Chapter 106: Getting Things Going

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 106: Getting Things Going

20 minutes later*

Year 36: Day 213: This Is Kind of Hard... Part 2

(Tokyo: Ukiyoe Town: Temporary Home)

I stare at the ceiling, waiting for Ryun to think up a handicap for me. Ryun even asked for me to show her my [Skills List] to help her decide. 'I wonder how long this will take. There are too many [Skills] for Ryun to consider. I wonder if she will use the search function or filter to help her out?' I thought how great it was to have my Gamer's ability changed years ago to include search features.

Then, decide to do something active since it will be a while before I can go back to doing whatever without being restricted. 'Something I find annoying still even with all the things I have done to gain absolute freedom.' I shook my head, rubbing the back of my neck as I watch Erza and Pyrrha helping Ryun out to pick out the third handicap. 'I wonder if I should hint, that they should just limit me to the number of actions I could take. I love them all and everything, but they really need to think about outside the box.'

"I finally got something." Ryun spoke up, causing me to focus my attention back on her. "My god, your handicap from me is that you can only make your moves during the morning." Ryun knew that those Yokai will be most active during the night time; therefore, it's better to prevent her god/husband from taking action during the night as well. Stopping him from doing much damage by fighting in a different time zone from the rest.

"That's fine with me." I raise an eyebrow at this handicap. 'Almost what I wanted to tell her about the handicap is best to use against me, but this alright. I just have to limit myself a bit more with certain types of [Skills] I should use.'

"Now, that's over with. It's time for us to meet up with the people I met last night and they will be your allies girls, but remember, do not trust them with everything. As there's always a chance of betrayal, no matter what. It doesn't matter who is the one betraying, but the reason why in the first place. So, always, and I mean to always be sure who you talk to is someone you're confident enough to escape with your life and reunite with the family." Ryun made sure to give out her advice to her Daughters.

"Huh, I thought it was supposed to be confident enough to kill the opponent the moment you figure out they betrayed you?" Pyrrha asks her Mother, with her head tilts to the side.

'Once again, I can see the influence the family is doing to someone like Pyrrha, who at this point, have developed on a subconscious level, where she a high chance of ignoring the part of killing another living being without any guilty conscious nor would she find it difficult to fight other with her life on the line.' I recall all the time Ryun and my other wives in training all the children, including Pyrrha about the cruel life called: There is no such thing as good or bad. Sadly, only a few got that mindset sink into them while the rest are just too stubborn to change their mindset they developed.

"That too, but the question is will you go for the kill, though?" Ryun places a hand on her hip, with a half-lid gaze at her little precious.

Pyrrha raises a finger and opens her mouth to argue before realizing what her Mother meant, then lower her finger and close her mouth.

"Thought so." Ryun leans forward to rub the top of Pyrrha's head. "Nonetheless, if you can't kill. You can just escape and find someone who could protect you." The words about how the said person would also kill for you wasn't needed to be spoken.

"So, who are we meeting, Mother?" Erza asks her Mother while feeling a little uncomfortable not wearing her armor. But, she went long without one before and can handle this. Just that it feels uncomfortable that's all.

"Well, the main character of this world, of course. Well, the main character's family really." Ryun smiled at her little gift, then pauses for a moment on rather if she let her girls stay there or not.

Both Erza and Pyrrha begin to talk to each other, as the children have long known, that almost all main characters have trouble at somewhere part of their lifetime and usually it for many reasons to just pure random without any reason at all. Furthermore, even Erza and Pyrrha knew that their lives would have been filled with countless problems in their second life. Maybe even bigger compared to their previous first life due to being in a family, that just contains too many monster-like beings. In fact, some are considered the same status as a monster in many worlds.

"Hmm." I hummed to myself, as I debate on what weapon I should use. Since I can't use [Sword Intent] and [Sword Dao]. 'Though, that doesn't mean I can't use [Sword Qi] in its raw form. Something these three forgot about; well, Ryun forgot about. Both Erza and Pyrrha don't know I can use [Sword Qi] without having to use [Sword Intent] to use it.'

A few hours later*

(Tokyo: Ukiyoe Town: Nura House)

Before our eyes, to see an old-style Japanese mansion which is the home to Rikuo, Nurarihyon, Rihan, Wakana, and many others of the main cast. It also serves a meeting place for the heads of other Yokai clans that serve under the Nura banner.

"This reminds me of Shigure's place." Pyrrha looks around and the first thing that came to her mind is the place she usually visits in her free time to hang out with her Father's student, Shigure, who is now a grandmaster of the [Moon Light Sword Style] and the [Pumba] as well.

"Oh yeah, it kinda does." Erza agrees with her little sister on this.

"Come on, we can't have our host waiting on us." Ryun said to her Daughters, as she leads everyone into the mansion, where a few human-like Yokai greet them and some of the hidden Yokai in the background kept their eyes on their movement. Not that Ryun could blame them for this.

It didn't take long before we enter the meeting room, where my family and I see a bunch of powerful Yokai sitting in a circle, with Nurarihyon, the founder and first Supreme Commander of the Nura Clan, waiting for us.

I can see the fear in Nurarihyon's eyes the very moment it went over to Ryun before it was buried deep that many won't see it. Yet, Ryun and I can still see it as clear as the sky no matter how much Nurarihyon tries to hide it.

No one said anything, but a few Yokai look displeasure before that too was buried away in absolute fear when Ryun release the tiniest hint of her [Fire Dao], causing the temperature of the surrounding to become very hot and unbearable to take. Leading to those with weak against the heat, to fall unconscious.

"Lady Ryun! Please calm your anger!" Nurarihyon begs for mercy, for even he having trouble facing such heat. Something he knew that this heat alone and what he experienced before when he first met Lady Ryun made a huge impact on him, that the idea of rebelling is nonexistence.

Ryun narrows her eyes at the old Yokai before deciding to accept the request. Undoing the damage to the surrounding with ease. But, she made sure to leave those that were badmouthing her family to their injured. For those are innocence. She healed them instantly. This is to show to everyone that she isn't someone to be messed with, even both Erza and Pyrrha understood to stay quiet right now.

"I'll be waiting out here." I said to Ryun, who just nods her head quietly to me. Never moving her eyes away from the Yokai. "Don't trouble your Mother." I whisper to Erza and Pyrrha, but everyone in the room that is a Yokai clearly heard me even when I'm whispering.

Closing the door behind me. I sat down on the right side of the door and thought about what kind of [Skill] or weapon I should use for this little family game. Then, I decide [Sword Ghost Magic] should be plenty enough for me to work with.

[Sword Ghost Magic] - Passive/Active -

Description: Capable of causing all surrounding to be change and place an unknown feeling towards all living beings that someone always watching them. In a way, the [Ghost Qi] would cause the living to feel the presence of something not meant in the living realm while [Void Energy] would cause everything to be filled with emptiness. Both [Ghost Qi] and [Void Energy] merged together have led to the result of something that causes all the living to wish to never come contact with.

Rubbing my chin as I read the description of the [Sword Ghost Magic]. 'Hm. Maybe not. I feel like this would just cause everyone, including both Erza and Pyrrha, to have a difficult time surviving just the hint of presence from the [Sword Ghost Magic].' I decide not to use this [Skill] once I rethink about the effects it could lead. Unlike the others, the [Sword Ghost Magic] might have bigger effects on everyone, even when holding back as the [Sword Ghost Magic] since it have a massive effect on the living. '[Call the Wind] and [Summon the Rain] should be fine.' I thought about it carefully and these two [Skills] match the ghost theme. Also, it can be used in the day time too.

So with two [Skills] picked out, not to mention it doesn't require much effort on my part to limit my Daughters' movement during the day, but I made sure to use [Rejection] as well to prevent the mortal/civilians from being affected by this family game of ours. As well as making sure the [Call the Wind] and [Summon the Rain] doesn't affect them too.

A few hours later*

While quietly waiting for Ryun business with the Nura Clan is done. I decide to work on making a few experimental medicines to pass the time. And so far, I think I might have finally made something that would cause major changes to life itself if what I made is a success.

But, before I could think of who to test it on. The door to my left slides open, with Ryun coming out along with both Erza and Pyrrha right behind her. Both of their faces are pale like they were told something that frightens them badly.

"How goes the meeting?" I ask Ryun as I swipe my right hand over the equipment I used to make the experiment medicine back into the [Gate of Babylon]. "Also, what's wrong with Erza and Pyrrha?" I point at our Daughters, causing them to flinch at being pointed out. This got an eyebrow raise from me from seeing this.

"Let's just say, that they are not that used to seeing Yokai so close." Ryun replied. "Also, every day for the 3 weeks of our stay. Both Erza and Yuri will have to mostly spend their time with the Nura Clan and anyone they want to ally with or else they risk losing the game." Ryun just remembers something. "By the way, what [Skills] are you planning to use if you don't mind the kids hearing it."

This causes both Erza and Pyrrha to pay extra attention to their Father's words. As one of their important lessons while growing is that one always needs to know something related to their target of interest for anything that matters to them really.

"[Call the Wind] and [Summon the Rain], but they mainly weaken due to having to use [Rejection] to make these two [Skills] accept [Ghost Qi/Void Energy]." I replied to Ryun's question also giving my Daughters another advantage in this little family game of ours. "Also, you girls might want to think up a plan with the Nura Clan as soon as possible, because while it's still daytime right now. I could have attacked right away, but I didn't since the game still hasn't officially begun yet. So, take this chance to speak with the Yokai today." I offer a piece of advice, that is crucial for my Daughters as I noticed right away they didn't realize there is another advantage for them to use, but this one is time-limited.

Both Erza and Pyrrha understood right away. Yet, they don't know if they can go back in that room filled with scary Yokai. Neither of the sisters has ever seen such scary creatures before. Not even in their first life.

"Well, I think your Mother and I will head back first. Do you girls want to stay back for a bit or no?" I stand up while reminding my Daughters of their time-limited advantage they currently have right now.

"I think we'll stay behind for a few more minutes." Erza knew exactly that she and her little sister need all the advantages they could get, even with their Father being handicapped. That still won't be enough and if he becomes bored; well, he might think up something to end the game swiftly. This has happened many times in the past, whenever she and her siblings spar against their Father to gain a group wish.

"Alright, make sure to watch over Pyrrha." I said to Erza, then thought about it for a moment before returning back Pyrrha's weapons as well as giving Erza the permission to use her [Requip Magic]. 'Hopefully, these Yokai won't do something stupid. I would hate to wipe them from existence.' Then, I gave each of my Daughters a yellow paper, which is used to make talismans. But, I just place a few [Restrictions] on them instead, to protect Erza and Pyrrha more than a dozen times. It should be enough time to come to my Daughters' location to rescue them from the Yokai or humans if things get messy.

"Make sure to watch each other back." Ryun drops a piece of advice of her own, also warning them not to fully trust these Yokai at all. Afterward, both Ryun and her god/husband head back home.

A few hours later*

(Tokyo: Ukiyoe Town: Temporary Home)

By the time Ryun and I return arrives back home. It's nighttime already.

The moment we enter the house and lock the doors, along with closing the window and curtains. Ryun strip off all her clothes, revealing her naked body.

"Hm." Ryun let out a small moan as she stretches her muscles.

"Uncomfortable?" I ask my wife, not one bit fazed with Ryun stripping before my eyes without any warning.

"Very." Ryun replied. Then, she sat down next to her god/husband on the couch before lying down with her head rest on her god/husband's lap. Where she got her head rub right away not a few seconds she lay down her head. Closing her eyes, Ryun enjoys having her head rub.

"So, what are you going to do tomorrow, Ryun?" I ask my wife, for what she will do against our Daughters. As the game will begin upon sunrise tomorrow.

"Just going to casually prove to the Yokai and our Daughters, that even though this is a family game. There are risks involves. If they want their prize, then they need to earn it. Even if I did provide them many advantages. That doesn't mean they will get their prizes so easy." Ryun knew how much her Daughters and the other children trained over the years. But, that wasn't enough in Ryun's eyes. Because not all the children gain insight or even start cultivating to gain their [Dao]. A must-have in this crazy multiverse.

"I see. Well, I'm just going to use [Call the Wind] to use [Summon the Rain] and that's it. Leave it raining mostly the drain and prevent the girls and Yokai from expanding too quickly." I said to Ryun, seeing how I want to see if our Daughters could figure a way to overcome this. And just wearing raincoat just won't do it. If anyone from the Nura Clan or just Yokai in general, including both Erza and Pyrrha. They will learn the hard way why they will for the next 3 weeks stay indoors during day time. While the humans that unrelated to the supernatural world would be free to move around without much concern.

"Are you not going to do anything else?" Ryun opens her eyes to look at her god/husband, with curiosity in her eyes.

"That will depend on my mood during the 3 weeks. I might change it a bit or just nothing at all and just leave it to you, to take over the City while I provide support." I replied to Ryun's question. While continuing to run my hand through Ryun's hair.

"Oh dear, then this isn't just limited to 3 weeks duration of the game. It's the time for the girls to rush in time, for if they don't hurry, then you'll make the game even harder for them to speed things up." Ryun smiled at this, because she knew exactly how her god/husband would get whenever he gets bored.

"I'm sure they got something to make sure to make this more interesting for me. Or else it is a rough 3 weeks for them. If they want their prizes, that is." I said to Ryun, who giggle at this. "By the way, I notice how you didn't even mention any handicaps placed onto yourself, something the girls didn't consider in the first place." I grin down at my wife, who grins back.

"I think it's because they have a bigger worry with you, my god." Ryun knew exactly what their Daughters thinking about whenever the word: Handicap and their Father are in the same sentence. They'll always, always make that as their priority to pay attention and ignore everything else until it's brought back up by something or someone.

"Too bad, Erza and Pyrrha don't have Chifuyu or Killua. Since those two actually think more than the rest." I said to Ryun, who agreed with my statement instantly. "Though, I wouldn't put it pass Erza to think outside the box once in a while instead of charging right into the fight." I let out a sigh at the thought of how Erza acts sometimes.

"Hopefully, our little gift will start thinking a bit more with Yokai involved. Not to mention, having to watch over our little precious in case some of the Yokai got some bright idea of trying to take one or both girls as hostages." Ryun knew that Yokai are being forced into their little family game, so the chance of them trying some are very high.

"Let's hope for the best for our little girls." I said to Ryun, then thought about if I should use any weapons or just purely rely on the [Skills: Call the Wind & Summon the Rain] since both have weapons form as part of the [Skills].

"Mhm." Ryun agreed with her god/husband, then notice something near her face and start grinning.

The next day*

Year 36: Day 214: Let The Game BEGIN!

(Tokyo: Ukiyoe Town: Temporary Home)

"[Call the Wind]. [Summon the Rain]." I activate my two [Skills], causing the entire Town to be covered in a large black cloud, where it started raining without any sign of it ending. This causes many to be startled at the sudden appearance of the rain. "Now, that Erza and Pyrrha, along with the Yokai are now unable to come outside. What is the first attack you'll be doing?"

"I think I'll attack them in a way, that would suppress them early on." Ryun has her [Lighthouse] out, hacking into the Town's network and making a few changes to it as well.

"Alright. I'll leave you to it." I knew that Ryun took some lessons from both Raven and Repellista. I begin to think, that maybe, just maybe, I should have picked out [Restriction Mastery] since I can so much with it, then realized, that might be the reason why I didn't pick it in the first place with how much trouble I could cause with that [Skill] alone.

"By the way, my god." Ryun calls for her god/husband's attention. "Do you think the girls would be able to win this little family game of ours?" Ryun knew the chance is low, but depending on her god/husband's mood. He might throw the game altogether to get the game to be finished right away. Something Ryun has seen before.

"It's a 50-50, depending on if they could make it interesting or you make it interesting, to keep the game up." I said to Ryun while controlling the black wind to push a Yokai that was trying to sneak into the rain back into their hiding place. "Also, I might take this chance to figure out what else I could do with both [Skills: Call the Wind & Summon the Rain], to make into [Broken Skills]. Sure, they are overpowered, but not [Broken Skills]. They are still very limited in my eyes."

Ryun's mouth twitches upon hearing this, because these two [Skills] are very deadly in countless universes and her god/husband wanted to make them into [Broken Skills]. That's just asking for someone who was given a hand grenade and decided to figure a way to turn it into a grenade launcher with missiles attached to it as well.

"Oh, yeah. I just remember something." I said to Ryun, causing her to hum to let me know she listening. "Did we ever tell them when they should come back home for meals? As in getting to eat the foods, Esdeath provides for us in our 1-month family vacation?"

"I honestly forgot. Maybe they will show up here or call us with those cell phones I gave them beforehand this morning." Ryun wasn't that trouble about their little girls not being able to eat Esdeath's foods. It's just that they will have to eat something less tasty and plainer due to how their taste buds been used to how delicious Esdeath's foods are while everything else, not so much.

"Maybe." I nod my head, as I stare out the window, controlling the black wind and the rain. 'I wonder if they are just too scared of coming out in the rain to come home to eat and forgot about having cell phones to call.' I sweatdrop. 'If that was the case, I love my children and all that, but sometimes they just don't think about the simple solutions sometimes. Then again, I'm not so different from them either.'