Chapter 81: Time and Effort

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 81: Time and Effort

Year 25: Day 119: Takeover Part 3

(Kuoh Town: In The Sky)

Without giving these gods a chance to react. I create a massive [Kekkai] and infuse it with [Trapping Sword Intent], which made the [Kekkai] look like it's made out of red light. Furthermore, under the effects of [Trapping Sword Intent]; all gods or beings that could manipulate space and time have become useless or more like if they try to. Well, they'll end up dead and at worse, end up destroying their very existence in some way. As the [Trapping Sword Intent] I have discovered it affects the fabric of space and river of time. By making it chaotic and very unstable.

Therefore, no one can enter, nor escape from this [Kekkai] of mine unless they are more powerful than me and/or more experience in using the [Dao of Spacetime]. Even then, there the [Sword Intent] they have to deal with. After all, there is a reason why it's called the [Trapping Sword Intent]. Now, I made it so none of the gods here could escape at all. Let alone talking about the non-gods that came along with their gods.

"Well, now. I can see why most of the gods decide to surrender, to [Sword God]." Indra said causally, not one bit fazed by being trapped. "Hey, [Sword God]! Are you planning to take on all of us?!"

I didn't reply, as I switch out the [Holy Sword of Breaker] for another sword or so it seems. As the sheath is a sake jar, where I inject [Sword Qi] inside it and causes the liquid inside the gourd to release and shaped into a clear water-like blade.

[Sword of Totsuka] - Rank: B - Durability: N/A - ATK: N/A

Description: An [Ethereal Weapon] with an enchanted blade capable of sealing the target it pierces. However, it also can be used as a normal blade.

1st Effect: [Drunken Dreams] - Those who are stabbed by the sword are drawn into the gourd and trapped into an illusion world for all eternity.

2nd Effect: [Liquid Blade] - Able to manipulate the shape and length of the blade, even able to harden the liquid to make it more solid or softer to bend the blade.

"Careful everyone. I heard of this liquid sword could seal away all that's been touched by the blade." Odin said to everyone in a serious tone, "And those that have a domain in water. Don't bother trying to manipulate it. Many have tried, but was cut down by it and sealed away. In that gourd, who knows how many gods and other beings are trapped inside."

"Then we just have to block it." Zeus said arrogantly. As he summons his [Symbol of Power]. A two-foot-long cylinder of some sort of bronze metal-capped on both ends with electrical currents covering it.

The other gods follow Zeus' example and bring out their [Symbol of Powers]. Some were armors, spears, swords, axes, etc.

I tilt my head, then summon an [Ancient Sword Devil Avatar], then merge it into me. A pitch-black armor covers my entire body, with the helm, having a single horn on the left side.

Afterward, I activate [Dao Infusing Mastery] linked with [Rejection] before infusing my body with [Heaven Extinction Spell] and [Call the Wind], causing my body to be covered in a black fog.

[Dao Infusing Mastery] - Active - Lvl.100/100 - EXP: 100% - Cost: Varies

Description: Able to infuse [Dao] into one's body. This allows the users to use the [Dao] simply by moving, even the most casual gesture can contain numerous [Dao], which makes them vastly more powerful than normal cultivators.

1st Effect: Able to infuse (level) of [Dao] into the user's body.

1st Effect's Requirement: The [Dao] must be something the user is very familiar with and can use it without causing harm to oneself when using it once it.

2nd Effect: Able to simultaneously stack the same [Dao] by (level).

3rd Effect: Able to (level) compress the [Dao] before the 1st Effect and 2nd Effect takes place, to increase the effects of the [Dao] similar to the number of [Dao] as 1st Effect and 2nd Effect.

3rd Effect's Requirement: The user's body must be very strong to hold the [Dao] that has been compressed.

This is something everyone in the Renegade Immortal novel gained at the [Cultivation: Peak Void Tribulant], but I lost this ability the moment I finished my [Cultivation Clone Avatar: The Sword God]. Of course, I regain it back by turning it into a [Skill] and with the help of [Chain Combo Magic] and [Rejection], allowing any [Skills], [Techniques] that's not part of [Dao] to be accepted into the [Dao Infusing Mastery], but I know for a fact, that this wasn't the correct way to using the [Dao Infusing Mastery].

I take one step forward and the wind around me became pitch black, the sound of hundreds of dragons roaring at the same time. Making some of the weaker gods to cover their ears in pain, but didn't help much as their nose and ears begin to bleed. Even some are bleeding from their eyes.

"[Wind Gods]!" Indra shouts to the others, as all gods with domain involved with the wind in some way tried their best to either take control over the black winds or at least pushing it away with their own winds. Sadly, for them, the black winds instead consume and expand towards them faster than they could react and killing most of these gods.

The only surviving ones are those that reacted fast enough and quickly cut off their connection with the wind. However, this only extends the duration before their deaths as they don't have the space to back for much longer nor have the ability to escape at all.

"I got this!" Odin shout, as he produces multiple [Primordial Runes] and forms, some sort of barrier around them, blocking the black winds from entering, which Odin success with. Much to the relief of the weaker and some of the average strong gods among them.

I raise an eyebrow at these [Primordial Runes], where they are different from the ones in the [Nasuverse of Knowledge], but then I did a quick comparison and the one used by Odin of Highschool DxD is a bit weaker compared to the ones in Nasuverse. Just a bit. I have no idea which version would be better than the other.

I give a swing of the [Sword of Totsuka], causing a thin, fine line of a clear water-like blade flying towards the gods, with black mist trailing behind the line.

"Everyone move!" Odin roar while being the first one to move out of the way quickly and at the same time making more [Primordial Runes] around him as the ones he made to act as a barrier been cut through, allowing the black wind to enter through the small gap.

Another small number of gods were killed by the black winds.

Due to [Dao Infusing Mastery]; the [Sword of Totsuka]'s [Drunken Dreams] won't activate. But, that doesn't matter nor am I complaining.

I step forward once more, the winds pick up and soon the entire area inside the [Kekkai] is filled with black winds and only a small section wasn't, thanks to Odin quick thinking.

"Wow, talk about dangerous. We didn't even get the chance to attack and we've already lost a good number on our side." Indra said in awe, "Hey, Shiva. How about you go at him? Show him what a [God of Destruction] could do." The look on Indra's face shows that he wasn't worried nor care about the losses among them.

Too bad for Indra, the moment he finished. Shiva and the others [Hindu Gods] are killed by the black winds before they could set up a barrier of their own to block the black winds.

"Well, shit." Indra looks at the deaths of his people and one of their heavy hitters. Before ending up killed as well when a large black dragon made out of the blade winds, swallow him whole and he couldn't do anything about it.

Soon almost all the gods are killed by the black winds and for those that continue to use some sort of barriers to block the black winds for a few seconds and avoiding the black dragons chasing them.

I continue to take a few steps until I literally cast [Call the Wind] over 20 times just from moving 20 steps forward. Along with the black winds have the effects of the [Heaven Extinction Spell] attached to it. Also, I made sure to swing my sword a couple of times to break the barriers created by some of the stronger gods to protect the weaker ones.

"I guess having the ability of foresight isn't all that great if it doesn't even work..." Odin mumbles to himself, as he allows the black winds to cover him after watching all the those he brought here are killed not even 10 minutes into this one-sided slaughter. The last thoughts of Odin were that he regretted not surrendering when he had the chance to, for he would have saved his people.

"I curse you, [Sword God]!" Hades roar at me, as the God of the Dead and use his domain over the dead to resurrect the deceased gods, but to his shocks. As none of the gods or anything is brought back to the Realm of the Living.

The reason being is that all the dead gods have been sent into the [Scholarly Realm] since I been using [Mana] together with [Sword Qi] to finish them off and send their souls into my [Magical Arsenal].

Another swing of my sword and I split Hades in half vertically before sending his soul into the [Scholary Realm].

"I am Zeus! I can't die here!" Zeus been dodging the black winds the entire time and even go far as using someone nearby to be thrown at the black winds to give himself a few seconds to move away.

The moment Zeus back away, his back hit something. Spinning around, Zeus found himself face to face with the enemy, [Sword God].

"HA!" Zeus shouts while swinging his [Master Bolt] at the enemy.

I allow this attack to land, curious about how strong the [Ancient Sword Devil Avatar - 1 Phantom Sword Stage] when equipped. I was not disappointed as Zeus' [Master Bolt] did nothing to the armor. Not even the bolts of lightning from the [Master Bolt] affected the armor, in fact, the lightning bolts avoid my armor like a plague.

Out of all my family, only Killua is the one who uses the element of lightning the most, but I don't think he would use something like the [Master Bolt]. So, I didn't hesitate to grab the [Master Bolt] with my free and crush it while the black fog spreads like a virus and cover Zeus, who was shocked to see his [Symbol of Power] destroyed like nothing and couldn't react in time before Zeus, the last enemy, is now dead.

I teleport via [Cleave Sword Intent: Short Cut] and appear above the [Kekkai], then gave it a mental command to shrink until it becomes a tiny 1 cm cube.

Grabbing it and cover it in black fog, then crush it completely, causing the black winds to release and spread across Kuoh Town before the entire place becomes pitch black for a few seconds before fading away.

It's a good thing I have absolute control over the black winds or else it would have caused massive damage to Kuoh Town. The worse case would be the Town being completely destroyed along with the normal and supernatural people living in Kuoh Town.

Unless they are inside the temporary building we're using as a home and a family business. As I placed enough [Restrictions] to protect it from most of my decent attacks and hold up against a powerful one for a couple of seconds, enough time for my wives to react in time to protect themselves.

The only thing I find myself a little sad about killing these gods. I couldn't take the goddesses for myself, and suddenly, I'm a little scared that maybe Esdeath has influenced me more than I realized about wanting more wives.

Shaking my head, then try my best to forget about those weird thoughts that pop out of nowhere. I have seven wives already and that has passed my very limit. So, for now, I'm just happy to have seven wives. Seven wives and keep it at that number.

I look to the west, then unequip the [Ancient Sword Devil Avatar] and swing my sword, where the [Ancient Sword Devil Avatar] copy my action, but instead of a clear water-like flying blade. A pitch-black flying blade made out of [Sword Qi] that absorb the light around it, following behind the clear water-like flying blade. Both flying blades leaving a trail of black mist.

Not too far away; a devil appears via [Teleportation Magic Circle] and didn't have a chance to say anything or do anything before being cut down instant. From the neck and the waist.

I bring up the last notification.


You have leveled up!

"Oh." I mumble to myself, then bring up the second to last notification.


You have killed one of the three known Super Devils: Rizevim Livan Lucifer.

"Oh..." I'm speechless that I killed the one devil I placed a hit on, to show up before me. I was honestly just waiting for the news of this devil being killed since I really didn't like him at all. Mostly due to his personality and history, which is similar to the canon's history of this devil.

Character Name:

Ragna D. Mercer (6th Clone)



1st Profession:

[Sword Cultivator {Tier 0: Lvl.100 - EXP: 100%/100%}] (Profession Upgrade Available)

Equip Title:


Unequip Title:


HP: 100%/100% - Regen: 1% per hour

MP: 100%/100% - Regen: 5% per hour

Sword Qi: 7910%/100% - Regen: 1% per minute

I didn't bother to check the rest of the thousands of notifications and just figure it all the gods I killed and how I leveled up. As I finally reached the cap level for the [Profession: Sword Cultivator].

I send the [Ancient Sword Devil Avatar] back into my [Skill], then deactivate the [Dao Infusing Mastery] and put my sword in the [Gate of Babylon] before returning back to my wives. As it's better to do a [Profession Upgrade] in the [Ark] and not inside the Universe of Highschool DxD. If I remember, that is.

(Kuoh Town: Mercer Family's Main Building: 2nd Floor: Restaurant: Kitchen)

"Oh, hey Ragna. What's the sudden visit?" Esdeath asks me as she passes over the next dish over to Serafall, who looks through the small open window to see inside the Kitchen.

"Ragna!" Serafall shout happily, quickly giving the customers their order and rush into the Kitchen. Then jump at her hubby with a flying hug and Serafall is delighted when her hubby spins her around while hugging her.

"Quiet now, Serafall. Don't want the noise to draw the customers' attention toward here." Esdeath scolds Serafall, who just giggles. "Anyway, why the sudden visit, Ragna?" Esdeath repeated her question due to Serafall's distracting their husband.

"I just took care of the last 30% myth factions in this dimension. Now, I can take control of the universe and we can move on to the next one." I said to Esdeath, where Serafall continues to hug me.

"Great!" Esdeath came over to give me a deep kiss.

Serafall pout as she knew she was forgetting something and that was to give her hubby kiss filled with her love for him. Well, she can just wait for her turn after Esdeath finish. However, much to Serafall's frustration, Esdeath been kissing hubby for more than a few minutes now and doesn't seem to come close to being finished.

Just as the 5-minute mark about to be reached; Esdeath releases her husband from the long kiss. Which gives Serafall the chance to get a kiss of her own, where it actually lasts 5 minutes.

"So, we're going to pack up and head for another Highschool DxD universe?" Serafall asks me and Esdeath. "Also, how long do you think it would take for us to collect all the universes? It took us a month to get this universe. I don't know about the other ones."

"Yup. So, we're going to pack things up and go on our merry way. After I make sure to place a barrier between this universe and the other universe of the Highschool DxD. Don't want to mix them up." I said to both my wives. "So, get the others to head to the [Ark]. I'll get everything done here. Before heading out myself."

"Oh, I'll stay with you! And Esdeath told me before, that no one should leave you alone unless you do something crazy." Serafall gives me a bright smile.

Esdeath rolls her eyes at Serafall, because that's exactly what happens not even a few minutes ago from what she felt of a large amount of [Mana] and [Sword Qi]. "Where Ryun?" Esdeath asks, causing Serafall to look around for the familiar redhead and fellow sister-in-marriage.

"I sent her to do something for me." I confess.

"Meaning, that you were alone." Esdeath looks at me with a deadpan.

"Technically, yes." I replied, and realize maybe this is why I took on the 30% remaining myth factions on my own, which was a bad thing to do when someone like Esdeath is here and not to mention Raven. Seeing how Raven was planning to deal with the last remaining forces in this dimension before we've completely conquered the main dimension.

"And what is this something, that you had Ryun do instead of staying next to you in order to keep you under control?" Esdeath asks her husband in a tired voice, but at the same time, she expected that Ryun would listen to their husband's words either way.

Suddenly, a small ball of fire appears to my right and it grew into a humanoid form until everyone can see it's Ryun, who uses her unique teleportation method by using the [Heat Energy] in the surroundings as the anchor and make a jump at that anchor.

"My god, I have returned and I'm sad to say all the manga, anime, video games, etc. Are the same as the one from the previous universe of Highschool DxD." Ryun bows her head at me, "Punish me as you see fit for this failure of mine."

"It's fine. I should have expected this and just thought due to this universe being just a bit different from the other, there would be changes in other places." I shrug my shoulders, not that concern about not getting more new [Skills] and more about searching for ones to give to my kids after the war, for them to travel the multiverse without having to worry about their own safety. "I guess the kids just have to deal with the [Skills] I could get them with the current ones I have in my [Gate of Babylon]."

"Oh." Esdeath finds herself forgetting that her husband is a Gamer, who could gain and transfer [Skills] to others. After all, she among the many people she gained her [Skills] from her husband. If it wasn't for most of these [Skills]. Esdeath would still be stuck on using her Teigu only and that's very limited in certain universes and she would end up dead due to lack of the power to defeat and kill the enemy. "Okay, let's get going. We got universes to conquer and I'm not going to allow the three factions to continue producing an army of [Sacred Gear] users and supernatural beings of the Highschool DxD any longer."

A year later*

Year 26: Day 119: We're Getting There

(Ark's City)

"Okay, we've gained over a thousand of the Highschool DxD's universes and it took us a year to do so. How many more is there?" Esdeath asks in a tired and bored tone of voice, more out of boredom than feeling tired. "Seriously, after the 100s universes. We perform different methods of conquering the universes. Hell, I even managed to take over one universe with only using my words and nothing else."

"Wasn't it the same universe that we had to do the dirty work while passing out your foods as you ran for being the world president or something?" Serafall glances at Esdeath while she drinks from her milkshake. As everyone taking a small break from just finish taking over the 1787th universe of the Highschool DxD and it only took a week to do so. Our current and shortest timeframe record up to now.

"Oh! I like that one, there was barely any violence at all." Gabriel said cheerfully, which was true.

As the dirty work has been just everyone making threats by showing proof we could kill everyone and not even their loved ones would be spared. But, overall, like Esdeath said about how she only needed words to take over a universe. As for the foods, since Esdeath was busy, we just massive produce delicious food via [Gate of Babylon] while the entire family and selected people from the organizations we made are allowed to eat the foods Esdeath made personally.

Either way, Esdeath has one universe, conquer under her belt through her silver tongue. Giving her a new domain; so now, Esdeath is the [Goddess of Food and Persuasion]. This gave everyone a surprise since it got harder for everyone to gain a title.

"Hmm." Repellista brings up her [Lighthouse], "From what I can tell. There are over 4000 Highschool DxD and we've taken almost half of the total amount. Most of the ones we've taken are mostly new ones that just finished forming into a universe and 20% of them belong to the [Hero Faction]. 5% belong to the [Evil Faction] while we only have one universe that belongs to the [Neutral Faction]." Repellista reported of all the universes of Highschool DxD we have stolen from the three factions so far. "In fact, the remaining ones mostly belong to both the [Hero Faction] and the [Evil Faction]. The [Neutral Faction] only has five universes under the Highschool DxD category."

"Wait, why only the [Neutral Faction] has five? Not including the one we took from them." Yuri wanted to know out of the three factions, the [Neutral Faction] has the least universes of the Highschool DxD.

"Oh, it's because the Highschool DxD mostly doesn't stay in peace that long, something the [Neutral Faction] in the multiverse are known for from what I can gather from the information Ragna has gathered over the years." Repellista answered, "The [Neutral Faction] are known for all the peace, even if it means killing one to save ten lives, ten for hundred, and hundred for saving a thousand of lives. To reach the goal of obtaining peace. Funny enough, this is something worth mentioning, where one of the [Neutral Faction] top strongest fighters are assassins that are all for the greater good. In a way, the [Neutral Faction] is more lean towards the [Hero Faction], but at the same time wouldn't be accepted by the [Hero Faction] due to the endless of unnecessary of deaths to obtain the greater good."

Yuri whistles at this, "I feel like I know a character of an anime like that. But, just can't remember who."

"It doesn't matter to us since we're not aiming for peace for everyone. Just for ourselves." Alice said to Yuri, then she took a big bite from her steak and only require a second to finish chewing and swallow, "In fact, I'm sure we could just ally ourselves with the [Neutral Faction] if they weren't willing to kill us off the moment the chance is available. After all, we've been killing so many lives, that most of us no longer care if these lives are innocent or not as long we reach our goals." Something almost all of us agreed to.

"So, wait, if the [Neutral Faction] is all about peace and willing to get their hands dirty. What about the [Hero Faction] and [Evil Faction] known for then?" Serafall asks Repellista, seeing how she the one that explains this whole thing so far.

"Well, the [Hero Faction] is more of those headstrong people, who only believe they are always right and the moral of being good. In fact, most members of the [Hero Faction] are mainly those that see black and white, never the gray in life. So, if you did something bad, you are bad in their eyes, no matter what. Even if you are stealing to feed your family or even killing others to protect your loved ones, where the ones they've killed are bandits. But, that doesn't matter because one should always know that life is precious and should never be killed." Repellista explains the [Hero Faction] first.

"So, the [Hero Faction] don't kill?" Gabriel looks a bit doubtful because even she has her own shares of killing another life due to the Great War and not killing your enemy would lead to bloodshed of your love ones.

"Nope." I replied, drawing all the girls' attention towards me. "In fact, instead of killing. The [Hero Faction] will try to reform you to become like them. Think of them like a zombie. Once they bite you, as in they capture you, then it will only take time before they turn you into someone that meant to belong to the [Hero Faction]. So, no, they don't kill you. It's a bit worse for some people as they rather die than becoming a member of the [Hero Faction] if they're outsiders, not born or natural a person with the destiny of being a hero or want to be one." I pause to think about it more. "If you think about it more, then the [Hero Faction] is known for their brainwashing their enemy to become their ally/slave."

Then again, it technically what I am doing with the [Magical Arsenal]. So, I'm no different from those people of the [Hero Faction].

"Oh dear." Gabriel looks a bit ill from what she learned about the [Hero Faction] of the multiverse.

"I honestly don't know what their exact reaction if they meet you, Gabriel. Pretty sure they either see you an ally or someone needs to be rescued from being my captive, something on that line." I said to Gabriel, causing her to think if this is sweet or something to be very concerned about.

"And the [Evil Faction]?" Ravne asks out of boredom than curiosity honestly.

"[Evil Faction] are filled with cultivators or people that live in the world of survival of the fittest. Pretty you were told about this before, Raven." Repellista resume to be the one answering most of the questions and explaining things, "Nonetheless, the [Evil Faction] is known for being manipulators and/or for being very prideful. Even the [Neutral Faction] would think twice before going into battle with the people of the [Evil Faction] due to the fact, that if someone humiliates someone of the [Evil Faction] in any way, then be ready to face large numbers of enemies as their pride is the most important and willing to get back at you until you're either dead or have killed all those that came after you. Because if not, then you'll continue to be hunted until then."

"Okay, enough of all the recap on the three factions. We still got 2000 or so universe of the Highschool DxD to take over." Raven got up from her seat and stretch her muscle, "The faster we done with the war, the faster I can get my well deserve rest."

"You and your naps." Repellista said dryly, "I'm sure it only take us another year to grab the other 2000 universes, then we'll repeat with another different main theme universe."

"If this how it's going to be, won't we be overlords of the multiverse by the end?" Gabriel thought out loud, causing everyone to think about it for a minute.

"Maybe?" Ryun wasn't completely sure about this and rather not be one of the leaders. Something she saw and experience of being a leader of a powerful organization. Too much stress for her to stay in that position.

"Think we can give the position away to someone we can trust?" Raven now looks like she rethinking about taking over all these universes, even if it means making the three factions weaker. "I'm already having a hard time leading the Yami and Ryozanpaku. Not to mention having to deal with watching over the supernatural people from causing problems."

"It has to be someone everyone would agree with the person being the one to lead without using the people they have command over, to attack us in return to gain absolute control over the people without fearing that one day one of us wanted to take over again." Repellista said to Raven.

"Okay, another goal for us. Find a person that could lead the organizations we have created and/or taken over. While the rest of us enjoy ourselves with the kids and not worry about the danger of someone trying to kill us due to our past deeds." I said to everyone after realizing that the ideas of taking over many universes and merging them into the home universe may not be my brightest idea.