Chapter 19: Changes Come With Time

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 19: Changes Come With Time

The next day*

Year 5: Day 116: This Isn't Overpowered At ALL!

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

After yesterday of helping Baam out a bit; well, more like giving him 10 minutes from each of us to help him out, then leave afterward.

I went first and taught Baam one the important lessons in battles. Dodge. Yup, I just use my [Hrunting Bow] on Baam until he could dodge high-speed arrows coming at him. The end result: Baam had to be treated right away and was more afraid of me than ever.

Yuri was up next and she taught him how to attack without giving the enemy a chance to fight back. This led to Baam almost put into a coma, but I healed him right back up without any problem.

Esdeath went last and Bamm was shaking in fear of what Esdeath would teach him. Much to almost everyone's surprise that was watching this. Esdeath just taught Baam the lesson of planning out his attacks before doing them. But, also make multiple backup plans in the case he may fail in the middle of the battle.

By the time Esdeath finished explaining this. She demands Baam to use what she taught against someone and see how he goes. Even with Esdeath not inflicting any wounds on Baam. She still caused him in a lot of pain since the person she made Baam fight was Yuri.

Yeah, in the end, we were stopped from helping Baam besides giving advice; well, Esdeath still allowed to help Baam out, same with Yuri if she doesn't spar with him like she did when Yuri tried to teach him.

I didn't really care and just head back to my room, with Ryun tagging along as both Esdeath and Yuri stayed behind to continue watching over Baam's progress. Which took only a couple of hours before Esdeath and Yuri came back to the room to sleep.

During the morning, both Esdeath and Yuri went off to meet up with Baam and anyone else, to help the kid out. Leaving Ryun and me behind, where Ryun was happy to be alone with me.

Ryun just read the book Esdeath handed to her while I did my thing. So, bringing up my status list to check on a few things, that changed after reaching level 40.

Status List:

Character Name: Ragna D. Mercer

Alignment: Neutral - Chaotic

Lvl: 40 - EXP: 5%/100%

1st Profession: The Gamer

2nd Profession: [Contractor Lvl.6] - EXP: 0%/100% [2:1 Exchange Rate]

Title: [Husband of Esdeath D. Mercer] - Have the ability to teleport to your wife location instantly per 24 hours. Title effect will still be in effect even if it's not equipped.

HP: 185080/185080 - Regen: 1 HP per hour

MP: 229240/229240 - Regen: 20.1 MP per minute

DM Tier 10: 100%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

Void Energy: 100%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

Sword Qi: 38200/0 - Regen: 0 per minute

[100 HP + 100 MP = 1 Sword Qi]

STR: 18499

END: 18508

AGI: 18492

INT: 130

WIS: 201

MAG: 22924

LUCK: 130 (Contractor: +60) = 190

RES: [Dark Matter]: Tier 10: 100% (Can't add points into this stat)

Point: 8901

Money: 0

Age: 24

After reaching level 40; well, the EXP changed to a percentage since I guess the digits went over too much that it changes it. Even the [Profession Contractor]'s EXP switched as well. But, that made it worse for me. Since I could have leveled up my 2nd profession, like around 20s or into the 30s level range before this happens. Guess there always a downside to the upside.

Looking at the pitiful INT and WIS stats, I had the urge to use those stat points on them, but held myself back. As it's too soon. I haven't found that one skill to raise them up like the other stats.

After thinking about it for a while. I picked my 3rd profession and found out I could get another [Charyeok] by picking the [Profession Contracter] as my third profession. Well, better than most of the other ones. Also, getting another bonus LUCK stat from this wasn't too bad. Even if it just +5 LUCK stat per level instead of +10 like the first one.


You have picked the [Profession: Contractor] as your third profession. Due to picking this as your third profession, there will be another section to show which [Charyeok] you possess. You can now form another contract.


An entity has already agreed to form a contract with you. Your [Charyeok] is the [Nine-Tails Guardian].

[Charyeok: Nine-Tails Guardian] - Active -

Description: Gain access to a set of skills belong to the [Nine-Tails Guardian] for a limited time and by offering something in exchange to unlock more skills belong to this great being.

The Nine-Tails Guardian's Skill:

[Tails Activation] - The user can unleash the tails as a means to increase the user's power. The greater the number of tails activated would put a greater burden on the user's body at the same time. The level of the [Contractor] is equal to a minute of the time the player can use. But, can increase the duration by offering 1000 MP per minute.

With the first tail changing the user's appearance by giving them white hair and fox-like eyes with red corners, making the center of their pupil slits as well. Also, having fox ears at the top of the user's head. Each tail would be made out of flames. Until the ninth tail would make the user's hair become much longer and darker, as well as redden the eyes. There would be patches of yellow fur behind the fox ears-like part of the user's hair and gain flames blades around the elbow.

First Tail Unleashed:

Health Generation (HG): Regen: 1% HP per minute

Physical Enhancement (PE): +1% towards STR, END, and AGI

(Require user's END at 100 to prevent injury: 1% HP drain per second)

Second Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 2% HP per minute

PE: +2% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will

(Require user's END at 200 to prevent injury: 2% HP drain per second)

Third Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 4% HP per minute

PE: +4% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+20%)

(Require user's END at 400 to prevent injury: 4% HP drain per second)

Fourth Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 8% HP per minute

PE: +8% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+30%)

(Require user's END at 800 to prevent injury: 8% HP drain per second)

Fifth Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 16% HP per minute

PE: +16% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+40%)

Ability Sealing: To seal away a person's powers

(Require user's END at 1600 to prevent injury: 16% HP drain per second)

Sixth Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 32% HP per minute

PE: +32% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+50%)

Ability Sealing: To seal away a person's powers

(Require user's END at 3200 to prevent injury: 32% HP drain per second)

Seventh Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 64% HP per minute

PE: +64% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+60%)

Ability Sealing: To seal away a person's powers

Ability Awakening: To awaken the potential within a person to enable them to attack higher beings, that they couldn't previously hurt and undo the seals placed on a person

(Require user's END at 6400 to prevent injury: 64% HP drain per minute)

Eighth Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 64% HP per minute

PE: +128% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+70%)

Ability Sealing: To seal away a person's powers

Ability Awakening: To awaken the potential within a person to enable them to attack higher beings, that they couldn't previously hurt and undo the seals placed on a person

(Require user's END at 12800 to prevent injury: 75% HP drain per minute)

Ninth Tail Unleashed:

HG: Regen: 64% HP per minute

PE: +256% towards STR, END, and AGI

Pyrokinesis: Create and manipulate fire at will (+80%)

Ability Sealing: To seal away a person's powers

Ability Awakening: To awaken the potential within a person to enable them to attack higher beings, that they couldn't previously hurt and undo the seals placed on a person

Fox Generation: Allow the user to summon many [Nine Tailed Foxes] ranging from them to be big or small made out of fires

(Require user's END at 25600 to prevent injury: 85% HP drain per minute)

Other skills: Locked and require unknown offering to unlock them.

I blankly stare at this and find myself wondering if this is a good thing or not. Because this new [Charyeok] gave me a damn long list of what their skill gave me. Nonetheless, it mostly a repeat and just add a few new ones after each tail, with the prevent ones would increase.

Nonetheless, I just gained another overpowered skill, even if it's just a [Transformation Skill]. Still considered an overpowered skill. However, that requirement of having the minimum amount of END stat would be a bit of a little problem.

I can go up to the [Eighth Tail Unleashed] without any problem, but the [Ninth Tail unleashed] would make thing dangerous for me.

After thinking about it for a moment, I decide to toss in more stat points to match the requirement. So I can use the [Ninth Tail Unleashed] without killing myself.

7092 stat points went into the END stat and I'm down to 1809 stat points now. Not like I can't regain back those later in the future just by spending time with Esdeath. Who knows, the stat points would increase the amount once I marry Yuri.

And just like that, my HP went up just around a third. Still going to make it harder for enemies to kill me. With the [Tails Activation]; well, lots of future enemies are going to cry out bullshit many times after seeing me transform.

Now, seeing how I got this [Nine Tails Guardian]. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't get the skill to match it like I did with the [Legendary God Sun Wukong].


You have accessed [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge] for the fifth time and import the skill: [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon].

[Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] - Passive - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: A type of martial art which is a combination of [Practical Taekkyeon] and [Renewal Taekwondo] in order to reinforce the weaknesses of [Taekkyeon] and strengthen it. It is emphasized in strong, fast kicks like its base [Practical Taekkyeon] and [Renewal Taekwondo]. Some moves are directly linked with [Renewal Taekwondo]. Others are linked to [Practical Taekkyeon], like moves involving armwork and whole body technique.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon's Skills]

2nd Effect: Allow the user to link [Renewal Taekwondo's skill] with [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon's Skill] (Require [Renewal Taekwondo] at level 100)

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 100)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 3rd Effect unlock)

Well, it's a good thing I got [Renewal Taekwondo] first before I got this skill or I would have to wait until I get the skill to unlock it. This is the same as the [Wisdom of The Sage] that need the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] to unlock the 4th Effect and the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power] to remove the extra cost of using it.

Thinking about it for a minute, then decide not to get any more skill or create a [Skill Book] for now.

After all, I still got those other new skills I got before reaching level 40 and the other ones that yet to reach level 100. So until then, I will keep this open.

Well, I could get my 4th profession since I can get another per 10 levels and with being level 40 now. I can get a 4th profession, but thinking about it. I decide to pick one later in the future.

I get up from my seat and stretch my muscle, causing Ryun to notice me moving, distracting her from her book, where the book is written by Esdeath about things needs to know when together with me. Yeah, I tried not to read that book if I could help it and just know what it is about, thanks to Esdeath telling me ahead of time.

Since it's meant for future girls that would tag along with me and anyone guys too, if they were just to become an ally with me and the girls.

"Are you finish with..." Ryun quickly looks back at her book as she flips a couple of pages before she looks back up. "Picking out your new skills, my god?" Ryun didn't look like she embarrasses that she needs a book to help to get along with her god at all. But, she does need to keep it hidden and never in sight unless either her god or Esdeath is nearby, so she could give the book to either one, to put it away in their pocket dimension space.

"Yup. So you want to head out and meet with the others? I want to test these new skills out. Well, the ones that I could show without any problems coming up later." I said to Ryun as I allow the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] to finish downloading into my mind.

"Anything you wish to do my god. I'll follow your demands." Ryun didn't care if her god asked her to strip naked and walk in public. She would do anything for him, but she knows he would never do such a thing to her as he cares for her. Even wanting to marry her as well, even if she becomes the third wife. Better than being just a worshipper with sexual benefits.

"Right. Let's go then." I take the book, Ryun handing to me and I toss it in the [Gate of Babylon]. Then, walk out of our room and head to the training facility, where the other should be at.

3 months and 28 days later*

Year 5: Day 234: Close Yet So far

(Tower: 2nd Floor: Evankhell's Mothership)

Well, I honestly didn't think it would take me around 3 months to max out [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon], but then again, I've pretty much only used this skill throughout the 3 months before using it together with my other skills. It's a good thing I had [God's Sanctuary] to help me out finding opponents to use it on.

Only a few hours, 3-5 hours per day using [God's Sanctuary]. With the girls tagging along. While Ryun was still too weak to tag along though. But, none of the girls, Esdeath made it so no one else eats these meats until she cooks them later in the future after we leave the Tower of God universe. This way, everyone could get used to the effects from gaining [Geno Points] after losing access to [Shinsoo].

Plus, I managed to level up [God's Sanctuary] twice; so the time dilation is 3 days in the Super God Gene universe while 1 day in the current universe I'm in. Making training the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] a lot easier for me.

Having the [Gods Sanctuary] made things so much easier for me and I don't have to worry about others finding of this, besides those that are native in the Super God Gene universe. They would know, but I would be sent to multiple different parallel dimensions of that universe each time I use the [God's Sanctuary].

I did, however, neglected training the [Storm God Slayer Magic], which I was aiming for to level up, but tossed it aside for [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] instead. Same with [Magia Erebea], [Legena Signatoria], and [Power of The Void Kings].

Nonetheless, I will work on them later, after this final test today. Where Baam is betrayed by Rachel for some reason.

As of right now, Esdeath, Yuri, Ryun, and I are standing along with the other 16 regulars that managed to pass all the previous tests up to now. Making it a total of 20 of us are here.

"Now, that everyone is here. It's time to begin the final test." Yu Han Sung starts off as all the regulars, along with the irregulars among them, wait for what kind of test he's going to give out. "The name of the last test is the Submerged Fish Hunt Test."

Soon, Yu Han Sung starts explaining there are four major groups in this test, in additions to the regulars and irregulars themselves. But, he didn't go into it much and let the rest of us find out on our own. By that, he meant to get the [Light Bearer] to tell them by accessing the network of the Tower to get the information.

Next, Yu Han Sung explains the rules of the test. To pass the test, Baam and Rachel, who are in the [Shinsoo Bubble] are thrown into the pit, where they have to enter the Madame's mouth and exit to the ground. The Madame is the Queen of the Mangdol Whales. One of the four major groups. Look like bottle-nosed dolphins than whales in my opinion.

However, should both come out in a different way besides from the Madame body, the participants would automatically fail. The same applied if the [Shinsso Bubble] broke, if there weren't enough Mangdol Whales to keep the net or if Baam and Rachel both died due to an underwater monster's attack.

The role for the rest of us is to protect both the bubble and the Mangdol Whales while preventing the Barnacle Goblins, commonly referred to as Thieves from capturing Baam and Rachel in their bubble and also protect the Mangdol Whales from the Striped Ground Pigs.

Furthermore, the rest of us can't contact either Baam or Rachel once they are sent out. So, we don't know where they end up to. So, the last test begins.

It seems like the way this is going would be completely different from the canon. As Yu Han Sung didn't explain to everyone the four major groups besides us. And we had to look it up ourselves, but Yu Han Sung did manage a few things about how we can do this. Some restriction and how this test going to go.

3 hours later*

It's a good thing Koon has a good head on his shoulders and already sort through which one of us to positions at which area. Furthermore, he already got all the information on the four major groups and sent it to everyone's [Pockets] to read on for a while as we wait for one of the four major groups to take action.

Like in canon, Ship encounters the Bull, where Androssi and Anak came together to rescue him; well, not really, and refuse to fight it until they resolve the situation by betting random stranger things to the winner.

1 hour later*

"I have no clue why we even here." I said to the girls, as we watched how things played out like canon. Well, until the part where Esdeath and Yuri appear the part where they killed the [Ranker] that taught the [Wave Controller] position class. The same one that looked like a big ball of rice, with little legs poking out from under him.

Well, more like Yuri attacked and deal enough injury to the guy and Esdeath finish him off with a stomp to the head. Before the guy that controlled the Bull to send towards Baam and Rachel to be killed.

"To pass the test?" Yuri said more of a question than an answer. Even she didn't think this would happen and she was told beforehand by me about how things go on the Tower of God without Esdeath and my presence here. Even Ryun wasn't supposed to be in the last test and failed.

"I'll go with Ryun to find Baam. Esdeath, you take Yuri and speak with Yu Han Sung. It's time for us to work on getting Baam to the 20th Floor." I said to the girls, as both Ryun and I rush over to where Baam fall down somewhere below us. Can't have him dying on us before the FUG could get him to join them.

6 years later*

Year 11: Day 234: It's Time

(Tower: 20th Floor)

After 6 years; longer than both Esdeath and I were sent to the D. Gray-Man universe. Here, we've been here for 6 long years. It's a good thing I gained the [God's Sanctuary] or neither myself or the girls could keep up with our skills without the FUG knowing about it. After Ryun manages to get us into the organization.

Over 6 years and I only got the skill to level 10, but I'm okay with that. Not to mention I had still stuck with those 3 hours training with Esdeath and including with both Yuri and Ryun.

Well, I had to take out using [Touki] out of the 3 hours training due to most of the time I wouldn't have the chance to do it, even in the Super God Gene universe. But, I still have enough for [Meditation] at least. Where I got it the skill to level 42 now. Man, it takes so long to live this skill up by using it an hour per day.

Too bad, I didn't include the [Touki] since we would continue to move and I don't get the chance to use it in the [First God's Sanctuary]. Since we were on a time limit schedule.

Instead, I made it an hour for creating [Sword Qi]. Since I didn't do that much back in the D. Gray-Man universe. So I may as well take this chance to do it now, to build up a good amount of [Sword Qi] for my usage.

Without using the [Sword Qi] since then and just build it up over 6 years. I managed to break into the million digit range.

Furthermore, I managed to finish my [Sword Intent: Stabilize Stage], [Sword Intent: Concept Stage], and [Sword Intent: Materialize]. So, I've finished the first to the fifth stage of [Sword Intent].

Now, I'm working on the next stage, which I would call the [Sword Intent: Condense Stage]. As I already finished the last stage, which is literally the [Sword Domain] much to my delight at the time.

But, I can't seem to figure out how to develop my [Sword Domain] to give a corporeal form. I didn't dare try to pour in all my [Sword Qi] to see if it works or not. As it took me a long time to create all that [Sword Qi]. So, for now, I'm stuck on the beginning [Sword Intent: Condense Stage].

Also, thanks to [Gate of Babylon] making the meats of the countless of beasts we killed. We gathered up a good amount for us to eat for years, even if our little family becomes 20 or so. Let alone us 5. Yup, Repellista figure there no point after a couple of months and finally accepted her fate.

As for Yuri and Ryun; well, we found a priest, kidnap the guy and got married just last month before it's time for us to leave. With Yuri being the 2nd wife and Ryun the 3rd wife. Much to our relief, both gained access to the [Inventory] like Esdeath and could see the interfaces whenever I use the [Archive] skill.

Too bad, we didn't invite many people to attend the wedding and by that, we mean no one else but Esdeath, Yuri, Ryun, Repellista, the priest we kidnapped, and myself had a private wedding. So we won't have any problems interrupting the wedding.

11 years total since I got [The End] skill and not once did it raise 1% EXP, much to my disappointment. I wonder if I should have kept the skill or not. But, decide to have it just in case I would need it in the future.

As for the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]. I did use it over the years and got it to level 100 last month. Talk about taking so much time to grind it, but I had to be careful using it.

The reason why I've started using this skill was for one new skill I got after much thinking to suppose this dangerous double-edged skill and got the [God Hand] from Nasuverse.

[God Hand - Gamer's Version] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: None

Description: This gives the user the "body that knows no death". The ability that required attacks of the highest grade to harm the user. This transforms the body into a tough suit of armor that acts similar to a [Conceptual Weapon] in practice.

1st Effect: Will revive upon death with the (level)% HP. [Passive]: Gain 1 extra life per 24 hours. [Active]: Decrease time by (level) hours in exchange for losing 2nd Effect. [12 max, start with 2 lives. Increase the cap by 1 per 10 level].

2nd Effect: Reduce damage taken by (level)/4 + 1% of END stat

3rd Effect: Gain resistant [RES gain = 90% - % HP lost] to an attack the user experienced until the end of a battle.

4th Effect: [Passive]: Increase HP regeneration by (level/10) per hour. [Active]: Increase HP Regeneration by (Level/2) for (level) seconds, but lose 1st Effect temporarily during activation.

This was not a fun skill to level up, I'll tell you that. It's pretty much a masochist skill to grind. I have to keep on getting hit to even gain any EXP for it. Ugh, the pain I have felt over the years to get this skill to max level along with the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception].

[Mystic Eye of Death Perception] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: None

Description: Allows the user to "perceive death," the conceptual "Death of an Existence," as visual signals in the form of [Lines of Death] and [Points of Death]. Death emerges to the surface of an existence as lines, and cutting along them will result in "Death", regardless of the constitution or properties of the object. The lines of a living organism will keep changing position as long as it is alive. Points of Death are from where all lines seem to flow, resembling blood vessels. Striking the point makes the entity completely cease to function.

1st Effect: Being able to see the [Lines of Death]

1st Effect's 1st Requirement: Require the user to physically touch the [Lines of Death] to work.

1st Effect's 2nd Requirement: Require user's HP be at 1% or less to activate.

2nd Effect: Being able to see the [Points of Death]

2nd Effect's Requirements: Same as 1st Effect's Requirements.

3rd Effect: Being able to kill anything with the concept of [Death] attach to it

3rd Effect's 1st Requirements: Same as 1st Effect's Requirements.

3rd Effect's 2nd Requirement: As long the user can perceive the target as "alive" to kill.

Talk about overpower for both of these two skills together alone. Nonetheless, I find myself happy with the result. But, it does make things a bit boring sometimes. Well, as long I don't just use these two skills together all the time. Now, that I max out these two skills. I will keep them as trump cards in case I face strong opponents in the future.

As for [Storm God Slayer Magic], it was one I level up right away after we got Baam to the FUG, where I work on it back in the [First God's Sanctuary]. Not too hard to level and pretty much like [Fire Devil Slayer Magic].

I pretty much almost got all skills at max level with only [The End - Gamer's Version], [Meditation], [Touki], [Magia Erebea], [Legena Signatoria], [Power of The Void Kings], and [God's Sanctuary] are the only skills I haven't reached to level 100 yet.

Seven total skills that are not even over the 50 level range. And out of those seven, [The End], [Magia Erebea], [Legena Signatoria], and [Power of The Void Kings] are still at level 1.

Mostly because I couldn't level them up at all, or I didn't have the time to spare to grind them. But, at least, I still got some skills to work on until I need to grab more skills for me to work on.

Currently, all of us are saying our goodbyes to Baam, who grew up a lot and took on the name as Jyu Viole Grace as the Slayer candidate of FUG, where Esdeath, Yuri, and I help train Baam even stronger than his canon version.

"Good luck kid. You're going to need it." I said to Baam, as I shake his right hand with mine.

"You too, Mr. Ragna. I hope you well and a good life." Baam said with a smile on his face, with his bangs covering part of his face, more specifically his eyes. His new outfits consist of a black robe, beige pants, and clothes with the mark of FUG.

"Don't forget our lessons, because if you do. Well, you better hope I don't find out about it." Yuri grin at Baam, with her still wearing the same outfits when she first met Baam on the First Floor. Along with her new family as well.

"Don't die." Ryun didn't really care about Baam, but didn't have a bad relationship with him to the point of wanting him to die. As for Ryun's outfits; well, she didn't change her outfit either like Yuri.

In fact, no one in my group changed their outfits and kept it the same. Well, unless you could have to resize them sometimes and get more copies of them into the [Gate of Babylon] in case the one they're wearing get destroyed at some points.

"Thank you all for your help. I'll climb the Tower and get my answers." Baam promise to all of us, that he will continue climbing to get his answer on why Rachel tried to kill him 6 years ago.

"Your friends should meet up with you someone on this 20th Floor or the next. So be ready to meet them again after all these years." Esdeath said to Baam, as she gives Baam one more handshake before she leaves.

"Alright. Thank you, Mrs. Esdeath, and everyone. I can't thank you enough for you guys done for me." Baam bows his head to us before watching leave him to take the tests to climb the 21st Floor.

20 minutes later*

(Tower: Outside: Ark: City)

"Can't believe today we finally go to a whole new universe." Yuri said with awe, and wonder what kind of universe we would end up to and hope it's a place that would help her gain an energy source that replaces [Shinsso]. Since from this point on, she can no longer use [Shinsoo].

"Okay, everyone holds onto something." I said to the girls. And just like that, all the girls, but Repellista held onto me, with Repellista holding one of her [Lighthouse]. Which is heavily modified to take [Mana] in the replacement of [Shinsoo] to work.


You have managed to bring the chosen one (Main Character: Baam) to the 20th Floor of the Tower alive.


You have the option to leave this universe for another.

Do you wish to take your wives and anyone in the [Ark], to leave this world?


I didn't bother to think about it and press the yes on the blue window screen in front of me. As the [Ark] started to shake and we can see above us, where we see the blue sky before switching outer space.


Welcome back to the Multiverse!


Good luck in your next adventure player! Be sure to take your time and the [Ark] is made invisible towards those within the universe you have entered.

(Ark: City)


Welcome to RWBY Universe! In order to leave this universe to another one, either the player or one your wives must collect one of the countless [Relics] of this universe.

"I don't know if this is a good thing or not." I said to the girls, as we arrive in the RWBY universe.

"Why not? All we need to do is grab one of those [Relics]. Oh, this must be what Esdeath meant when we each time we enter a new universe. We would gain knowledge about it." Yuri cut off in the middle when she started getting new memories about stuff she never learned in the first place and remember one day. Esdeath started explaining to her and the other two about coming to the new universe.

As for the reason why none of them got anything when they go to the Super God Gene universe. No one got an idea why we didn't get any knowledge besides what their husband told them.

"Oh! This is the best place we can get someone to unlock our [Aura]! I can use that in a replacement of losing [Shinsoo]." Yuri got to the part of the knowledge describing what these people in this universe use as an energy source like back in her universe for [Shinsoo].

"Huh, I guess we didn't have to find a way by experimenting with a lot of people to see if we can give you girls some kind of energy source to use." I said to the girls, causing almost all of them to shiver at this and relief they didn't have to worry about the trouble that comes with it.

"You girls mind waiting here as I scout ahead?" I ask the girls since I rather not have unwanted attention on us if there more than one of us appearing out of nowhere.

"You just don't want men looking at us." Esdeath easily knew why her husband didn't want them to come with him outside the [Ark].

"Nope. Okay, kind of. It's more like we would get unwanted attention onto us." I stare at my three wives, then cough in my right hand as I look away a bit, causing my wives to see my reaction amusing for them.

"Okay, but you only got an hour to do so." Esdeath agrees to this, but only giving an hour to scout ahead before calling the rest of them, maybe not Repellista, over to the other side.

"Alright." I said to Esdeath, then give each my wives as a kiss on the lip before using the [Ark] to send me down.


Looking around, I notice that I'm in a forest, which one, I have no clue. But, a quick scan with [Archive] and [Eagle Sight] should do the trick.

But, before I heard a noise coming from behind me, where I was ready to throw a kick or maybe a [Fireball] in the face of whatever shows up in a hostile manner.

To my surprise, I find Pyrrha, with just her shield only and was surprised to see me.

"Hello, there! I guess this means we're partners." Pyrrha said with a smile on her face, but for some reasons, she looks very happy to be my partner and not with Jaune, who should be the one she saved from the fall. Maybe.

I didn't say anything, much to Pyrrha's confusion and wonder why she didn't get a response back.

"Do you mind if I lead? I need to get my weapon back." Pyrrha looks very excited for some reasons, then quietly sigh in relief when she saw me nod to her, then start leading towards where Jaune should be.

While Pyrrha's back was turned to me, I bring up one of the [Archive]'s interfaces to tell the girls about what's going on and use my mind to send in the note of what needs to know about this universe, along with the canon version and another note that we've just arrived the same day where the main characters' teams are form.

Well, if it still could, with my presence here and end up partnering with Pyrrha by accident before she could meet up with Jaune. Clearly, she happy to partner with me instead with Jaune, so canon could be considered a no go and throw away the knowledge of the timeline of the canon.

20 minutes later*

We still haven't found Jaune yet and no Grimm in sight, much to my confusion on this. But, sooner or later, there are bound to be some to show up. Of course, I didn't care if any of them show up since they're weak to me and my girls. I know for sure Yuri could just flick one to death.

I glance at Pyrrha, who looks like she having a hard time thinking of a way to start a conversation, and failing at it.

A little curious if this Pyrrha is the canon or a different version, along with the other people in this universe. Can't be sure that this is close to canon at all. But, I'm leaning towards no a little.

"So, I'm Pyrrha Nikos. I hope we get along for the next 4 years at Beacon Academy." Pyrrha finally got something to say, and so, she introduces herself, with a soft smile and sweating a little, wondering if the person before he knows who she is.

I nod at Pyrrha, but didn't return the introduction, making things awkward and weird, that I didn't say anything to her this entire time. Like I could, when there are hidden cameras everywhere in this forest. There's no telling if Ozpin is spying on us as we speak.

Pyrrha wonders if her partner was mute or something, he didn't say a single word since she made eye contact with him. But, at least, she didn't see him show any gesture of asking for anything from her that look like he knows about her background, much to her relief.

30 minutes later*

"Hey, Jaune! Mind giving me back my spear?!" Pyrrha shouts to Jaune, who is hanging a few feet in the air by Pyrrha's spear embedded in his left leg and the tree behind him. Where he's trying to pull it out, then look down the tree and see Pyrrha and me.

"You bitch!" Jaune cried out in pain. "Why did you aim for my leg?! Why not my hoodie?!" Jaune continues trying to pull out Pyrrha's spear out, causing more blood to leak out much to his grief.

"So, can I have my spear back?" Pyrrha didn't look like she cared about the injury she caused to Jaune.

Not wanting to waste any more time; I use [Shundo] to appear next to Jaune and grab hold of Pyrrha's spear and give it a good tug to pull it out, where Jaune let out a girly shriek of pain and fall to the ground.

Landing back on the ground, then toss Pyrrha her spear, with the tip covered in Jaune's blood. And she completely ignores that fact after she notices it as well.

"Thanks, partner." Pyrrha said with a wink, for some reasons, but I just leave it for later. "So, Jaune. Did you find your partner yet? Because I don't see anyone nearby and I already have mine." The way she says this, made me feel like this Pyrrha hate this Jaune.

Really wondering if this is even close to canon timeline or not. But, better to keep my mouth shut for now. No idea if what I could say could be used against me later, after this whole event is over.

"No." Jaune grit his teeth. Then, try his best to stand and use his sheathed sword as a cane to walk. Since his left leg has a hole in it and bleeding badly.

Pyrrha notices this and finally realize something wrong. "Why aren't you using your [Aura] to heal yourself?" She knew her spear could pierce through [Aura Shield] if given enough momentum and the right amount of power behind it, including if the opponent has weak [Aura Shield]. Which wasn't that uncommon and thought Jaune had a weak [Aura Shield].

"My what?" Jaune look confused and what the hell the crazy girl is talking about while shouting in his head that he wasn't paired with the said crazy girl.

"[Aura]. You know, mankind's best discovery to face against the Grimm and the first step to fighting back the darkness? Really, nothing?!" Pyrrha was shocked that Jaune was clueless about [Aura]. Then, she realizes another important fact in this situation.

"Okay, I don't know how you got into this school without your [Aura] unlocked. But, hold still. I'm going to unlock it for you, can't have you dying on us. No matter how much of a jackass you are." Pyrrha didn't care if Jaune wanted his [Aura] unlocked or not. Since she rather not have someone's death on her conscious, that she caused by accident. She would rather feel better if she did kill on purpose instead.

2 minutes later*

Pyrrha has just finished unlocking Jaune's [Aura], which is a lot bigger than the average people possess. Then, she looks at her partner and wonder if he got his [Aura] unlock as well, but find out later, since she low on [Aura] after using hers to unlock someone else of their [Aura].

"Come on, I think I know where the way, to the relics we're supposed to get to pass the initiation." Pyrrha said to both Jaune and me, as she walks up north.

1 hour later*

"Well, I guess that was the wrong path!" Pyrrha shouts to me, as we continue running away from a Grimm, that happens to be a [Death Stalker]. A large scorpion-like creature of Grimm.

Similar to canon as Jaune was sent flying, so it looks like there is some part of canon influencing other parallel dimensions, no matter how different they are.

For an hour now, I have been speaking, mentally, via [Archive] with the girls back in the [Ark]. As we come up with a few ways to disguise some of our powers. Esdeath has it easy when she can just pick her trump as her [Semblance] after she and the other girls get their [Aura] unlock.

For me, I decided to pick the [Nine-Talis Guardian: Talis Activation] to be my [Semblance] since I can use it as an excuse for my other skills. And I don't think I could get my [Aura] unlock with the way my body is messed up with more different energy sources in me. Adding [Aura] may end up destroying my body or a bad side effect. Better be safe than sorry. If I want [Aura], I can just grab a [Skill Book] of it instead of allowing someone unlocking it for me.

"Hey, look! We made it!" Pyrrha said to me, as she narrowly dodges the giant claws from hitting her as she continues running. Without bothering to ask for permission. I grab Pyrrha by the shoulders, and with a quick spin, throwing her across the field, where Pyrrha land on her side at the feet of the others.

Now, that I got Pyrrha out of the way. I send a kick sideways to my left, hitting right into one of the [Death Stalker]'s eyes, causing it to shriek at me. As I use this chance to the [Renewal Taekwondo: Rising Back Kick], to its chin, breaking a few bones from the impact. But, I held back to not instantly destroy the Grimm.

Taking this chance, I resumed running and rush towards the others, where the future teams of RWBY and JNPR. Don't know about that last one, but easy to remember for me.

"Don't know who you are, but nice kick." Yang compliment me before she notices the way her little sister about to do something stupid as her Ruby-in-danger sense acting up again.

"I got this!" Ruby let out a battle cry as she rushes towards the [Death Stalker], as she fires a couple of shots and continues charging at the incoming [Death Stalker]. When the two meet, Ruby ends up, knocked back by the Grimm's giant claws swiping her away.

I let out a sigh, causing some of the others to look in my direction. Mostly, Pyrrha as wonders what I'm about to do. When she already planning to charge at the Grimm to help the girl out.

"[First Tail Unleash]." I spoke out for the first time I came to this forest. As the [Talis Activation] takes in effect, where I require to speak out how many tails I need to be unleashed for it to work instead of mentally say it.


[Tails Activation: First Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 1% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 1%.

With the [First Tail Unleashed], changing my appearance by giving me changing my black hair to white and fox-like eyes with red corners, making the center of my pupil slits as well. Along with fox ears at the top of my head.

This sudden transformation shocked the group around me, mostly with Blake, who didn't think I would turn into a faunus with that surprised look on her face.

Since I'm on a time limit, better make it quick. Using [Shundo: Bo-Bup] to appear in front of Ruby, who was shocked at my sudden appearance and notice a few things different about me.

"[Second Tail Unleash]." I raise the number of my tail to two, where I need to make it look like I need to raise each tail one at a time, for those that are still watching over this entire event.


[Tails Activation: Second Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 2% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 2%.

Gain access to [Pyrokinesis]: Create and manipulate fire at will.

Not waiting for the Ruby to say something. As I use [2nd Tail + Inferno kick Stage Three: Triple Destruction Infernal Fang]. A kick combines [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon Secret Technique: Inferno kick Stage Three: Inferno Nirvana Kick] with the two tails of the [Nine-Tails Guardian]. Pretty much, a downgrade, where I should be using it at the [Ninth Tail Unleash] to bring out the full power.

But, this was enough as I kick upwards and generate a giant blade of fire, then kick downward, unleashing the fire upon the [Death Stalker], burning the Grimm alive for a few seconds and die afterward.

Now, that I dealt with the Grimm. I pick up Ruby, causing her to yelp as I use [Shundo: Bo-Bup] to appear back in the group. With just a few seconds to do all this.

With 30 seconds to spare, I decide to take on the [Nevermore] above us. A large avian creature of Grimm. That's about to attack us from the sky.

"[Third Tail Unleash]." I spoke a third time now, causing some of the others to look at me with an even more shocked look on their faces, that I could increase my tails made of flames.


[Tails Activation: Third Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 4% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 4%.

Gain access to [Pyrokinesis]: Create and manipulate fire at will (+20%).

Once the third tails appear, I use [3rd Tail + Ssam-Su Taekkyeon: Combat Pulse], where I send a large pulse of flames to the sky, making it look like I'm releasing a giant flamethrower.

Nonetheless, I killed off the two Grimm as [Tails Activation] deactivated with the final second of the time limit pass. As my appearance went back to normal a minute ago.


[Tails Activation] is deactivated and can be activated again if the player exchanges 1000 MP right away instead of waiting for the cooldown: 9 hours.

Yup, the cooldown for this skill is 9 hours unless I wanted to use 1000 MP to use the skill again without having to wait for the cooldown to be done. Still, a good skill to have, but the duration is just too short in my opinion. I may end up having to eat a few of those beasts from the Super God Gene universe to level my 2nd [Profession: Contractor] to extend the duration.

"That was...AMAZING!" Ruby cried out in awe, as she begins to appear around me not staying in one spot to continue fire off her fast questions, that would make others unable to hear what the questions are, let alone giving a response to them.

"Ruby! Give the guy a chance to even say something. With the way you keep at it, then you won't get anything out of the guy." Yang quickly grabs Ruby by her cloak, causing Ruby to whine a little. But, Yang didn't care and was a bit worried for Ruby's safety of being near this guy, that literally could create a giant wave of fire with a simple kick and somehow produce the mother of all flamethrower.

Pyrrha looks so excited to be partnered with someone who could do all this. Maybe she could finally get a challenge with all those she faced would either quit or was defeated by her too easily.

Jaune looks like he wanted to get to safety and as much far away from me as possible.

As for the others, Blake and Weiss are too shocked by what they just saw with their own eyes. Ren trying to stop Nora from coming even near me like Yang is trying to do. But, struggling compared to Yang, who have the strength to do so. While Ren barely able to do it by making a few bribes to stop Nora from doing something stupid.

Sadly, for everyone. I didn't say a single word to them. Much to their confused, more so with Pyrrha since she just heard her partner spoke more than once a couple seconds ago.

So, I just walk over to the Abandoned Temple to grab the [Black King Chess Piece], then toss it to Pyrrha before grabbing the [Golden Rook Piece] and toss it to Jaune. Before I start walking towards the cliff, where Ozpin and Glynda should be.

Who I may end up in another fight and it won't be against the Grimm. However, those two will be in a fight with no chance of winning at all. Not to mention I haven't set up the [Ark's Gate] to bring the girls over. Then, there is no need to worry about anyone on this planet to face us.

"Well, now that we got our chess pieces, I mean the relics, I think it's time for us to return." Pyrrha spoke out, causing everyone to nod at her since there's no point for everyone to stay in this forest any longer.

15 minutes later*

"So, no one going to ask about how in the world the guy gained fox ears and tails made out of flames?" Jaune whispers to the others while trying his best to not be heard by Pyrrha's partner, who he really glad he didn't partner up with.

"It's obvious that it is his [Semblance]~!" Ruby was the one who clearly knew the answer, which is agreed on with almost everyone here.

"I don't know. I never heard a [Semblance] would turn someone into a faunus and have a tail, multiple tails, made out of fire." Weiss is skeptical about the whole transformation being a [Semblance].

"I don't know. I read a few history books, where some people have unique [Semblance] that could transform themselves into something else to battle the Grimm. Even to the point of becoming monsters themselves to gain the power to face those older Grimm." Pyrrha quickly defends her partner, not wanting to lose any chance of a partner like him and end up with Jaune. Ugh, she wished she didn't help him twice now.

"It's true. I read somewhere about this." Ren agreed with Pyrrha, "In fact, before the discovery of [Dust]. Our ancestors fought using only their [Aura] and [Semblance], where one of the extinct royal families possessed a family [Semblance] that gives them power over a specific element. Others could transform into that element as well by going into extreme training methods to unlock those [Family's Semblances]. However, due to the discovery of [Dust]. Those royal families' training methods started to become useless as time went by until none remain, but just a history mentioning it."

'The fuck?! There's such a thing in this parallel dimension?!' I kept my face calm while I was shocked mentally.

After all, no one but those in my family could see them; well, Repellista can't due to not marrying me and I rather not choose to when Esdeath already mad at me with Ryun. Yuri, Esdeath was the one that picked her, so that's a given. As for Ryun, Esdeath finally decides it's alright.

"Wait, for real?!" Yang looks at Pyrrha, then at Ren, with a shocked expression and wonder if this was true.

"Yang." Ruby said to Yang, with a deadpan expression, causing Yang to look at with a confused look now. "Your [Semblance] is a good example as well. Once you reach your highest point, you're literally on fire." Ruby said dryly. Since she saw her own sister covered in flames more than once.

Weiss and Black look at Yang in a whole new light, but they still took a few steps away from her. Since neither of them wanted to be caught on fire. And Yang noticed this and mumble to herself a few things.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! Ren! My [Semblance] should be counted as those fancy [Semblances] back in those old days, right?!" Nora said in an excited voice, and to prove her point, she uses her [Semblance] leak out electrical currents appear on her body. As that is the best she can do without relying on [Lightning Dust].

"Technically, yes, but not at the same time. Like, uh, Yang, right?" Ren looks at Yang, who nodded at him for getting her name right. "She covered with fire while you, Nora, channels electricity to the muscles. In a way, both are considered the same as those old [Semblances] before [Dust] are discovered. But, neither of them would be at the same level."

Ren notices some of us are looking at him with a lost look on their faces. Making him let out a tired sigh before he explains further.

"Take Pyrrha's partner. He is the exact same types as those old ones. While we can take Yang and Nora as the new generation. But, lost the ability to use their element like the way our ancestors used them. Nora, you can't even shoot [Lightning Bolts] without relying on [Lightning Dust]." Ren stop for a moment to see if anyone understands what he is trying to say. Notice a few did, made him happy and not have to repeat a few things.

"Now, for Pyrrha's partner. He transforms and has the power over fire itself. And don't even need [Dust] at all, to attack." Ren finish explaining the difference between Yang and Nora's [Semblances] with mine.

The girls back in the [Ark] don't know what to think about this, but Repellista is trying her best to hack into this world's database to find out if this true or not. Along with anything else that could help us out in the future. Plus, locating the [Relics] as well.

"Damn it, Ragna! I can't do shit without having one of my [Lighthouse] outside the [Ark]!" Repellista shouts at me through the [Archive] when she found out her [Opera] can't connect with this world's network without having one of her [Lighthouse] appear outside the [Ark] to make a wireless connection.

Ignoring the shouts coming from Repellista as I continue to listen to these historical facts of this dimension. And find myself wanting to stay here a bit longer to see if it could be used for my family advantage.

"How about the whole turning into a fox faunus?" Jaune didn't read much on the subject of history due to it being boring at his younger age. But, hearing all about this made him feel like he should go back into reading other than a few things, he doesn't want to mention.

"From what I could recall. Faunus are actually human that master their [Semblances] of transformation to the point that their children are born as today faunus. Making all faunus came from the line of those ancestors that possess those [Transformation Semblances]. In fact, because of this, faunus have it much easier to unlock their [Semblance] compared to humans. Since their bloodline already carries those ancestors that master their [Semblances] to the peak. Leading to how faunus having it easy to develop their [Semblance] at an early age." Ren easily answers Jaune's question and explain it even further.

"So, wait, faunus are human, but carry a permanent version of the [Transformation Semblances] that they are born with due to their line of family and still get to gain another [Semblance]? Talk about unfair, now I wished I was born a faunus." Yang pout at this news, causing Blake to look at Yang with disbelief and at Ren too, but mostly at Yang to want to be a faunus.

"How do we know this isn't just a fairy tale?!" Weiss didn't want to believe that all the faunus in the world are actually human born with a permanent version of this so-called [Transformation Semblance], which she thinks is a bunch of silly facts.

"Real or not, there are always some truths in those fairy tales. Not to mention, look at Pyrrha's partner. He is living proof of our history." Ren didn't care if others don't believe him since he got more than enough proofs to believe in those fairy tales.

"Wow. So cool." Ruby looks at me with awe, wondering what else I could do.

"Okay, then how in this guy manage to possess this so-called [Transformation Semblance]? Because if I remember correctly, [Semblances] are developed by on who we are. Unless you are born into a family with their own unique [Semblance]." Weiss gives this subject her own benefit of the doubt, maybe just to deal with the crazy stuff she bound to face in the future.

"I don't know. I know a lot of things, but I don't know everything. There are some facts missing from our history books. I'm not surprised to find out there are different methods to unlock one's [Aura]. Maybe that's how they gained those [Transformation Semblance]? Or you could ask the guy, that possess the [Semblance] from the old era." Ren points this out, causing the other to remember about there is someone with them that possess this old [Semblance].