Chapter 28: I Love My Luck

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 28: I Love My Luck

The next day*

Year 12: Day 235: Insight On Babies

(Ark's City)

-Children's POV-

"You know, I'm kind of little surprise that speaking to another baby, even if you two are also [Reincarnators] like me, would be possible and other things in this new lives of ours." Erza said to her fellow sisters, with the clues they gather together and talk it among each other.

One: We're half-sisters, with the same Father, but different Mothers.

Two: We're born in a family full of overpowered people.

Three: Each [Reincarnators] are from different universes. So, none of the three among us would know each other from our previous lives.

"Anything is possible in this family, it seems. I mean, we literally just saw our own Father create food out of thin air. Even the [Magic] back in my world, that wasn't possible for almost everyone and only a rare few can, but only for the tasteless kind of food." Kaori replied to Erza, while she continues to try her best to stand on her own feet without falling on her butt every few seconds.

"Not to mention the way he presents himself. I could feel a sharp edge coming from him whenever it looks like he ready for a fight. But, when he isn't, then you won't be able to sense him at all after he did whatever he did to make his presence almost non-existent." Chifuyu follows up with her own observation.

"You know what else I notice about the family we are born in?" Erza asks her fellow sisters, causing both to look at her. "This is a family that uses [Swords]. Well, almost all of them. I think our other Mother: Alice? I think that what the others called her at the time, who has whitish silver hair. Don't use any weapons at all, but can use a [Sword] with the way Kaori's Mother wanted a [Sword] fight with Mother Alice."

"Just for a quick reminder and all that. Do either of you two use a [Sword] part of your main fighting style back in your previous lives? Because I do and was known as the best in my previous life." Chifuyu wanted to know if her fellow sisters are [Sword] users as well. Then, it would kind of make sense? In a way that they were born in a [Sword] users family.

"I use a mixed fighting style of wires and a [Sword]." Kaori is the first one to answer the question.

With Erza being the second, "I use armors and multiple weapons, but mainly use [Swords] as well." Erza could connect the dots as well, once Chifuyu asked this question.

"Mainly using multiple [Swords] with a bodysuit for physical boost." Chifuyu could see that some beings reincarnated all three of them into this very family, as all of them are [Sword] users more than one way.

A few minutes later*

-Ragna's POV-

"What do you think they are saying to each other?" Esdeath ask me, as we watch our Daughters speaking to each other in their baby language and seem to understand each other, no question about it.

"No clue, I would try to grab a [Mind-Reading Skill], but that would have more cons than pros. Seeing how I may end up getting a [Passive Skill] of it, making it stay on forever. And that would make things difficult for me in an important fight, as I could get distracted by other thoughts nearby and may confuse it with my opponent. So, if I wanted information without the resort to using [Mind-Reading]. I use [Ninjutsu] instead, to make them speak the truth for me through their subconscious." I replied to Esdeath's question, while giving a good reason why I never picked a [Mind-Reading Skill] whenever I had the chance to in the past.

"So, how do you feel after being pregnant, then giving birth, not that long after getting pregnant?" I'm a bit curious about this and wonder if I dodged the bullet in the mood swings that Esdeath, Yuri, and Ryun would go through while being pregnant for 9 months.

"Honestly?" Esdeath did her best to remember the experience she went through; the process of getting pregnant, to having a big belly, where she gave her baby girl ready to come out, then finally, giving birth, which is more painful than she realizes, and afterward, gaining back her perfect figure.

"I would say pleasure first, shocked second, painful third, and happy last, to have our own child together. I could go through the whole thing again, but without the painful birthing, though. Too painful for me. So, don't expect me to give birth to another child until a few years later." Esdeath explained how she is willing going through this whole process again, even when it only takes around a day or more instead of the entire 9 months. But, not even Esdeath, herself, is willing to go through that painful moment of giving birth any time soon.

"More painful than what you experienced in battles up to now?" Now, I'm very curious if giving birth was that painful for women. And if someone like Esdeath would say this is the most painful thing for her, then I wonder if it's just Esdeath.

"Nope, had my bone broken before. Way more painful, I just don't feel like having to experience giving birth so soon after yesterday. One child for me is enough, including Yuri and Ryun's, we got 3 kids. I say we're good for now." Esdeath replied to my question, as she rests her head on my left shoulder while hugging my left arm as we watch our baby girls making baby noises to each other.

"Ouch. I can understand that feeling." I replied, with a little pain in my tone as I went through the same experience more than once I could help it.

For the rest of the day, Esdeath and I continue to watch over the baby girls, while the other wives are out being pirates for the time being.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 236: Esdeath, It's Okay

(Ark's City)

Not even an entire week went by yet, and Alice and Raven's families decided to make this universe as their new home after a few days of being pirates.

To make this difficult; those folks no longer cared about the Monster Lords giving birth an heir to ascend to the throne when it's time for the new generation of Monster Lord appears.

I guess these folks got too addicted into pirating in the result of them choosing this universe out of the many in the multiverse.

I wasn't that surprised about this, seeing how both Alice and Raven explained how before we all met, was that they mostly raid other villages nearby for supplies. None of them have any talents in growing their own crops or those that do find the place they were temporary staying wasn't suited for farming and/or they don't have enough time as they're on the move.

But, what I didn't expect to find out was that Alice and Raven's own families actually requested they leave, seeing how they're already considered part of a different family from than those people. Also, they were a little rude at the time when they 'request' this, more like a demand.

As there was a group of them formed a little council, that look like they held all the power by taking it away from the Two Monster Lords.

Neither Alice or Raven changed their blank expression at this, but accepted it.

Upon returning back to the [Ark]; instead of being frustrated or mad, or even sad, they hug each other and jump, while shouting in happiness.

Where all of us learned that Alice and Raven have been trying to leave their former families for a long time after they formed their special relationship, which they are happy to share with the rest of us, not a second they finished explaining.

So, besides the whole sex going on while leaving Repellista to watch over the kids for us.

I changed my training methods, and instead of taking a break for some time while spending time with my wives and later resume my training.

I will just do it sometime and continue to spend more time with my wives, rather they wanted to train or just wanted to be next to each other and enjoy each other presence. Along with my Daughters.

Seeing how the [Bypass Restrictions] is literally a [Broken Skill], that destroy lots of restrictions on my Gamer ability, every 3 days. In fact, I could even use it as my trump card to bypass the system and have a temporary unlimited [Energy], like [Mana], [Dark Matter], and even [Sword Qi] for a limited of time.

And with my [Gamer's Body]. I don't even need to worry about my [Skills] becoming rusty or anything. In fact, I could just sleep for years and still have all my [Skills]; well, kind of, as I may get rusty in using these [Skills] of mine in the way I wanted.

In a way, I just have to continue sparring with my wives every often and I should be good, or just go to the Super God Gene Universe to keep my [Skills] from being rusty.

On another note; both Alice and Raven started spending more time with the rest of us after they were 'kicked' or 'overthrown' by their former families/pirates crew.

Of course, I made sure to spend a bit more time with Esdeath, as her mental state is kind of fragile with all these girls. Then again, I can easily tell that Esdeath wanted me all for herself, but knew that wasn't possible.

So, she looked for the one that she could stand to be with and not outright kill them. Also, those that are powerful enough to stand next to her and everyone else.

Therefore, after marrying Alice and Raven. I'm no longer going for any other girl and willing to use [Ninjutsu] to change their minds if I have to. Just so I can make sure Esdeath don't snap.

I even made sure to speak this with the others, to let them know how Esdeath is already at her breaking point after having Alice and Raven into the family. Which made both Alice and Raven feel a bit guilty about this, knowing that Esdeath is literally killing herself by inviting them into the family.

So all of us promise to make sure to keep an eye on Esdeath from looking for another girl to marry into the family. At least with the new addition into the family should distract Esdeath long enough for the rest of us to come up with a solution to get the new girl to leave peacefully.

If not possible, there could only be a few solutions we may have to use in order to get them to leave.

This may be cruel to those girls that wanted to be one with their heart yearn for, but family comes first, and Esdeath is my first wife and someone I have fallen for deeply and rather not have Esdeath go into the deep end just because I became greedy for more girls.

I rather make all those girls hate me than love me. As this is a better way for me, where I have a reason to fight back and end their lives or stop them from looking for me.

So for the entire day, all of us spend together as a family, trying to help our baby girls in their attempts to walk on their own.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 237: I Should Have Thought This Through...

(Ark's City)

Today is the day that I can use [Bypass Restrictions] again, much to my happiness. And with the [Skill] at level 100, it will last 8 minutes and a half. That is enough time for me to do lots of things in that duration.

The first thing I did was max out the [Skills] I haven't yet.

[Fundamental Force Manipulation], where I made sure to max out all the combined [Skills] in it, which raise its own level to 100. But, I will have to work on this [Skill] still later, just to get used to it, even when it's at level 100.

Next was [Ice Devil Slayer Magic], where I unlocked the same things as [Fire Devil Slayer Magic], but with the 4th Effect give me the [Ice of Cocytus], allowing me to use the ice belong to the [Ice Hell], that could use as a prison for powerful and dangerous figures.

But, not all of them as I know a few people that could easily break free from these [Ice of Cocytus].

Like the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic]; I gained the 5th Effect: [Devil Force], similar to [Dragon Force], and the last, 6th Effect: [Devil Transformation], giving me the ability to switch into my own [Ice Devil Form].

Of course, there are many downsides to using the [Ice Devil Form], which give me the same weakness as [Ice Devil] in general, so I won't be using the [Devil Form] from either the [Fire Devil Slayer Magic] or the [Ice Devil Slayer Magic].

Then, I went for [Fonic Hymns], where the 2nd Effect give me [Song Effects Magic]. Kind of like a chanting while using [Magic] in other universes, while the 3rd Effect allows me to use both the 1st and 2nd Effects without speaking out loud and just do it in thoughts. However, this will decrease the power of the 1st and 2nd Effects by 50% doing so.

[FOF Changes - Alter System] after the [Fonic Hymns]. A few useful [Skill] to have at level 100.

And having [Chain Combo Magic] at level 100 was a great boon once I found out what the 3rd Effect was upon checking it after raising to max level.

I actually gain access to [Chain Effect Creation Magic]; literally, give me the ability to merge my other [Skills] or the [Techniques] came from those [Skills] and mix them together how I want them to be. No restrictions included making it a big deal to me.

As this will give me a reason to use all the [Skills] I have, and later on, a reason to use daily.

It wasn't a surprise, I would max out both [Right Arm of Thievery] and [Left Arm of Usage] either.

It wasn't really a big thing for these two, but it does make the [Skills] a lot more variation in a way. With [Right Arm of Thievery], the 2nd Effect actually just removes the 1st Effect's Restriction, which requires a physical contact with the target for me to steal.

Meaning that I could use the [Right Arm of Thievery] from a distance without the need to touch the target, but I have to a medium to do so. All it does is remove the whole physical contact and into using a medium between my right arm to the target. Again varies.

For the [Left Arm of Usage]; now this is something I really like. Where the 2nd Effect give me the ability to transfer all the stolen things under the [Right Arm of Thievery] to another.

So, I could literally give the [Devil Fruits] I have stolen and transfer it to one of my wives or kids. Talk about amazing, like I could be one of those random overpowered beings and give out cheats to characters. But, only the things I have stolen with the [Right Arm of Thievery]. Otherwise, it's pretty useless.

As I can transfer anything else with it.

[Ninjutsu] up next, nothing new and just increase and decrease some of the effects.

The [God's Sanctuary] I just left alone as there no reasons for me to max it out just yet, even if I unlock the [Second God's Sanctuary] and the next. As it's already at its current level. Plus, I rather not find out what I may end up in the [Second God's Sanctuary] and so on, just out of curiosity. Who knows if there may be a restriction just waiting for me to appear and place it on me.

For the last [Skill], being the [Lagena Signatoria]; well, not much use, but I max it out anyway just in case I need it in the future.

This only took me a couple minutes, but the [Bypass Restrictions] still have a leftover duration before it enters into the cooldown stage.

Of course, there no other [Skills] to max out at the moment, but I have another way to use it right now. Something that I have been dying to have and will help me in the long run. Plus, it should heal some of the damage I caused to my mind.


You have used [Bypass Restrictions] to bypass the requirement to gain the [Skill: Heartforce Cultivation] from the [Desolate Era Universe] and raising the level to 100.

[Heartforce Cultivation] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%

Description: The [Heartforce] is a source of power that is invisible, former, but incomparably mysterious and miraculous. Allowing the user to strike the enemy's heart, slaying them with a thought. [Heartforce Cultivator] doesn't focus on the strength of their [Dao]; rather, they focused on the stability of their [Dao]. They needed extremely stable [Daos] and extremely stable [Heartworlds], as only then could those [Heartworlds] continuously expand. The vaster a [Heartworld] was, the more terrifying, powerful a [Heartforce Cultivator] would be!

[Heartforce Reserve]: 100%/100% - Regen: 10% per minute

1st Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce - 1st Stage] - Gain the ability to use [Heartforce]. Increase other [Skills] and effects by powering it with [Heartforce].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require using a medium as a support to do anything harmful to a target.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce Technique Creation].

2nd Effect's Requirement: Same as 1st Effect's Requirement.

3rd Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce - 2nd Stage: Iceheart] - Increase [Heartforce] by 20% and the user can detach themselves from emotions and such. Increase [Gamer's Mind]'s effect x 2.

4th Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce - 3rd Stage: Ruler] - Increase [Heartforce] and the range by 40% and can affect the user own [Soul], to have absolute control over oneself.

4th Effect's Requirement: Require 3rd Effect active first.

5th Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce - 4th Stage: Mortal Dust] - Increase [Heartforce] and the range by 60%, and increase [Gamer's Mind]'s effect x 5.

6th Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce - 5th Stage: Truth] - Merge [Heartforce] with [Sea of Consiciousness]. Increase [Heartforce] and range by 80%, and increase [Gamer's Mind]'s effect x 10.

7th Effect: Gain access to [Heartforce - 6th Stage: World] - Create a [Heartworld], a world where illusions and reality collide. Affecting reality itself with just a thought.

I let a smile appear on my face before I blacked out and experience countless things I would never expect. What felt like countless years, ended in a single second as I returned back to reality. Like nothing ever happens.

Therefore, I was still out of it and the [Bypass Restrictions] enter the cooldown phrase, while I was trying to wrap my mind over how stupid it was for me to max out the [Heartforce Cultivation]. As I need to experience many things instead of going for the shortcut way.

Too bad, I've already done it and I don't think I miss out too much as I feel calmer than ever. More than what I should be, thanks to [Gamer's Mind].

Then, I felt my heart hurt just a bit before I find myself inside my own [Heartworld]. And I don't know if I should be annoyed or not, because my [Heartworld] is literally just a giant planet mixed with multiple elements, with my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] circling around the planet.

Also, I 'see' the planet pulsing, as if it's singing, that's what I'm getting. No matter how weird it is.

Slowly, as I get a quick scan of my [Heartworld] with [Eagle Vision], then notice my entire [Heartworld] turned golden and I found multiple things, that wouldn't be seen with the naked eyes. And speaking of eyes, I found the [Ultimate Eye] in the center of the core planet, which continues to release a pulse of massive killing intent everywhere. Affecting almost everything on my [Heartworld].

Furthermore, the killing intent has a hint of [Sword Intent] merged into it. Showing that my [Sword Intent] will always be meant for killing. As it's the main solely purpose of forming the [Sword Intent].

In fact, thanks to [Heartforce Cultivation]; I can actually say that I'm gaining one of those [Daos] from the wuxia/xianxia novels and it's related to the [Sword Dao]. I'm just close to reaching it.

Furthermore, I have a feeling that once I gain my own version of [Sword Dao], then I will be able to break through one of the hidden restrictions placed on me, that doesn't belong to the Gamer's ability.

So, I got the guess that almost all of my [Skills] are part of the planet or somewhere near it. Like with my [Void Weapon]. While at the same time, I can feel I'm almost close reaching the [Sword Dao] that will literally affect all my [Skills] to be more in tune with my new acquire [Sword Dao].

No clue if it just is called [Sword Dao] or [Dao of the Sword]; I just have to wait for it to come to me in the future.

On the side note, I feel like a burden is slowly disappearing and my mind becoming even more clear as time goes by.

Picking the [Heartforce Cultivation] is the best [Skill] to pick out of the other ones I had in mind.

For now, time to act like a doting, loving Father for my Daughters, which I started calling them my little princesses. After wanting to see how three grown women trapped in their new young bodies while being doted on by someone that doesn't look that old.

The next day*

Year 12: Day 238: The Discovery

(Ark's City)

Well, I don't know how, and just toss the idea because they are my own flesh and blood and what not, but I accidentally became an actual overprotected Father instead of faking it. Now, it wouldn't be too shocking to find me playing with my Daughters, who in return enjoyed me playing with them for some reasons instead of pushing me away or something.

Though, I did see Esdeath a bit jealous at some point, but that's no longer the case after I made all my wives, those that are in the [Ark] to play with the kids as well. Making this an entire family time. In fact, I even made Repellista come out of her room to play with her nieces.

Don't know if this Repellista is completely different or haven't been revealed yet. Not that I can remember, but she really loved spending time with the kids, to the point she would find excuses just to play with my Daughters.

Hell, Repellista even offered to babysit them whenever either I or my wives are too busy to watch over them, without being able to bring them along as it may be too dangerous for them.

On another note; Esdeath's craving for deaths and violence acted up again. So, I help Esdeath by hunting down corrupted marines and the evil version of pirates as well. Along with the rest of the wives, while Repellista would watch over the kids. As we help Esdeath with her bloodlust.

I did meet up with the other pirates that the other me met before.

Not going to meet the White Beard Pirates any time soon or ever again after some of them tried to kill me upon discovering that I have stolen White Beard's [Devil Fruit].

Another thing I discovered with great news. Was that using [Ninjutsu] with [Heartforce - 1st Stage] would increase the [Ninjutsu]'s effect to the point of making what the targets experience in the illusions to be tricked by their brains as if it's real.

Instead of following the main character of the Desolate Era novel, that attains the end of the [Heartforce]'s stages, while combining it with his [Sword Dao]. I decide to fuse my [Heartforce] with all of my [Skills], but include fusing with space and time, with time being first.

It was hard at first, but I managed to use [Heartforce] with the effect related to space and/or time. Using my [Cleave Sword Intent] and any other [Sword Intent] using either both or separate of space and time together with my [Heartforce].

Furthermore, even if I'm not following the same footsteps as the main character of Desolate Era. I'm already trying to recreate those [Heartforce Techniques], as they are still useful for me, and with [Ninjutsu] added in, making it a lot easier for me to recreate soon.

The first thing I did after fusing [Ninjutsu] with [Heartforce]. I use it on my [Void Weapon: King's Intrinsic Flying Sword], increasing its power by multiple folds and that just at [Heartforce - 1st Stage].

Of course, doing this without using the [Chain Combo Magic] to link my [Heartforce Cultivation] with other [Skills] yet. But, when I did. Well, let just say my method of doing it is like an amateur just starting out and learning how to do things on their own, but with [Chain Combo Magic]. It's like switching out the amateur to a professional person for the job.

Actually, not a professional person, but a master is what I'm getting with [Chain Combo Magic] at level 100.

Either way, the [Heartforce Cultivation] is literally an endgame or final boss type of [Skills], along with my other [Skills] I obtain, where I managed to max it out on my own or cheated with [Bypass Restrictions]. I still need to find another [Broken Skill].

As I have a feeling that I may need as many [Broken Skills] I can get my hands on before it is too late.

So after helping Esdeath with her little problem, along with Alice's food problem which is easily solved with the [Gate of Babylon] and [Wisdom of The Sage]. With the former doing the cooking while the latter creating the ingredients for the former to use.

Didn't have to worry about Raven, as her own problem is just not having enough time to sleep or finding a good place to sleep. Again, easily solved with the [Ark] contain the best beds or any sleeping area since I gained control over it and improve it over the years back in the Tower of God universe.

For Yuri and Ryun; well, for Yuri, she doesn't have any problem with anger issue which could be solved by many methods or just find her triggers and avoid them at all costs. Too bad, we couldn't find all of them yet.

For Ryun, I just have to keep giving her attention she wanted from me, as she called me her god, even now after the years we have been together. At this point, I think she developed a fetish similar to a few I rather not think about.

Also, today, I managed to gain [Haki] with [The End] by going against the White Beard Pirates and against White Beard himself, where the latter wanted to see how strong I have become.

I honestly don't know if I should feel a bit annoyed that all my wives learned how to use the [Haki] with [Aura] instead, where I found out all the girls' [Aura] already acted as [Armament Haki] in a somewhat lower level in default, which varies between the wives.

And the [Observation Haki] wasn't that useful and the girls easily have their own methods similar to [Observation Haki].

As for the [Conqueror Haki]; well, they can just blast their own [Aura] in a wavelike in all directions, apply heavy pressure on everything and they could also include their own killing intent as well, to make it more affected.

Also, I continue to act like I'm the other me, for now, as I'm about to grab all the things I wanted from this universe and switch for a new one.

After all, I can transfer what I have taken with [Right Arm of Thievery] to my wives and Daughters, with the latter for maybe.

Well, [Devil Fruits] are just among the many things this world has to offer. But, I have to think up a few more things I could use with my [Right Arm of Thievery]. Like, stealing STR stat or other stats, but I have no clue if I actually grab the same value as my single stat equal to. Then, I can just transfer it into a weapon or something, rather not transfer them to none of my wives or Daughters, as it could affect them in a negative way.

For the rest of the day, it mostly involved with helping my wives with their issues, while playing with my Daughters again.

Really need to find a way to learn what they are saying to each other. Because I know for sure my Daughters are speaking with each other in their baby language somehow, without any problem.

Well, until my Daughters learn to speak other than their baby language. I'm going to wait and see how things go. Rather than waiting for them to reveal themselves of having their past life's memories or not. None of my wives or myself would care at all, as they're part of the family and family watch over each other.

Of course, that depends on what type of family it is and the people in it.

Then, screw the family if it was a neglected setting or something. Or worse, like the Harry Potter series, with the main character's childhood being so shitty.

For now, we'll see how it goes with the kids and find out what will happen in the future.