Chapter 21: Life Is A Journey

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 21: Life Is A Journey

2 months later*

Year 11: Day 325: Almost Time

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Restaurant Floor)

For the past 2 months, team RWBY and JNPR tried once per week, sometimes more, to persuade me to train them in combat. Too bad for them, I decline each time. But, with each reason they gave me. I had to come up with a counter for that reason to stop them from continuing to ask me to train them.

Instead of making them leave me alone or just eat here at the Restaurant of The Unknown. They end up coming back the next week after thinking up some kind of reason again.

This continues on for 2 months now and Esdeath find this amusing to let it continue, much to my frustration. Even Yuri wanted to stop this, but couldn't do a thing about when Esdeath allowed it.

"Ugh, why can't they leave me alone?" I mumble to myself as I look at the ceiling while stepping on top of a criminal's head, for some unknown reason that I was too annoyed to think of it.

"Crap, he's at it again tonight. What did that poor sucker do to the Boss?" One of the criminals whispers to their fellow criminals after they sit in one of the empty chairs available after ordering their food.

"Huh? Oh! This time it's a new guy, that thought he could make himself more famous by acting tough in this place. Big mistake." A different criminal replied to the first criminal that asked the question. "Not to mention that the Boss is a bad mood again like every week."

"Can't blame the Boss for acting like this. I would be pissed off too, if a couple of kids continue to annoy every single week." Another criminal among them spoke out, with his face red from drinking too much.

"So, who the new guy? Someone famous among the underworld or outside the Vale Kingdom?" The one that asked the question about what's going on wanted to know if the new one under the Boss man's feet is worth remembering or not.

"Nope! A complete newbie. Not to mention he literally brags about how he killed someone with his bare hands. Like that would scare anyone but the weak." The second criminal scoff, then take a big gulp of his drink.

"Wait, why would a new guy show up here? Only a few people know about what kind of dangerous place this is." The first criminal asks in a confused voice, causing others that just got here to listen in.

I continue staring at the ceiling while ignoring the criminals around me making a few comments that sound far-fetched and even made a few things up.

Without warning, I move my left foot off the new guy's head before stomping down on the guy's left shoulder, breaking his shoulder blade, causing the criminal to scream in pain. Making some of the other criminals flinch at this. Some even lower their heads, hoping I don't look in their way.

"Hey, Esdeath. What you want me to do with this guy?" I ask my 1st wife, who currently inside the Kitchen working on the next orders.

"Either kill the guy if he doesn't have anything valuable or sends him out of here after taking whatever valuable on him as a payment for his life." Esdeath replied from the Kitchen, without the need to shout as everyone could hear her voice still.

And just like that, the criminal with a broken left shoulder started panicking. As the criminal begs for his life and even resort to bribes. In the hope, it would save his life, but sadly for him. All his little bribes and begging just annoy me further than I already am.

So with that said, I kick his head just barely enough to knock him out cold before using [Elemental Sight] and [Eagle Vision] to find if there anything worth taking from this criminal.

"Nope. Nothing of value." I said dully, then lift my left foot up once more and ready to stomp the criminal's neck. But, before I could an explosive appear outside the Apartment Building.

"Ragna, be a dear and go check out what's going on out there." Esdeath said to me from the Kitchen. "Also, take the trash out with him." By trash, Esdeath meant the criminal I was about to kill before the explosion.

"Alright." I use [Archive] to contact with Repellista to tell her to deactivate all the hidden cameras in the neighborhood. Before walking outside and dragging the knocked out criminal by the back of their collar.

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Front Entrance)

Then, toss him into the blazing fire, along with looks like a Bullhead shot down and crashed here.

Using [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Gravity] to crush the entire thing flat, along with the now awake and screaming criminal to his death, and putting out the fire. Then, I look towards the Vale's Docks.

'Look like today when Blake and Sun face Roman and the White Fang at the Docks.' I thought to myself before thinking if I should show up or not. After all, Penny should be there and could possibly send information about my presence to Ironwood.

Not to mention, that Ozpin and his group still haven't come to visit me here in 3 months now. And I have no clue if they show up or not later in the future.

Then decide it wasn't worth it. So, I went back inside and tell Esdeath what I found while using [Archive] to inform of what is really going on.

The next day*

Year 11: Day 326: A Warning

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Restaurant Floor)

"You better have a good reason for this, Roman." Ryun growl at Roman through the [Scroll]. "Or else you'll miss something other than one of your limbs." Then, Ryun hangs up her [Scroll] afterward.

Ryun's [Aura] covers her body in the color of red and killing intent mixed with it, causing the nearby criminals to forget about eating here and all of them quickly rush out of the Restaurant, but made sure to pay for their meals since the last time they didn't. They were hunted down and rather not experience that again.

"What's wrong, Ryun? What did Roman cause you to be so mad about?" Yuri asks Ryun, as she collects all the [Lien] on the table and putting away all the dirty plates and unfinished food into the [Inventory] for her hubby to clean up via [Gate of Babylon].

"Roman requested to reserve the whole Restaurant. Not because he wanted to make it a personal party for his little group, but he dares use us to scare off some people he's bringing here in a few minutes." Ryun growl, as her [Aura] continue coating her body and started to turn in a darker shade due to her killing intent mixed in it.

"Oh, so that's why you're mad. Wow, Roman got guts to do this to us. He better has a good reason or he's going to be sorry. Roman very lucky Esdeath not in a bad mood tonight." Yuri said to Ryun, as she waits for Roman and the people he's bringing with.

"Hey, Ragna. Why do you act tired all the time? I know the whole [Gamer's Body] should make you have infinite stamina somewhat, and hmm, I love it, but why act like it most of the time?" Yuri asks her hubby, who currently resting his head on the counter.

I lift my head off my arms and look at Yuri with a blank stare. "I'm mentally tired. Kind of need to give my body, it rests often too. Since there still a limit to my Gamer's ability. Way too many limits." I mumble the last part with a hint of rage before the [Gamer's Mind] wipe the rage out of me.

Letting out a tired sigh before straightening my back as I stretch my muscles before thinking about how [Fundamental Force Manipulation] is still at level 1 for three months now. Not due to the lack of effort at my end, but because I still have other skills to work on first before coming back to this skill.

Out of the all the skills merged into the [Fundamental Force Manipulation]. [Gravity Manipulation], [Velocty Manipulation], [Friction Manipulation], and [Inertia Manipulation] are already at level 2 while the rest are still at level 1 due to not using them yet.

Nonetheless, just these skills alone from the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] are amazing to use.

But, what I really have been putting effort into for the past 3 months was creating my own [Void Weapon]. Took some time and research while creating it through my [Archive]. But, I have finally created it.

[King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] - Rank: N/A - Durability: User's HP - ATK: User's STR + AGI + MAG / 3

Description: In a form of a longsword, which can be controlled with one's mind to attack from a distance without even holding the weapon and can levitate midair, giving it the ability to soar to the sky and attack anything within sight.

1st Effect: [Intrinsic] - Will grow along with the user and will also become weaker if the user becomes weak as well. As a result, if the user's HP is lower, then the weapon will lower its durability to match. This also applies to the attack stat of this weapon as well.

2nd Effect: [Flying Sword] - Allow the sword to move on its own without having to wield it physically.

Once I created it, the [Power of The Void Kings] leveled up once. Much to my delight, then afterward, frustration. As the [Power of The Void Kings] is stuck at level 2 and only 1% EXP left to level up. After a while of using the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword].

Thinking about it for a while until I realize, that I need to create another [Void Weapon] to level it up. Making it more difficult for me. Since I may have to create maybe up to a total of 100 [Void Weapons]. But, I have no clue if that's true or not. Since after reaching level 10. The 3rd Effect of the [Power of The Void Kings] would be unlocked.

So no clue if it really 100 [Void Weapons] to reach max level. But, I'm just happy to have my own personal [Void Weapon].

Now, I'm planning how to create Esdeath's [Void Weapon] and I could create something for Esdeath or just leave it to the skill to make it based on Esdeath's fears, personality, or her ideas.

With the ideas, is where I come in and use [Archive] to create something out of it, but the first two would fall under the skill's control. And I have no way on what Esdeath's [Void Weapon] turn out to be.

Therefore, I'm stuck on level 2 for the [Power of The Void Kings] until Esdeath is satisfied with her [Void Weapon], which she may use in the future. But, in the early stage. No way, since the destruction of the [Void Weapon] lead to the death of the host that the [Void Weapon] originally came from.

Either way, it's going to be a long time before I create the second [Void Weapon] based on Esdeath. Nonetheless, I like my first one. [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] could still be used as a regular sword and can handle my [Sword Qi]. Making this my main weapon whenever I wish to use my [Sword Intent] to fight. As the [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] will continue to grow along with me.

"Oh yeah, there's that. Even with infinite stamina. Your mental state won't stay the same forever." Yuri knew that even if someone fought for days, there will be a moment later on into the battle where the fighters would begin making mistakes that they shouldn't have. This is due to their mental state starting to decay due to not resting long enough.

"By the way, you guys know where Esdeath is right now?" Ryun asks Yuri and me, as she hasn't seen Esdeath for a while now and she would usually be with us or in the Kitchen to practice her cooking skills.

"She's talking with Repellista at the moment about someone she's trying to find or what not. Can't remember right now." I replied to Ryun's question on the whereabouts. As my mind is kind of stuck on what to make for Esdeath's [Void Weapon] or just leave it to my skill to create it for me, to save myself and Esdeath the trouble of wasting so much time thinking about it.

"Anyway, Roman should be here soon." Just as I finish saying the last word, the front door is open none other than Roman himself, with Cinder little group behind him coming straight in.

A few quick scans on Cinder's group to refresh my memory on who is who. Finding myself seeing Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black, both are Cinder Fall's underlings. And it looks like this Cinder is half of the Fall Maiden like canon.

"Huh, never been to an Apartment with a Restaurant built into one." Mercury thought out loud, "And hello, ladies~!" Mercury winks at both Yuri and Ryun.

The response he got in return was something he didn't think would get. Which was getting his face smacked onto the floor by me via [Gravity Manipulation] and no one but a few knew it was my doing. As I was closing my left eye, where I could still use [Wisdom of The Sage] and [Fundamental Force Manipulation] without having my left eye open.

Furthermore, I can just use [Eagle Vision] as a replacement for my lack of eyesight. As a result, Mercury is already taken down without giving the guy a chance to show anything to fight back.

"Okay! No looking! Got it!" Mercury easily figures out the reason why he's being crushed under an invisible force. He just had to open his stupid mouth when Roman warned him before coming here.

And just like that, I deactivate the [Wisdom of The Sage], with [Fundamental Force Manipulation] deactivating as well. Since it needs [Wisdom of The Sage] to work.

"Nice going, Mercury." Emerald sneer at Mercury, then quickly drop her arrogance act when she notices Yuri staring at her with cold eyes.

"Enough." Cinder said in a soft voice. "We're guests. So give them the respect they deserve. After all, Roman did mention this before." Cinder said to her underlings, but she glares at Mercury before she gives Yuri and Ryun a smile, completely ignoring me.

Yup, just like on her character sheet, Cinder is secretly a sexist and hate all male. But, keep this hidden and is willing to use men for her benefits. I guess this Cinder is somewhat different from the canon version.

Both Yuri and Ryun notice this right away, but didn't say anything about it. At least, they don't have to worry about someone trying to seduce their husband.

Even Roman could tell Cinder hated men, but would gladly use them to her advantage. Happy that he lived another day because of this small miracle that Cinder wasn't completely a male hater to the point of killing them on sight.

I open my left eye and stare at Roman, who just shrugged his shoulders when he saw me staring at him.

"Now, mind giving us a private area for us to speak among us? We have something important to speak." Cinder said to Yuri, who she finds interesting and wonder if it possible to recruit her, with the way she could just feel with her instinct alone that this person before her is very strong. Someone worth having as an ally with.

"Follow me." Yuri figure she may as well play along for now until Esdeath come downstairs, so she could leave the talking to her. After all, Esdeath is the best to speak with people that just too smart with their mouth.

I let out a tired sigh before laying my head back on the counter. Since it looks like my presence isn't needed at the moment. Even then, it would be Esdeath who would be speaking with Cinder for our side.

"I'm going to head out for a few minutes." I said to my wives, as [Eagle Vision] picks up something that caught my interest. I walk outside the building as Yuri and Ryun told me to be careful and come back soon.

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Front Entrance)

I started walking towards the direction, where that something I find interesting. And I found it's moving now, so I use [Eagle Vision] once more and found someone is carrying it off.

Not bother to question why and just use [Shundo] to appear on the rooftops of the many buildings before I chase after the person, that running off the objects I find interest in.

10 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City)

So far, I've already caught up with the person, who happens to be some random person. But, they look shady though. As for the objects that caught my interest; well, the person is holding a small box that glows in a gold color. So it must be something that would interest me.

Appearing next to the person and use [Nabong Needle Ryu] to knock them out cold before taking the small box from the person, then rush back to the Apartment Building without bothering about finding out who the person is.

2 minutes later *

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Restaurant Floor)

"Welcome back, they're almost done with whatever they're talking about." Ryun gives me a smile, as she informs me about what's going on and how Esdeath came downstairs just a few minutes after I left and speaking with Cinder and her little group now.

From the look of it; Cinder and her underlings, along with Roman are deeply afraid of Esdeath. I didn't bother to hear what my 1st wife is saying, but I know it would have given me a nightmare if I could regain the ability to dream again.

Yeah, I no longer have the ability to dream or just can't remember. But, I didn't really care and just toss it in with the other hidden side-effects of gaining the Gamer's ability.

"I'm going to head upstairs. Let me know if I'm needed." I said to Ryun, who just nods at me as resume looking at Esdeath and listening into the conversation/threats.

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: 3rd Floor)

I walk upstairs, up to the 3rd floor, which is literally just a giant room with most of the walls knocked down. Pretty much the only floor that didn't have all the walls knocked down is the 2nd floor, which is called the Library Floor.

Once I climb to the 3rd floor; I take out the small box that the [Eagle Vision] picked up and open the lid to find what made the [Eagle Vision] decide this is something I would find interesting.

And I find myself looking at a golden round crystal. So, I did a quick scan to see what it is.

[Dragon Beard Container] - Rank: C+ - Durability: 1000/1000 - ATK: 1% HP per day

Description: Within this golden crystal are small hair-like needles, which can penetrate deep into a body. Lodging inside and curl on itself, causing deadly damage to the body over time. It cannot be removed by normal methods and has to be removed specifically to avoid post injuries.

1st Effect: Produce a [Dragon Beard Needle] at the cost of 1 Durability

I blink at the golden crystal in the small box, that happen to belong to a certain novel back in my universe, where this is literally a [Hidden Weapon]. Cool, but wonder why this is in the RWBY universe.

Honestly, I thought this golden crystal was actually a [Lightning Crystalline Dust] at first, but luckily, I didn't dismiss as a [Dust] and did a quick scan. Now, to do a full scan to get the design so I could use the [Wisdom of The Sage] to create more of these [Dragon Beard Container] later in the future.

The next day*

Year 11: Day 327: Annoyance

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Restaurant Floor)

Well, I got the design, but it took the entire night and I almost missed the time to work in the morning with my wives. Luckily, no one disturbed me while I trying to gain the design on how the [Dragon Beard Container] was created and the materials as well.

If I didn't have [Elemental Sight], I wouldn't be able to figure out how to even use the darn thing. Took a couple tries, but I managed to produce a [Dragon Beard Needle]. Sadly, there was no way for me to put it back inside.

I guess the [Dragon Beard Container] is a fail produce somewhat, but still something good to use.

As for the [Dragon Beard Needle], I made from the golden crystal; well, I tested if it could be burned away. On the hindsight, I shouldn't have used the flame belong to my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] and should have used normal fire instead, to find out if it could be destroyed by fire.

"Please~?!" Ruby beg me for like the fifth time today in the morning. Breaking me from my thoughts as I look at Ruby and her team, as I place down their plate of food.

"Enjoy your foods." I said to team RWBY, as I walk away from their table. So I could take care of any other customers' requests/orders. Ignoring Ruby shouting for me to come back. Before ending up, scold by Weiss for shouting in a public Restaurant and could be kicked out due to her making such a ruckus.

2 months later*

Year 12: Day 22: Sudden Arrival

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Restaurant Floor)

Another boring 2 months; well, boring for my family. As Roman stops stealing [Dust] and relocated to the southeast of Vale like in canon. But, he still came to Esdeath's Restaurant to eat at night for one more time before stopping.

Not even being threaten by Cinder would stop him from coming here to eat. Even Neo, much to my annoyance, also came here to eat as well, but made sure to stick next to Roman every time and never came here alone.

Also, the Vytal Festival is about to start next month. After listening to a few customers talking about it for days now. So, easy to tell when the next big event about to begin.

During the two months; both team RWBY and JNPR continue to beg me to train them. I would have to say, they are very persistent at this and haven't given up for months now. Hard to keep track on time, but I know it should be around half a year since arriving in this universe.

Anyway, these two teams didn't stop and I'm so glad to have [Gamer's Mind] at this point. Since I would have long snapped at them. But, through the power of the [Gamer's Mind]. I kept my cool, even if it's forced.

Another note, James Ironwood arrives in Vale with a fleet of [Atlesian Airships] two weeks too, where I found out the Beacon Dance happened last week.

So far, I haven't seen team RWBY for a week not, but JNPR still showed up though. Therefore, I guess the Breach episode is bound to happen soon.

Since I Roman and Neo haven't shown up after last time. So, there another proof that the Breach episode is close now.

Repellista went full focus on finding out what's going on and even hacked into the Beacon Academy's database to find what she needs to know. On Esdeath's request, and mine, to find the location of the [Relic of Choice].


"Please tell me it was someone that got too excited and lit up a firework." I said to anyone that listening to me, as I close my left eye and count to ten. Wondering if I should go out and help or not.

"Nope, but whatever it was. It should happen in the middle of the City. I wonder what the problem." One of my regulars replied to my question in a confused voice, with a hint of fear that something dangerous is near.

"Ryun, make sure to watch the place." I said to my 3rd wife, who still haven't found the right weapon to use besides her original gold staff, but without [Shinsoo]. It can't fly and attack using [Shinsoo]. So, she could only use it as a normal staff while enhancing it with her [Aura], but it wasn't the same.

However, Ryun does have experience using dual-bladed weapons, but she still hasn't found the right one and I haven't found the one that could be used for her fighting style just yet.

"Alright. Be safe." Ryun knew her god/husband would easily live through this. He has experience worse things before. Not to mention the monsters in the Super God Gene universe make these Grimm a joke. Then again, she still hasn't found those ancient age Grimm yet.

"Wait up! I'm coming with!" Yuri shouts to me, as she quickly follows along with me out the building.

"Same here. Ryun, make sure no one dare try to steal from us. If so, you know what to do." Esdeath walks out of the Kitchen and looks around the place. "Everyone. We're sorry to say that the Restaurant has to close early today due to an emergency."

Not after Esdeath was finished speaking, the City of Vale activates the emergency sirens, causing the customers to rush out of the building as well. In a panic, much to Esdeath annoyance since she has to wait for the front door to be clear before she could exit out the building, with Yuri and her husband waiting for her outside.

5 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City)

Esdeath, Yuri, and I appear on top of one of the rooftops among the many buildings still standing.

"Wow, that's a lot of Grimm coming out of that hole." Yuri whistles at the sight of the giant gap in the middle of the City. As more Grimm coming out of it and with only team RWBY facing them alone.

"Well, we shouldn't keep them waiting." Esdeath smirk at this, then draw out [Skiajati] out of its sheath.

Yuri follows Esdeath's example and draws out [Korosu] out of its scabbard as well. Ready to test out her Teigu against these Grimm.

"I guess, I'll start us off." I said to both Esdeath and Yuri, as I get ready to help team RWBY out with the Grimm.

"[First Tail Unleash]." I activate the [Talis Activation], changing my appearance again every time I use the [Tails Activation].


[Tails Activation: First Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 1% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 1%.

I use [Shundo: Bo-Bup] to appear behind Blake, where a Grimm was about to pounce on her. With a [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon: Instep Upward Kick] to slam the Grimm into the ground, causing Blake to spin in surprise at seeing me.

[Ssam-Su Taekkyeon: Instep Upward Kick] is a technique that looks like a downward kick. Adding the power of my current stats, making it easy for me to kill the Grimm by slamming it the ground hard enough to scatter into a black mist instantly.

Grabbing Blake by her left shoulder, to bring her closer to me as I killed another Grimm with a [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon: Facial Strike], which is a right knee attack to the opponent's head. For me, it literally destroyed a Grimm's head like nothing.

"[Second Tail Unleash]." I activate the second tail and didn't bother to hear what Blake is trying to say to me. As I perform my next attack with Blake behind me.


[Tails Activation: Second Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 2% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 2%.

Gain access to [Pyrokinesis]: Create and manipulate fire at will.

[2nd Tail + Renewal Taekwondo: Ground Drawer], a combination of [Renewal Taekwondo: Ground Drawer], that grinds the floor with the tip of the user's foot while spinning, and the [Second Tail Unleash].

Instead, of attacking the knees of an opponent or nullifying a wind-based attack, or even a kick up debris to attack multiple opponents.

I create a wall of fire in front of Blake and me, then follow up with a [2nd Tail + Renewal Taekwondo: Sonic Punch and Kick], where I mixed the air pressure with the fire I created. Sending out multiple [Fire Spears], which created with air pressure and the flames created by my last attack.

Killing all the Grimm in front of me via burning them with these [Fire Spears].

Throwing in 1000 MP into the [Tail Activation] to extend the duration as a minute is closing in.

"[Third Tail Unleash]." I raise up another tail, causing the heat coming from me to increase, forcing Blake to take a few steps back away from me before she resumes attacking the nearby Grimm instead of just watching on the sideline.


[Tails Activation: Third Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 4% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 4%.

Gain access to [Pyrokinesis]: Create and manipulate fire at will (+20%).

[3rd Tail + Renewal Taekwondo: Arang], another combination of the [Tail Activation] with the [Renewal Taekwondo], and with the latter, sending out a shockwave with an elbow smash performed on the opponent.

Instead of a shockwave; a blast of fire appeared, causing more Grimm to be burn to their deaths.

Another 1000 MP into the [Tail Activation] to extend the time once more, as I gather all the fire to my right hand by using [Pyrokinesis] rapidly.

Creating a giant [Fireball], which I kick it to the sky, blasting all the flying types Grimm from the sky.

"Leave some for us, Ragna." Esdeath said to me, as she slices one of the [Ursa]'s head off. A bear-like creature of Grimm, and Esdeath easily killed one by just cutting their head from the body with ease.

This leads to Esdeath turning invisible due to the effects belong to the [Skiajati] and allowing Esdeath to pick off the Grimm around the City before it could react with their six sense. Since the Grimm can only pick Esdeath's presence by sensing her killing intent.

Sadly, the Grimm didn't have any chance to counter Esdeath as she too fast for them and either decapitate them or just cut one the Grimm's limbs, mostly the legs, before Esdeath finishes them off and move to the next.

"Pretty sure, there more coming from the hole." Yuri said to Esdeath, even if she can't see Esdeath due to her being invisible.

Yuri cut multiple Grimm with fast sword slashes without bothering to aim for the Grimm's vital points. As Yuri's sword slashes are fast enough to literally split the Grimm's body apart, killing the Grimm without any problem.

Both Esdeath and Yuri are easily killing large and powerful Grimm like nothing, causing team RWBY to be dumbfounded at this site. Enough to stop them in place, which is bad for them, as the Grimm wouldn't care if they fighting or not.

"[Fourth Tail Unleash]." I continue to bring out the next tail, and making team RWBY to see me releasing the fourth tail for the first time since the highest I went in their eyes was the third tail.


[Tails Activation: Fourth Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 8% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 8%.

Gain access to [Pyrokinesis]: Create and manipulate fire at will (+30%).

Using [Shundo: Bo-Bup] to appear around team RWBY, to kill off a dozen of Grimm that are about to attack the defenseless girls. Breaking them out of their daze when they realize they're still in a life and death battle with the Grimm.

Rushing around the area to kill the Grimm while under the effect of the [Fourth Tail Unleashed], but really, I'm just holding back even more while making it look like I'm getting stronger with each tail release.

As the reason for hiding my true strength; well, there are cameras still working around the place. Meaning that Ozpin and Ironwood could be watching this very moment.

30 minutes later*

All the Grimm are taken care of, with the battle almost going the same way as canon, where the others came here to help out. Of course, Esdeath, Yuri, and I could have left the moment the others arrived, but that would cause unwanted problems that we already have.

Once the others arrived, I stop inputting more MP to extend the duration of the [Tails Activation] and return back to my original appearance, then started killing Grimm with just using [Shundo], [Renewal Taekwondo], and [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] alone, was enough to deal with the rest of the remaining Grimm.

While I left the stronger ones to Esdeath and Yuri, to show an appearance that without [Tails Activation]. My strength would decrease rapidly as the result.

After all the Grimm are dealt with, Glynda quickly seals the hold, preventing more Grimm from entering the City. But, the damage has been done like Cinder planned.

"Esdeath, I'll leave the talking to you." I said to my 1st wife, who rolled her eyes at me since that was a given and my comments weren't needed. Nonetheless, Esdeath walked over to Glynda to speak with her while Yuri and I just stand by the hole just in case something bad happens.

Who knows if some kind of giant type Grimm would burst through this temporarily sealed hole. Even with Glynda's [Semblance: Telekinesis], doesn't mean it would be a permanent solution to the former giant hole in the middle of the City of Vale.

"Think Ryun doing fine back at the Apartment?" Yuri ask me, as we wait for Esdeath to finish speaking with Glynda and ignoring some people around us, staring at us, but didn't dare come close to us.

"She should, if not, she should have contacted us about some troublesome people coming near the building before dealing with them herself." I replied to my 2nd wife as I watch team RWBY and JNPR heading our way.

"Hey! Thanks for the help!" Nora shouts at us, causing Yuri and me to lean back a little from Nora's loud voice.

"No problem. After all, this is our home too." Yuri lied through her teeth. As she doesn't see this place as her home at all, in fact, after spending time with her new family. Even the place she went around back in the Tower of God hasn't felt like home after spending most of her time living in the [Ark].

So yeah, Yuri didn't care if this kingdom falls to the Grimm or from the other kingdoms in her honest opinion. But, she got to keep up the appearance for now until her family manages to grab one of the [Relics] to leave this universe.

Maybe finding another wife candidate as well, after she learned from Esdeath that their family needs to grow more. As in the future, small numbers would become a huge disadvantage, even with almost all of us would be godlike in some universes. Doesn't mean there won't be a small chance of an army would attack them from all sides without stopping.

"You guys were amazing!" Ruby shout in awe and excitement at the sight of us killing the Grimm like nothing. As if those Grimm are newborn instead most of them aged a few years already.

I blink as something was caught under my [Eagle Vision], looking towards the sky, causing others to look at the sky as well, to see what made me look up.

A giant [Nevermore] that overshadowing a part of the City as it's getting close to us and way bigger than the one that crashes into the [Amity Colosseum]. If anything, the [Nevermore] is the size of the [Amity Colosseum].

"Well, this isn't good." I thought out loud, as everyone could see the giant Grimm that literally covering pretty much a third of the City by now.

"Why something that big come into the kingdom?!" Weiss cried out in fear at the sight of the largest [Nevermore] she has ever seen in real life, with her own eyes. At this point, Weiss thinks this entire time is just one bad nightmare and wanted to wake up so badly right now.

"You want to take care of that or should I?" Yuri asks me in a bored voice, showing that giant [Nevermore] doesn't look tough to her, and even dare ask if she should kill or me.

"How about you, Esdeath? You wanna kill it or you want to leave to either Yuri or me." I said to Esdeath, as we reveal our names to the public, not like we were trying that hard to hide it.

"I'll leave it to you, Ragna. I have to speak with someone right now." Esdeath replied back to me, not taking the giant [Nevermore] above her as something serious. As she continues speaking with the shocked Glynda, who clearly thought Esdeath was crazy for thinking a single person could take on a [Nevermore] of that size.

"I guess, I'll have to deal with it then." I said to Yuri, who just shrugged her shoulders and let me do my things.

I walk a bit further away from everyone, then use [Tails Activation] by raising each tail in order until I reached the [Ninth Tail Unleahsed]. Where my appearance changed different from the first tail to the eighth tail, as my hair becomes much longer and darker, with my eyes redden. Patches of yellow fur behind the fox ears-like part of my hair as a blade of flames appear around my elbows.


[Tails Activation: Ninth Tail Unleashed], the user gained all the effects belong to it.

HP Regen switches to 64% HP per minutes.

Increase STR, END, and AGI by 256%.

Gain access to [Pyrokinesis]: Create and manipulate fire at will (+80%).

Gain access to [Ability Sealing]: To seal away a person's powers.

Gain access to [Ability Awakening]: To awaken the potential within a person to enable them to attack higher beings, that they couldn't previously hurt and undo the seals placed on a person.

Gain access to [Fox Generation]: Allow the user to summon many [Nine Tailed Foxes] ranging from them to be big or small made out of fires.

Using [Elemental Sight] to gain the design of the giant [Nevermore] in the sky before raising my right hand to the sky.

Then, use [Decomposition: Mist Dispersion] and snap my right fingers, causing the giant [Nevermore] to dissipate into dust, transform into steam and then scatter, where a blue orb of flame appeared for a brief moment before it disappears after a second as well.

"DID HE JUST KILLED THAT GRIMM BY SNAPPING HIS FINGERS?!" Jaune shrieked in a girlish tone, causing everyone to look at me with multiple emotions, most of them are fear and awe, but mostly fear towards me. As I could just kill a dangerous Grimm with just a snap of my fingers.

Afterward, I deactivate [Tails Activation] since I took care of the [Nevermore]. Not that like I really needed to use [Tails Activation], but got to keep the appearance up, to make Ozpin and others think that I require transformation to use [Decomposition: Mist Dispersion].

I wasn't surprised the next moment I switch [Tails Activation] off when all the Atlas' robots aimed their guns at me. Much to some people's confusion of seeing this.

I just let a smirk appear on my face when I look at this. Knowing that Ironwood must have ordered his little army of robots to capture me, to be questioned.

Reactivating [Elemental Sight], with [Eagle Vision] as a support to the skill as I gather all the designs I need from these robots. Then, with another snap of my fingers was heard throughout the area. As all the robots disassemble themselves at the same time.

Even the guns that the robots were carrying are broken down into parts, causing everyone, but a selected few sucked in cold air at the sight of me taking down a squadron of Altas' new [Atlesian Knight-200] like nothing.

"Are you guys trying to make me mad?" I ask anyone that could hear me, but I was speaking to Ironwood, who should have a way to hear and see what's going on at this very moment.

"I'll have to request you to stand down and let me take you in." Glynda said to me, as she started walking towards, but stop in her steps as a blade is against her neck, thanks to Esdeath, who already have [Skiajati] unsheathed and look like she will kill Glynda if she so much as take another step.

"I hate being ignored. So, you will listen to me and obey." Esdeath said in a casual voice while leaking a bit of her killing intent with her [Aura], coating her body in a dark blue color [Aura].

Other Beacon Academy's staffs were about to step in when Yuri appears in front of them, with a cold look on her face, ready to fight them if they try to get past her.

"Test me. I dare you." Yuri raises her left hand, where she created a small orb with her [Aura], which is her special skill: [Red Velvet Sword], that she created with her [Shinsoo], but using [Aura] instead.

Of course, Yuri made sure to test it out in the [First God's Sanctuary] before using in this universe. And let's just say, that it does the same damage with [Shinsoo], but just a bit slower to charge by using [Aura] as a replacement energy source.

Looking at the small red orb floating just a few inches above Yuri's left palm, no matter how small and not dangerous looking. None of the staffs from Beacon took any chance of testing Yuri. As their instinct developed from their line of work had already warned them about how life-threatening Yuri's small red orb is.

I know how team RWBY and JNPR look very confused about how the good guys are trying to capture me after I help save the City.

Using [Archive], with [Elemental Sight] to search for Ironwood and I was surprised to find him just a few blocks away from where I am. Next to Ironwood is Ozpin, who is watching on his [Scroll] and it shows the image of myself, along with Esdeath and Yuri in separate screens.

With another snap of the fingers, Ozpin's [Scroll] broken down into parts, much to the shocked look on his face until he quickly looks around the area. As if he could tell someone was spying on him. This included Ironwood figuring out there something wrong going on.

Letting out a tired sigh after just helping deal with the Grimm. This what I get as thanks, maybe this is part of the LUCK stat affecting the universe to push me to find the [Relics] fast.

If Ironwood and Ozpin decide to try to capture me without even coming in person to speak with me. Then, this is just my LUCK stat telling me that I shouldn't side with them, not like I was planning to in the first place.

"Look like we treated as wanted criminals. Esdeath. Yuri. Time for us to leave the kingdom." I said to my wives, causing them to be annoyed that they have to leave, but didn't show any sign of rejecting this option. As if they already knew this would happen sooner or later.

Then, without bothering to give the other side a chance to even take action. All three of us disappear from the area with our own methods to escape.

5 minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Apartment Building: Front Entrance)

All three of us arrive at the Apartment Building, where Ryun is standing outside the front door, waiting for us.

"Got everything packed?" Esdeath asks Ryun and looks a bit annoyed that Glynda would dare ignore and tried to capture her husband. Nonetheless, she will take care of Glynda later in the future, if not, then it's just Glynda's luck is enough to save her life from being tortured by her.

"Yup, Repellista already went back into the [Ark] once she got the news about how the higher-ups are trying to capture our husband, to be questioned about his so-called [Semblance]." Ryun replied to Esdeath and even inform a little fact about why Ozpin and Ironwood tried to capture me.

"So, wait. It's because of hubby's [Semblance]? Are they that desperate to even kidnap someone just because they possess an ancient [Semblance]?" Yuri finds this a little weird since if what she read about [Aura] and [Semblance], then there should be a different reason why someone wanted to kidnap her hubby.

"Pretty much. Stupid, I know. But, that's what Repellista got from overhearing what they were saying while watching our husband using his [Semblance]." Ryun said in a casual tone. "So, where are we heading off to now, that we're being hunted down, because of someone's greed for power got the better of them?"

"Well, you're going back to the [Ark]. Since out of all of us. You and Repellista don't have 100% of escaping the Vale Kingdom like the rest of us." Esdeath pointed out who should stay and who should be in the [Ark].

"Alright." Ryun knew her limit and give her god a kiss on the lip before rushing back inside the Apartment Building to use the [Ark's Gate], which is set up on the 5th floor. Once Ryun notified me via [Scroll] before using the [Ark's Gate].

I destroyed the [Ark's Gate] after a minute or two, for Ryun to teleport into the [Ark], then Esdeath, Yuri, and I quickly rush towards the northeast, where the defense is weaker there than the other sides.

30 minutes later*

(Vale: Outside The Walls)

Well, we managed to hijack one of the Bullheads and fly out of here. Thanks, to the Grimm invasion. Most of the focus is around the middle of the City. Making it a lot easier for us to steal a Bullhead for us to use.

Thanks to [Pumba] and thinking the Bullhead as a weapon. I know how to drive the Airship without any problem.

"So, where are we heading to?" I ask one of my wives while happy that the [Ark] still allow others to live inside while inside the [Gate of Babylon]. Then again, the [Ark] could be in a separate dimension than the [Gate of Babylon].

"Honestly, no clue. We could head to Vacuo Kingdom if you want. Also, why did we steal an Airship when we could just use the [Ark] to fly instead?" Yuri replied to my question, then ask one of hers and wonder why we're using the Bullhead instead of the [Ark]. Since it can fly as well.

[Ark] - Rank: N/A - Durability: 10000/10000 - ATK: N/A

Description: The [Ark] is an artifact created and used by the Noah Family. It takes the form of a large, airborne cube that contains a city inside of it, as well as countless doors that those who control the [Ark] can use to go to any location in the world.

1st Effect: [Flying Fortress] - Allow the [Ark] to fly around the world, but at the cost of 1 durability per month.

2nd Effect: [Gate Creation] - Creating [Ark]'s [Gates] only towards the place the user has been to outside the [Ark]. All [Gates] in the outside world are numbered, and walking through them will lead one to the Mediterranean-style city within the [Ark]. From there, walking through another door that connects to an established [Gate] teleports the person walking through to wherever the [Gate] was opened at, no matter how far away it is from the previous [Gate]'s location.

3rd Effect: [Stealth System] - Make the [Ark] become invisible to almost all detection in the current world the user in under god tier detection related skills. However, this will drain the [Ark]'s durability by 2 per week.

Yeah, my whole family could just live in the [Ark] while flying around the place. Still, need to figure a way to install a defense system into the [Ark] though. But, other than that. The [Ark] is a perfect moving city, that could be live in.

"I rather not reveal the existence of the [Ark] to the world if I can help it." I reached the [Master Mastery] for the Bullhead, giving me the knowledge of what else the Bullhead can do. Where I found a few hidden recorders in the Pilot Room, not that hard to delete the file and destroy any trace from it. Luckily, the records require special devices to extract it. Too late now, that I got my hands on it.

"Just let me fly us a bit further away from Vale, then I'll bring out the [Ark]. This way, we have a bigger space to move around and still train." I said to my wives, as I continue flying us towards Vacuo Kingdom.

"Alright." Esdeath agrees with her husband, but kept her [Skiajati] out of the [Inventory] due to being outside the protected walls of Vale. So, there will be a chance of Grimm coming after them.

"I guess." Yuri glance around, then blankly stare out the glass window before looking back at Esdeath, who just took out a book to read. Frowning a little for a few seconds, then let out a tired sigh, and walk over to Esdeath and sit next to her on the ground.

Yuri places her head on Esdeath's lap to be used as a temporary pillow, where Yuri decides to take a nap for now. Since she got nothing else to do and she can't train, so she may as well take this chance to get some extra rest.

Esdeath didn't mind this and more of used to Yuri using her lap to sleep on. This happens often with Yuri, and Esdeath finds this cute of her, so she has always allowed this, even though her lap is mostly for her husband to lay his head on. But, she willing to include Yuri as well. Ryun too, if she decides to try, but not once she did. Nonetheless, Esdeath will welcome Ryun any time.

A few hours later*

(Vale: Borderland)

So far, I have flown us away from the Vale Kingdom, until it no longer visible. But, I didn't stop until this Bullhead runs out of fuel. There were a few [Nevermores] trying to destroy the Bullhead, to take us down.

But, without any witnesses around; Esdeath uses her Teigu to create multiple icicles, which contain a bit of her trump's effect within them. Where all Grimm that touches those icicles end up frozen in spot and fall from the sky after a few seconds before they regain back control over their bodies.

Those that got hit and pierced by these icicles; the [Nevermores] fall to their deaths and don't even get the chance to be aware of how it dies. As the [Nevermores]' mind are frozen under the effects of Esdeath's trump card.

Even Yuri just to fire off one of her [Red Velvet Sword], I still can't figure out why there's the word: Sword in that skill's name of her. Nonetheless, it's very overpowered in some universe and in this RWBY universe. It's overpowered and overkill against these [Nevermores].

Checking the fuel gauge and notice that the Bullhead is close to running out of fuel to fly. So, looking around the place with [Elemental Sight] and [Eagle Vision], to find the best place to land without having any Grimm charging right at us upon landing.

"Are we landing?" Esdeath asks me, as she notices the Bullhead is descending from the sky.

"Yeah, the Airship's fuel tank is almost empty. So it's time for us to ditch this Airship and bring out the [Ark]." I replied to Esdeath. "Did I mention how I love having the [Ark]? Because I do." I smirk at Esdeath, who just rolls her eyes at me.

"More than once. Not that I could complain, since the [Ark] is a [Flying Fortress] and possess the [Stealth System] to hide from unwanted people trying to find us." Esdeath said to me, as she watches the ground getting closer as the Bullhead continue to descend.

"You know, we don't even have to worry about food or water, thanks to that [God's Sanctuary] skill of your, hubby. We can just head there to restock by killing monsters there and locate any water body, for us to refill up all the water containers we have in the [Gate of Babylon]." Yuri gives her own input, which she wasn't wrong, and I feel like our daily needs are solved thanks to the [Ark] and [God's Sanctuary].

Well, these are the kinds of stuff my family need unlike me, who have the Gamer's ability. No need for food, water, or even sleep. All removed due to having the Gamer's ability. I can still eat, drink, and sleep if I wanted to.

"How long do you think it will take us to fly to the Vacuo Kingdom?" I ask my wives since I don't have the basic knowledge of this universe besides the ones I research/watch RWBY back in my universe.

"With an Air Bus; a month, maybe more, and as for the [Ark]. No clue, we never did use the [Ark] to find, even back in the D. Gray-Man universe. It mostly just stays in one spot for years." Esdeath didn't really know how fast the [Ark] fly, but as long it can fly, that's good enough. After all, it still contains an entire city, so who knows how fast it flies.

Just as we land; multiple roars came from all directions, letting us know there are nearby Grimm and they detected us the moment we land.

"You girls want to head to the [Ark] first or kill a few Grimm before we be stuck on the [Ark] for a long time, with [God's Sanctuary] as the only other place to go before we reach the Vacuo Kingdom." I look at my wives and throw a [Fireball] at one of the nearby Grimm that's the closest. No need to even look around with my left eye since [Eagle Vision] will my eyes temporary.

"I'm going to say, the [Ark]. I rather sleep when in the morning we can go to the [First God's Sanctuary] instead. Facing these Grimm isn't that much exciting." Yuri gave her answer. Not that I could blame her with these weak Grimm.

Who knows when we face those ancient Grimm, so Yuri decides to just rest up and face stronger monsters in the morning.

"Same with me. These Grimm aren't worthy preys at all. Honestly, this universe is almost a disappointment to me. If I didn't get my [Aura] unlocked, then I would say screw the people here and grab the [Relic], so we can leave for another universe." Esdeath agreed with Yuri, as she rather gets some shut-eye than face these weaklings.

"Okay." I replied, then create an [Ark's Gate] for my wives to teleport into the [Ark] first, then I destroyed the [Gate] and summon the [Ark] through the [Gate of Babylon]. Then, teleport myself into the [Ark] as well and use [Archive] to turn the [Stealth System] on before sending the coordination of the direction to the Vacuo Kingdom.

So until then, the [Ark] will continue flying towards the Vacuo Kingdom by itself and I really don't have to worry about the Grimm flying the [Ark]. Thanks to the [Stealth System].