Chapter 23: That Was Easy

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 23: That Was Easy

Year 12: Day 54: FINALLY! Part 2

(Orario: Ark: City)

"Esdeath. I'm heading down. Make sure everyone doesn't cause us any problems." I said to Esdeath, who just nod in my direction as she continues speaking with the [Ark]'s new residents.

"You're going to take me with you." Raven said to me, who I notice I still holding her left wrist, but it looks like Raven didn't mind this, in fact, she leans closer to me and press her breasts onto my left arm.

"I'm coming with as well." Alice hugs my right arm, as she presses her breasts onto me like Raven.

Esdeath seeing this, twitched and scared the person she was listening to, with the way Esdeath leaked out a bit of her [Killing Aura].

"Alice. Raven. Would you two please come over here and help out, while Ragna does his job and scout the area." Esdeath said to the Two Monster Lords in her sweetest voice while her [Killing Aura] is still leaking out, causing both Alice and Raven to feel uncomfortable at this.

Much to their dismay, they walk over to Esdeath to help out instead of tagging along with their husband outside the [Ark], where they could have their ways with him.

Before I leave; I wanted to exchange for a new [Universe of Knowledge]. Better do it now before I lose the chance to do it later.


You have gained the [Kekkaishi Universe of Knowledge] and can only import 2 skills with your level.

I stare at this for a few seconds before giving a mental cheer. As I got something that may be weak in offense power, but the variation is almost endless when I put it together with my other skills.

Trying to get one of the skills I wanted since I watched the anime years ago, but found I couldn't get it for unknown reasons like always. But, I easily figure out what I needed to do.

It's a good thing I saved that last [Class Slot] for my 4th profession.


You have picked [Profession: Kekkaishi] as your fourth profession. +2 INT per level of [Profession: Kekkaishi]. You gain access to the skill: [Kekkaijutsu].

[Kekkaijutsu] - Active - MP cost: Varies

Description: A [Kekkai (Barrier)] is a [Kekkaishi]'s main source of offense and defense, and they have a wide variety of uses, in and out of combat.

[Kekkai]'s durability = MAG x (Kekkaishi: level)

[Kekkai]'s power = MAG x (Kekkaishi: level)

[Kekkai]'s duration = (Kekkaishi: level) x (MAG + INT/20) per second

1st Effect: Gain access to [Kekkai Fundamentals].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require the user to use the 1-3 techniques in order to work.

1st Effect's 1st Technique: [Hoi] - Designates a target for the [Kekkai].

1st Effect's 2nd Technique: [Joso] - Determines where to create the [Kekkai].

1st Effect's 3rd Technique: [Ketsu] - Creates and activates the [Kekkai].

1st Effect's 4th Technique: [Kai] - Dispels the [Kekkai] without injuring the target trapped inside.

1st Effect's 5th Technique: [Metsu] - Collapses a [Kekkai], destroying what is trapped inside.

1st Effect's 6th Technique: [Tenketsu] - Opens a portal to another world and sends the remains of the enemy through to prevent regeneration. This technique requires using a [Shakujo], a Buddist ringed staff, to perform it.

2nd Effect: Locked (Require Kekkaishi: level 30)

Other Effects: Locked (Require 2nd Effect unlock)

I tried to get other skills from this universe, but end up with the same unknown reasons. Making me sweatdrop that I'm going to have to pick a profession from this [Universe of Knowledge] if I wanted to gain access towards those skills.

So, without making Esdeath madder than she already is. I send myself out the [Ark] and hope I don't end up in a river of lava. Thinking about it, I activate my [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] in order to gain immunity to all [Fire]. Better be safe than sorry.

(Orario: Babel: Dungeon: 9th Floor)

With a quick scan, I discovered that I'm on the 9th Floor after did a quick count of how many floors I need to reach the surface of this Dungeon. Seeing there no lava in sight, I deactivate the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]. I figure I'm in the Dungeon and not somewhere else in Orario. Knowing my LUCK stat, I must have something to do here.


The spirit of the Dungeon has detected your presence and due to your [Storm God Slayer Magic]'s hidden effects. The Dungeon has counted you as one of the Gods and has spawned multiple black version of the monsters on this floor to kill everything. As the Dungeon can't find you and only could sense you on this floor.


[1st Quest]: Incomplete

Description: Save as many lives as you can on this floor.

Reward: Allow the people within your [Ark] to be able to come down into this Mortal Realm.

Failure: Reject all residents within your [Ark] from being able to come into this universe's Mortal Ream. This includes your wives.

Reward's Condition: All the black version of monsters are killed.

Failure's Condition: All non-monsters on this floor are dead. (Not including the player).

'Well, shit. My first [Quest] and I got to save people if I want to give Esdeath and the others the ability to come down here.' I'm very surprised that I got my first ever [Quest] since I got my Gamer's ability. And that's over 12 years now. Talk about unfair, even the reward was just forcing me to do this [Quest].

After all, the previous universes. Esdeath and the others could exit the [Ark] without any problem. But, now that I got this [Quest]. I figure it must be some hidden restriction I need to follow. Due to the [Ark] now contain a hundred people inside it.

This means, that I have more people to help me fulfill the conditions to leave this universe much easier than the previous ones.


For figuring one of the hidden restrictions. As a result, your wisdom increased by 1.

And there's my answer if my guess was right. Look like I have to get serious and hope I'm not too late.

Letting out a tired sigh, I activate [Shundo], with [Elemental Sight] as I locate all the monsters on this 9th Floor, for me to slaughter. Also, I'm going to have to prevent myself from using my [Storm God Slayer Magic]. As there may be another restriction placed on me the moment I entered this universe.

Better be safe than sorry; one of my favorite quote at this point from overusing for many years now.

In fact, I shouldn't even use any [Slayer Magic] at all. Since the Dungeon thought I was a God due to my [Storm God Slayer Magic], which wasn't further from the truth after reaching the max level of the skill. So, none of my [Slayer Magic] could be used for the time being until I get out of this Dungeon. As this could cause the Dungeon to react badly, along with the hidden restrictions placed on me upon entering this universe.

So for now, I will have to rely on my other skills other than the [Slayer Magic]. This universe should be a great place to level up my [Fundamental Force Manipulation] at least. I may as well try out [Kekkaijutsu] as well, to get used to using it.

15 minutes later*

I killed almost all the [Minotaurs], which I find myself if the Dungeon used this monster as one to spawn more black version of its on the 9th Floor hunting me down while killing all the unlucky people.

Good news, they are easy to kill by disintegration them with [Weak Force Manipulation]. At just the tab of my fingers, these [Minotaurs] are killed instantly and leveling up [Weak Force Manipulation] to level 2 after killing the 10th [Minotaur].

Afterward, I switched to [Strong Force Manipulation] to do the same as [Weak Force Manipulation]. But, in a different ending result of causing a bloody mess of scattering all of the [Minotaurs]' body parts separate from the main body.

Then, I leveled up [Electromagnetism Manipulation] next by taking a reference from Misaka Mikoto from Toaru Majutsu no Index. Which I may have overdone the [Railgun]. As I used the material made from [Skiajati] to make coins out of it, to use with the [Railgun].

Pretty much blasted through the wall and killed a few [Adventurers] by accident when I should be making sure they stay alive.

Either way, I have all the skills under the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] at level 2, but the [Attraction & Repulsion Manipulation] skill.

Walking in an open space area, where I find a familiar with characters of Danmachi fighting off a dozen of black version [Minotaurs].

I notice Bell Cranel on the ground, barely conscious from the way he trying to get up, but continue to fall back in the arms of Liliruca Arde, Bell's [Supporter].

Seeing these are the last group of [Minotaurs] before I complete my first [Quest]. I may as well continue using the [Fundamental Force Manipulation]. Since I'm close to getting it to level 2. As the [Atrraction & Repulsion Manipulation] is just 1% EXP away from leveling up.

I force all the [Minotaurs] away from the people and slam against the wall, with the help of [Gravity Manipulation] to crush them until they die and disappear, but left behind scatter pieces and blood everywhere.

Now, the last skill for [Fundamental Force Manipulation] reached level 2. I got the notification that the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] is now level 2. Giving me the ability to get the other skills to level 3 now.

This made all the people look at me with their guards up. Not that I mind since I would do the same if someone just came in the middle of my fight to the death and find all my enemies killed like nothing. Of course, I would be guarded against this person as they could be my next enemy, even the very person that will kill me.

I already got the Gamer's ability notified me that my first [Quest] is completed. Now, I could allow the people in my [Ark] to come down here. After I find a good place and place down the [Ark's Gate].

Not caring about how the others are staring at me hostile looks as I use [Shundo: Bo-Bup] to appear right in front of Bell, causing the others to tense and look ready to attack me, the moment I try anything funny to Bell.

In fact, Ais Wallenstein, who is considered one of the strongest in this little place and the member of the Loki Familia. Looks ready to attack me with the way her body already in the position to charge right at me in a matter of seconds.

Finally, I managed to contact my family back at the [Ark], to tell me what I should do about the scenario I'm currently in right now. I could easily bullshit my way out of trouble, but don't know if it's worth it.

Esdeath was the one that told me to follow my instinct and just say whatever. As she trusts me to do what I think is the right thing to do.

Honestly, I got the feeling Esdeath didn't just have enough time to spare for her to come up with a plan to use these people I'm around with, to be used for our advantage.

Well, time to bullshit my way out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"I've finally found you, Bell. You have no idea how long I had to find you after your grandparents asked me to look after you." I lied through my teeth and wonder if I had the ability to create skills by actions and with the countless times of bullshitting my way out of things. I think it should be around level 80s at the minimum and at max level by now.

"Huh?" Bell looks at me like he misheard me or just too tired and injury to understand what's going on.

"Man, kid. You look awful. Let me take care of that." I just raise my right hand and snap my fingers before the other could react. As I use [Elemental Sight] on Bell first, then use [Rejection] to reject the injuries, but made sure his stamina wasn't recovered yet.

Bell blinks, then sit right up, causing Liliruca to let out a surprised gasp at the sight of Bell sitting up by himself so easily now, but look pretty tired still, though.

"How? Did you just heal me with the snap of your fingers?!" Bell asks with disbelief, along with the others saw me healing his injury like nothing. And without chanting out some words to use the healing ability of mine.

Too bad, I don't need any chanting; well, [Rejection] doesn't, along with most of my skills.

"Yeah. Nothing much." I shrug at Bell, causing the others to look at me with disbelief and wonder who the hell I am. "I'll just repeat myself since I don't know if you heard me correctly or anything at all. I'm a close friend of your grandparents and on their death request to find you and help you out with the best of my ability. You have no idea how much trouble you caused me while trying to find you."

I let out a false tired sigh and look like I'm irritated too. Making it look like it took me a long time to find Bell, that could be years.

"My grandparents? I have grandparents-ha!" Bell was surprised at this and look like he couldn't wait to find out who his grandparents are before ending up falling back to the ground due to how tired he is.

"Careful now. I healed your injury, not your stamina." I said in a bored tone, "Sure, I could do it again, but will get annoying later on. So don't make it a common thing, where you injure yourself every single second." The way I said made it look like I'm some lazy bastard that would find it too troublesome to heal others.

"Who the hell are you?!" Beta Loga, who is a werewolf and a member of the Loki Familia like Ais. Pretty much everyone, but Bell and Liliruca are from the Loki Familia.

"Beta. Please don't make the nice, powerful, man angry, who look like he could kill all of us." Riveria Ljos Alf, the tall Elven beauty, who kick Beta's left shin to stop him from making things worse for them.

"Ow, shit! All I asked was who the hell he is!" Beta scowl at High Elf, who is the vice-captain of the Loki Familia. But, even he can sense the person before them isn't someone they could mess with.

I may as well take up the appearance of a laid back person, more than I'm already, but better keep up with the appearance for now.

"Well, I guess I can tell you guys my name. Even if it's a little tiring having to repeat my name." I let out a tired yawn, causing some of the people around me to twitch at my comment and the way I'm acting.

"I'm Ragna D. Mercer, and I just transcended into godhood...I forgot when I did. I just know I transcended after Bell's birth." I try to make it look like I was too lazy to even remember when I transcended into godhood. Which was false, but still consider true as well. Thanks to my [Storm God Slayer Magic].

"Remember how I said this nice man-er God, who could kill us? Well, Beta. Apology to the nice God, that hasn't smitten us for being so rude to him." Riveria said to Beta as she was sweating like crazy.

"No need. Not like the way he speaks bother me. I met other werewolves that act worse than him. Trust me when I say this one here is the nicest male werewolf I have met." I said to everyone, causing the Loki Familia members to look at me with a dumbfounded look again.

"I'm the nicest?" Beta mumble to himself, looking as if he should be offended or not. But, rather not cause the God before him. Yeah, he has doubts at first if this guy is really a God or not, but with the way the Dungeon spawning black version of the monster out of the blue. Well, he became a believer once he figures out who the Gods or Goddesses came down into the Dungeon.

"We may want to leave now then before the Dungeon may throw other monsters at us." Finn Deimne said to everyone, who is the head of the Loki Familia and a Pallum.

"Alright. Come on, kid. You and I need to talk in private after this." I said to Bell, who is clearly not in the right mind after I lied about knowing his grandparents.

"Beta. Go help the new guy out. He may be healed, but that doesn't mean he has enough energy to fight or walk on his own." Finn orders the werewolf to help Bell walk.

Beta mumble something, but did as he was told and help Bell stand up, then place Bell's left arm over his neck before helping him walk.

30 minutes later*

As we walk towards the pathway, to the 8th Floor. The Loki Familia, with Bell and Liliruca, continue to glance in my direction, but didn't want to cause me to be irritated.

"If you guys have questions. Ask now before I get too tired to even response later." I said to these people while speaking with Esdeath back in the [Ark]. If I should find a place somewhere in this place, for us to use as a base while we stay in this universe for a while.

Before anyone could say a group of [Goblins] charging right at us. As it looks like the Dungeon is spawning the regular monsters once more instead of a black version of one.

"Annoying." I mumble to myself, but the others heard me clearly.

I raise my right hand before swipe in a horizontal line in the direction of the [Goblins], where I've already used [Elemental Sight] on them beforehand and using [Cleave Sword Intent: Space Cut] through my right hand.

As the [Goblins] continue to run towards us for a few seconds before the upper halves of their bodies slide right off while their lower halves continue to run for another few seconds before falling to the ground.

"Okay, I told you twice before. But, just to be on the safe side. Just keep your mouth shut, Beta." Riveria said to Beta, who just quietly nod his head as he swallows a mouthful of saliva in fear at how easily the God before them just killed a group of [Goblins] with just a swipe of his hand.

Sure, all of them could easily kill a [Goblin], even if there's a group of them, but the way the God before them, called Ragna did it; well, it showed how strong he already is before entering godhood. Since it didn't like what he did contain any divine power in that attack.

"So, do you guys still have any questions, you want to ask me?" I glance back at the group behind me, causing pretty much all of them flinch at my dull left eye.

"I'm good. I'll ask them when we have our private talk." Bell looks like he very afraid of having a private talk with a God. Oh, he met lots of Gods and Goddesses, but this guy, who said he met his grandparents, was not a God before and someone that ascended into one.

Actually, Bell can't be sure if this God meant his adopted grandfather, but remember the God said grandparents, not grandfather. So, he must mean his actual blood grandparents. Why didn't they take care of him when they were alive? So many questions, but no answers for them.

Beta didn't trust his mouth and just shook his head, which was a good choice in everyone's opinions. Since there's a high chance he may say something in a rude tone of voice and end up dead for it. So better keep his mouth shut if he doesn't have control over it.

The others shook their heads as well, rather not piss off a God that still powerful enough without using his divine powers and not ascend to the Heaven Realm for this. And from the look of it, this God got other abilities beside not having any access to his divine powers.

"Huh, thought you guys had some questions. Usually, others would ask me about how I transcended into godhood and other personal questions." I said to them, making thing awkward for them as they keep quiet.

"Of course, I would get annoyed by these questions, from countless of people. So, I just kick them off a cliff or knock them out and leave them there. Leave it to karma to decide if they survive or not. Most of them end up eaten alive by wild animals, though." I continue off before I glance back, where I notice most of them are paler than they were before. So I decided I should be quiet now and just wait until we reach to the top.

3 hours later*

(Orario: Babel: Dungeon: Entrance)

Took a while, but we finally made it up to the Entrance, which is the first underground floor of Babel. In the center of the room is a ten-meter long hole that leads straight into the Dungeon. Within the circular room are multiple columns at equal intervals and above is a beautiful azure painting of the sky that resembles the real sky, along the circle are gentle stairs that spiral down into the Dungeon.

As we continue going up the stairs; I could still feel the stares behind me and I find myself wondering how in the world did these people manage to keep silence almost the entire time, for us to get out of this Dungeon.

A few minutes later*

(Orario: Babel)

"Do you people need anything from Bell before I take him with me?" I ask the people from the Loki Familia. "Say it now, so I don't have to waste any more time when I could use it for something important." I stare at them with a bored expression.

However, fate decides to waste my time once more. Preventing me from speaking with Bell in private, then search for a good place to set up as a base for my family. So I don't have to continue searching for a place to set up the [Ark's Gate] every single time someone from the [Ark] would like to come down or go back into the [Ark].

"BELL!" A white blur passed me and slam into Bell in the stomach, and sending the poor kid off his feet and onto the ground harshly.

I did a quick scan, even though I already know this person is, but I did it anyway out of habit and found a few facts about Hestia.

"Bell." I call out to Bell, who was trying to calm his Goddess down and look at me. "Seeing how you're busy at the moment. Come find me back here tonight, but if you don't."

I give everyone a smile; I didn't even need to use my killing intent at all as everyone flinches at the sight of seeing me smile for the first time. Even Hestia flinched at the way I'm smiling, which is just normal, but made everyone feel afraid for some reason.

"I don't need to say the 'or else' so and so. You'll find out the hard way." I said to Bell, making him paler than he already is. "See ya later."

I turn my back on them and start walking away while ignoring Hestia firing off multiple questions at Bell and the Loki Familia on who I am.


If I remember correctly, the Abandon Church of the Hestia Familia's home should be west of Babel. Maybe I could give the Hestia Familia a scare of my sudden appearance at their home. Which was given to Hestia by Hephaestus.

Better than just wandering without any directions. Of course, I kept [Elemental Sight] and [Eagle Vision] activated through [Archive]. Along with activating a few programs I created over the years to detect anyone spying on me. And the [Archive] already detected someone spying on me by using some unknown spying devices.

It only took [Archive] a few minutes before it revealed who is spying on me from a distance. Who happen to be Freya, Goddess of Beauty, and I got the feeling she trying or successfully looking directly at my soul.

45 minutes later*

(Orario: Abandon Church/Hestia Familia's Home: Basement)

I find myself wondering if Hephaestus placed any kind of defense here. Then again, if I remember correctly, a God or Goddess destroyed this place for some reason. Really wished I read/watch Danmachi when I had the chance instead of leaving it alone for more episodes/chapters released without having to deal with the cliffhanger.

So while I wait for Hestia and Bell to arrive. I start messing around with my [Kekkaijustu] by using [Archive] to help me remove the limit the way I could use the skill. Oh, the limit being the requirement of using the 1st to the 3rd techniques in order before I could use the other techniques.

Furthermore, due to the trial and errors. I discover another limit/restriction is that if I don't use the 3rd technique: [Ketsu] after a few seconds. The skill deactivates on me and I have to use the 1st and 2nd techniques again.

In a way, I'm doing what I can to remove this little restriction with [Archive] by creating a shortcut for me to use the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd techniques without requiring verbal commands and use all three techniques near instant in order.

After a while, I got a rough outline of my new program for the [Kekkaijutsu] and speaking with Esdeath on another interface at the same time.

"So, how are Alice and Raven's families doing back in the [Ark]? Any problems occur?" I ask my first lover/wife as I start creating the programming in much more detail before compressing the whole thing.

"Well, some of them thought that because I wasn't one of the Monster Lords, and by that, making me weak. Let's just say they got the worse part of the deal in living here." Esdeath let out a giggle, where I ignore the voice on Esdeath's side of the call.

"I see. How about Alice and Raven?" I ask Esdeath as my fingers typing in a fast pace that it left afterimages.

If anyone was next to me and look at my interface, that shows countless lines and unknown words and symbols being typed out by me. They would have a headache just by looking at it for a few seconds. As their brain trying to comprehend what they are looking at.

"No need to worry about Alice. She helping out and doing quite well after I offered her food in return. Raven, on the hand, took a while to convince in helping out after making a few threats to get her to work. Turn out Raven mostly leave the work to Alice or the people under while she just lazy around the place or train herself." Esdeath reported on the status of Alice and Raven.

"Huh, didn't think Raven, or this version of her, would be lazy in other things besides working on her fighting skills." I said to Esdeath, who nods at me when I glance at her for a few seconds before returning my focus to program I'm close to finishing.

Thank you, [Wisdom of The Sage];s 3rd Effect: Increase INT and WIS x (level), as it would take me forever to work on these complex programs for months, even years, with my current INT and WIS stats without a skill to increase them temporarily.

I don't even have to worry about killing myself with [Wisdom of The Sage] if I just use the 3rd Effect only the entire time. Since I just activate the skill, lose 10% of my HP and that it until I deactivate the skill afterward.

"Honestly, if you didn't tell me about her canon version. I would have thought she be like me; well, a softer version of my canon version before the whole love thing started." Esdeath let out a tired sigh before letting out a giggle, causing the others near to take a few steps away from her.

"So, what are you doing right now?" I ask Esdeath as I compile the program I just finished, where whenever I activate the [Kekkaijutsu]. I can just snap my fingers while thinking about the techniques and it would work.

Mostly aiming towards the 1st to 3rd techniques while leaving the other techniques either in thought commands or verbal commands.

As for the whole snapping thing; well, I just picked this trigger as it really easy to do. No need to point when I can just instantly aim at multiple targets at the same time by the line of sight, either my own left eye or through a skill, alone.

I can even do multiple layers of [Kekkai] with a single thought of how many per target. Though, it will take me a few practices to get the right amount of layers of [Kekkai] without wasting any [Mana] of creating a few layers when I already had a good amount by then.

Of course, I made sure to include the size of the [Kekkai] could be changed with a thought as well. Sadly, like other skills, I created a few programs for them. These programs would increase the cost higher than it should.

Now, thanks to creating a shortcut for [Kekkaijutsu], the new cost of using is now ten times the original cost from this point on.

"Nothing right now. I'm on my break and supervising Raven, to make sure she doing her job like she supposes to." Esdeath said to me in a bored tone, as she moves the interface on her side to allow me to see Raven speaking with her people.

And wow is Raven irritated, but continue to do her job while her underlings are very scared of her due to this. While Alice on the side, look like she about to burst out laughing at any moment.

Esdeath return the interface back to her, "Did you know that Raven actually didn't want to be the leader of her half of the families?" Esdeath love to gossip with her husband as this could be something to bond with him somewhat.

"Really? How did she become the Monster Lord, then, if she didn't have any desire to become one?" I find this interesting and wonder what made this Raven so different with her canon version, besides the whole Monster Lord thing going on and have the power of space itself, along with her canon's [Semblance].

"Believe it or not, but it was Alice that forced her. Both of them are childhood friends that do things together. In fact, Alice is more of a sibling to Raven than Qrow could be. Too bad, Qrow betrayed Raven's trusts and made Raven what she is today and only due to Alice's support that Raven hasn't gone to the deep end." Esdeath informs me about this Raven's background.

What made this Raven so different from canon is that this Raven in her childhood was like a normal; well, normal-ish for her, and loved to play around with her friend Alice. Growing up to be burdened with life itself.

However, by the time they at the age to attend the Hunter Academies. Well, Qrow fall in love with someone and follow that person to the Hunter Academy, that happen to be Beacon Academy and that someone happens to be Ruby's Mother: Summer Rose.

So many different things and so many little things could change a person so easily. Short story, Raven, and her cousin that could look like her twin sister, chased after Qrow due to the royal families' rules about how others could leave their land to the outside. But, it requires going through a process and doing so would make one abandoning the family and that lead to death or banishment, with their [Transformation Semblance] sealed away.

Leaving a side-effect of losing control over their [Semblance] and cause countless problems for that person. With a high chance of death for either that person or the people around them.

End result: Raven was betrayed by her cousin, as she too has fallen in love with someone that may or may not return back their feelings and not strong enough to belong to the royal families.

Nonetheless, Raven was okay with this, but requested her cousin to go through the process before dating Taiyang. Lucky for Raven, she could bring her cousin back to the royal families and do all of it. Didn't even take that long and just a few hours.

Qrow, on the hand, didn't even bother and think he's above the rules since he is the male out of the twin, so he has a higher chance of being the leader of their family.

So, Raven had to do more of the work to get Qrow to return with her while her cousin already did all the tasks in order to be with Taiyang. Therefore, no need to return at all until a few years later.

Sadly, for Raven's cousin; the child between her and Taiyang didn't look so good.

Raven explained how Yang, her deceased cousin's daughter, barely contain their bloodline and only gained part of the [Transformation Semblance]. But, she rather leaves Yang with her Father as it would be better be with him than with the royal families.

As the training methods would easily kill those that don't have the [Transformation Semblance] as a support to help them out in the early stage.

As for Qrow, he was the worse, daring to give away the family's hidden secrets away just to impress some girl that doesn't even show any feeling besides a friend to him.

At least, their cousin knew how important the hidden secrets are. As the world would come right at them and force countless demands onto them. Just for their powers to fill their greeds.

And Ozpin did exactly that, as he would rather manipulate others if needed to stop Salem from gaining any more powerful allies, even if it means the destruction of innocent lives.

This is the reason why Alice and Raven's families are around a hundred. Where it used to be more a few years back. All due to one man's action of treating the lives of others as chess pieces.

Love could make people do stupid things and cause problems for others, and Qrow did exactly that and Summer still picked Taiyang over him.

Because of this, Raven was forced to seal away Qrow's [Transformation Semblance] and leaving a deadly side-effect [Semblance] that will forever stay in effect, causing bad luck to all those around him. As his punishment for the betrayal of the royal families.

Oh, she didn't care if her brother and cousin loved someone that outside the family. All members are allowed to, it's just that the love interest needs to be strong.

Strong enough to marry into the family, but sadly, Qrow picked the wrong person and they have many methods to find out if they are strong or not.

Or in Alice's case, find someone that smell and taste good, that would be good enough for her. Not to mention she picked someone strong and saved their families too.

Raven wouldn't care all about that, but being raised to care only about the strong and not the weak. Well, she didn't like how Qrow wanted Summer, who was weaker compared to her and others she knows.

Without strength, how can you defend your loved ones? Only power will make your enemies fear you to the point of not daring to touch your loved ones.

As for their cousin, at least, she picked the right person who is strong enough to face one of their lower ranked members, that has already passed the basic training course.

But, because of Qrow wanting to catch Summer's attend and failing to. As Summer already loved Taiyang, but stop herself as someone already got to him before she could.

Qrow was cocky and extremely arrogance to the point of making Cardin from RWBY's generation look like someone nice. Leaving out the racist things, but had the power to back it up.

It was until the point Summer lost it under the pressure of Qrow, that she accidentally caused the death of Raven's beloved cousin during one of their missions. Leading to Ruby being born under a one night stand by a depressing Taiyang, who wasn't in the right mind.

Seeing this, Qrow was furious that Taiyang and Summer had sex with each other, when everyone knew that Qrow loved Summer.

Therefore, Qrow made a remark about how Taiyang could just date his own sister since she looks exactly the same as their cousin, causing unwanted attention for Raven.

Let just say that Raven was not amused by this and had to leave after sealing away Qrow's [Transformation Semblance]. After realizing that Qrow was the caused of their cousin's death.

Furthermore, Qrow literally put her into a position she has no desire to be in and was stupid enough to use her appearance in a way to get the woman he wanted to be with.

Too bad, his action caused Summer's death as well. Leaving Qrow a broken man due to his stupid actions.

Raven trained her butt off and to the point, where she became the Monster Lord by default. Thanks to Alice, that tricked her into the position. Yeah, Raven didn't like that and wanted to live her life until she finds the right person for her and be lazy after all the problems she went.

However, Raven didn't take this to the heart as she knew Alice was trying to help her and give her the position to protect her from inside and outside influence.

"And that just the a few things Alice told me about Raven." Esdeath finished off explaining to me about Raven's history. "You know, I find myself thinking my prime version is like Raven's brother, but not stupid enough to let love blind her. While Qrow allowed it to."

"Well, love makes people do things they would not usually do. Take us, for example, you wouldn't have accepted this whole love thing until after a few days." I replied to Esdeath as I tested out [Kekkaijutsu] by snapping my fingers before destroying the [Kekkai] with a thought.

"True, but the difference between us, and with Qrow and Summer is that we do love each other. I don't even have a family to call my own when we first met while Qrow did and he gave it up for a weakling, who wouldn't return his feeling. You, on the other hand, while still somewhat weak to me, but have the ability to reach your potential faster than others. And willing to love me." Esdeath gives me a smile and knew how our position could be like Qrow and Summer.

But, unlike Qrow, I wasn't cocky or arrogant at all. And tried my best to keep the secret of the Gamer's ability hidden as long as possible. Then again, it was my secret alone and not part of my Clan. So I could give it away if I wanted to.

"That's true. So, Raven really wanted to be with us or it was just her inner animal doing the work for her at the time?" I ask Esdeath, knowing that the [Transformation Semblance] may be powerful, but there is always a price for something so powerful and that Alice and Raven would react more on their instinct than with their brains.

Look at Qrow, he is a perfect example of only following his instinct instead with his brain given to him. But, decide not to use it for the right reason.

At least with Alice and Raven, their [Transformation Semblances] are too strong and easily influenced them. So they got their excuse while Qrow is average.

"I'll be honest with you. From what I spoke with Raven for a few minutes while you were gone. Raven told me, that she's willing to be with us, just to get out of her duty as a Monster Lord. She really lazy, no joke. Even Alice looks like she ready to drop her duty too, and give it to us. But, I didn't let them." Esdeath informs me if Raven wanted to be my 5th wife at first and not because she was forced into being one, as if I needed to force her with the way she looked at me.

"And now?" I ask Esdeath as I look at my [Profession: Kekkaishi] thinking about leveling it up or not, then thought about it and will level it up the moment I have the chance to.

"Oh, she really in love with you, Ragna. No question about it. Her family loves the strong and will do their best to be with that person. For Raven, this is important as she was raised to respect the strong and love them. Well, she respects and loves you after what you did back in her universe. Not to mention how you held back at the time. So yeah, she crazy for you, like how I am for you." Esdeath laughs at this, then give me an air kiss at the end.

"So, I'm going to send Alice and Raven down there with you. I want you to spend with them for a while. Got to give them their rewards since they did their jobs without making any problem for me. I would go down there with them, but I still need to put the fear into these people that they live here, but by no mean that make them a part of our family." Esdeath said to me in a serious voice at the end.

"Alright. You want me to open a [Gate] now, to send them down here or later?" I ask Esdeath as I bring up a different interface to monitor Hestia and Bell's location. They're arriving here in half an hour from now.

"Sure, let me just get them, so they can get ready to go to your side. Oh, yeah!" Esdeath looks like she just remembers something important. "Make sure stop those two from doing something stupid. Since their inner animals would likely force them to do something they shouldn't in the first place. Like having sex with you while I'm not there." Esdeath's eyes went dull at this before it went back to normal as she gives me a smile.

"Noted." I replied to Esdeath, who just nod at me before walking over to where Alice and Raven are to give them the news.

As I set up the [Ark's Gate] to allow both Alice and Raven to come to my side. Pausing for a moment if this really a good idea or not, but decided I may as well. I rather treat these two as equal to my other wives. But, I would always put Esdeath above others secretly.

Once I was finished; I let Esdeath know that she can send them over. Luckily, I made sure the [Archive] will tell me which door leads to which [Gate] I placed down. Not like there many in the first place. So it was easy for both Alice and Raven to find the right door and teleport out of the [Ark], and to my side.

Both Alice and Raven appear just a few seconds after I placed down the [Ark's Gate], then erase it afterward. Rather not leave one of those [Gates] lying around without anyone paying attention to them in case some unwanted people using it.

"Well, hello there. Did you miss us?" Raven throws her arms around me my neck and sit on my lap, with Alice is doing the same, but behind the purple sofa. Now, without Esdeath's presence, these two are going to be harder to control. Unless I use physical force on them, to stop them from doing something stupid.

"Raven. Alice. Did you two gain the basic knowledge about this universe?" I ask both Alice and Raven, with the latter, who clearly was more interested in having sex with me than thinking about something else, maybe training or sleep, but those two are not on her mind right now.

"Yup." Raven looks ready to kiss me, but I stop her and Alice as well. Since this isn't the time for this.

"Please stop. We don't have to time for this and the people we are waiting for is coming soon." I said to Raven, but Alice looks like she didn't care and wanted to have sex again.

"Ragna. I just had sex with you a few hours ago, and it was amazing and I want to do it again, but this time with Alice. Come on, just one real quick one?" Raven whispers to me, with Alice doing the same with my other ear, as they try to seduce me into having sex with them.

"Nope. Remember the rules Esdeath told you two. And don't say that she won't find out. Trust me, Esdeath has some kind instinct detector that will find out right away and I'll not want to get on her bad side." I warn my two new wives about how Esdeath would bring hell to them if they so much as did something related to sex. Even giving a blowjob would make Esdeath going into a raging fury once she finds out.

"Raven. I think we should heed his warning. If our husband here afraid of Esdeath, then don't you think Esdeath would clearly be stronger than him? Do we really want to mess with her? We can have sex with our husband once we have Esdeath with us." Alice figure not to push their husband too far or else their relationship may be on the borderline of breaking. Who knows what would happen by then.

'Not really, afraid of Esdeath. More like afraid for Esdeath's mindset already fragile.' I didn't dare speak this thought out loud as this is a personal thing with Esdeath and me. Not even Yuri or Ryun knows about this. Repellista just ignores everything around unless it catches her interest.

Raven thought about it and nod her head, "Fine, but this doesn't mean we're going to stop after an hour or two later." Raven poke in my the chest with her left index finger as she gives me a kiss on the lip.

Alice didn't like being left out and give me a kiss as well, even putting her tongue in my mouth to make it a tongue kiss. Look like Alice addicted to tongue kissing like Yuri.

Bringing back up my [Archive], causing Raven to take a step back at the sudden appearance of a floating interface and Alice stop kissing, to look at this. As she finds this interesting.

It's a good thing both Alice and Raven's families' cultures made things easier for us in the whole marriage things. Now, that they gain the benefits of marrying me, and I still can't figure out why by just marrying me they gain somewhat access to my Gamer's ability.

As both Alice and Raven look at the interface, where we can see Hestia and Bell entering the Abandon Church as we speak, and in just a few minutes of coming down to the basement, which Alice, Raven, and I are right now. Waiting for them.

I pull up another interface to quickly type a few messages to Alice and Raven, to tell them to act like they in an important meeting, which is kind of is, but not to the point of looking down on everyone, but if they have to. Make sure not to say much and just glare or something.

"Come on, Kami-sama! I need to meet him! He knows my grandparents! Not my parents, but he knows my grandparents, who I didn't think were alive at the time!" Bell shout to his Goddess while both of them walk down the stairs.

"Bell, I'll not repeat-AH! Why are you and who are those two?!" Hestia let out a tired sigh and was about scold her love interest when she notices there are others already here, at their home, waiting for them.

With just a thought of the word: [Ketsu], to activate the [Kekkaijutsu] as I snapped my fingers. Creating a single layer of [Kekkai] around Bell and Hestia, causing them to panic as they used their fists to bang against the wall of the [Kekkai].

"Hey! Let us out!" Hestia shouts at me, not realizing who I am, but Bell sure did with the way he gasped in surprise.

"Kami-sama! It's him from before! The one that claimed to transcend into a God!" Bell pointed at me like he solved the biggest mystery of the world.

"Sorry, I changed my mind about waiting for you to show up later tonight." I glance at Alice, who next to the Hestia and Bell, as she pokes the [Kekkai], with Raven doing the same. With both of them being very curious about the [Kekkai] I just created.

"These two are my wives, to answer your questions." I said to Hestia, who look at me a little surprise, but didn't look like she shocked by this since her whole family is one piece of work. So yeah.

"That's good and all, but why you trapped us?" Bell asks me with a hint of wry, which is good or else I find myself wondering if this was worth it.

"Well, you see. There a few conditions I made when I agreed to your grandparents' death wish. One of them happens to be if you're worth training under me. If not, then I won't help you out much and just watch over you for a while and leave afterward." I said to Bell, causing Hestia to frown a little and looking at me like I was hiding something.

Which I would find interesting since technically, I'm pulling out these bullshit out my ass. Who knows how things will go as of right now. I'm not planning to stick in this universe too long and want to get out. I rather not deal with these Gods and Goddesses if I can help it.

Lucky for me, there are countless of them in this City for me to kill. All I need is one kill and I get my ticket out of this universe.

Lucky for Bell, I won't aim for Hesita as I pity her enough already and she's one of my favorite Goddess out of the whole Greek Mythology. Talk about her situation being unfair in her little messed up family. Of course, this Hesita before me is maybe different.

"Uh, what do I have to do, to be worthy of your training?" Bell didn't know if he should learn under this God before, but he's super strong to ascend into godhood. So this is his best chance to become stronger and maybe get to the same level as Ais.

"Break out of there by tomorrow's morning." I said to Bell, while I ignore how Alice and Raven looked at me with widened eyes at this. Since they literally just tested out how durable the [Kekkai] and it's pretty decent at this level. So having a kid, 14-year-old, trying to break it kind of just an impossible goal.

So Bell started trying to break down the [Kekkai] while Hestia just watches. Not daring to help out or she could end up making Bell fail this little test.

Alice and Raven got bored after poking the [Kekkai] for a few minutes before they walk back to me and sit with me on the purple sofa.

Raven took this chance to take a nap while she can. Who knows the moment Esdeath show up, she would be forced to do something and know right away she would have to do what she is ordered to do or face punishment.

I bring up my [Archive]'s interface, using my mind to type instead with my hands, so I could let Alice and Raven know that they may have wasted their time coming outside the [Ark]. As I'll be trying to kill a God or Goddess by tomorrow or the day after. So we don't have to stay in this universe much longer.

As the Age of Gods is not a pleasant era, where all mortals would be just new toys for these Gods and Goddesses when they came down out of boredom. Talk about causing more problem than it's worth.

Then, I called Esdeath to let her know not to let the others come down either. Since I'm not planning for any of us to stay in this universe less than a few days.

Therefore, during these few days, maybe a day or two, should give Esdeath and the others back in the [Ark] to sort through Alice and Raven's families to get things going.

This means, that Esdeath will make sure everyone follow the rules with an iron fist. Not caring if some people don't like it or not. As Alice and Raven already married into our family.

As we could have just left them behind, with both Alice and Raven willing to leave the families after making sure to leave behind heirs along with making sure the entire families are safe from the outside world.

However, since all of them tagged along. Esdeath made sure no one tries to cause any problems. And Esdeath got Repellista to help out by monitoring everyone with her [Lighthouses]. Good thing they can turn invisible, so no need to worry about people seeing them nearby.

I pause for a moment to try something out. So I use [Elemental Sight] to search for a certain God in this City and found them right away. Then, without bothering to think about it. I use [Decomposition: Mist Dispersion] after using [Wave Sword Intent: Fatal Mind Blow], which I send out [Sword Qi] to attack the target's mind and destroy it. But, for the God, I just send a little bit of [Sword Qi], to make them drop their guard just long enough for [Decomposition: Mist Dispersion] to hit them.


You killed the Greek God of the sun: [Apollo] and made this God fade for a few centuries to reform.


You gained the title: [God Slayer] - A being capable of killing or slaying a God; the murderer of deities. 500% Increase in damage against deities. Title effect will not be in effect when not equipped.


The [Legendary God Sun Wukong] wish to give the player a new skill in exchange for the [God Slayer] title and the 10 levels worth of EXP for killing the God: [Apollo].

Do you wish to offer this up?



You have killed one of the Gods and have the option to leave this universe for another.

Do you wish to take your wives and anyone in the [Ark], to leave this world?


I blankly stare at the multiple new windows of notification popping up. I couldn't believe it was that easy to do. I didn't even need to fight the God myself in person. I wonder if I became overpowered in almost the other universes at this point.

Even when my Gamer's level is somewhat low compared to other Gamers. Not that I would complain since I mainly focused on my skills' levels than my professions' levels at the moment.

The first thing to do; I gave up my [God Slayer] title and the 10 levels worth of EXP for killing Apollo to [Legendary God Sun Wukong].


The [Legendary God Sun Wukong] is pleased with your choice and give you the skill: [Monkey King's Outfit] - Summon the mystical garments and armor of the [Legendary God Sun Wukong].

Well, that's good, I guess. Since from what I could tell, the [Monkey King's Outfit] is actually the [Yongpyo]. Could be used as an armor and a weapon. So, neat. Worth the price to get this new skill from the Monkey King.

Quickly, I notified Esdeath that I have just accomplished one of the conditions to leave this universe and find myself surprised it didn't even take an entire day to do it.

Even Alice and Raven was surprised that I just killed a God, one that wasn't prepared and was cocky that nothing would try to kill him. So the Two Monster Lords are surprised they may not have to stay in this universe longer than they thought.

Now, all we just to do is wait for Bell to fail or pull a miracle out of his ass and break my [Kekkai].