Chapter 50: Challenge

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 50: Challenge

The next day*

Year 19: Day 74: Split Time Zone | Day 11 of the 365 Days

(Heavens Arena: 200th Floor)

"So, how was your day?" I ask my wife, who is currently resting her head on my lap after she returns from wherever she went, which was just exploring the place while making sure to cause a few problems to cause attention to draw to her.

"Boring!" Yuri shouts in frustration, "After a couple of times of messing around, now people are too scared of me to even come near me at this point. Even those employees are too scared to even talk to me without stuttering. When is the big battle?! I'm getting bored!" Yuri started poking my chest with a pouty face, as she glares at me for not delivering what I said yesterday. Turning the whole Heavens Arena into a huge battlefield.

"I still have to cover this entire tower with [Restrictions] or at least the main [Restrictions] while making sure no one from the three factions could detect them. Therefore, I have to be careful. Who knows if someone from the [Hero Faction] has a [Detection Skill] that could see the [Restrictions] being placed. Once found out, then I'm sure someone would destroy all the [Restrictions] I have placed down so far." I explain to Yuri, why it's going to take some time before the next phase begin.

"Ugh! But, I got nothing to do while you're doing that!" Yuri complains loudly, not caring if anyone heard her. Which is impossible with all the [Restrictions] I placed over this private room, preventing any eavesdropping, even with supernatural abilities to eardrop into a conversation from afar.

"Well, it looks like I was right on my guess when you would become bored." I smirk at Yuri, who pause in ranting and look at me with eyes of confusion and cautious.

"You see. I know that your patience isn't that long whenever something not interesting kept your focus on." I said to Yuri, who narrows her eyes at me even if it's true. "I decided on letting Ingui Yoon and Daniela know we're here already, but when and where they find us should be either today or tomorrow. Mostly in an hour or so due to my LUCK stat would come into play soon."

Yuri got up and quickly sits down in one of the chairs nearby and look at the door with an eager look on her face, waiting for Ingui Yoon and Daniela to show up.

I raise an eyebrow at this, curious if she embarrassed of being reunited with Ingui Yoon and Daniela while she was laying her head on my lap.

A few minutes later*

I continue to place down multiple [Restrictions] all over the Heavens Arena. As I think about if I should use my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] or not, but then, I decided I shouldn't risk it just to test it out against the people of the three factions. Also, some spies nearby watching the whole thing would let the three factions know about my [Void Weapon], which will make it one of my biggest weaknesses once they figure out what my [King's Intrinsic Flying Sword] is made out of.

Seeing how the moment my [Void Weapon] is destroyed. I would die in the process. No clue if my [Void Weapon] would revive with me, thanks to the [Skill: God Hand - Gamer's Version]. So, I'm not going to test that out and see if my [Void Weapon] reform back.

"Hey, Ragna! Where are they?!" Yuri shouts at me, as she got bored of waiting for Ingui Yoon and Daniela to show up by now.

I give Yuri a wry smile, thinking that the next universe should be something that would be able to keep Yuri's attention or risk Yuri becoming angry and likely destroy everything around her just to amuse herself or just pick a fight with just anyone, mostly with me. I'm sure if there no one or nothing to catch Yuri's interests.

I open my mouth to say something, but it looks like LUCK stat came into play as the door to our room open without knocking or anything to let us know someone entering. Revealing two female figures, which happen to be Ingui Yoon and Daniela, both look like they are out of breath and have run without any rest for hours or so.

Both Yuri and I look at them with unblinking eyes. Curious if they had literally run from the 251st Floor to the 200th Floor or something on that line since they could just take the elevator, but then again, Yuri's private room isn't really exactly that close to the elevator, so who knows.

Ingui Yoon took a deep breath before launching herself at me, with a high kick to the face, which I just tilt my head back and grab Ingui Yoon's kicked foot and with a small twist, to spin Ingui Yoon's body to the right.

Of course, Ingui Yoon took this chance to bring her free leg to strike at my face once more. And this time, this spin kick is more powerful due to the extra momentum backing it up when I spin her.

Not that it does her any good when I just push her away, causing her to do a couple of backflips before landing on her two feet and glare at me.

I noticed Yuri and Daniela are just speaking to each other while fighting. So, I guess it just Ingui Yoon and me. With the former not talking at all, as her current emotions are mostly on the line of frustration, hopeful, rage, and other emotions I got from my small scan.

On another note. This Ingui Yoon and Daniela are the real one, not clones, Much to my relief at that, because I rather not make this whole trip a waste. Along with giving the enemy side the ability to send more of their soldiers at me. Seeing how I am in their territory. Which means, they're in their right to attack me, including the whole bounty on my head as well. Furthermore, they would be able to study more of the [Skills] I possess and could come up with methods to counter them when the time, where they aim to kill without pulling anything back.

After all, Gamers has unlimited potentials to surpass the limits if given enough times. Which I may guess why there are only 10 true gamers in this multiverse or at least this version of the multiverse in my opinion. No clue why there could only be 10 gamers, but better for me than face an army of broken overpowered gamers like me.

"Wasn't one of your lessons, not to leave your eyes off your opponent?!" Ingui Yoon shout at me as she attacks with multiple high-speed punches. This attack belongs to the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon] known as the [Torrential Strike]. Where the user punches the opponent multiple times in a short timeframe.

"Yup, but I don't need my left eye to keep track of you." I replied calmly, as I use both hands to block or deflect all Ingui Yoon's punches, using the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon: Block & Deflect]. All while still sitting on the couch the whole time. Showing how much a difference it was between Ingui Yoon and me. As she still hasn't got me to get out of my seat.

Ingui Yoon narrows her eyes at me before backing away a couple of feet, where I just stay where I am and watch for Ingui Yoon next move. Which, I didn't need to wait that long as the next second Ingui Yoon attacked with the [Ssam-Su Taekkyeon Secret Technique: Inferno Kick].

However, what made me shocked is the way Ingui Yoon has done it. Instead, of the original way, she launched one with a roundhouse kick while the air caught on fire and send straight at me.

On reflex, I use [Rejection] to cancel out this [Inferno Kick], much to Ingui Yoon's shock at seeing her attack canceled out so easily.

Ingui Yoon grit her teeth before disappearing before my left eye, causing me to blink.

I roll forward, as the couch, I was sitting was set on fire.

I kick off the ground and lash out with a [Renewal Taekwondo: Arang] toward my right, striking Ingui Yoon with my right elbow, sending shockwave through her and send her crashing into the wall as she no longer invisible; well, for just a second until I realize, that Ingui Yoon was going very fast without stopping, that makes one think she disappeared. Also, releasing lots of heat for some reasons before I remember that this is the Hunter x Hunter universe or a part of it.

Therefore, Ingui Yoon just proved to me that she uses [Nen]. As most of her attacks so far are fire-based. Making me think she a [Transmuter] since that's the first one to come to mind.

"Had enough?" I land back on the ground, then shove my hands into my pockets as I casually walk over to Ingui Yoon, who is currently on the ground in pain while trying to get up, but was in too much pain at the moment to stand on her own two feet.

"Yes." Ingui Yoon frown at me before letting a sigh of depression, "I honestly thought I could make you fight back seriously, with how much I have improved, along with gaining [Nen] from this world, but sadly, it looks like it wasn't enough."

"Eh, I'm still working myself to the bone to get stronger still. In fact, with the attacks, you sent me so far. I would say you improved a lot." I said to Ingui Yoon as I heal her via [Rejection] and look over to see how things going with Yuri and Daniela, which I wasn't surprised to see Yuri smirking down on the unconscious form of Daniela. "I would even say that you've gotten stronger that I'm surprised you're not out cold like Daniela, then again, I held back a lot while Yuri over there must have overdone it."

"Be honest, how long has it been since we last met?" Ingui Yoon asks me, with a hint of doubt and disappointment.

"Around 7 years. Can't give you the exact time, but I just know it around 7 years." I point at Yuri with my thumb, "At least, 7 years for her and the rest. For me. It's over 90 years."

Ingui Yoon let out a sigh before near the end she looks at me with disbelief and almost close to fainting at finding out how long it has been.

"Welp, since you two are here. I guess those people have been notified." I said to everyone, mostly to Yuri near the end while Ingui Yoon looks at me with confusion and shock still.

"Really?! Does that mean you'll speed things up?!" Yuri asks me with a big grin, for the incoming big battle.

"Yup. Just make sure to watch over Ingui Yoon and Daniela's safety." I said to Yuri while mentally sighed in relief I finished placing all the main [Restrictions] I wanted before those two showed up.

I brute force my way into placing countless of [Restrictions] with the help of [Chain Combo Magic] and [Heartforce Cultivation]. Furthermore, I made sure to use [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] on a large scale to teleport EVERYONE that's not Yuri, Ingui Yoon, and Daniela out of the Heavens Arena.

(Heavens Arena: Outside)

-Third Point of View-

Everyone was in shock to find a massive amount of people appearing out of nowhere. Another bigger shock is to find out these people were inside the Heavens Arena, but somehow kicked out without realizing it.


This caused everyone to panic as if there's going to be an earthquake. But, what happens next scare almost everyone into death.


And just like that, the loud voice from the sky, or the Heavens Arena finished. Nevertheless, what the voice said had caused some people to be skeptical about this. However, for others, this is something that very exciting.


Before anyone chooses to be the first one to take on the tower when another earthquake occurs.

The Heavens Arena changed color as it was white before. Now, turning crimson and a big dark cloud appears above the tower. Raindrops coming down, but what sends a chill down everyone's bodies is that all the raindrops are blood red, making some thinking that it's raining blood and the presence of heavy killing intent make it more difficult for most from stepping into the tower.

Almost everyone had the same thought.

Isn't this changing from Heaven to Hell?! Is this the Hell Arena now?!

Now, for those that eager to climb up the tower had second thoughts once they see the color change and presence from this tower.

"Hey, Captain. Do you think the one behind this is the bounty?" Someone whisper while everyone else was mumbling to each other.

"Quiet. We need to reunite with the other." The Captain whispers back before moving further away from the Hell Arena, a fitting name for how much killing intent is coming from the tower now.

A few minutes later*

(Hell Arena: 200th Floor)

-Ragna's POV-

"Okay, that should be enough." I mumble to myself, as I use [Ninjutsu] and [Rejection] to change the appearance and structure of the Heavens Arena into a literal Hell Arena, where I had the idea of changing each floor into a hellish realm.

Also, for raining outside the tower. I use a new [Skill] I got, along with another I had in mind to grab when this whole giant battlefield came into mind.

[Summon the Rain] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - MP cost: Varies

Description: The rain born in Heaven and die on Earth, in the middle is life. The rain came from the clouds and these clouds also came from water. However, without wind, the clouds can't form.

1st Effect: Gain access to [Celestial Rain Manipulation].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require clouds formed from the [Call the Wind] to activate.

2nd Effect: Each raindrop will absorb the surrounding area [Energy] to increase its power at the rate of (level).

3rd Effect: Both 1st and 2nd Effects can absorb the source of all living things if touched by the raindrops.

4th Effect: Able to merge all the raindrop into the form of a weapon that contains the might of all the [Energy] in the raindrop.

[Magic Arsenal] - Active -

Description: Extract the souls of the people the user has killed and store them in a fake reincarnation cycle formed by the user's [Energy]. Only then can the user imprison them and use them either as soldiers to fight for the user or use them for their own personal [Skills].

1st Effect: Gain access to [Realm Creation].

1st Effect's Requirement: Require the user to use something similar to the concept of reincarnation cycle in mind to form a realm.

2nd Effect: Gain access to [Soul Extractions].

2nd Effect's Restriction: Can only be used on the souls that were killed by the user.

3rd Effect: Gain access to [Realm Summoning].

3rd Effect's Restriction: Can only be used with the realms created by the 1st Effect.

4th Effect: Gain access to [Soul Manipulation].

4th Effect's Restriction: Only work with the souls inside the realms created by the 1st Effect.

These two [Skills] I wanted to grab, with the [Summon the Rain] as a defense for those that had any idea of destroying the tower itself with me and the other inside. As for the [Magic Arsenal]; well, I'm planning to use my decreased enemies as cannon fodder against powerful enemies.

Of course, I should have grabbed the [Magic Arsenal] early on, but forgot about it at the time and could have used it while killing all those magical beings in the Harry Potter universe. Not to mention, I could have gained the ability to use [Wand Magic] with all those souls from the Harry Potter universe I would have captured. But, you can't get everything goes the way you wanted.

But, nevertheless, at least I remember now and now able to create multiple realms, even if it kind of limitation to what kind of realm I can create with that 1st Effect's Restriction. Either way, with the [Ancient Clan Cultivation System - Sword Cultivation's Version] and now the [Magic Arsenal]. I have two [Skills] that give me an army to use.

With the [Ancient Clan Cultivation System] requires only [Sword Qi] while the [Magic Arsenal] can be used with multiple [Energies]. And I have four more [Energy Sources] to use other than [Sword Qi]. With the four being [Mana], [Void Energy], [Dark Matter], and [Heartforce].

If I go with quality than quantity. Then, I can create four realms for each [Energy]. While [Sword Qi] is left for my [Ancient Clan Cultivation System].

"Hey, Ragna! Listen to me! Stop with that inner monologue!" Yuri pokes me in the chest, causing me to blink.

"Yeah?" I look at Yuri, with all my attention onto her now, with just a portion of my focus still onto the Hell Arena and the [Summon the Rain].

"When will I get to fight? Wouldn't it be a long time before anyone manages to reach the 100th Floor let alone the 200th Floor?" Yuri pouts at me since she has just realized that with the whole changes of the tower and that each floor now is way bigger than before, thanks to [Ninjutsu], [Rejection], and [Wonderland]. Then, it would be weeks, maybe even years before they reach the top.

"Also, you better not have made any of the floors the same as the Tower of God, because I rather not go through a fake one when I can go for the real one." Yuri narrows her eyes at me before blinking a few times. "Actually, I think I want to go to the Tower of God one more time, just to have fun."

"Does this fun include causing destruction and most important of all, to attack Zahard or something?" I ask Yuri dryly, who just started whistling and looking away. "Well, that answers my question." I said dryly.

Yuri smack my back, "Oh come on, do me this favor! I'm your wife after all, so why not spoil me more by letting me kill someone that planned on my death from a long time." Yuri smile at me.

"There is so much wrong in what you just said." I replied with a deadpan.

"The part where I wanted to kill someone that planned on my death or the part where I wanted you to spoil me more?" Yuri grin at me, ignoring the now conscious Daniela and the still confused and shocked Ingui Yoon.

I let out a sigh, "Whatever. We'll go to the Tower of God later. Maybe take Ryun and Repellista with us. After all, this is their home universe as well. Kind of bad for leaving those two out of it. If you think about it."

"I guess." Yuri shrugs her shoulders, not caring if going to the Tower of God would be a long time. After all, the most important thing is to get stronger while killing someone from the Tower of God universe would soon be a simple thing to do for her. Compared to the big war with her family against the three factions. Where those people of the three factions would be more powerful compared to those from her home universe.

"Now, to help with these two." I look at both Ingui Yoon and Daniela, with a frown. "I did not think this would be the case." I mumble to myself after doing a full scan of these two.

"What's going on? And what do you mean helping us, teacher?" Daniela asks me, "Is there something wrong with us?"

"Did Yuri inform you about the three factions?" I ask in return instead of answering Daniela's question. "If not, Yuri. Can you explain to these two about the three factions and why we tracked them down? I need to think for a bit." I look at my wife, who looks annoyed that I'm making her do the boring stuff, but still did I ask.

"Alright, listen up. I'm not going to repeat myself." Yuri said to both Ingui Yoon and Daniela, where both already experience the personality of Yuri. So wasn't surprised or annoyed.

Neither Ingui Yoon or Daniela said anything and just sat in their chairs and listen quietly. Not even glancing over their teacher, who taught them how to improve themselves.

"If you two haven't realized yet. The two of you came to this world, which is actually a new dimension created for just the two of you to enter, the very moment you girls left your world aka the dimension that branches off the main home universe you belong to." Yuri slowly explains the multiverse, the home universes they born into, and the dimension that formed as parallel dimension and would cross over to another universe to form a crossover dimension.

Leaving it to Yuri to explain the three factions to the two. I've already thought of something to help those two, but for now, I'll take this chance to concentrate on forming a new realm using my [Heartforce World], where it should be similar to the Renegade Immortal novel: Celestial Lord Qing Shui's [Slaughter Realm]. Also called confinement used his monstrous killing intent to restrict the souls, creating a [Slaughter Realm]. None of the people he killed could escape from his control.

I don't know about if Qing Shui's monstrous killing intent would match mine, but I should be able to do the same, if not, better due to my endless killing intent continues to be created within my [Heartforce World].


You have created a [Slaughter Realm] within the [Heartforce World] under the effects of the [Skill: Magic Arsenal].


You are now able to extract the souls of the people you have killed and store them in the [Slaughter Realm].

I sweatdrop when I just thought about the [Slaughter Realm] for a brief moment and I just created one similar to one in mind. I blame my LUCK stat for this, which should be true in a way.

After all, the [Slaughter Realm] isn't truly a reincarnation cycle, but it still could be used not that I'm complaining. Nonetheless, at least I formed a realm to use the other effects of the [Magic Arsenal].

As for [Mana], [Dark Matter], and [Void Energy]. I may have an idea on for [Dark Matter], but for the other two. I'm going to have to think about it more.

For now, I have to keep track of any movements from the [Hero Faction] and the [Neutral Faction] outside the Hell Arena. Until Yuri is done explaining to Ingui Yoon and Daniela about the three factions.

"Hey, Ragna! I explained everything to them and they agreed to join our side to face the big war!" Yuri shouts to me, causing me to change my main focus back onto her once more. Not even a few seconds after just thinking about when my wife finished explaining.

"Hmm? Oh, alright." I nod at Yuri before looking at Ingui Yoon and Daniela, " The two of you need to relax. I'm going to do something that's very dangerous, but needed to be done." I appear behind the two and place a hand on the back of their heads.

Where I start using the [Miracle of Life], [Elemental Sight], [Decomposition], and [Rejection], with the four linked with [Chain Combo Magic].

"Now, don't do anything and relax." I made sure to warn the two once more before I take action. Waiting for just a few more seconds before taking action. As I use the linked [Skills] to carefully remove the [Soul Tracker] formed by having someone initiating [Nen] to another.

Something that no one would have noticed unless they possess similar [Skills] like mine, where I found out that the [Soul Tracker] are the main things that were created for this crossover dimension. Where everyone that gained [Nen] would have a [Soul Tracker] placed onto them that very moment.

The [Soul Tracker] has two main effects. The first one is to track down all individuals at all time, even if they somehow cross over to another dimension somehow. The second is to make sure that whenever they died. Their souls would be recycled into one of the dimensions under the control of the [Hero Faction], where they would use these souls to be broken down and use their memories for others to study and the soul fragments itself to be turned into a new soul to be born into another dimension that the [Hero Faction] has control over, to breed a new batch of individual to grow up and gain newfound memories that may or may not be useful.

All of this information I gained from [Elemental Sight] and using [Rejection] to remove the [Soul Tracker] with the help of the [Miracle of Life] to be sure neither of the two's life is in danger of removing this [Soul Tracker]. [Decomposition] to destroy it, even when it doesn't have a physical form. But, having it increase beyond its levels by four [Skills] linked together, to give the [Decomposition] to affect non-physical things now.

With a pull, Yuri can see a floating golden mist covering my hands before I made a fist, crushing the golden mist with [Decomposition] as the golden mist dissipate into dust and disappear.

After that's done. I explain to everyone what I just have done and why I wanted to get rid of the [Soul Tracker] right away. But, not too much in a hurry for Yuri to explain to everyone about the three factions when I've already planned that no matter what, I would destroy the [Soul Tracker] before anything else occurs after the explanation from Yuri.

"Now, that's out of the way. How about we all train together? Since it's going to be a while before anyone would reach the 100th Floor. This includes the people from the [Hero Faction]. Also, we can take this time to find out how Ingui Yoon and Daniela came to this dimension." I said to the girls, with two out of the three excited to be able to train together with me while the one that wasn't is Yuri, who just looking at me with a deadpan. Knowing that she is going to be in a world of pain.

Yuri may be many things, but she not like Esdeath who is both a sadist towards others and some time with their husband, but Esdeath is also a masochist when it related to private time with their husband. So yeah, Yuri like training with her husband like others, but it's mostly involved with lots of pain. Pain that would have made many quits just due to the pain alone.

Letting out a sigh, Yuri decided this is better than being bored of waiting for people to climb up the tower. Then again, she got what she wished. Fighting strong opponent. Yuri just wished it wouldn't be her husband.


Omake: Ragna's Training AKA P.R.A.C.T.I.C.E.

P - Planning

Ragna forces all his students to study all the tactics used by mankind.

"Remember, it doesn't have to be real or not. It's just a reference to be used after you come up with your own from it." Ragna said to his female students, all still learning how to use the [Renewal Taekwondo]. This Martial Arts also include [Stealth Skills] to infiltrate enemy camps.

"Even a video game's strategy could be used in real life situation as long you have the mind to come up with a creative plan from it. Take the gaming term: kiting. A maneuver in which a player/character gets an enemy NPC to chase after them so as to lead them somewhere else, like a kite on a string. This can be used to separate groups of enemies to prevent the player from becoming overwhelmed or in team-based or cooperative games to allow the player's teammates to attack the opponent, or to lure the opponent into a trap." Ragna explains to all the girls, which almost all of them taking down this as a note while continuing studying all the tactics-related things online. Each of them has laptops to search online for this study.

R - Readapt

"Remember, not all plans goes the way you want it! So, adapt and react to all unknown factors!" Ragna shouts at the top of his lungs, as he stomps on the ground, causing the ground to shake, throwing all his female students off balance, but quickly regained back their balance before rushing at their teacher with determination to at least land a hit on him.

A - Act

"When you don't have an idea how what to do next, then just wing and try your best to reach the next phase of your plan or stall long enough for the smart ones to come up with a new one!" Ragna roar at his students, when he saw some of them standing around thinking very carefully about what their next action would be.

Where all the students are currently formed into a group of teams in a capture the flag game. This includes all the students having all the equipment they needed, but weapons.

C - Counter

"You!" Ragna point at one of his students near him, causing the female student to stand straight. "You and your team have to prevent the enemy side from using their full might, what would you do?!"

"Sir! I would have a member of my team to cause discord into the enemy side to prevent them from reorganizing and fall under one leadership!" The female student shouted back.

"AND?!" Ragna shouts even louder, but one can see the pride in his left eye while looking at his students.

"Depending on the setting, I would have another member of my team to sabotage the enemy supplies to prevent them from being able to fight for a long period of time!" The female student continues to answer without having to think about it much. As this became a common thing nowadays.

T - Tracking

"A surviving enemy is a potential disaster! Now, what are the options to take?!" Ragna shouts at his students, as all of them are fighting one of another while continue thinking up plans on the fly.

"We can track their movements to search for a hidden enemy!" One of the female students shouted before the other could.

"Hunt them down and torture them for any Intel!" Another female student shouted after the first one.

"Track them down and locate how they're escaping methods!" A different female student from the previous two shouted next. Soon more and more other female students took their chances to shout their own options before some had to keep their mouths shut as their ideas have been used.

I - Investigating

"If you don't everything, then research it, bribe other! Hell, threaten others if needed! The unknown is your worst enemy! The unknown will lead to your downfall if you're not prepared!" Ragna shouts at his students while making a mental note to hand out the books he has created for his students to learn about the origin of the [Renewal Taekwondo] and be ready to be questioned by all of his students later after today's training.

C - Checking

"There will be a time where enemy's spies would replace one of your allies or an ally has switched sides! Therefore, always be aware of someone that would betray you at the very last moment you would expect it! So, make sure to double check, triple check, and so on, until you are completely sure the person you know hasn't betrayed you for anything!" Ragna narrows his left eye on all his students, almost like he expected them to betray him for benefits that others gave them for Intel on him.

Of course, all his students would never do such a thing and was actually more scared of the end result of betraying him, that prevent them from ever having such thoughts.

E - Execute

"Make sure you have a plan at all time, even if it is an incomplete one! A plan is better than no plan at all!" Ragna lecture all his students about how there is a time where he almost lost his life just because he didn't have any plans in mind while on the battlefield against all odds against his side.

"If you can't come up with one, to begin with, then start with what is your goal and how you will accomplish it! Once you got that, make multiple small and big plans from that!" Ragna continues off as he watches all his students once more on their laptops, researching more about tactics or going back to the one they already have to see if any new ideas pop into their minds from seeing something familiar.