Chapter 40: Huh, Who Knew?

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 40: Huh, Who Knew?

Year 19: Day 63: You Win Some, You Lose Some Part 3

(Ark's City: Training Building)

After exiting the [Skill: Wonderland] and explaining how I have started using my [Chain Combo Magic] more often now. Due to accidentally discover the hidden effect. I would usually find which [Skills] to linked to use for each different situation I'm in.

"By the way, did you gain any other [Skills] or did you just use those [Skills] you already had before entering the Harry Potter universe?" Yuri asks me as she and everyone waited for Repellista to bring the kids over.

"Yup." Instead of revealing the names of my new [Skills] one at a time. I bring up my [Skills List] and use [Archive] to share it with my wives to see. Even Repellista because I know she curious about my new [Skills]. Plus, she is a family and an Aunt to the kids and a sister-in-law technically due to Yuri.

[Full Contact Karate] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%

Description: This is a type of martial art developed in modern South Korea. It is emphasized in strong, powerful punches like its base [Karate]. Some [Skills] are directly linked with [Karate].

1st Effect: Gain access to [Full Contact Karate's Skills and Techniques].

2nd Effect: Gain full mastery over the [Full Contact Karate's Skills and Techniques].

3rd Effect: Able to use all [Skills and Techniques] without using the fixed stances.

4th Effect: Create your own move.

[Knowledge of Respect and Harmony] - Passive - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100%

Description: This is a special ability that prevents the reduction of accuracy regardless of how many times the same [Technique] has been used on the same foe. In other words, the ability to "render one's attacks unreadable to the enemy".

1st Effect: Prevent of accuracy from falling by (level)% when used on the same target.

[Murderous Intent] - Active -

Description: This is a [Skill] where one participates in an activity with no chance of survival and with a willingness to die. As in ignoring the limits of the user's body during battle, giving one the ability to increase their stats infinitely. Of course, what awaits at the end is self-destruction, but in the last few seconds before burning out, the user can only be challenged by the best.

1st Effect: Increase all stats at the rate of 100x per second while losing 1% HP per second.

1st Effect's Restriction: Can only be activated when in battle with one life is on the line.

[Call the Wind] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - MP cost: Varies - EXP: 100%

Description: Taking control over the wind, causing them to become black as night and covering the sky. As it swept across the sky, the wind turns into black dragons. The roars of the dragons and their powerful auras cause the sky to change color. As the black wind swept the area, the black dragons spat out chilling winds. That unimaginable power made everyone feel like their life was like a candle. If they were hit by this wind, they would immediately die.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Black Wind Manipulation].

2nd Effect: Able to create (level) black dragons made out of black wind under the user controls.

3rd Effect: Both 1st and 2nd Effects can extinguish the fire of all living things if hit by the black wind.

4th Effect: Able to merge all the black dragons into the form of a weapon that contain the might of (level) black dragons, with each dragon added, increasing the weapon's power beyond the previous.

[Miracle of Life] - Passive/Active - Lvl.100/100 - MP cost: Varies - EXP: 100

Description: The [Miracle of Life] is a [Divine Scripture] written by the [Creation God Li Suo] after referencing the life inscriptions in the [Primordial Seal of Life Death] for millions of years. Another name for this scripture is the [Heavenly Medicine Manual]. The [Creation God Li Suo] put into the scriptures all of the mysteries of life and medicinal knowledge. The scriptures are incredibly profound and difficult to comprehend. If one can comprehend the scriptures, then using that knowledge. One is able to cure everything including the most impossible diseases.

1st Effect: Gain access to profound knowledge related to life and medical.

2nd Effect: Able to cure anything and bring the victim from at the borderline of death back to full recovery in seconds with (level)%.

3rd Effect: Allow the user to comprehend new found knowledge related to life and medical at the rate of (level)%.

"Okay, I can understand the first and second [Skills], but why the last two?" Yuri ask me with a confused look. "The first one I know you could merge with your previous [Martial Art Skills] while the second is just a [Support Skill]. I don't get why you picked the third one."

"I have a guess." Esdeath said to Yuri, "Our husband here is using the [Chain Combo Magic] to link the [Skill: Heaven Extinction Spell] with the [Skill: Call the Wind]. Because the former doesn't have any offensive ability and can only be used against a target that has been killed beforehand. So, with the [Call the Wind Skill] mixed in with the black fog created by the [Heaven Extinction Spell] with the wind, to give it an offensive ability. Allowing the [Heaven Extinction Spell] to attack and devour the target for Ragna her to recover all in one go. As for the last one, I would guess that there are some things you can't reject with the [Skill: Rejection]. Isn't that right, Ragna?"

"Yup." I nod my head, "Because I actually need to know what I have to reject. For example. Someone got a rare disease and it literally kills them slowly. I come in and use [Rejection] on their disease; however, what happens if that disease was linked to something that very important? I made that disappeared as well due to the disease linked to it. And then, I just killed the person. So having the [Miracle of Life], where I would usually the [Chain Combo Magic] to link it with [Archive] and [Rejection] whenever I use it. Because the [Miracle of Life] contains only the knowledge of its original universe. So, with the [Archive] would link me to the multiverse via my own Gamer's ability, making the [Miracle of Life] contain more knowledge than it's original should." I explained further why I grabbed the [Miracle of Life Skill].

"Also, I'm going to need it as I'll have to help both Yuri and Raven take care of the kids when they are injured during training." I mention this because there is always a chance of someone getting hurt in training, but with the [Skill: Wonderland] that problem is solved somewhat.

However, the kids need body training more, and so, the [Wonderland] defeat that purpose as the [Skill] itself made sure no amount of body training under the effect of [Wonderland] would occur. One of the downsides of the [Skill].

Ryun snaps her fingers, causing others to look at her. "I just remember watching an anime with the kids yesterday with Repellista as well. My god, why don't you import the [Skill: Divine Protection of Training Mastery] from Re: Zero."

I raise an eyebrow at this and wonder if there such a thing, then again, I don't watch anime much, and by much, I meant before I enter the Harry Potter universe, so that's a long time ago.

Seeing the confused look on my face, Ryun started explaining further.

"[Divine Protections] are blessings given to people at birth by the world in Re: Zero. Some races have a [Divine Protection] that is always given to members of that race. In a way, these [Divine Protections] are like [Skills] or in your cases, my god, your Gamer's ability given by some unknown powerful being." Ryun finished explaining and even give an example just in case.

"I see." I rub my chin with my right hand, "You wouldn't-nevermind." I was about to ask if Ryun had a copy of the anime in some sort of form for my [Fiction Adaption] to absorb when Ryun took out a disc out of her section of the [Inventory] she has access to.

I grab the disc and allowed the [Fiction Adaption] to give me a new [Universe of Knowledge] and import the [Skill] that Ryun mention.


You have accessed the [Re: Zero Universe of Knowledge] for the first time and import the skill: [Divine Protection of Training Mastery].


You have gained a new skill through importing it from the [Re: Zero Universe of Knowledge].

[Divine Protection of Training Mastery] - Active -

Description: This allows the user not only train their own body, but also other people, to their maximum potential.

1st Effect: Increase all physical stats by INT x hour.

2nd Effect: Can train others to their maximum potential by INT x hour.

"Okay, this [Skill] may not have a level, but it's still a [Broken Skill]. Seriously, where the restrictions or something?" Alice asks in disbelief, the moment she and the rest read the description of the [Skill] their husband just imported and shared via [Archive] for everyone to see what it do.

"You're telling me. I'm too used to seeing some sort of restrictions placed on Ragna's [Skills] that I honestly thought this [Skill] would be a downgrade to a former version of the original at the get-go. In fact, we just saw a new [Skill] Ragna got that has a restriction on it." Esdeath said in equal disbelief as Alice.

"Forget about that, Ragna. Give everyone a copy of this [Skill]. It's too great to pass up just for yourself." Raven said to her husband, as she already figured how important this [Skill] is.

"Alright, and by everyone, do you mean the kids and Repellista as well or what?" I ask Raven since she did mention everyone.

Raven rolled her eyes at me, "You know who I meant. Everyone, but the kids. We may love them as they are part of the family and our flesh and blood. But, they are still [Reincarntor] and may at some point leave us."

"That's true." I know for a fact, that there is a high chance Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza would leave the Mercer family to reunite with a parallel version of their family and friends. Honestly, I would wish for a fresh newborn instead of a [Reincarntors]. But, you can't have everything. '...Actually.' I stop that thought before I become too deeply into it for my comfort.

Esdeath, Yuri, and Ryun frown on this, realizing this already, but hated to see their first born child would leave them for others. But, honestly, all three knew they would do the same if they were in their Daughters' position, which caused mixed emotions going through them.

It's mostly Esdeath that had a hard time wrapping her mind because of this.

It only took a couple of minutes before all my wives have a copy of the [Divine Protection of Training Mastery].

"Really, if I had this [Skill] before entering the Harry Potter universe. Would have saved me so much time, but then again, it doesn't give me all the benefits that come with the same as [Touki]." I thought out loud as I could see this [Skill] better than [Touki] in body training portion. Nevertheless, I don't have any regret.

"By the way, are you planning to get any new girls in the Harry Potter or what?" Esdeath asks me, causing my left eye to twitch. Something everyone noticed.

"Now, I remember another reason why I got the [Miracle of Life]." I thought out loud, then look at Esdeath, who looked at me with a confused look her face and why I'm staring at her.

"Something wrong, Ragna?" Esdeath asks with a hint of concern.

"Esdeath." I walk up to Esdeath, causing the other to look at me with also confusion in their eyes like Esdeath's.

Then, out of nowhere, I pull Esdeath into a hug, making Esdeath relax in my arms before I secretly use [Miracle of Life] linked together with [Sha Naqba Imuru], [Archive], [Knowledge of Respect and Harmony], [Rejection], [Heartforce Cultivation], and altogether under the [Skill: Chain Combo Magic]. With the [Miracle of Life] as the main [Skill] second to the [Chain Combo Magic] itself.

As I scan Esdeath, who is clearly no clue why I'm hugging in front of the other wives, with some of them are looking at Esdeath with a bit of envy, but knew that they will get their turns.


Patient's Name: Esdeath D. Mercer (Formerly: Esdeath Partas)

Physical Illness: None

Mental Illness: [Curse of the Demon's Extract] - The Teigu: [Demon God Manifestation: Demon's Extract] will be placed the user under some side-effects in the process of gaining its power.

I blink, then pull Esdeath out of my hug and look at her in the eyes, which contain concern, worry, and lust.

"Something wrong, Ragna?" Yuri asks me, as she notices the way I'm looking at Esdeath.

Not saying anything, I bring up the [Archive] with a copy of what I just scanned of Esdeath for everyone to see.

"Oh, wow, I did not think this was possible. I knew there are very dangerous side-effects for many Teigu users that could lead to some merging with the very Teigu they use and be converted into the very Danger Beasts used to create the Teigu." Esdeath spoke in out disbelief, to find she actually been cursed this whole time.

"Hey, uh, Ragna. I think you may want to check me out too after you're done with Esdeath." Yuri said with a bit of concern in her voice, wondering if she ends up like Esdeath as well.

Ryun, Alice, and Raven didn't say anything, but all three are sighing in relief they didn't possess a Teigu to use. Not that they won't pass up the chance to use one, depending on which one. Because with their husband; the side-effects could be removed with his help.

"Give me a second to get more information." I said to my wives, as I kept the [Chain Combo Magic] active. As I use [Archive] to bring up more details about this [Curse of the Demon's Extract].

[Archive]: Linked with [Chain Combo Magic] and other [Skills]

Program Name: Scanner

Info on target: [Curse of the Demon's Extract].

History: [Demon's Extract] was created using the lifeblood of a super-class Danger Beast that lived in the Northern parts of The Empire. It was sealed off from all other Teigu due to the danger it posed to its user, as all who drank it went insane afterward. This is because of the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] that created by the super-class Danger Beast as vengeance towards all people that dare use its power for themselves.

Description: There are three parts of the [Curse of the Demon's Extract], that could happen, all three or just some parts that would affect the user. One: All unworthy will become insane forever. Two: Becoming greedy will lead to one destruction as the person that drink all of its blood would go through the phrase of the [Seven Deadly Sins Transformation]. Three: Descendants belong to the user that met the second part will cause the descendants to be under the second part of the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] as well.

Info on target: Second part of the [Curse of the Demon's Extract].

Description: The user will slowly start losing what made the seven deadly sins of part of themselves, with the weakest one begin to disappear from first while the strongest will take time. Some would speed up due to the special requirement that triggers it. After losing all, the user will begin to lose all their emotions until they become emotionless. Once that phrase is done, the user's body will slowly turn into an ice statue for the same time it takes for losing their seven deadly sins. After times are up, the user's body will break down into fine ice dust and transform into the same super-class Danger Beast and start killing everything in its path until no life remaining before going into a deep sleep until a new generation of life return for its main life goal to destroy all life.

"Wow, we were waaay off on what's going on with Esdeath. It wasn't because with each new wife added in, that caused Esdeath to lose a sin. Well, kind of, I think with each new wife, depending on their traits. That is the sin that Esdeath would lose quickly." Raven is the one that figures out the special requirements that trigger Esdeath to lose a sin.

"You're telling me. We are literally speeding up the process of Esdeath's death." I grit my teeth, as I felt pissed off that I didn't notice this sooner and should have used any methods to see what's wrong with Esdeath instead of just guessing around. Hell, I got the Gamer's ability to make impossible methods possible!

"Is Repellista and the kids nearby yet? If not, get them to come here fast. I'm worried about Kaori, since the third part of the [Curse of the Demon's Extract]." I said to my wives, causing all of them to remember that due to Esdeath giving birth to Kaori. She is also under the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] as well.

Esdeath looks down at her feet, wondering how much has she changed over the years and all this time. She thought she changed for the better, but it was due to her own Teigu. Something she did not think would be possible. What worst is that her own Daughter is under the curse belong to her Teigu as well. Since Kaori's blood is the very same as her own as well, mixed with her husband, but it may not be enough.

A few minutes later*

After having the kids arrived; I quickly scan Kaori to see if she has the same curse as Esdeath. Sure enough, Kaori also has the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] as well. Of course, I already knew this after scanning Esdeath, but I had to make sure if it's true. Really wished that I was wrong about this.

"Okay, there is a good new. I can cure Esdeath and Kaori of their curse." I said to everyone, with the kids still shocked that Esdeath and Kaori herself are cursed somehow.

"So what is the bad news?" Alice asks me, looking at both Esdeath and Kaori with concern. Same with the other wives.

"The bad news?" I glance at Alice, then look back at Esdeath and Kaori. "The only bad new I could offer is that there may be a chance of Esdeath losing her Teigu. Since this curse is linked together with Teigu. While Kaori won't have much worry since she still hasn't even trained yet, let alone use her inborn [Ice Manipulation] ability."

"Is it possible to prevent that?" Esdeath ask me with a frown on her face, "I know that I have the [Ice Devil Slayer Magic], but having the Teigu for all these years would make me feel uncomfortable not having it any longer."

"I can try, but we will have to see how it goes." I didn't give Esdeath too much hope and have to figure the right way to use the [Rejection] while leaving the Teigu itself alone after removing the curse.

Any of my wives and I could see the look on Erza's face the moment Esdeath mention about her [Ice Devil Slayer Magic].

Nevertheless, that wasn't important at the moment and need to take care of the current problem we have before us.

"Okay, I'm going to start. Everyone, please move away a bit." I said to my family, as they started moving a couple of meters away, with only leaving Esdeath and me, along with our Daughter alone.

I snap my fingers, as multiple [Magic Circles] appear all around in a formation with a dome covering us. All these [Magic Circles] are created by the [Archive] and with its effect increased with the help of the [Chain Combo Magic].

"Diagnosis." I spoke out softly, as all the [Magic Circles] light up in the color of light blue as both Esdeath and Kaori's body started to glow with the same color as well.

"Remove." Next, the [Rejection] activated and targeted the [Curse of the Demon's Extract]. "Split." I didn't stop there and actually use the [Rejection] to severe the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] from the [Demon's Extract] itself.

Not a second later, a phantom image of some sort of beast came out of both Esdeath and Kaori, merging together to form a more detailed form of a phantom blue dragon-like beast that almost a hundred meters in size.

Staring at this dragon-like beast with a cold eye and made a fist with my right hand, as if I was crushing something and that something is the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] by using the [Rejection] to literally reject its existence and effect on Esdeath and Kaori.

The dragon-like beast let out some sort of quiet roar before disappearing before my eyes.

Looking down at Esdeath and Kaori, both fainted after the [Curse of the Demon's Extract] manifest itself upon being forced out of its two hosts.

I did a quick scan to see if there any problem. Not much, other than that Kaori would no longer have the inborn [Ice Manipulation] ability gained from Esdeath's blood.

While Esdeath, on the hand, is still fine and didn't lose her Teigu. As for her mental state, I have no idea as there nothing wrong there anymore.

"Treatment." I spoke once more, as the [Magic Circles] around me changed color to green and cover Esdeath and Kaori's body as I use the [Miracle of Life] to treat anything that could lead to both short and long-term problems.

Once that's done. I leave out of the dome made out of countless [Magic Circles] and meet up with the rest of my family.

"Alright, I may as well check on everyone. Who knows what we have left unnoticed." I said to my family, this included Repellista who knew right away that she needed to be checked as well.

So for the rest of the day; I was checking on the health of my family and removing anything that harmful. This included if anyone else was cursed as well. Which came true when Yuri was cursed by the Teigu I gave her.

Luckily, it's just a mental-type curse, where Esdeath's curse was both mental and a physical-type curse, that also almost impossible to discover by normal methods.

Therefore, curing Yuri is easier compared to Esdeath and Kaori's case. After all, the mental-type curse for Yuri's was the desire to continue using the Teigu and absorb all the life-force around her.

Everyone is fine after an entire day went by and everyone was put to sleep to rest.

While I was left awake and watch over everyone while I took this chance to increase the defensive on the [Ark]. I was too careless and could have got my family killed if a multiverse traveler attacks the [Ark] when I'm not there.

So, while I wait for my family to wake up. I use the last few hours of the day to work on the [Ark] via [Archive] and linked it with [Chain Combo Magic], after switching out a few [Skills] to make things easier on me.

The next day*

Year 19: Day 64: So Many Choices

(Ark's City: Training Building)

"So how are you feeling, Esdeath? Anything different?" I ask Esdeath, as I started checking anything wrong with her after waking up and having her curse removed. Same with Kaori, who I have already talked with a few minutes ago before Esdeath woke up.

"Well, I feel less horny. So that's something." Esdeath smirk at me before she leans closer to me, "However, that doesn't mean I can't get horny when we do something naughty together." Esdeath whispers into my ear.

"Mhm. The flirting part is still there, I see. Also, there are children nearby." I said to Esdeath ask I typed down on my holographic keyboard via [Archive] about Esdeath's medical history, something we needed long ago. I've already started one for the entire family now.

"Aw, don't be like that. Don't you love me?" Esdeath continues to whisper to my ear, as she slowly moves around me, not to mess up my typing, even if she kind of is. Esdeath finally stops at hugging me from behind, pressing her lovely breasts onto my back.

"Of course, I love you, Esdeath. But, I need to do this first." I said to Esdeath, but she can tell that I really wanted to take her.

"Come now, it has been a long time for you. One little quickie wouldn't hurt, right? Plus, the girls and I made a deal and I have you all to myself for 24 hours. Alone." Esdeath blow in my ear at the end.

"Hmm. You aren't this forward when the kids are around. So, maybe your emotions are more heightened now that all your emotions return." I mumble to myself, seeing how usually Esdeath would control herself whenever the kids are nearby. But, with the way Esdeath is acting right now. I would have to say anything related to her sins and emotions she lost are returned, maybe a bit too fast before I could prepare myself.

"I would feel sorry, but all this energy makes me feel soooo good. That I felt like I have slept for months at once." Esdeath whispers into my ear before she starts running her hand through my hair.

"I would say Yuri and Kaori felt the same." I said to Esdeath, who scowls at me before I felt Esdeath trying to pinch me, but due to my high stats. I didn't feel a thing, something Esdeath notices right away with the look on her face.

"And done." I finished with Esdeath's medical history file before importing it into a physical form of a book, with the title of Esdeath's name and the words: Medical History underneath it.

"So now you're not busy. We can spend together, right?" Esdeath asks in an eager tone, wanting nothing more to spend private time with her dear lovely husband by themselves. No kids. No other wives. Just the two of them, alone. For an entire day. Ah, the thought alone brings a smile on her face.

"If you want, we can just go to the Harry Potter universe. Maybe the time zone is still the same if we pick the [Evil Faction]. That would give you that whole 24 hours you wish while the rest of the family waits in the [Ark] before it is there turn." I said to Esdeath, as I felt that having fewer people entering the Harry Potter universe is better than having all of them.

After all, there still a high chance of the people [Hero Faction] could use some sort of [Broken Skill] to lock the Harry Potter universe under lockdown or a section of it from the multiverse. Preventing others from entering it and leaving it.

"Hmm. I would gladly do this, but I know for sure the others would be very mad and annoyed if we did this. No matter how much I want to. Nevertheless, I think I will use one day together in a different universe. I do like your idea though, Ragna." Esdeath kiss me on my left cheek before moving away to speak with the others about this.

As I watch Esdeath walk over to the others. I dismiss the holographic keyboard before using [Omega Sword Dao: Shadowless Domain] and spread a large amount of [Sword Qi] across the [Ark], too fast for anyone in my family to notice and with the [Sword Qi] being invisible as well under the effect of the [Shadowless Domain]. I made the [Ark] turn completely invisible or in a term of being invisible from all detections other than my own.

Once that's done. I reactivate the [Archive] to place a program that instead of using up my [Sword Qi]. I stored around 10,000 [Sword Qi] into an anchor in the middle of the [Ark] while maintaining the [Ark]'s invisibly by absorbing the energy from the multiverse.

"Now, to think about which [Cultivation Methods] I should give to my Daughters. They should be able to cultivate [Qi] unlike me. Plus, with them being my blood. Their bodies should be better than mine before gaining the Gamer's ability." I mumble to myself, thinking about which [Cultivation Methods] to choose from for my little girls. Be it my own universe's [Cultivation Methods] or the one from the wuxia or xianxia novels itself via transfer directly to my Daughters for them to use.