even stronger, that no one will stop her. Not even her husband.

Both Esdeath and I accept the cruel fates that even these moments, that could have broken us apart. We will fight to be together, even if it means destroying everything in our paths.


For your love of your wife has grown further than it should, causing almost all your future destiny ones to be broken. Forcing these girls' red string of fate to bind themselves to another. But, not all are willing to give up. So beware of those that will even seek you, the player.


Increase wisdom, intelligence, and luck by 10 from all these events.

"Huh." I said out loud, causing Esdeath to look at me with curious eyes, wondering what caught my attention.

"Well, it looks like thanks to this conversation and what you went through. My Gamer's ability informed me that some of those destiny girls no longer fated to be together with me. But, only a few remaining, though, and they are willing to seek me out too." I explain to Esdeath about what's going on and even told her the stats I gained from this.

"Interesting. But, I don't care about that right now. Just make love with me for the whole day. I want you to help me forget about what I went through back in that cursed town." Esdeath said to me, showing how much those affected her that she willing to call that mystery town a cursed one with how much it hurt her.

So for the whole day; neither Esdeath or I would be outside the log house and spend our time together in a long session of sex, and even the time we eat, we're still having sex.

Esdeath no longer cared about how much trouble it caused her with semen leaking out of her. In fact, she felt happy for it to show that she had spent time together with her husband and prove his love for her.

She did have to stop her pet from licking the semen dripping everywhere, though. Esdeath did not want to see what would happen if her pet would lick semen and wouldn't want to risk her pet having problems. So she would keep shouting at her pet whenever she saw her pet go near her husband's semen she drips out of her whenever she moves around the place.