Chapter 108: The Final

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'





Gaia/gamer system talking

[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - Lvl.1/100 - EXP: 0% - MP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Name] - Rank: F- to EX - Durability: 1 to Unbreakable - ATK: 0 to N/A

Description: Info on the item

[Title] - Info

Chapter 108: The Final

18 days later*

Year 36: Day 233: The End, Then The Beginning

(Ark's City)

-Ragna's Original Body's POV-

"Well, here you go." I gave Erza and Pyrrha their prizes. For Erza, she got a book that contains Esdeath's recipes for all strawberry cakes she made up to now, be it manually or conjuring them with the [Title: Goddess of Food]. While for Pyrrha, I gave her the same thing, but for her own favorite food instead.

Both Erza and Pyrrha look at the cooking book for a few seconds before they start jumping in absolute joys and beyond happy, that they push through all trials in this family game to win it at last. In their eyes, it was worth all the chaos they had to go through, including many betrayals during the three weeks upon discovering the [Resurrection Potions].

"I don't hear any thanks to your Father." Ryun narrow her eyes, causing both Erza and Pyrrha to shiver at this.

"Thank you very much, Father!" Both Erza and Pyrrha quickly shouted before bowing their heads to further prove how thankfully they are. Something they didn't need to do, but with Mother like theirs made it into a habit.

"Well, you girls can head back with the head through that door." I point at the door on our right, where it's glowing white. "Ryun. Mind letting Serafall and Gabriel know that I'll be waiting for them here?" I have already changed back to my original body and felt a little disappointed I couldn't do much with my [Cultivation Bodies].

"Will do my god. Girls. Come on." Ryun opens the door back to the Beelzebub universe, where everyone else currently. "I'll send you a message soon, my god." Ryun said to her god/husband before closing the door after everyone enters through the door.

The moment the door closed, I walk over to the random seats in this place, that's the closest to the door to wait for the other to appear and sat down. Afterward, I produce two [Sword Qi], with one of them containing the [Volition Sword Dao] and the other contains the [Dawn Sword Dao]. Then, using [Rejection] and [Elemental Sight] to gain more insights into these two [Dao] to form new [Dao Techniques] or refine the ones I have created. While waiting on Serafall, Gabriel, Artoria, and Rin to show up.

I grab both of the two [Sword Qi] in my hands, with my left being the [Volition Sword Dao] and the right being the [Dawn Sword Dao]. Just with a single thought, I can erase countless universes with these two [Sword Qi] alone. One that would cause a ripple throughout the entire multiverse and cause massive destruction. The other would do the same, but would cause less damage to the entire multiverse on the surface. Below this surface is hidden with the countless destruction and chaos.

[Volition Sword Dao] and [Dawn Sword Dao]. Both can kill everything, yet also save everything. The concept of killing and saving is two sides on a coin. But, with many differences, that would drive many insane without any chance of recovering.


"Let's get this show on the road!" Black slams the door open, with a big smile on his face.

"Don't slam the door." Kaori slaps the back of her little brother's head. "Greetings, Father." Kaori greets her Father with her head lower a little.

"By the power of our youth, we shall bring victory!" Rock roar with his eyes on fire.

"Great, now we can do something else other than train." Rin spoke out her thoughts, as she walks through the door.

In fact, the entire family is here. Making me raise an eyebrow at this.

"Is there something I'm missing, how come everyone is here?" I noticed, that even Ingui Yoon, Daniela, and even Shigure, as well as my other students, are coming through the door. By the time that everyone enters the [Ark]. The entire place is filled with people that I have met or hear from others are now, here.

"Well." Esdeath is the one to spoke up for everyone. "We came to the conclusion that this is the best time for us to grab all the universes in the multiverse before the three factions could figure a way to remove the curse and/or have someone on their side become a [Tier 10 - Entity]. I got the others to inform your students, ours, and everyone else that decided to join our side to take over the entire multiverse." Esdeath didn't care if any of these people would die and they knew exactly what they are signing up. Most of the people here, excluding the kids of the family are people who are eager for the big incoming fight.

"Huh..." I blink a few times. 'I did not expect this to happen after having a family vacation with Ryun and our two Daughters.' I thought to myself, wondering what happens to everyone else when I was gone for a day in their time zone. "Do I even want to know why?"

"Do you?" Esdeath asks back with a grin on her face, then look at everyone else. "You guys go do whatever for the time begin. Your teacher and the rest of us will have a meeting before the big conquest!" This caused almost everyone to let out a cheer and start moving around the [Ark]. While some stayed behind, wanting to be in the meeting as well or at least hear the important details.

"Usually, I would say no, but this time. I do." I said to Esdeath, as I create multiple chairs for everyone to sit in. With Esdeath and Ryun sitting on my left and right.

"Seeing how we're close to reaching our goal and how the three factions won't be able to do much against us for the time being. I say we grab all the universes we could get for you to absorb into your Gamer's ability. Maybe by the end, you will actually become a [Tier 10 - Entity], then no one will mess with us. Furthermore, by the time this whole thing is over. I'm pretty sure most of us will be done with this whole fighting thing and go on our lives afterward." Esdeath knew that. In the end, chances are, she and the rest would soon stay in the home universe for a long time before one of them, mostly it's their husband, who will become extremely bored and would do something extremely stupid. Yet, something worth doing to ease the boredom.

"I see." I nod my head, understanding that this is a good chance to reap the prizes while the three factions are currently out of the playing board for now. Instead of taking this chance for a small family vacation. "That's fine with me." I shrug my shoulder. "So, how are we going to do this?" I lean back in my seat, giving Esdeath and everyone else my undivided attention.

"Well, first. We need to plan out what universes are the main focus to grab and the rewards we should provide to everyone in the success in taking over said universes." Esdeath knew that without any benefits included in this conquest. An 80% chance of problems will happen no matter what. Including the chances of someone falling to their greed and end up betraying each other. So a reward system will be required.

"Anyone want to be the one to come up with the rewards?" I ask my wives, including my students that stayed to listen. I even signal them that they could provide their own ideas into this meeting to help out.

"I can do it." Raven spoke up, then let out a yawn. But, anyone in the family, including those that know Raven, knew exactly why Raven wants to do this. After all, the job with the least amount of works needs to be done in the long term.

"That's fine. Anything else we want to bring up into this meeting before going to the main point?" I ask everyone since this is meeting will be what decide our courses of action. For the next, who knows how long before reaching the end goal.

"Yeah, how will everyone get to their assigned universe to take over it?" One of my students from the side asked, causing almost everyone to whisper to each other about this.

"Oh, we'll leave it to my husband here. After all, he has many means to solve this problem. It's not really a problem for him. For others? Maybe. But, really for all of us here. Who doesn't know the things he could do?" Esdeath points this out to everyone, causing literally everyone to nods in an agreement with Esdeath.

"That's very true. Teacher always does have many methods to solve many things, where people have a hard time doing the same."

"I'm not surprised. From what I heard, Teacher's husband could even destroy a universe with a punch. A fucking physical punch."

"I wonder what methods he would use to allow all of us to travel the multiverse."

I sweatdrop at this, but kept my mouth shut and didn't comment anything about what Esdeath just said nor pay too much attention to my students and wives' students' comments.

"How about communication? While we're taking over the universes. How do we talk with everyone else that is in another universe in case we may need to report something important or call for backup?" Another student, but under Raven's teaching.

"I can solve that problem." Repellista is the one to speak up before anyone could. "Since Ragna here has already linked my [Lighthouse] to the [Ark] and has helped me create more version of my [Lighthouses]. I can provide everyone a [Lighthouse] of their own. Of course, it will be a limited version since we can't have them fall into the enemy's hands. Though, it won't be much a problem since I will make sure this won't happen. I won't say how, but just know these [Lighthouses]." Repellista took out a small blue cube that is glowing a bit. "Are what allows everyone to talk to each other. Don't worry about being overwhelmed with everyone talking to each other. I made sure to place down multiple chatrooms for everyone to use. I'll be passing these out later after the meeting." Repellista put away the [Lighthouse] as she gave her own input into this meeting.

"Any other questions?" I ask everyone. I glance at my wives, where almost all of them are paying attention to the meeting, with some are bored out of their minds. Yet, that didn't mean they weren't paying attention to what everyone is saying. Even when they are whispering.

"Are we going in blind or would there be some sort of guidebook to let us know what kind of universe we're entering?" Someone asked from the background.

"We will provide a guidebook to the universes you're aiming for, but that doesn't mean you must get one. It can be a challenge for those that want to discover what the universe they're entering themselves. But, we will make sure to tell everyone the exact way for everyone to gain control over the universe since not everyone here can takeover universes with just a single thought." Serafall answered the question, where near the end, everyone glances over at me.

"So, how are we going to do this?" Yuri asks with an eyebrow raise. "Do we just let anyone go to wherever they want or should we go the same route of placing down limitations on what anyone could take on? For example, someone wants to go into a mundane world for whatever reason, but are extremely powerful that could destroy that universe from the inside by accident. This would lead to the universe cutting off any options to allow the person to take over the universe or require someone like Ragna here to come over to take the ownership." Yuri wanted this out of the way before this becomes a problem later on.

"Might as well, since some of us are not suited for certain types of universe." Alice said to everyone, causing many to agree, including those that are more brawn than brain.

"Not to mention, there are people who are not the right role for the job." Gabriel follows with Alice, where she knew from experience how there are things she can and can't do. Though, she is still trying to work on her [Dao of Alchemy] to save her husband.

"Right then. Anything else before we begin the main topic?" I ask everyone once more, looking at everyone. When no one spoke up, "Alright. Let's get this main topic on hand."

Today will be the day, where everything before. Playing around, having fun. Is done. It's time for everyone to get ready, including the kids, if not, back into the home universe until everything is over with.

'This is my life. As the Gamer.' I thought to myself, where this is the big turning point, to see if I can get the full power of the Gamer's ability or not.


Author Note:

The first thing to say to all my readers. Damn, I honestly did not expect to finish this any time soon, but since someone mentions how it becoming boring or just not worth reading any longer. I may as well end it here, then prepare myself for book 2, where it may or may not get back in Ragna D. Mercer's pov as the main character.

Anyway, thanks for all those that have come and go, to read this fanfic of mine. I did not expect to last this long and truly thought I would end up like those other authors who would randomly drop their fanfics out of the blue or whatever. In fact, I came close to many times in the past, including my original version of Book 1 of the Gamer series, not this rewrite version. Yet, I somehow get the urge to continue on.

July 13, 2015. This is the date when I first begin and now it's the year 2020. Wow, 5 years in and I'm still typing my stories, even making my own original novel. Something I would never expect to see in the past. Well, I'm glad I finished this story. And for those that think I just wanted to rush this story to the ending. To be completely honest, I was looking for the right moment to end this story since I've already have many thoughts of book 2 and still do. So, better now than never and up making me turning this first story of mine into something bad.

Again, thanks for joining me in this story of mine. Which took me 5 years to finish, if you count the original version, if not, then it only took me over 2 years to finish this fanfic.

Also, for those that think I have drop/abandoned my other stories. I did not. After all, my username on the fanfiction is ImBoredSoJustDoingRandomFanfic and webnovel ImBoredSoMeh. Well, what did you expect from me? Drop it? Not in the slightest. I just need to get in the mood or something to resume in doing them. None of them are abandoned unless I say so.

Now, seeing how some people might be wondering when book 2 of the Gamer series will begin. I'll say, er... before 2021. Hehehe... ANYWHO! Since I now have a free slot while I write my original novel. Other than The Irregular Maker which I will only upload after an arc is done written down. I think I'll pick one of my fanfic or make a new one become my 2 weekly focus. My weekly focus is my original novel while the rest of my fanfic is random.

If you readers want me to decide for me, then just PM or review or something and give me a good reason why I should pick that fanfic as my 2 weekly focus.

Well, thanks for reading, have a great 4th of July!