Chapter 26: You Can Never Have Enough

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 26: You Can Never Have Enough

Year 12: Day 123: Got My Result And More Stuff Part 2

(Ark: City)

"You're back early. I thought it would be a few more hours before you come back." Esdeath notice my presence instantly, distracting her from reading one of her many new cookbooks.

This caused the others to look in my direction with eyes of happiness, to see me so soon. Then again, they'll always be happy to see their husband any time.

"Yeah, I have no desire of becoming a leader of a new faction in this universe. Too many problems will occur due to the stunt I did with the [Sky Dragon King Mode]." I rub the back of my head, with a wry smile on my face. Showing that my mental issue screw with me again. Then, I would clearly have put a bit more effort to create a faction in this universe.

Afterward, I could just disband it in more than one way. And this would allow my wives and maybe a few of the people in the [Ark] to finally come out of the [Ark], but it looks like I screwed that up. So, they will have to wait until the next universe to see what kind of [Quest] I would have to do, to allow everyone else to enter the universe.

"So, we're literally skipping this universe like the Danmachi universe? Because of the Entity? Not that I blame you, after all, if what the knowledge is given to us. Those space creatures can grow large enough to extend into multiple worlds at once." Raven gives her own input, knowing that there are some enemies you can't face alone, even with help on your side. The reason why she accepted to be in this family, to leave her home universe due to the enemy there will kill her and her family like nothing.

"Yup. There are some battles you should retreat from and get stronger, so you can return to face those enemies and be ready to fight back. Just rushing in and expect a miracle to happen would likely happen to those that are loved by fate. Trust me, being loved by fate is a blessing and a curse in more than one way." I said dryly, causing some of my wives to giggle at this while some stay silent.

As they knew about those chosen ones and how much they have to sacrifice for those miracles to happen during a critical moment.

"Hmm. Well, before we switch universe. I guess we can take this time to take a break, and by a break, I mean you girls could do whatever for the time being while I work on my new skills." I said to my wives, all look at me with surprise looks like this was something they would not expect from me.

I don't blame them, seeing as I would switch universe without waiting for a few more days just to do something first before heading to a new universe, that could be filled with danger and may not give us, me, any time to rest.

"Not going to work on your [Fundamental Force Manipulation]? If I recall correctly, you were excited about getting the skill. Won't getting new skills, would push that skill back when you could level it up?" Esdeath ask me, seeing as she knows me the longest out of all my wives and knows almost all the skills I have up to now, along with all the skills of how they work and why I wanted them.

"Well, kind of hard to train something that literally harming me to the point of death with each time I use it. I decide to place it on hold for a while, but will use it occasionally. But, until I level up my [Profession: The Gamer] to level 50 to grab that [Jade Emperor's Physical Power], to remove this dangerous side-effect on the [Wisdom of The Sage]. Otherwise, better just use it sometime while I work on my other skills. Plus, doing things repeatedly too much tends to get boring and would lead to me making mistakes often later on." I explain to Esdeath and to my other wives about why I'm planning to get more skills when I have enough skills to train in right now.

"I can understand that. Took me decades to get where I am, could have been faster if I didn't get too bored by repeating most of my signature techniques until perfection. Hell, I'm still doing it, but I do it when I really need to or feel like it. Better do it when you wanted to do it and get the result by putting 100% effort into it. Then, less than 100%, where mistakes could be made." Yuri agreed with me about how I should work on other things, even if there are too many skills to work on.

Better to have something interesting to work on to keep focus, then force yourself to do something you don't want. Unless you're one of those hard-working geniuses, then go for it.

"You do whatever makes you comfortable, but just be sure to understand that spreading out too far would cause more harm, and I just remember your Gamer's ability. Forget what I just said; well, don't. Even with all those skills of yours. You need to train them until you know when to use them, how to use them to the fullest, and how it would affect others around you. Be it friendly or enemy." Alice gives her own advice on this manner, as she saw many cases like her husband.

"Well, seeing that we will be resting for a few days. Then, you'll spend the rest of today with us. Your lovely wives, who wish to spend more time with you and not just for sex. Maybe later for that." Esdeath said to me, as she closes her cooking book and tosses it into her [Inventory], where the rest of my wives smile at me in agreement.

"Actually, I'm in for the sex mostly." Raven gives everyone a grin, and she didn't even drop it when her lover, Alice, flicked her forehead at her comment. No regret.

"Okay." Who am I to reject spending time with my beautiful wives for the rest of the day. After all, I can train whenever at the moment before entering the new universe.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 124: Training, And More Training

(Ark: City)

After spending all my time with the wives yesterday, where we just walk around the City in the [Ark] and some of the people look afraid being in the same presence of my wives and me. Mostly, me than my wives, seeing as I had to prove that I'm strong for Raven at the time.

It was funny how some of the people trying to show good faith, which I call bootlicking, as they try to provide service for the wives and me. Most of them try to offer to make food for us, but we decline, well, Esdeath did.

After all, one of Esdeath's rules when allowing me to have more girls in my life, along with other things. She has the right to pick up if we can eat others' handmade food or hers. Otherwise, make your own or get another family member to make you something.

I wasn't surprised to find out both Alice and Raven suck at cooking. It was no wonder, Alice tried to eat all those food on the day we met. Alice had never tasted anything so delicious before.

Also, both Alice and Raven mostly got their trusted servants to cook for them only with their presence, to make sure nothing goes wrong. As there were many assassination attempts to poisons them in more than one way, to remove them for being the Two Monster Lords.

Neither Yuri or Ryun can stomach it enough to eat food that isn't handmade by Esdeath or from my [Gate of Babylon]. So yeah, both Esdeath and I pretty much destroyed the taste buds of the others by accident.

After a great time with the wives yesterday, with a passionate night as well. Nope. Not just sex, which we did last, but we even watched a few movies as well. Of course, all the movies are from my memories, which I downloaded into one of Repellista's [Lighthouses].

This way, everyone could watch what I saw back in my universe. It wasn't a surprise that all my wives loved the action genre movies than other genres.

Now, I'm in my Training Building, to test out the new skills I'm about to grab. And I already have a few in minds.

Then sweatdrop, when I discovered that all these martial arts are mostly techniques, not actual skills. Talk about what a letdown.

Nonetheless, I can just use my other skills as a medium to use these techniques from the Gosuverse. Pretty much what I'm going to do anyway. Like with [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] by using [Static Ice-Make Magic] through it.

So that was a bust. Can't get anything from the Gosuverse, besides a few things that I have no use for the moment.

I guess this would be a good time to check the other [Universe of Knowledge]. But, can't figure out what I want from them. Furthermore, I got two [Universe of Knowledge] I need to get rid of as well.

Rubbing the back of my head in frustration once I look at the list of [Universe of Knowledge]. There are a few of them that require using those professions belong to that universe for me to gain access to a certain skill.

Hell, I tried getting [Dragon Shout], but came up an unknown restriction that prevents me from getting it. Another letdown was that I couldn't even grab the [Dragon Language] either. Not even the basic spells, like [Firebolt], just to test it out.

This makes the [Elder Scrolls Universe of Knowledge] to be given up as well, along with the Kekkaishi universe and Kung Fu Panda.

At least the Gosuverse, I can still use through [Pumba]. No need to waste any [Skill Slot] to import something from the Gosuverse and could grab those techniques instantly without any problem. Maybe.

I let out a frustrated sigh, then glare into space and decide to spam my way into getting somewhat a decent new [Universe of Knowledge], that's similar to Gosuverse, where I could use whatever is in that universe with my current skills or later figure out how.

And to help me out from getting too many useless or very crappy ones. I put in 1000 stat points into LUCK stat alone. Bringing me up to 1195 in LUCK stat. Now, with my new higher LUCK stat. I should be able to get something today.

A few hours later*

Lying on the ground and staring at the ceiling as I just finish exchanging all three [Universe of Knowledge], being the Elder Scrolls universe, Kung Fu Panda universe, and Kekkaishi universe, with three skills imported from the [Kung Fu Panda Universe of Knowledge] to be exchanged with the [Universe of Knowledge] for another.

One of the new [Universe of Knowledge] I kept is [Royal Road Universe of Knowledge].

Otherwise, known as The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor. Talk about hitting the jackpot, but end up feeling like crying as most of the best skills require grabbing those professions, or in that universe as a class/job, while there are some skills I could grab.

Hell, I still keep this [Universe of Knowledge] from what I could remember, there are more than 10,000 classes/professions in this light novel. Some of these professions I didn't think was possible to get in other universes, but thank my new high LUCK stat. I managed to grab one of the best [Universe of Knowledge] I could get my hands on.

One of the weird [Universe of Knowledge] I decide to hang on for a while is the [Reincarnation no Kaben Universe of Knowledge]. It seems like I could get regain back old [Universe of Knowledge] I gained in the past.

Took forever though, but wonder why this universe of all the countless ones. As there unless of them and I somehow got this one again. Nonetheless, the skills in this universe are something I can't get from other universes.

Must be the effect of my LUCK stat helping me out and wanting me to get this [Universe of Knowledge] again. So, trusting my LUCK stat like I should. I kept it and see how things go.

The third and last [Universe of Knowledge] I finally got that I like. Is the Magico universe. The [Magic] in this universe is the power that allows the user to interfere with and dominate all laws of the natural universe that allows them to make impossible things possible.

And knowing the facts that it literally affected the laws of the natural universe, this included the one I'm in as well. Not just in the Magico universe, thanks to my Gamer's ability making sure all skills being modified to suit my body.

Lucky for me. I don't even to do all those ritual to gain those skills. As they will be modified upon getting it. Which would turn those rituals into something else, in order for me to use those skills. Like to exchange my MP for me to use it, along with other requirements as well.

After all, from what I could tell, the [Magic] in the Magico universe require the people doing these rituals due to the lack of the ability to use keep the [Mana] within their bodies forever, along with those abilities.

Thankfully, I look through a few of these [Magic] that catch my interests and just wanted to be sure to read the effects carefully. Not that my Gamer's ability will change it again. Like with my other skills, and by that, I mean [Gate of Babylon] and [The End].

But, I decided to make sure I'll get the right effects I have the desire from a few certain [Magic] to be turned into skill.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 125: Continue To Train

(Ark: City)


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Magico Universe of Knowledge] and exchanging one of the [Skill Slot] available by modifying it.

[Chain Combo Magic] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: None

Description: This is a modified version of the [Chain Summon Magic], where the user can use a powerful magical technique when the user hits a certain number of chain attacks by using other skills to cause damage to an enemy.

1st Effect: Allow the user to link another skill with this one.

1st Effect's Restriction: The user can link up to (level) of other different skills.

2nd Effect: Increase effect of linked skills by (level)% x number of linked skills.

2nd Effect's Restriction: This will only apply to current linked skill.

3rd Effect: Locked (Require level 100)

I let a smile appear on my face when I look at the 3rd Effect, even if it's locked. I already know what it is, seeing as I modified the whole [Magic], and know all the effects belong to the original version at that.

So, I can't wait for this skill of mine to reach level 100, not to mention by using this skill. I can increase the effect of my other skills even further than I already can.

Now, with this new skill of mine, [Chain Combo Magic], I have a good reason to gain more skills than ever. Going to be a pain in the ass to level them up to max level, though.

Maybe I should find another skill that allows me to evolve my skills into something different than the original. Beside modifying it like I did just now. Pretty much like with [Rejection], even if that skill was a special case, with the max level of [Hundred Gauntlets] was actually evolving the skill into my personal one.

Closing my eyes, as I allow the [Right Arm of Thievery] from the [Reincarnation no Kaben Universe of Knowledge] to return back to me and the knowledge belongs to it. Simple, but a great skill to have. Now, to grab the counterpart.


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Reincarnation no Kaben Universe of Knowledge].

[Left Arm of Usage] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: 1 MP per second

Description: Allow the user's left hand to be able to use what is stolen under the power of the [Right Arm of Thievery] without any side-effects besides not being able to use it to the full potential of what stolen at the start.

1st Effect: The user can use whatever stolen by the [Right Army of Thievery] at (level)% of the original power.

1st Effect's Requirement: Require the user to train in using what stolen with the [Right Army of Thievery].

2nd Effect: Locked (Require level 100)

Opening my left eye as I raise both my arms for me to see, with my right arm being the same appearance as before when I first got it back in the D. Gray-Man universe. While my left arm turns completely black, with the center of my left hand, contain a gemstone of some sort that's glowing in red. Furthermore, with the same rope wrapping around my left arm like with my right one.

I stare at my arms for a moment, then pick up my gloves and put them back on, to see if it would cover my hands while the two skills are activated still. Much to my relief, I can hide them, mostly the [Left Arm of Usage].

Rather not give any other people the idea of trying to land a hit on the gemstone in my left hand. Who knows what would happen if it gets damaged, not that it won't with my current stats and other skills to protect my body.

Still, I know for sure these pair of black gloves of mine wouldn't affect these two skills. After all, if I could use it on Esdeath before with it on, then I could still do it again in the future.

Thinking about it; I have one [Skill Slot] left in the [Medaka Box Universe of Knowledge], one for [Super God Gene Universe of knowledge], as well as one left for [Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Universe of Knowledge], and 2 for the [Tales Universe of Knowledge].

As for the other [Universe of Knowledge], most of the skills I wanted require me getting a profession from that universe. While one of the universes doesn't require me having a profession, but can't be turned into skills. Of course, I could use that universe with my other skills. So no need to worry about that.

Looking through all the [Universe of Knowledge] and see what other skills I should grab before I start training. In a few minutes; I have found another one that should be useful for me and I should have grabbed a while back, but didn't think about it at the time.


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Universe of Knowledge].

[Ninjutsu - Irregular's Version] - Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: Varies

Description: Practitioners are trained to be extremely fast, capable of erasing their presence, and very strong. Primarily focused on physical capabilities, some [Magic] is incorporated, mainly illusions, to the point where speed, accuracy, and movements of the illusions surpassed those of [Modern Magic].

1st Effect: Increase AGI x (level) for (level) minute. MP cost: 1000 MP.

1st Effect's Restriction: Require 3 seconds to activate.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Illusion Creation Magic].

3rd Effect: Erase user's presence and appearance from all detections.

3rd Effect's Requirement: Require (100/level) seconds to fully affect all targets.

3rd Effect's Restriction: Attacking anything will deactivate this effect.

I stare blankly at the [Ninjutsu - Irregular's Version] and I find myself wondering if this was a skill I wanted to get or not. But, I find myself not caring about it after a few seconds looking at the skill.

After all, I already got it, so I have to deal with it unless I wanted to use it to exchange for a new [Universe of Knowledge]. But, I think I could figure out how to use this [Ninjutsu] to my advantages.

Plus, I got the feeling this was meant to be an early stage skill for me to have in the first few months of gaining the Gamer's ability. But, for now, I got other things to train right now. I'll leave these new skills of mine alone until then.

Getting off the ground before summoning [Ruyi Jingu], spinning it a few times before start practicing using the [Black Lancer Techniques], which are a set of spear techniques utilized by the legendary [Black Lancers] cavalry. Of course, I could these spear techniques with a sword at the cost of reducing effectiveness.

But, seeing as I got [Ruyi Jingu], may as well continue practice using it. And thanks to my current physical stats, I have an easier time to adopt the [Master Mastery] given to me temporarily from the [Pumba] skill.

I'm pretty much using [Pumba] as a training tool, to learn how to use the said weapon without having to wait for an hour to gain the [Master Mastery] of the weapon.

Took some time, but I made the [Master Mastery] stick with me permanently without having to wait for the knowledge and instinct of the [Mastery Mastery] to take in effect.

So yeah, I may not be able to create my own skills, but that doesn't stop me from gaining more new skills outside the Gamer's ability. Still using [Pumba], which is part of the Gamer's ability, but I'm overcoming the restrictions and cheating my way into gaining other skills besides the whole importing it from other universes.

For the rest of the day, I try to learn how to use the [Black Lancer Techniques] through [Pumba]. And by that, I mean using [Pumba] to switch the [Ki] to [Mana] for me to use those spear techniques.

I narrow my left eye as I use [Elemental Sight] on Alice and Raven, these two may be my wives, but their loves for me. Are not the same as Esdeath, even Yuri and Ryun love me more compare these two.

With a swing of my [Ruyi Jingu], causing a small wind to appear while I try to control the amount of strength I used to swing the [Ruyi Jingu]. A hint of killing intent appears before it disappear a second later.

I don't need to worry about Esdeath betraying me, neither with Yuri and Ryun. Especially with Ryun and Esdeath, more with Ryun at this point while Esdeath coming in close.

With [Elemental Sight] and [Sha Naqba Imuru] will reveal everything about these two before me. Let just hope these don't try anything funny just because they have numbers on their side.

Repellista, I still don't trust her to the point like I'm with Esdeath, but she still useful to the family.

And my paranoia getting the better of mine once more. Really wish this wasn't another of the side-effect from using [Sword Qi] to counter the [Gamer's Mind].

Better just focus on my training than being paranoid about my love life.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 126: A Few Words Can Change Lots of Things

(Ark: City)

After yesterday's training; I decide to change myself a little after realizing I'm becoming one of those arrogant or those holier than thou attitude character. Better change myself before I end up getting killed by those chosen ones (Main Characters), who could end up in a lucky moment (plot armor) and return to kill me.

So yeah, I made sure to speak with my wives about this, but mostly with Esdeath. Once I remember how Esdeath still looks down on people, that will one day rise to the top and kill her.

It failed, though, as Esdeath just continue to make more excuses, like how we just have to make sure the people we killed, stay dead. Hell, she even asked me if I have a way to kill the souls of our enemies.

At this point, after my little talk with her, the other wives agreed with her. So yeah, I accidentally caused all my wives to throw themselves into training than just wait until they're in the mood.

Esdeath even trying to figure out how to use her [Teigu] to literally freeze the soul itself somehow. And, if she could figure out how to freeze space and time, then it should take her a few days to years to come up with something.

Even Raven, who I find out is really lazy most of the time, started throwing herself into extreme training with Alice.

Pretty much all my wives are trying to figure out how to kill the soul of their enemies.

"Maybe I shouldn't mention, those [Soul Cultivation Manuals] they could train in thanks to their [Aura]." I mumble to myself, but I feel like kicking myself after realizing I just spoke out my thoughts now of all time.

As all my wives look in my direction, with faces filled with a smile, even sweet Ryun, who would gladly do anything for me. Have the same looks at the others.

"Before you demand these [Soul Cultivation Manuals]. I should warn you that all the people back in my universe end up hitting a block in a certain level forever and dies. While those that forced themselves to learn them, end up crazy, at least to death at worst, and by that, I mean they literally explode and no one would know if their souls end up destroyed as well." I quickly stop my wives from asking for these forbidden [Soul Cultivation Manuals].

"Also, I will let you know that I once had the desire to cultivate my own very soul, but I stopped right away when I notice how my personality shifts a little and lost a few memories. And that was just an hour trying it out. Compared to those fallen geniuses, and yes, what I said before are those fallen geniuses that tried it out themselves and cripple themselves at the end." I finish explaining to the girls why they should give up the thoughts of using these [Soul Cultivation Manuals], which I only know a few and on the basic levels, not the complete version either.

"Then, how in the world did they came up with these, if people started dying from just cultivating them?" Esdeath asks me, which the others nod in agreement, wondering if they are so dangerous, why to make them in the first place if all the time. You would end up going crazy or die as a result.

"Remember how I told you, girls, how my universe have hidden cultivator and mostly a modern day world? Well, my universe of modern time. It due to some old monsters wanted to see if they can ascend higher than they already are after reading those wuxia and xianxia novels. And those [Soul Cultivate Manuals] came to be as those old coots tried something they have no knowledge with." I said to all my wives.

"If those old monsters you told us before are really strong. Then, it must have worked for them then. So how come we can't do it? We're strong." Raven said to me, causing the other girls to find this fact true.

"Who said they were alive?" I raise an eyebrow at Raven and the rest, making them frown. "Anyway, there no point in cultivating the soul as there are some things are not meant to be touched. Hell, it thanks to some of those novel writers, that caused almost half the old generation cultivators to die off."

I didn't mention, that I'm trying to figure out a way to create my own [Soul Cultivation Manual] with the help of my Gamer's ability. As if Esdeath read my thoughts.

"Then create using your Gamer's ability. After all, you just need to find the right [Universe of Knowledge] to grab the right skills and we can learn how to cultivate our own souls. Unlike the people back in your universe. You have something they don't, that makes it work. And that's your Gamer's ability." Esdeath knew that I only need to grab one of those wuxia/xianxia novels to import the [Cultivate Methods] of that universe and I gain a modified version of it for me to use.

"Okay, and how would I be able to give you the ability to use those [Cultivate Methods]?" I knew my little secret is kind of revealed to everyone at this point.

"No clue. I was hoping you would have a skill that allows you to transfer a copy of one of your skills to the rest of us, where we could use them ourselves." Esdeath shrugged her shoulders, causing the others behind her to sweatdrop at this.

"Well, here the things that could go wrong. One, you don't possess the Gamer's ability, even with my restriction version. You may end up brain dead upon getting one my skills downloaded into your brain. Furthermore, these skills are modified so I could actually use them." I pause for a moment and think about it for a while.

"In fact, thanks to my Gamer's ability. I'm pretty sure some of my skills literally a fragment of the multiverse's laws, that allow me to affect the other universes I'm in. Otherwise, most of my skills shouldn't work in the first place. As there are universal laws that placed in that universe. Meaning, that in one universe, there no [Mana] and no one should be able to have the ability to possess it or even use it." I'm starting to think that I may not need those wuxia/xianxia novels in the first place.

As my own current skills literally break the balance in that in most other universes that I have visited. A good one should be in Akame Ga Kill universe, where I met Esdeath.

And even the Tower of God should be another, as [Shinsoo] should be the only thing that should work there while [Mana] or any other [Energy Source] should be useless or not be working at all.

"Anyway, can't you, girls, be able to find a way to attack the soul itself thanks to your [Aura], which I should remind everyone that it's literally a manifest of your own soul?" I wanted to get their mind off the topic of getting me to get ones of those wuxia/xianxian [Universe of Knowledge].

Of course, I won't mention how that my [Sword Intent] is already at the stage to affect the soul itself already. But, it's better to let my wives find out that at a later date.

"Forgot about that." Alice said to me, "With all the things we experience. It's hard not to remember that. In fact, I know just what to do." Alice quickly drags all the girls to a different building to train, leaving me behind out of pure excitement of figuring out a way to kill off their enemies permanently, without giving them a chance to return for revenge.

I'm starting to think today was the day I have caused countless numbers of people being killed even more than before. After all, in Wormverse, Esdeath or one of my wives have caused a slaughter in this universe.

At least, the people we have killed still could go through the process of reincarnation. But, one small talk with Esdeath today had lead to all my wives trying to figure out a way to create a soul-killing technique.

I have no clue if I should stop them or not. Thinking about it for a long whole minute and figure it's best they figure out how. In the situation where unknown enemies can't be harmed in any way other than the enemies' souls.

Plus, with the [Right Arm of Thievery]; I'm sure I could even steal a person's soul if I wanted to. That is how dangerous this new skill of mine. I can literally steal anything if I wanted to.

Now, if I could only figure out how to train these two skills of mine, [Right Arm of Thievery] and [Left Arm of Usage]. I mean I could just steal stuff while using it, but I have no clue what to use it on without requiring me to take a long time to replace it.

Pretty sure, I can't give stuff back what I've stolen. Maybe at max level, I could, but for now, I can only steal and use it for myself.

I really wanted to work on my [Fundamental Force Manipulation] as that skill alone would make all those old monsters back in my universe go crazy. But, too bad for them, they can't get it. Even if they tear my left eye out, which holds the Jade Emperor's various abilities.

Letting out a tired sigh, then just wait for a few more months before I could use the [Bypass Restrictions], then I could work on [Fundamental Force Manipulation] without killing myself in the process. But, I could also just level up my [Profession: The Gamer] to level 50 to get it as well, instead of waiting too long.

However, I have another skill I wanted to get from that universe instead. So, either way, I have multiple ways to do this. But, which ways would give me the most benefits.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 127: Illusion Is Based On Imagination

(Ark: City)

Taking a few steps back, to dodge a sword slash aimed towards my neck by Raven, then I duck as Esdeath hurl a giant icicle at my head, and bite it as I absorb the icicle, restoring back a bit of my [Mana] and health.

"Damn it, Esdeath! Stop throwing ice at him! He'll just end up eating them!" Alice shout at Esdeath as she tried to wrap me with her tail. But, end up getting a quick four kicks against the left side of her upper body less than a second.

However, Alice's defense under the effect of her [Semblance] and her [Aura Shield] managed to blocked 3 out of the 4 kicks, with the last one sending her flying.

"Force of habit." Esdeath draws out her [Skiajati] and charge at me, with a fast horizontal slash, but was forced to stop when I just sidestep behind Raven, almost causing a friendly fire.

Then, with a snap of my fingers, causing the sound of snap to echo throughout the place. And a second later, almost everyone falls to their knees and cover their mouths, almost like they're about to throw up or something.

Of course, this is the power of [Ninjutsu]'s [Illusion Creation Magic], where I use [Elemental Sight] to gain the information of the feeling of someone about to throw up due to motion sickness or something.

Afterward, I send this through [Archive] and export it into [Ninjutsu], where I cast it on all my wives, leading to the result around me. Furthermore, I used their sense of hearing to affecting with my [Illusion].

With just [Ninjutsu] alone; it would take me months, even years to get to max level and be able to affect other people's senses and instantly before they realize what happened.

With the help of [Elemental Sight] to gather the information I need from the [Infomration Dimension] and [Archive] to use that information, then transfer it to [Ninjutsu]. Three different skills alone could bring many results in the future, but together, I can bring out more than possible with the skills being at a low level.

I smile as I made [Ninjutsu] reach level 20 already and I just got it yesterday. This is due to using my other skills as a support than just using [Ninjutsu] by itself.

Using [Renewal Taekwondo: Bo-Bup] to move away as multiple ice spikes erupt from where I was standing a second ago. Showing that Esdeath is trying to trap me or injure me, but seeing how I can't be hurt by ice while [Ice Devil Slayer Magic] is activated.

So Esdeath was trying to trap me by using her trump card channel through those ice spikes, but I could be wrong.

"I see. Even while being a little sick, you can still attack without any problem." I said to Esdeath, who is giving me a death glare for making her feel like this. "Don't look at me like that. What would happen if someone had the same or similar ability to do something like I just did? Better figure out how to overcome this little weakness."

Esdeath didn't say anything and continue to glare at me, with her left hand still covering her mouth and slowly trying to stand on her own two feet. But, end up falling back down on the ground when I still haven't released them from the effect of my [Ninjutsu].

"I guess this is my win." I feel somewhat a pride forming in me and I crush it before it could lead to me being overconfident that could lead to my death later in the future if I were to continue like this.

"Nope." I heard Yuri behind me as I was blasted off my feet and crashed into a wall, creating spider web-like cracks.

"Ow." I mumble to myself as I lost 10k HP under that one attack from Yuri, who just literally punched me in the back. Talk about absolute raw strength and channeling her [Aura] would increase her abnormal strength further.

This also breaks the illusion placed on everyone, seeing I need to stay focus to keep the illusion up. Now, my wives are back on their feet and ready to resume fight with me.

2 hours later*

"You know." Alice begins as she glances at me, "Having that [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] is such a cheat on its own with that healing ability that comes with it. If we had just relied on [Aura] alone to heal us up. We would have waited for hours, at the minimum, depending on how hurt, we are, to months at least."

"Well, if you're not cheating, you're not trying hard enough." I smirk at Alice, who just rolls her eyes at me as she rests her head on my right shoulder, with Esdeath taking my left shoulder.

As the rest of my wives are laying in their own sofa or chair, resting from our sparring match with me versus all my wives.

With Alice, I had to take out first, seeing as she tanks almost all my attacks and is fast enough to keep up with me, showing me that if I haven't raised my stats with my skills instead of leveling up the normal way. I would have more wives that could easily beat me like nothing.

After her, I took Ryun out next, as she supports everyone with Esdeath by going for long-distance attacks.

"Just be glad he didn't use [God Hand] and [Mystic Eye of Death Perception], or else we'll have a harder time fighting him." Esdeath said to Alice, and hinting her along with Raven, as both of them are still new to the family and doesn't know about the other skills I possess.

Unlike Yuri and Ryun, both of them have been with Esdeath and me for years, and know almost all my skills, along with the effects that come with those skills.

"What [God Hand] even do? Give our husband a hand that turned into a part of a God?" Raven ask Esdeath, as she looks at me with interest.

"No, that's [Storm God Slayer Magic], and it just isn't a hand, but his entire body." Esdeath helpfully informs Raven, not caring if Raven could use this information for harmful intent. As her loving husband possess other skills that more powerful than [Storm God Slayer Magic].

So Esdeath decides now to explain how their husband is such a major cheat in battle if he were to use these two skills. The [God Hand] that would require killing their husband 12 in a row in less than a few seconds or they would have to continue trying to kill an almost unkillable being.

And with that skill alone made it a lot harder to kill someone, but combined with the [Mystic Eye of Death Perception]. That gives one to be able to kill pretty much almost anything that's alive or what consider alive to that user that possess this skill.

"Well, I honestly don't know what to say about learning about these two overpowered skills." Raven said dryly, with Alice looking at me with disbelief. While Yuri and Ryun look a bit smug for knowing about this.

"Kind of normal in other universes. You would think you've seen everything, but later in the next universe. You saw something unbelievable." I didn't put the thoughts of [God Hand] and [Mystic Eye of Death Perception] would allow me to kill all my enemies.

After all, if the characters that possessed these two skills in the Nasuverse could still end up getting killed. Then again, none of those characters have the current skills I have up to now.

For the rest of the day; all of us started talking to each other about how to improve ourselves while mention a few flaws of each other need to overcome. After all, no one is perfect and we're still at the bottom in a multiverse scale.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 128: So Many Choices

(Ark: City)

Before we switched to a new universe; I went to the [First God's Sanctuary] to level up my [Profession: The Gamer] to level 50. As I'm getting tired of having to deal with limiting myself from using [Wisdom of The Sage] to much, and stopping me from leveling up the [Fundamental Force Manipulation] at this point.

Furthermore, it's a skill I can't level up anyway. From what I read of the skill's description. But, I still need it, even if the skill itself is mainly just a temporary boost in physical stats.


You have gained a new skill through importing it from [The God of Highschool Universe of Knowledge].

[Jade Emperor's Physical Power] - Active -

Description: [Physical Power], other times referred to as [The King's Body], is a special form of transferable physical energy the [Jade Emperor] possess. That increase one's physical body and abilities.

1st Effect: Increase all physical stats x [Profession: The Gamer]'s (level). Duration: Base END/1000 per second. Cooldown: 24 hours.

2nd Effect: Allow the user to transfer any amount of physical stats to another permanently.


As the player possesses all three skills: [Wisdom of The Sage], [Fundamental Force Manipulation], and the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power]. The user gains the title: [The Jade Emperor] - Gain access to [Jade Emperor's Armory].

And just like that, I gained a few things to go with my new skill. Getting the title: [The Jade Emperor] was mostly a guess on my part, if I would get the title if I possess all three skills that made the Jade Emperor.

Luckily, I don't have to equip the title to use the [Jade Emperor's Armory], which is just the [National Treasures]: [Blade of Tathagata] and [Cane of the Sage], along with the [Robe of the Sage].

These three are what is given to me upon gaining [The Jade Emperor] title. Honestly, this is pretty good. As out of the three, not much use for the [Cane of the Sage], two of them, I could use at all time without a cost.

Unlike [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword], [Weapon of the Three Gods], and [Monkey King's Outfit]. All these require some kind of source of energy to keep them in the plain of existence within the universe I'm in.

However, it would be a while for me to want to use them. As it would just be plain outright overkilled at the get-go in many universes.

It's a good thing the [Jade Emperor's Physical Power] doesn't have a level attach to it. In a way, the skill itself relies on my END stat to stay activate before entering a cooldown phase.


Welcome back to the Multiverse!


Good luck in your next adventure player! Be sure to take your time and the [Ark] is made invisible towards those within the universe you have entered.


Welcome to the One Piece Universe! In order to leave this universe to another one, the player must kill one of the Noble of this universe or kill one that has a middle initial "D" in their names.

"Huh, this may take us a while to leave this universe, but the things here will be great uses for us, though." I said to my wives, as I send multiple interfaces around, to let them read the requirement to leave the universe for another.

"Ragna. I don't need to say this. Actually, I do. Finish the [Quest] fast, so we can come down. This is a universe we'll find very interesting to be in." Esdeath said, no, demand me to the [Quest] in order for her and the others to come down from the [Ark]. Not that I could blame them when we're in a world of supernatural pirates and marines.

"I'm with Esdeath on this one. Hubby, I can understand if there are certain universes you wish to leave right away due to many reasons. But, we've been stuck in this [Ark] for a while now and like to see other places. And I know for a fact that this universe will be very fun to stay for a few years." Yuri said to me, mostly because she's interested in facing all these [Devil Fruit] users and [Haki] user from what she telling me through her thoughts she's sending me via [Pocket] linked to my [Archive].

"Alright. I'll finish it by today." I roll my eyes at my wives, who are too eager to visit this universe. Of course, I'm excited as well. With [Right Arm of Thievery], I'm going to grab a few [Devil Fruit] users and take their [Devil Fruit]'s powers. As there is some of them that I wished to take for myself.


I give all my wives a kiss on the lips before I send myself out the [Ark] and find myself in a middle of some pirate vs marine war.

I sweatdrop when I realize I'm in the Marineford Arc, quickly, I did a quick scan to find if Whitebeard is dead or alive at this point. Since his [Devil Fruit] is the one I wanted the most.

Yup, Whitebeard still fine, no injury yet. However, I'm at the part where Little Oars Jr trying to reach for Ace. And Doflamingo heading straight towards him. If I remember correctly from canon, he would be the one that will bring the giant down, with Moriah finishes him off with his shadows.

Much to my confusion as I didn't get any [Quest], meaning that I could send the wives down here any moment now.

But, I can't even do that with the way this battle going and could end up destroying the [Ark's Gate], leading to an accident in the process of them coming over this side.

I use [Shundo: Bo-Bup] and appear next to Little Oars Jr, then sing the [Second Fonon: Force Field], with Little Oars Jr, along with all the pirates nearby.

"Croa riou ze tue riou rei neu... riou ze~!" I sing the words of power, creating a large glyph beneath me, providing a temporary effect for all allies within range, preventing damage for about five seconds. This pretty much gives all the pirates a 5 seconds immunity towards damages.

Due to my action, causing everyone to look at me with a shocked look on their faces. Like they just see a ghost, even Whitebeard look at me with eyes of surprise.

With another [Shundo: Bo-Bup] to appear behind Ace, causing the marines nearby to panic. As I broke the handcuffs with pure raw strength, freeing Ace from the [Seastone] affecting him, which the handcuffs were made out of.

This, of course, caused others to look at me with horror, that I wasn't affected by the [Seastone].

Not caring about the look on their faces, I grab the back of Ace's neck, much to my relief, [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] activated allow me to touch Ace without having to worry about his [Devil Fruit] acting up on me.

Without holding back, okay, holding back a lot, then throw Ace straight towards the Whitebeard pirates. Ignoring the scream from Ace, flying at high speed and the marines around me started shouting at me.

I disappear from their views with [Shundo: Bo-Bup: Void Step] and appear next to Little Oars Jr and use [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Gravity] to send the giant straight back to his crew.

All this done in 5 seconds, after using the [Second Fonon: Force Field], preventing the giant's death. Hope this gives me good karma and saving Ace somewhat early.

I duck as someone tried to kick me in the head, which happens to be one of the admirals in this little battle, Kizaru, who looks surprisingly mad and aiming to kill me with the way his releasing his killing intent.

Either Kizaru is completely different from his canon version or there was another me in this universe, that caused who knows what kind of things he did to other people.

I'm leaning towards the latter as Kizaru is roaring at my name with a lot of hate. Channeling my [Sword Intent] to my right hand, as I use [Nabong Needle Ryu] to disable the admiral while injuring him at the same time, and send him flying away with a good kick in the face as my payback for him trying to kick me in the face.

Thanks to my high INT and WIS stats, I can do multiple quick scans of everyone on this island and discovered a few things, along with filtering out a few thoughts of everyone.

I aimed for the ones that mention my own name and much to my dismay, I discovered the other me actually die in this universe a year before canon started. Talk about unlucky, that the other me actually got betrayed by his own right-hand man, due to [Devil Fruits].

Of course, it looks like the allies the other me formed during his time in One Piece had got revenge for other me.

"IT'S RAGNA, THE DEVIL HUNTER! HE'S ALIVE!" Someone shouted out, causing a few people among the pirates and marines to panic.

Yeah, other me made a name for himself, that he would hunt down all [Devil Fruit] users to fight with and kill a few without the help of a [Devil Fruit]. Also, someone who loves to collect [Devil Fruit], one of the main reasons why the right-hand man killed the other me.

It's a surprise that I found out it was actually the other me that gave the [Devil Fruits] to a few characters in this parallel dimension of the One Piece universe.

Honestly, I feel like the other me knew about karma and made a pathway for me to come to this version of One Piece. As if he knew I would come here to finish his work.

Pretty sure it's due to other me training hard in [Observation Haki] to the point of seeing the future or something. I won't be surprised if I did something like that if I was either reborn or transport to this universe.

I glance at Whitebeard, who grinned at me as if he knew that I was aiming for his [Devil Fruit] or something I'm about to do that would end with Whitebeard losing something in exchange for me rescuing his crew members, which he sees as his own children.

I blur from everyone's views and appear above Whitebeard, with my [Right Arm of Thievery] activated as I thrust my right hand at Whitebeard and he didn't even show any sign of resisting and allow me to do what I wanted from him.

Before any of the Whitebeard's pirates could stop me. My right arm phase through Whitebeard's head, showing no sign of injury of some sort.

Landing on the floor of Whitebeard's ship. As the notification pop-ups of [Right Army of Thievery] leveled up 10 times, and that I gained the [Gura Gura no Mi], which required the [Left Arm of Usage] to use it. Otherwise, I can't use it at all, even if I have stolen it.

"Gu ha ha ha ha." Whitebeard chuckle as he looks at me, "So that's what you were after. Very well, I won't be mad at you for taking my power for yourself. After what you have been through, it's at least I could and you saved my sons when you didn't even need to in the first place."

Once Whitebeard finishes speaking, this caused everyone to look at me with disbelief as some people figure out what I just did.

"I'm not who you think I am, but I'll help you leave this place alive, along with your crew." I said to Whitebeard, who just laugh again, but didn't say anything else.

I deactivate [Right Arm of Thievery], returning my right arm back to normal appearance, then snap my fingers. As I create countless of [Kekkai] around the marines and some of them I had to create more than triple layers of [Kekkai].

Mostly the admirals, I had to place the special [Kekkai] that replaces the inner layer with the next one while a new outer layer is created the moment the inner layer is destroyed. Creating an endless layer of [Kekkai] to hold them in place.

Honestly, this special [Kekkai] I created would continue to drain me of my [Mana] and having to create more than one is already using up my [Mana] reserve fast. I won't be able to keep at this after a while.

Of course, that's if I didn't have [Sky Dragon Slayer Magic] to recover my [Mana] in a matter of seconds.

Also, I trapped the Shichibukai as well, can't have them continue to rampage everywhere.

Then, I slam my right palm on the wood floor, creating an [Ark's Gate], causing the pirates around me to take a few steps away, even Whitebeard was on guard the moment the [Ark's Gate] is forming.

Sending a quick message via [Archive] to let my wives know that there wasn't any [Quest] to begin with, shockingly, and that's the reason why I didn't create an [Ark's Gate] the moment I arrived into this universe was that I didn't have a good chance to do so without leading to problems occurring the moment I try to create one.

A few minutes later, all my wives appear out of the [Ark's Gate], which I destroyed afterward.

Seeing beautiful women appearing out of nowhere, kind of shocked almost everyone nearby, but was too scared to say anything when they can easily feel how dangerous these women are.

"I've to say, being out in the sea isn't something I wish to be." Alice is the first one to speak. As she doesn't have much experience in fighting on the sea.

"Eh, you win some, you lose some. Can't have everything." Raven said to Alice, as she looks around for a good opponent to face.

"Ragna. You can leave the rest to us. We'll make sure these... marines don't try to get in the way." Esdeath said to me, as her [Killing Aura] starting to leak out, causing all the weaker pirates and marines to faint while a few unlucky ones died of a heart attack.

Whitebeard grip his weapon tighten when he could feel killing intent and mixed with [Haki], but feel like not [Haki] at the same time. Out of the all these women appeared out of nowhere. The blue hair woman is the most dangerous out of this little group.

He, Whitebeard, have traveled the sea in his years as a pirate. This woman is more dangerous than whatever he faced in his life as a pirate. If he had his [Devil Fruit] power still, then he would already be ready to attack the moment this woman tried anything to his children.

I didn't say anything; as I clap and use a bit of my [Mana] to amplify the sound of my clap as a medium to channel my [Ninjutsu: Illusion] and affect all the pirates.

Placing them under an illusion, not even the native of this universe with their [Haki] should be able to break out of my illusion as I overpowered it with a large amount of [Mana] just to be on the safe side.

"Go ahead. I'm about to send all these pirates away after I pick a good location, to send them." I said to my wives, as I was getting ready to use my [Sword Domain: Cleave and Wave Sword Intent] to teleport a massive amount of people and the pirate ships away from here soon.

Of course, this would end up taking a great chunk of my [Sword Qi] I built up over the years.

All my wives jump off the ship and rush towards the marines as I start teleporting away all the pirates, along with Whitebeard.

I made sure to use [Elemental Sight] and [Eagle Vision], to make sure I picked the right ones to send away while leaving the rest behind. I smile when I found a few people I'm about to target, to steal their [Devil Fruits].

I may aim for good karma, but that doesn't mean I'm willing to give up the chance to take something that would be useful in the future.