Chapter 79: We Got This!

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 79: We Got This!

The next day*

Year 25: Day 89: The Start

(Ark's City)

"Uh, Ragna." Esdeath call for her husband nervously and a hint of concern. "I think you may have overdone it. If it's because I got you, two wives. I did say I won't go after anymore. Plus, I did promise I would tell you if I was planning to find another, and I did before leaving to search for Serafall."

"No, it's fine." I replied calmly, ignoring both Gabriel and Serafall having disbelief and shocked expressions, not that I could blame them. After all, I just took over the universe and be done with it and even merge it into the crossover universe of the History Strongest Discipline Kenichi. The main universe, I picked to be the home for my family. Then again, both Gabriel and Serafall would never expect this to happen to them.

"Gabriel. Serafall. I hope the two of you don't cause problems for our husband. I may have pushed his limit than I actually thought." Esdeath said to her two new fellow sisters in marriage. Currently, Esdeath is being forced to do lots of work of sorting through, who go to where and who gets to stay in the crossover universe. Furthermore, Esdeath will part of the group that stays behind to protect the home universe when the main battle begins, which was not that too long into the future. And something Esdeath hates, seeing how this means she won't be part of the main battle that decides the fate of the multiverse.

"You don't have to tell us twice." Serafall said dryly. As she literally watched numerous of her little sister, Sona, in multiple dimensions and even herself, where they don't even realize what's going on around them.

"No worry, in fact, Esdeath allow me to help!" Gabriel wishes to give her fellow brothers and sisters, along with everyone to get along together without any conflict.

"Uh." Esdeath glance over to me, if Gabriel is allowed to help and there a lot of work got to be done and it would take decades to finish. Unless Esdeath can get her hands on the [Temporal Demon Spirit Book], then she won't have to worry about wasting time doing mundane things.

"She can help." I still didn't look at Esdeath, who sighed in relief. While I was currently deciding which [Skills] to be fused and have already maxed out all my [Skills], being the [Sengo Muramasa's Blade-Testing Art and Blacksmith], as well as [Devil Style] and [Virtuous Noble Travels For Ten Thousand Miles]. It's the last [Skill] that I was deciding to max out or not, but in the end, I max it out as well.

However, like with [Rejection] before. I need to decide how to change the [Skill: Devil Style] into my very own as it stuck at level 99 and EXP: 99% and I'm just missing that last one percent. I'm beginning to wonder if all [Skills] from the universe of Medaka Box would be like this. Stuck at level 99 until I evolve it into my own personal [Skill]. But, then there the [Skill: The End] I gave to Esdeath, still wonder what she learned/copied from using it, and decide not to think about it much and just toss the idea, that [The End] really don't need to evolve. Even though, I'm a little curious if it can evolve.

"Uh, you got anything I could do, hubby?" Serafall asks me, as she realized that right now she the only one not doing anything.

"You can help think of up a plan to be used during a massive scale war." I toss Serafall a book, which contains just a small gist of what is available to be used in the war. Not everything is in that book, not because out of secret or something important that can't be written down, but because the book ran out of pages to write more and I forgot to write down the rest due to being distracted at the time and just remember about this book just now.

"Oh, wow. Wow!" Serafall opens a random page and reads something that shocks her to the core, "I-I may need some time." Serafall did not stutter and quickly went over to where Esdeath and Gabriel, while wanting to get some inputs from the former because what's in this book is something she can't handle alone.

I snap my hands, then a group of people appear next to where Esdeath, Gabriel, and Serafall are.



"My money!"

"Oh, we're back here."

With all the shouting, I just waited for them to calm down. That's right, I brought back my entire family from Konosuba universe back here at the [Ark].

"Hey, what happened to Pop? He is in a wheelchair." Killua is the first one to notice my current appearance, and yes, I still haven't fixed my paralysis problem.

"Father!" Chifuyu is the first one to rush over to check more closely and also have a shocked expression, for she and the rest of the kids would always see their Father stand with absolute power when nothing too silly or serious was happening, then their Father would always have this feeling that he alone would protect them from the cruel world. Something they all realized back in the Konosuba universe. So to see him in a wheelchair is a big shock for Chifuyu and the kids.

The only ones that are not are the adults, because all of them noticed how Esdeath didn't seem that worry; therefore, they don't need to be so worry like the kids.

"Oh, I'm fine. Don't worry kids." I said through my original body, which is floating above us, causing the kids to shout in surprise as they never have seen me with a clone nor know I have the ability to make clones.

My original body slowly floats down and grin at the kids' dumbfounded look on their faces before it disappears as a blank facial expression appears on my original body's face.

"Right now, I'm in this body I made, it's very weak compared to my original/main body over there." I spoke through my current body, causing the kids to spin around to look at me. Eyes of surprise and shock, these two expressions I have been seeing for many years on everyone in my family, then again, this should be a common thing for most Gamers. "However, this isn't what I wanted to inform everyone, including you, kids, as of now. We're going to war, and by we, I meant only the adults will be in it and the rest shall be put in a home universe I have selected that's heavily guarded against being invaded. Do not worry, as the adults will not be in danger as we'll use avatars or clones I will make for us to use to invade other universes. I won't promise whatever I or the adults will do, that will deem very questionable and likely cause some of you want to escape from us. I won't mind, but I shall not let anyone of you be used as a hostage, nor betray our family by siding with the enemy side. Therefore, all kids will be in the home universe for the duration of the war." With that said, I send all the kids into the home universe that's inside the [Gate of Babylon] before they could say anything to change my mind or something.

"Wow." Yuri is the first one to break the silence after everyone watched how their husband/teacher just drop the big news, then send the kids into the home universe without waiting for them to say anything afterward.

"Wow is right. Is this fine, Ragna?" Alice asks with worry, but she knows this is for the best.

"Yes. Because for the first universe we'll invade would be the one Esdeath and I visited last, also, welcome into our family. Gabriel and Serafall." I point at my two new wives, where both of them are completely speechless of everything happen just now and I can see it on their character sheets if everything that is happening right, including myself, is just part of a dream they are having right now.

"Seeing how we have Gabriel and Serafall, both are former members of the [Bible Factions] with these two being at the very top ranks among the angels and devils. So, the first universe we shall attack will be the Highschool DxD, but for our first battle. We shall go the stealth way first. Meaning, we will go into all the Highschool DxD universes from the newest/weakest from the three factions before we gather all those lower ranks of the Highschool DxD, then we tackle the higher ones until we conquer all the universes of Highschool DxD in the multiverse. The dimension ones we will leave for last, but if we come across one, we shall take it and add into one of the many universes." I began explaining to everyone about what we're going to do. "Our main approach is to have both Gabriel and Serafall here to take over their counterparts' bodies and take over the [Bible Factions] first before going for the rest of the factions in the Highschool DxD."

"Before we begin." Raven said to me, "I have a few questions to ask."

"Go ahead." I wanted to hear what Raven's question going to be. Same with everyone else.

"How sure are we to trust those two? I mean they are new into the family." Raven glance at both Gabriel and Serafall, sizing them up and find them weak; well, at least stronger than the kids and barely above both Ingui Yoon and Daniela.

"Hey, I won't betray hubby, you can believe that." Serafall puffs her cheeks, where Raven and the others weren't convinced. Even Ryun looks like she wanted to know how in the world Serafall and Gabriel managed to get their husband/teacher to acknowledge them.

"Don't worry, I was the one that made them join us. The same way I did with the rest of you, and Yuri's case is pretty much the exact same way I did with these two." Esdeath didn't want the two girls that she got for her husband to be removed nor wants the others to see both Gabriel and Serafall as someone untrustworthy.

"Kay, I guess that's one way to trust them." Raven instantly trusts both Gabriel and Serafall, and if one looks closely, then one can see that Raven is giving both of them the look of pity and amusement towards her husband. And seeing how almost everyone here are very powerful in their own rights, some even more powerful than the others and can tell the look Raven is giving to the two. "My next question will be. How are we going to take over the universes that under the three factions, without letting them know we've declared war on them?"

"Oh, that's easy. It's because of both Gabriel and Serafall being part of the Highschool DxD. So, we use them similar to the concept of a key to a lock, allowing us to open the lock without causing any alert. Furthermore, upon entering those universes. I'll make sure to use my [Skills] to prevent the three factions from knowing we're there and without realizing they're losing ownership over their universes. Oh yeah, don't destroy any universe or dimension. That will give us away." I gave everyone a warning at the end. "Also, I will have my original body, guarding the universe we're in. So no need to worry in case somehow the enemy discovering us."

"Okay, I have no more questions." Rave is somewhat satisfied with all the answers she got.

"Uh, I do have one question, if you don't mind hearing it, husband." Gabriel said to me, drawing everyone's attention to her. "These three factions, which should be our enemy. What are the three factions?"

"You didn't explain it to them, Esdeath?" Ryun asks the first wife.

"Never got the chance; I kind of pissed off Ragna and may have pushed him too much just so I can have more angry sex." Esdeath blush in embarrass, "So, can someone else explain about who are the three factions and why we're against them."

"Actually, I wanted to know that too, the whole thing we're so against the three factions. Though, maybe I was told before, but I forgot. So anyone minds refreshing my memory?" Yuri gives everyone a sheepish smile.

"Anyone here forgot or wasn't told?" Alice asks everyone, "Also, I'm part of the group that doesn't know, but everyone can take it as my fault since I was most likely too busy stuffing my face." Both Gabriel and Serafall look at her with a confused, but kept silence; however, the rest knew what Alice meant and most likely to be true with the type of person Alice is.

"No clue right here." Raven replied right away.

"Sorry, my god, but I don't know either. You may punish me as you see fit for not knowing something that is very important to the family." Ryun looks at me with a face of shame.

"It's okay." I said to Ryun, but it looks like I may need to do some talking with her privately to persuade her that it's really okay. And I just realize why Ryun would give birth to Erza, with Pyrrha on her way, as both Erza and Pyrrha would apologize a lot, with the former would ask to be punished.

"Eh, I don't know either, but it doesn't matter. As I'll be always on your side Ragna. You can bet on that." Yuri smiled at me.

Ingui Yoon just shrugs her shoulders, showing she doesn't know either.

"I've been waiting for someone to tell me why we're going into war against the three factions, to be honest. Still, am." Daniela said to everyone.

"I know." Repellista spoke up, causing almost everyone to look at her with a surprised look, "What? Was I the only one that remembers how Ragna here got so many restrictions placed on his Gamer's ability, that it's almost like someone is controlling him from the background and we were proven correct that some was really manipulating Ragna via through his Gamer's ability. I mean we even came up multiple plans together to help Ragna figure out a way to escape from their control. In fact, we even found out it was the [Hero Faction] and the [Evil Faction] controlling Ragna's Gamer's ability."

"I'm pretty sure they forgot since the whole thing, but then again, it has been 7 years now." Esdeath informed everyone when it all began. "Furthermore, our primary goal is to hunt down the True Gamers and any False Gamers to help Ragna regain the full function of his Gamer's ability as powerful it is. It's still broken, and also, I don't know about the rest of you girls, but I have no desire of having anyone controlling Ragna."

"Wait, hold up. [Evil Faction]? I thought it was just the [Hero Faction] after remembering a few things about this whole thing." Yuri looks like she very lost right now, because she thought it was just the [Hero Faction] and maybe the [Neutral Faction]. Never would she expect the [Evil Faction], the one we try our best not to get on their bad side just yet before triggering the war.

"Why do you think, Ragna here continues to return back to the [Neutral Faction] whenever he does something that would push him into the [Evil Faction]? It's the only faction that Ragna can even go into due to his status as [The Broken Player]. Not to mention, since the [Evil Faction] was part that had control over Ragna's Gamer's ability along with the [Hero Faction]. This only leaves the only faction that doesn't have any control over Ragna and that is the [Neutral Faction]; however, don't be fooled that just because Ragna is in the [Neutral Faction] doesn't mean he actually belongs to that faction. This is the same with all of us." Repellista begins explaining the whole thing, even including the three factions for Gabriel and Serafall to understand what are the [Hero Faction], [Neutral Faction], and [Evil Faction].

A few hours later*

After Repellista finished explaining; both Gabriel and Serafall were deep in thoughts about what they were told.

"Hmm. Let me recap all this. One: the main reason we're going into war was due to people that are above our power levels in the past and were pretty much building Ragna up as a weapon for either the [Hero Faction] and [Evil Faction] to be used, but they knew how dangerous Gamers are and placed a butt load of restrictions on Ragna. Two: Ragna broke free from this at the cost of losing features belong to Ragna's Gamer's ability, leading to us to become the enemy of the three factions, not including the [Neutral Faction] at the time. Three: We may be going to war with the three factions, but our goal is to regain or somehow give Ragna the features to repair his Gamer's ability and that require hunting down fellow Gamers. Be it the True or False ones. Four: Depending on the future; if Ragna gains all the full power of his Gamer's ability, we will find somewhere in the multiverse to hide and just enjoy our lives together, completely ignoring the three factions after we dealt so much damage to them due to the war against them. Is that all or am I missing something?" Raven look at Esdeath, Repellista, and me.

"Nah, you pretty much got all of it." I replied.

"Actually, I was hoping after we got Ragna his full function Gamer's ability. I was thinking we should conquer the entire multiverse. I want to see what would happen if we do." Esdeath grin, that filled with the desire to conquer everything.

"You got all of them." Repellista said to Raven, then glance at Esdeath, "Though, I highly doubt Esdeath wants us to live the rest of our lives peacefully in the home universe away from the three factions after dealing who know the amount of damage we caused to them."

"Okay, that's all I needed to know. So, how are we going to do this? I mean, sure, we got Gabriel and Serafall here to help us capture the universes that are normal one and of the Highschool DxD. Not including the crossover ones. But, we got to have some way to speed things up, because I have no idea how long we have given the three factions to gather up their people and resource to take us on." Raven said to everyone.

"Funny that you mention that." Repellista brings up one of her [Lighthouses] and projects a holographic screen for everyone to see. "As you can see, with the help of Ragna. I managed to locate all the universes that all of us have some sort of connections with and made it easier for me to gain information from them. And I don't know if the three factions know this or not by not doing anything in the universes related to us, or the three factions continue to treat all of us as unimportant. Because the three factions haven't even begun working on making multiple plans to deal with us. In fact, the only plan they got was to send lots of powerful entities at us and many armies to overwhelm us with numbers alone."

"Better for us then. Now, should we head off now or what are we waiting for?" Daniela said to everyone, as she is eager to take some actions; well, any kind of action, physical of verbally as she bored out of mind and wanted to do something other than training.

"Wait, what's our cover?" Ingui Yoon spoke up, causing everyone to pause.

A month later*

Year 25: Day 119: Takeover

(Kuoh Town: Mercer Family's Main Building: 2nd Floor: Restaurant)

"Hey, Esdeath. Another order." Serafall said to Esdeath, who is the main chef or more like the only chef of this place. Not that it matters as Esdeath easily can cook an entire planet by herself thanks to her [Title: Goddess of Food]. "At 3:15 PM for table 3 today."

"Got it." Esdeath replied inside the Kitchen, "Also, here the Quali Stuffed with Risotto and Eggs Brazen Youngster Style from the Food Wars Menu for table 10." Esdeath passes over one of the popular dishes among the customers as there are multiple different food menus to pick out; however, the tricky part was this Restaurant of Esdeath is that one has to make a reservation and order online of what they want. This way, the customer won't have to waste the time of picking out what they want and just need to arrive in time and their meal would soon be there for them, not right away, but under 20 minutes.

"Hmm. Everything's fine here." I mumble to myself after seeing this before my eyes, then I head to the third floor and mentally find myself happy to be able to walk again. Being stuck in a wheelchair was no fun at all.

I mark down on my clipboard that nothing wrong on this floor. Actually, I don't even need to do this, but for appearance sake. I have to and continue to check on the entire building for anything wrong.

(Kuoh Town: Mercer Family's Main Building: 3rd Floor: Bookstore)

I watch Ingui Yoon and Gabriel helping out a few customers by helping the parents to pick out the right books for their kids to read. But, that's not my focus at the moment as among the customers. Most of them are males and in their teens and some are in their early 20s. Where they are trying to cause a problem, for Ingui Yoon and Gabriel, trying to get a date with one of them during work. So as their manager/teacher/husband. I must do my duty to help them out.

And by that, I just use [Volition Sword Intent: Sword Gaze] on these troubles bringing males, which took an effect right away as all of them begin to drench in cold sweats before I move my gaze away and deactivate [Sword Gaze]. While making sure these horny males from fainting with the help of [Rejection]. Thank goodness, I got this early on and can't wait for me to figure what to turn the [Devil Style] into and it's got to be something good like [Rejection], but something not the same as [Rejection] in general effects with just a different name.

Now, that is done; I use [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Attraction & Repulsion] to make it so they find it staying here less and the idea planted into their heads that staying would do them more harm than good. So, not a second later, they made some random excuses before speed walking out of here, not once looking back at Ingui Yoon and Gabriel.

Both Ingui Yoon and Gabriel noticed me, but didn't say anything and just politely nod in my direction before resume helping with the customers.

Next and last floor, the fourth floor of this building I purchased a month ago.

(Kuoh Town: Mercer Family's Main Building: 4th Floor: Game Shop)

"Back off! No crowding!" Yuri shouts at the customers, young and older, "Back I say! We're going to auction it off soon, so quiet down and wait until one of the staff pass out the number plates!"

'Good thing I placed [Sound Proof Restrictions] on this floor.' I thought about how much noise from this floor alone would cause problems for the customers below. 'Okay, everything looks fine here too.' I thought to myself as the auction is for a limited edition poster of a game character signed by the author themselves. Something that's worth a lot depending on the buyer.

Funny enough; the limited edition poster was obtained completely for free from that game developer as a way to promo themselves. After realizing how popular my building is across the world, which was easy to do after I use [Fundamental Force Manipulation: Attraction & Repulsion] on a worldwide scale range. So, that people would become curious and after a month. Now, we've become a success and many people are dying to come here to either attend one of the floors or work here.

On another note; the building is used as a cover for my faction to be used in the opening while underneath it. We're slowly taking over the world. Well, I shouldn't really use the word: Slowly, because, in fact, we're going very fast and have already taken over 70% of the world without anyone knowing. Then again, this is just a single universe we're still trying to take over in a stealthy way.

This is thanks to the public appearance of Gabriel and Serafall, with the latter bringing more customers that are devils once realized this building alone contains many powerful beings. Even the gods are customers here after one came out of curiosity and discover Esdeath's food.

"Now, to the basement." I mumble to myself, as I took the elevator to head to the basement, which is sealed off from normal people and only the supernatural people can enter through a special keycard to be used on the elevator, to bring them to the basement, which is more of an underground City and the main reason why this place is so popular with the supernatural.