Chapter 42: Thinking

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 42: Thinking

Year 19: Day 71: The Differences Part 2

(Ark's City: Training Building)

After fixing a few mistakes in my little girls' stances for their [Sword Forms].

I was a bit surprised to see Erza having a stance or more than having no stance for the [Wave Sword Form] and it literally using her [Pillow Kid's Sword] with her mind or [Mana] to control the [Pillow Kid's Flying Sword] without physically holding it and making it fly around while making it look like it's chasing after an escaping target.

As for Kaori; I just taught her a formless stance for the [Wave Sword Form] by relying completely on her five senses and maybe on her instinct later on, if she hasn't regained back her old instinct yet. Since it looks like Kaori can't control her [Pillow Kid's Sword] to fly on its own like Erza.

Of course, I made sure to point out this is something for her to use for the time being before she creates something based on it. Rather than completely relying on this formless stance as it proves the bare minimum if used only for the [Wave Sword Form]. Since there nothing to back it up for the speed and/or strength in the movements.

After teaching this to Kaori. I let the girls go practice on their own while under Repellista's watch as she too could point out a few mistakes to fix if it's just the bare basics. Otherwise, she can just ask me when I'm not too busy to zone out everything around me unless something very important distracts me.

Stretching my muscles for a while until I deem it enough.

Afterward, I snap my fingers as I use the preprogram [Rejection] on my wives, where all of them should recover instantly after our little private business together.

Once that is done; I bring out my [Void Weapon: King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] and luckily, I have solved the problem of my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] affecting the surrounding with its [Sword Qi] being released to attack everything, but me.

After going through 99 years of training my [Volition Sword Dao]. I have managed to make a 'sheath' in a way, to make it so the [Sword Qi] is invisible and without moving unless I command it.

Where I had to use the [Omega Sword Dao: Shadowless Domain] with the [Volition Sword Dao] and [Chain Combo Magic] to make it so the [Voilition Sword Dao] is just 'sheathed' and just a moment a way to 'draw' out to attack.

I glance at my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] to resume my study of the [Volition Sword Dao] that continue to evolve each second, making the [Volition Sword Dao] endless and never be the same as before. Something that will allow me to continue to develop forever. All I need is time and time only would help me advance my own [Sword Dao].

Unlike those wuxia/xianxia novels; my [Sword Dao] will continue to evolve forever without any limit. By the time I may face a powerful entity in the multiverse. I may only need the [Volition Sword Dao] alone to face them.

And if I survive against that powerful entity, then my [Voilition Sword Dao] should have adapted that powerful entity's attacking methods and give the ability to counterattack, then finish them off.

A few hours later*

I blink my eyes as I put away my [Void Weapon], then deactivate the [Omega Sword Dao: Shadowless Domain].

I rub my eyes after looking directly at my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] without blinking for hours.

Looking to my right, to see all my wives back to normal, but I can see how happy they are while they help the kids train.

Walking over just a bit close while not trying to interrupt their little training session as I pick up anything that looks like something to fix, but thankfully enough, my wives all have the [Divine Protection of Training Mastery] to help the kids without much problem.

In fact, I can tell it is Yuri, who is more effective than the others due to her family mainly trained their body compared to my other wives' families' training methods.

I let out a sigh before thinking about getting ready to send my family into the Harry Potter universe and be ready for another war.

Not before I send my family into the [Wonderland: Amusement Park] first. Otherwise, my entire family would be in a sad mood. Something I rather not have with a family filled with girls that could be very powerful in their own rights.

Actually, I should take this time to personally help my kids and wives to get better before entering the Harry Potter universe and the next one after finishing our trip in the Harry Potter universe.

Who knows what types of enemies we may face that shouldn't even appear in certain universes.

A week later*

Year 19: Day 78: Playing Around

(Ark's City: Training Building)

"Honestly, I was expecting a month later before I find that great improvement, but dang. You went beyond what I was expecting." I said to my little girls while ignoring my wives and Repellista high fiving each other with joys. "Alright, as promised. Everyone will get to enjoy the amusement park for... I will say maybe a few days."

Of course, everyone was a bit disappointed that they could only enjoy the amusement park for a few days, but it is better than just a single day. So for the next couple of days, Repellista would watch over the kids and the wives and their husband spent going around having fun.

"Now, give me a second." I said to everyone as I bring up the memories of all the amusement parks I could think of and even included a few from video games before I use the [Skill: Wonderland] to bring it into existence.

(Ark's City: Training Building: Wonderland: Amusement Park)

Once the entire surroundings changed, "Alright, everyone. Enjoy yourselves." I said to everyone before I was dragged away by both Esdeath and Yuri, with the rest of my wives following behind.

5 days later*

Year 19: Day 83: I See...

(Ark's City: Training Building: Wonderland)

"Okay, after a good time at the amusement park. I have decided to let everyone experience a cruel, unfair life. Going by Esdeath's words: The strong live and the weak die." I said to my entire family, with only Repellista next to me. As I need her to watch over everyone. Plus, she not much use in combat situations; nevertheless, that doesn't make her useless at all.

"Already experience it." Esdeath replied instantly.

"Been there, done with it." Yuri responded with a sigh.

"Well, I was the one who being cruel and evil towards others." Ryun rubs her chin and remembering all those times.

"Kind of hard not to, with being the one of the Former Two Monster Lords. You don't get that position without being cruel." Alice shrugged her shoulders.

Raven didn't say anything as she just let out a yawn and rubs the back of her head, but everyone knows she did all the dirty stuff for Alice. So no one needs to argue with her.

"I was talking to the kids mostly." I said dryly, causing some of my wives to blush in embarrassment that I meant them. "Nonetheless, I'm going to throw the three of you into the world where it kills or be killed. However, unlike what others would experience. They only get to experience it only a one lifetime while a few rare would experience it more than once. While the three of you can go forever without care for dying. Honestly, a reminder to make sure you don't 'die' too much even if you will be revived. Your brain will become messed up if your body is dying so many times. Trust me, I know." I mumble the end as I pause for a moment to let my words sink in.

Kaori, Chifuyu, and Erza didn't seem that surprising.

'In fact, I would expect that they were waiting for it. Interesting.' I thought to myself, but didn't let that bother me.

"Now, I understand that I have only taught you three only three [Sword Forms] out of the 13 in the [Basic Movements of Sword Skills]. Which is why I'm going to teach you girls the rest by providing you a book on them. A small description, with pictures of the stances I use, where you can use them or not. I want to see if you can learn all of them by reading about it and trying to learn it, even recreate a difference for yourself. Also, if no one has noticed yet. You can merge the [Sword Forms] together. After all, like I said before. They are based on [Movement Techniques] that's been built with the concept of the sword in mind. Finally, I will throw in a few people I have met to allow everyone to test their morals, along with giving everyone the experience of picking who should you place your trust in. So good luck." I toss three kids-size books to my Daughters and sending them to a distance with the help of the [Skills: Chain Combo Magic: Ninjutsu + Wonderland + Rejection].

"Repellista make sure to keep an eye on the kids. But, don't interfere unless you think it is necessary." I said to Repellista, who nods her head as she goes inside her [Lighthouse] to do her job after I explained what her job is. As everyone watched Repellista inside her [Lighthouse] start floating to the sky, where a few [Lighthouses] in smaller size came out of the main one and heading to where the kids' locations.

"Hey, Ragna. Mind letting us know what kind of people are you sending to our little girls?" Alice asks me, curious about what type of people the kids will meet. Hoping they aren't the one that she hates. A perfect example is those rapists.

"Well, I made sure not to include any rapist. So no worries about the kids being raped." I replied, making Alice look at me as if I read her mind. "If I think about it. Most of those novels of young masters, with the whole looking down on everyone due to status and other things."

Esdeath's mouth twitches, because she knew how her husband hates those types of people. Not that she could blame him.

"Quick question. Is it the wuxia/xianxia style young masters or mundane young masters?" Yuri asks me, "Because if it's the latter, then the kids would just smack them or something. If it's the former, then I can see why you want to send the kids to face these types of people."

"You know, I was this tempted to just let them experiences of how bandits are raised." Raven smirk at the thought of turning the kids into bandits, "Since this is how Alice and I are raised. We know what the world is like. Maybe the kids would learn about it too, instead of relying completely on their previous lives' memories. If our Erza is the same as Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail. Then, we may have a problem on our hands. The other two seem fine."

"Hmm." Esdeath hummed as she thought about if she should raise Kaori like she did at a young age. "You may be onto something." Esdeath mumble mostly to herself, but everyone else can easily guess what she thinking about.

Yuri and Ryun started thinking about this as well since they knew that the multiverse isn't a nice place to wander around aimlessly without strength to protect oneself let alone protect those around them that they cared about.

"So, do anyone wishes to tag along with me to the Harry Potter universe? I have already checked, it's the same time zone. However, I can't do the [Hero Faction] path. So it's either going with the [Evil Faction] and have the time zone of 365:1 and [Neutral Faction] being is less, being a month inside and a day out here." I said to my wives, causing Esdeath, Yuri, and Ryun to snap out of their trance.

"I've already picked to be last and if possible, with us together in the RWBY universe." Raven said to me, as she let out a yawn once more, showing she is a need of sleep or just time for her afternoon nap.

"Same here, but before Raven. Plus, after thinking about it before. I think the food there would most likely not up to my taste after remembering the time era is in Harry Potter, but if you can pick a modern time era in the 21st century. Then, I don't mind going." Alice said after Raven spoke out and explaining her reason why she doesn't want to go to the Harry Potter universe anymore compared to before the first run.

"You already know my answer. I'm willing to go second, maybe third, because I want to see if we enter a different universe that extends the time zone." Esdeath knew she can gain more time with her husband alone if the time zone is longer. While she can spend a hundred years together alone, but what happens if they reach to another universe that could go for thousands, if not, millions of years while a single day occurs outside? So yeah, she will wait for her time.

The rest knew what Esdeath's goal is, which is why being the first one would most likely become shorter compared to the others. This made it a gamble, but the next universe could be shorter or just the same.

"Alright, but we may end up having to cut our time short due to many unknown variables, you girls know that, right?" I made sure to let everyone know that even if we stayed in a certain universe more than a decade. There is still a chance that they may have to leave early.

"True, but I will take my chance." Esdeath sends a grin at her fellow sisters-in-marriage, causing some to frown or sighed.

"I feel like this new or maybe original Esdeath is more troublesome compared to her before removing the curse and her canon version." Raven let out a groan, "Seriously, is it just you or does all your counterparts, this annoying with coming up so many different plans and thinking about the benefits that you would gain from the outcome of those plans of yours?" Raven look at Esdeath with a twitching eye and wonder if she takes that nap sooner than later.

"I don't know about my counterparts, but my mind so clear and way better control over my emotions. I would say I'm... better at not causing... harm to everyone around me." Esdeath let out a giggle, "Yes. Not causing too much harm."

"Bullshit." Alice replied without hesitation, "We all know you meant no PHYSICAL harm. Mentally, on the hand; well, I will rather be physically harmed than mentally. I can heal pretty fine physically, but my [Aura] won't heal my mind." Alice knew what her [Aura] can heal and what it can't.

"Oh, and why would you say that?" Esdeath asks as she amused how others are acting around her after losing her curse.

"Because if you haven't realized. After removing your curse. You have been..." Alice tried to come up with words to describe what she felt about the changes in Esdeath.

"You use words more than causing physical harm." Ryun decided to continue off Alice's words.

"Right." Alice nods her head.

"I'm pretty sure, you can do the same, but more lethal than what I could do." Esdeath said to Alice with amusement. "After all, Ragna here literally gave you a [Skill] to turn the words of a song into a [Magic] that literally bend reality itself. Pretty sure, you would cause more harm with words more than I can."

"Yeah, but unlike you, I have to research the songs and pick which words to go with what, to make the [Magic] happen. Otherwise, a different [Magical Effects] would occur than the one I intended." Alice knew the right away the difference between her and Esdeath when it comes to using words.

"I guess." Esdeath shrugged her shoulders.

"Actually, I want to know why you decide to do psychological warfare?" I ask Esdeath, where her eyes lit up as if she was waiting for someone to ask this question.

"What I do isn't psychological warfare, but to mess with someone's mind and break it." Esdeath gives everyone an evil smirk, causing some to feel a chill down their backs. "I watch and read about my counterparts and I deemed myself to be more unique. Instead of aiming to torture my targets. I will manipulate them without touching them physically and make them do things that they wouldn't do normally. However, after a few words and some... evidences." Esdeath's evil smirk grew, "I can make them follow my words to the letter before revealing a few facts and causing their minds to break down. The results will vary, but that's what makes it fun. Plus, even if they try to attack me back, I will overwhelm them myself. Of course, I can trust you, my dear husband, to protect if the time comes for it, right?"

Esdeath places a hand on my chest and look directly into my left eye, with the face of an innocent woman, but I can tell that with the curse removed. Esdeath didn't just change emotionally, she became something more. Maybe even eviler than she was before.

After all, the previous Esdeath only use her silver tongue to convince others to do things, but never leave a mental scar or worse, causing the mind to die. Instead, Esdeath would torture, physically more as it would fill her sadist urge.

Now? She dismisses physical torture as something not worth putting too much effort into unless it called for. Now, she will manipulate and crush one's mind, then find what the end result would happen.

"You should know the answer to that. After all..." I lean closer to Esdeath's face, "You're mine." This made Esdeath smile, happy to hear my response.

"That's right. I'm yours and you're mine." Esdeath pause for a moment, to look at the other wives, whose looking at her and also their husband as well, with a frown. "Of course, you're also theirs as well. Which make them mine as well." Esdeath grin at them, causing them to feel mixed emotions about this.

"Fuck it. My head hurts too much with all this wordplay." Raven groan and decided to stop listening to Esdeath before she gains a migraine.

"I honestly don't know what to feel right now." Alice mumble to herself before taking out, a headphone and her scroll out of her [Inventory], "I'm going to listen to music. So, I can forget all about this." With that said, Alice places the headphone over her head and play a random song.

"I think I know what to do today." Ryun looks at Esdeath with eyes of awe, which Esdeath knew right away she is going to spend a bit more time with Ryun compared to the others.

"Uh huh, yeah, leave me out of that. I'm with Raven." Yuri look at Esdeath with a wry smile, "So I guess I will be the first one to spend all alone with Ragna?" Yuri looks at everyone, then back at Esdeath.

"Sure, I don't mind." Esdeath smile at Yuri, who didn't know if the smile is something to be good or bad.

"You know, there is such a thing call crossover, right? I can literally make the Harry Potter universe crossover to another one if I desire so." I said to all my wives, causing some to pause for a moment and forgetting that there is such a thing. "Actually, I could even use this crossover as a link to gain the location of the other universes that connected with the Harry Potter universe. So we technically don't have to enter the Harry Potter universe, but I may have to do some of the [Quest] to gain access to it. Of course, I could bypass this with the help of the connection I made already with the Harry Potter universe."

"Nah, I stick with my decision." Raven didn't think much about it and stick with her choice. "Plus, I think I may end up as a burden for a while until I get my lazy butt into action." Raven grin at me when she mentions her butt. Something all the wives and me knows that Raven has a great butt, which may be one of the reasons why most of the family are easy to accept her into the family early on.

"It may be lazy, but it's a very nice butt." I said without shame, causing Raven to laugh.

"Not just nice, but sexy too." Raven wink at me, causing me to chuckle quietly, while Esdeath looks at her own butt before letting out a sigh.

"Either way, I don't have just to take one of you with me, and can just take everyone." I said to all my wives, with Alice not listening at the moment. But, she can read lips, so she good at the moment as she continues to look at everyone to keep up with the conversation.

"Nah, I feel like we would develop our bond together if it's just one on one. Plus, I'm pretty sure everyone here can agree that we need to do at least once. This includes our Daughters later on." Esdeath said to me, as the others nod their heads in agreement.

"Seeing how you can pick a different universe with the help of the Harry Potter universe. Then, I guess I'm happy to be the first one to be with you, alone, by ourselves, in a universe with just the two of us." Yuri slowly started to become happy by the second. As she already hugging my right arm.

"Of course, it is only towards universes that have a crossover with the Harry Potter universe. If there isn't one, then it would be technically impossible to go to that universe via with the help of the Harry Potter universe." I made sure to remind this to Yuri.

"Can't you just use the [Bypass Restrictions] to make it possible? In fact, can't you use that [Skill] to find the universe you wish to go to?" Yuri ask me, causing others to pause once more and remember the [Broken Skill: Bypass Restrictions], that literally can break ALL RESTRICTIONS without a fail.

"I honestly keep forgetting about that." I said dryly, since the whole time I have been using it to give myself and my wives [Skills] from any sources, rather it a [Universe of Knowledge] I currently have or not and even make it at max level, if it has one that is.

"Actually, Ragna. I have been thinking lately. Why not become a cultivator. As in a real cultivator other than gaining insight in the [Dao]? Can't you become a [Body Cultivator] from what you told us before in the past? This would cover one of your weaknesses of lacking some sort of defensive." Raven said to me, wondering why I haven't used the [Bypass Restrictions] to give myself the ability to cultivate [Qi].

"Well, honestly, I would. But, after so long. I no longer have any desire to become a true cultivator since in a way. I'm a [Sword Cultivator] due to the [Omega Sword Dao] and having the [Volition Sword Dao]." I gave Raven a smile for thinking about one of my former desires in the past, "Plus, if I wanted. I could also use the [Against the God Universe of Knowledge] to give myself [Profound Veins] to cultivate [Profound Strength]."

"Why don't you?" Esdeath asks with confusion and curiosity.

"Mostly because it would be useless for me. As with my current set of [Skills]. I can 'train' my body to become stronger than the most powerful [Body Cultivators]." I shrugged my shoulders and was a bit curious about what happens if I do become a cultivator.

"Well, why not do it anyway? After all, since we are in the multiverse and out in the open. Kind of. Wouldn't it be better for all of us to become cultivators, but using certain [Cultivation Systems] to increase our fighting abilities further with cultivation combined with what we have right now?" Alice points this out once she was done listening to her songs and remove her headphone and rest them over her neck.

"True." I mumble to myself, wondering why I keep forgetting that all of us need all the resources we can get.

"Plus, if we ever enter a wuxia/xianxia universes. It is best we already have cultivation created by then. This way we won't end up being defenseless due to the lack of strength gained by cultivating." Yuri points this out as she that if it wasn't for her inborn abnormal strength, along the training goes with it. She would mostly be dead before meeting the people she loved and having a Daughter of her own.

So, Yuri knew right away what path she would go for if she gains the ability to cultivate [Qi] or something similar to it in a way.

"Well, I guess we have to pause on our little trip." I said to Yuri, who currently don't care about that and was more eager to learn how to improve herself even further than before. Even after gaining the new [Skill: Divine Protection of Training Mastery].

"So, which [Cultivation System] do you girls desire? Better to pick now so I could give everyone at one go instead of waiting for one." I said to my wives, causing them to quickly bring up their [Inventory] to find any kind of wuxia/xianxia novels to choose from, that would suit their fighting style.

I let out a sigh, but smile at this. Because with my wives getting stronger, then it would be even harder to take them down when we face an opponent similar to powerful beings that beyond godlike in certain universes, even in the multiverse.

Thinking about it, 'Maybe I should find a [Cultivation System] that go with my [Omega Sword Dao] and [Voilition Sword Dao].' I thought to myself, not bother to pick the Desolute Era's [Cultivation System]. As it is pointless in my opinion since I have already reached the end of that [Cultivation System] via [Omega Sword Dao].

"Found mine!" Yuri shouted in excitement as she was the first to find her; well, one of the [Cultivation Methods] she desire to train in. Plus, ignoring the requirements, which was something needed to train the [Cultivation Methods], but thanks to her husband's [Bypass Restrictions], then she doesn't have to care about that.

"What is it?" I activate the [Skill: Archive] to note down all the [Cultivation Methods] my wives picks to train in. Along with a few notes to modify them to make it completely original from the same one due to some unknown risk would occur from trying to train a [Cultivation Methods] that don't suit one's body.

"For now, I'm going with [Great Way of the Buddha], [Star God's Broken Shadow], and [Moon Splitting Cascade]. All three from the Against the Gods novel. As for others. I will have to do more research. For now, I think these three will be good for now before I become overwhelmed with all the new [Skills] I'm getting and trying to merge them into my current fighting style." Yuri started explaining why she picked these three, where it could improve her fighting abilities further. Since out of the three, one is meant to improve her body and give her powerful regeneration while the two of the three are [Movement Techniques], that would cover her weakness in pure raw speed.

Nodding my head as I listen to Yuri's speech as I note it down in my [Archive: Notes].

"For me, I will pick the [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] from the novel: A Will Eternal. Something to help me learn more about how to use time-based [Techniques]." Esdeath said to me, as she deemed this [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] perfect for her.

"Duly noted." I said to Esdeath, as I typed it down and already made some modifications to it already. So it won't cause Esdeath to cultivate it the same way the main character did.

As I wait for the rest of my wives, including Esdeath and Yuri to see if they figure anything else, but I notice they just went over to the others to help out by providing some insight on what they could pick.

I started thinking about what I should use and figure I may as well use the [Cultivation Systems] from the novel: Renegade Immortal. Since most of my Clan in the home universe used most of the things in the Renegade Immortal, along with the series created by the author of the Renegade Immortal, to create most [Cultivation Methods].

Plus, the [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] that Esdeath picked is from the same author that created the Renegade Immortal.

But, like the rest of my wives. I'm going to modify it the [Cultivation Methods] to suit my needs. Furthermore, since I'm technically not in the universe that these [Cultivation Methods] belong to. I don't have to worry about the tribulations related in order to break through the next stage.

A few hours later*

"Are you girls sure about these ones? After this, you will have to wait three days before I can remove it." I said to my wives, causing some to think about it for a few seconds before they all agreed with their choices.

"Alright. First Esdeath, who only picked one thing, which is the [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] from the novel: A Will Eternal, with it being modified to use any types of [Energy] and resources instead of the original version. Also, removing certain restrictions that prevent her from continues cultivating the next stage and later on, with the last stage being the [Time Immemorial Codex] to create her own moves instead of gaining the original ones." I started off with Esdeath by noting off what I changed to the [Undying Live Forever Everlasting Technique] compared to the original one. "Anything else, Esdeath?"

"Nope. You got everything I wanted." Esdeath smile at me before taking a bite of her sandwich she made a couple of minutes ago, along with the other food she made for everyone.

"Next is Yuri, who picked three [Skills]; being the [Great Way of the Buddha], [Star God's Broken Shadow], and [Moon Splitting Cascade] from the novel: Against the Gods." I, once again, started off noting down what has been modified and how Yuri wouldn't even need to meet the requirements to train in them.

"As for Ryun, instead of picking a [Cultivation Method] to train in. She picked a [Cultivation System] instead and willing to create her own [Cultivation Methods] based on the [Cultivation System] she picked, which is the [Path of the Magus] from the novel: Coiling Dragon. Of course, the modification for this is that Ryun doesn't need to worry about focusing only on one element. Unless she desires so. For those that don't know what I mean. You can ask Ryun later, after this. Just letting you know that by the end if Ryun wanted to. She can become a [Universe Creator] due to not being limited to one element like how it goes in the original novel." I said to my wives, causing many to be confused, but willing to wait to talk with Ryun about what I meant by the end she can become a [Universe Creator].

I pause for a moment, "For Alice, you desire the [Heartforce Cultivation] like mine. But, you do know, unlike me. You will have to start from the bottom and have to cultivate to the next stage on your own."

"I know, but with a max level of the [Heartforce Cultivation]. Won't that give me the insight of what [Dao] I have a desire and have an easier time to cultivate it?" Alice asks me, as she gives me a smile and even explained a few hours ago how the [Heartforce Cultivation] would help her using the [Fonic Hymns] further.

"Actually, the [Heartforce Cultivator] doesn't focus on the strength of their [Dao]; rather, they focused on the stability of the [Dao]. In a way, if it's not stable, then you will risk destroying your own [Heartworld] once you create it. Unless you manage to find a way to make a [Dao of Music], something I don't think no one has made before or I have never found a novel that used the [Dao of Music] or something based on it." I said to Alice, who frown a bit before looking at me with eyes of determination.

"Yeah, I will go with the [Heartforce Cultivation]. I'll do my best to gain this [Dao of Music] if possible." Alice smirked at the challenge before her, then soon her stomach growl, causing her to lose her focus and resume eating the food on the table before her.

This caused me to have a twitchy eye and hope Alice does her best, because the [Heartforce Cultivation] will be her biggest challenge and gaining the [Dao of Music], something I don't know if she can get it. Of course, I could give her it with the help of the [Skill: Bypass Restrictions] to give her it. But, she never asked for it. So I may as well wait for her to ask it if she ever does in the future.

"Right, and another is that you desire to gain all the knowledge on the occupations of the [Demonic Tunist] and [Terpsichore] from the novel: Library of Heaven's Path?" I ask Alice, causing her to snap out of her hunger trance.

"Huh, oh! Yeah! I need those two to help me improve my [Fonic Hymns]. Also, wouldn't these three help me with gaining the [Dao of Music] if I were to merge the [Fonic Hymns] with [Demonic Tunist] and [Terpsichore]?" Alice smirked at me like she thought this through about how she could gain the [Dao of Music] or something similar to it.

"Right. Okay, then." I look at my note, "And you want me to fuse the [Demonic Tunist] and [Terpsichore] into the [Fonic Hymns] or just roughly merge the three into the [Dao of Music] for you to use?" I look at Alice as the headache I just got disappeared instantly the moment it appears.

Alice blinks once, twice, then thrice and look at me with shock. Wondering why she never thought about that.

"I take that as a yes." I mumble as I made another note for Alice. As it looks like I didn't even need to wait for Alice to ask for the [Dao of Music], because I'm doing it for her anyway.

"For Raven, you wanted to modify [Heartsword Art], along with the [Heartforce Cultivation] like Alice. Is that right?" I ask Raven, who look completely bored while eating one of the sandwiches on the table before Alice could eat them all.

"Yup." Raven replied, "Just make sure the [Heartsword Art] only me to go beyond the original limit. I would ask for the [Omega Sword Dao], but I rather not be too greedy and end up harming myself than helping. But, I do hope you allow me to study your [Void Weapon] so I can use the [Voltion Sword Dao] to help me out forming my own [Sword Dao], maybe even the [Omega Sword Dao] too. Just to study."

"That's doable." I nod my head at Raven, then put away my notes to eat with my wives before giving everyone what they wanted.

What I didn't know was that Raven didn't even need the [Omega Sword Dao] to cultivate the [Heartsword Art] to the last stage, because Raven have already experienced all the requirement to reach it the moment she gained the [Heartsword Art] and is only lacking the right amount of [Heartforce] to use the latter stages.