Arc 1 - Chapter 1: Oh, Fuck My Life

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.





Arc 1 - Chapter 1: Oh, Fuck My Life

Letting out a yawn, a very slim, tall young man with messy black hair and dark eyes. One of his most noticeable features is the shadow below each of his eyes, a result of him being an insomniac. Wearing a pair of blue jeans, a long-sleeved white shirt, and a black fur jacket. Along with a white sneaker.

This is Lawliet. Just Lawliet, since having the name L Lawliet would make things difficult for Lawliet. Due to the fact of having adopted parents who are extreme in anime and manga. That alone would have been great and all, but having parents to expert one to grow up like a character in those anime and manga made it very weird, yet interesting childhood.

Being given the name Lawliet due to the meaning of it. Is "Lost One, Last One" is just another factor for his adopted parents to pick it. Ironically enough, Lawliet has many adopted siblings who are very successful in their careers somehow. Yet, for Lawliet here. He barely meets the abnormal standards his adopted parents set up to meet while growing up, to have the right to carry the full name: L Lawliet. The world-renowned detective who takes on the challenge of catching the mass murderer known as Kira. In the anime/manga of Death Note.

Sadly, Lawliet didn't live up to his adopted parents' expectations due to not being smart to be considered as a world-renowned detective. In fact, the only things that are worth being world-renowned about Lawliet are for having weird, but successful parents for training up kids to be like their name's anime/manga characters, or at least close to it. Yet, failing to become L Lawliet.

Honestly, Lawliet wonder if that's why his own adopted parents decided to push him in front of a moving truck, hoping to have him isekai. Ironically enough, it did work. But, Lawliet didn't meet any god or goddess, nor any devils or evil creatures before being sent off to the next world. Maybe because Lawliet was pushed to his death instead of being run over by accident? Either way, at the very least, that Lawliet is free from his adopted parents' crazy control. But, he is willing to keep his name. After all, Lawliet wasn't that bother about carrying the name of one of the most important characters in Death Note.

So far, Lawliet has scouted the area in the hope of learning what kind of world did he end up in. It's a good thing Lawliet appears in this world with his cloth and his own body, otherwise, he will have to deal with either growing up as a baby or being out in the open, butt naked. Lawliet would rather be butt naked in the open than a baby since he rather not grow up again. Experiencing the crazy way he was growing up has already trauma Lawliet badly already.

But, that didn't happen to Lawliet and he carries along with all his memory before being pushed off to his death. Honestly, Lawliet doesn't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. But, at least Lawliet could do whatever the fuck he wants now than having to deal with his adopted parents pushing him to do things he has no interest in.

Of course, Lawliet is somewhat grateful for it, because he was technically trained in this through watching anime and reading anime nearly every day if he wasn't being trained in becoming a world-renowned detective at the time.

So it took some time, like a few minutes before Lawliet found his golden finger aka his plot armor. Thanks for the small mercy, since he wasn't trained in any combat while growing up. Making Lawliet sighed in relief he gained a plot armor upon entering this world.


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept.

[Perfume Magic] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user is able to perform a form of [Magic] that allows the user to cast [Magical Spells] dealing with perfume.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Perfume Magic]?


Lawliet instantly rejected this as he did the previous ones from before.

This is what Lawliet got. [Automatic Cultivation].

[Automatic Cultivation] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The ability to develop a [Skill] without the needs of the user to manually develop said [Skill].

Basic - Task: 1 | Reduce Speed: 1 minute | Mastery Limit: Trainee

No tutorial nor any guidebook whatsoever for Lawliet to use. Therefore, Lawliet is just winging it while doing his best to find out what else he could do. Until something happens. Studying what else he could do with this [Automatic Cultivation] on his own.

So, after doing some research in the local library which was an honest disappointment since nothing helped much. Hell, he couldn't even find any history books he could help him figure out what kind of world he is in. Even the idea of entering a parallel world from his previous one was dropped due to having no similar facts in the history books of this world. As most of them are just history books of people in this town called Hope.

As to why this town got this name is due to the people here have the hope of their children growing up to be someone important, that would cause major changes for the better of the town. Yeah, this kinda remind Lawliet of his childhood and made him avoid wanting to talk with the town folks, where Lawliet has no idea if they are like his parents in a way or not. But, better be safe than sorry.

Nonetheless, Lawliet just kept his distance and not cause any problems while he works on his plot armor. To find out what else he could do with [Automatic Cultivation].


The user has activated the [Automatic Cultivation].

Would the user like to develop a [Skill]?


Lawliet agreed, causing the holographic screen before his eyes to change. This is something only he can see for some reason, but just go along with it. Since it would save Lawliet the trouble of having to find a good moment to use his plot armor without worrying about people seeing this.


It will take [Automatic Cultivation] 1-10 minutes to develop a [Skill].

Yeah, Lawliet has no idea how this thing works. Nonetheless, it's a plot armor and something he will need to survive this world. Otherwise, Lawliet could only do is just stand around and wait for his death by some means. Dying from lack of water is a high chance of happening, to being attacked by some strange mobs, that just wanted to do wicked things. Lawliet wouldn't be surprised if he was unlucky enough to get mugged or stab to death just for being at the wrong place and at the wrong time.

Though, to be honest, Lawliet felt like that would be a better way for him to die than dying by his own adopted parents. Fuck them.


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept.

[Authority Manipulation] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can create, shape, and manipulate [Authority], the power to enforce rules/laws, make decisions, and overalls control/dominion of others. Allowing the user to remove, change, or even create a new [Authority] for anything/everything.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Authority Manipulation]?


Lawliet pauses for a moment, to see what he is reading is for real or he just seeing things.

Closing his eyes for a moment before reopening them, to see if what he is seeing is still there or not. Sure enough, the [Authority Manipulation] is still there and up for Lawliet to take.

No longer hesitating, Lawliet quickly accepts this very first [Skill], not including [Automatic Cultivation], and wait for his time of the moment to become overpowered to arrive!


The user has accepted the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

The screen quickly changes and there is new information about the [Authority Manipulation] for Lawliet to see.

[Authority Manipulation] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can create, shape, and manipulate [Authority], the power to enforce rules/laws, make decisions, and overalls control/dominion of others. Allowing the user to remove, change, or even create a new [Authority] for anything/everything.

Basic - Maintain Limit: 1 | Control Success Rate: 10%

Lawliet's left eyelid begins to twitch at this, because if what he is reading correctly. Then, he only has a 10% chance of successfully using the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Either way, Lawliet got an OP [Skill] and try to activate it the same as he does with the [Skill: Automatic Cultivation].


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Lawliet's left eyelid begins to twitch again. So, he tries to activate [Authority Manipulation] a second time.


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

A third time.


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Seeing the same message just tick Lawliet off, but decided it wasn't raging over with. Since he knew it was too good to be true, that he would become overpowered at the get-go.

So, Lawliet just reuses [Automatic Cultivation] in the hope of getting something else that would help him out. While Lawliet resumes walking with no destination.


It will take [Automatic Cultivation] 1-10 minutes to develop a [Skill].

As Lawliet waits for the [Automatic Cultivation] to finish. He starts looking around to figure out what kind of world he is in.

"HEEEELLLLP-AAAAAAAH!" Someone screamed for help before it turned into a shriek of horror, then it went silent afterward. Then, soon the entire place begins to be filled with screams of terror.

Before Lawiet's eyes, where he can see what just happened to the person that screamed. For the ground collapsing, forming a large hole into who knows how deep down into the ground. Soon, the ground begins to shake. As more areas beginning to collapse. Even some of the buildings are crumbling down due to the lack of foundation to keep these buildings up.

Luckily, the area Lawliet is currently at hasn't collapsed on him, but that didn't mean it will last that long. So, without even bother to look to help anyone else since he has no powers nor the abilities to do such heroic things. Lawliet runs with all his might to get out of this town.

Whatever fucked up world Lawliet has come into, to experience a natural disaster on the first day and it wasn't even near evening yet. Lawliet truly wished he would have been isekai into some other worlds that won't end up with him dying from a natural disaster. At least, with something else, Lawliet might have a better chance of surviving.

Even with Lawliet having plot armor, that didn't help him much at all due to it being based on luck from what he could tell.

Quickly, Lewliet tries using the [Skill: Authority Manipulation] again. Hoping it would activate this time.


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Lawliet seeing this message. He really hopes his bad luck is due to having his good luck influencing him survival this whole natural disaster or whatever is going on.

A few minutes later*


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept.

[Demonic Wind Manipulation] - [Rank: Trainee]

Description: The user can create, shape, and manipulate vicious and hellish winds, possessing the capability to twist and destroy everything within their path. The user is able to use [Demonic Winds] to savagely shred all in within its gales, or create large tornadoes that annihilate everything with destructive power. In addition, the winds can also drastically affect the temperature of any area, creating bitter cold winds that freeze everything, or relentless burning winds that reduce everything to ashes.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Demonic Wind Manipulation]?


Lawliet would gladly accept this [Skill], but it wasn't something he could use nor did he want to find out if there any side-effects of using such [Skill] while still being a human. So, Lawliet rejected getting this [Skill]. No matter how powerful it is and would massively help him with his current bad situation, but it's completely useless for Lawliet right now as he continues to run away from falling down to his death. As the areas nearby are crumbling away, where behind Lawliet is already a massive deep hole. Going by the screams for help. Lawliet can guess that numerous of people have fallen to their deaths with the rest of everyone continued to run for their life including Lawliet.

Hell, this would just make things worse for Lawliet. So he didn't regret not getting the [Skill: Demonic Wind Manipulation] since if it has the word: Demonic in it, then even if Lawliet comes out of this alive. The side-effects of having this [Skill] would doom Lawliet somehow for the rest of his life unless he figures a way to get rid of the [Skill].


It will take [Automatic Cultivation] 1-10 minutes to develop a [Skill].

Again, Lawliet desperately hopes for something good, even if it something weak compares to [Authority Manipulation], but at the same time not like the [Skill: Demonic Wind Manipulation] or any demonic version fo the [Skills].

Onto another thing to think about while running with his life on the line. Lawliet wonders what kind of world he is in. Would this world be a fantasy one? Or maybe a mundane one that's pretty much like the previous world?

Either way, facing a natural disaster on the first-day suck ass big time. Not to mention, Lawliet was barely trained his body enough not ending up fat, but that won't be enough for much longer for Lawliet at the rate the ground is still crumbling away without stopping. If anything, Lawliet already considered this entire town gone by the end of today.

The moment Lawliet saw a bunch of people up ahead kicking each other down to get away while some even have already begun climbing up tall building for some unknown reasons.

Gritting his teeth, Lawliet push himself even harder to run faster and making sure to avoid being grabbed by people on the ground, hoping to be helped to get away or those with hatred in their eyes. Where these people are not willing to die alone and saw a few people already fighting each other, with one continue to pull the other down no matter how badly they are being hit and the other person doing their best to beat the living shit out of the other person to let them go, so they can resume escaping.

Lawliet knew he was on a deadline and was getting very tired. His legs are burning and out of breath. Lawliet could barely keep on running at this very moment. Yet, he has no choice at all and just continues to run with everything he has while trying to get the fucking [Skill] to activate for once already.

It's a good thing, these screens are see-through or else he might have ended up, smacked his face into a wall by now.


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Lawliet almost cursed at this if it wasn't for the following up next screen replacing the failed attempt to activate the [Skill: Authority Manipualtion].


[Automatic Cultivation] is finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept. The [Skill: Gas Bomb Generation].

[Gas Bomb Generation] - [Rank: Trainee]

Description: The user can create and launch bombs, explosives, and other volatile constructs composed of gas(es), which can have various effects on the target.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Gas Bomb Generation]?


That's a big nope from Lawliet, because this might be a good [Skill] and all, but this doesn't come with friendly fire protection from what Lawliet could guess. Furthermore, this seriously just makes the situation worse if Lawliet try to use it to help him get out of town. In fact, this [Skill] alone would speed up the process of destroying the entire town along with Lawliet too.

Of course, it could be useful later on when he survive this natural disaster, but for the time being. Lawliet is willing to not get this [Skill] at all.


It will take [Automatic Cultivation] 1-10 minutes to develop a [Skill].

Breathing very heavy, Lawliet continues moving without stopping and making sure not to get knocked over by some random people as he punches a few people in the faces if they even come near him, stopping them from dragging Lawliet down to the ground. Something Lawliet can't have as the moment Lawliet stops running. That is when he knew, that his life is over, due to his legs won't be able to run afterward.


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Lawliet mentally shouted all the curses he knows, that his plot armor relies on luck and right now. His luck is bad for not even being able to activate the [Skill: Authority Manipulation] once since he got it. Not to mention, that Lawliet just realized, that the only [Skill] he could use without any problem at all is the [Automatic Cultivation] while future [Skill] might not be the same and would be like the [Authority Manipulation] instead. Based on luck.


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept.

[Water Walking] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can walk or run on the surface of the water by literally defying the surface tension and can move across the surface of the water as easily as they would be able to on land.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Water Walking]?


Lawliet looks at this new [Skill] in disbelief, for one thing, there no water nearby he needs to walk on and another is that this isn't what he needed at all! Nonetheless, he will take it since it might be useful sooner or later depending on if there is a large water body up ahead.

The screen change and now Lawliet can see the last detail on the limitations of what he could do with this [Skill] and hope it wasn't like the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].


The user has accepted the [Skill: Water Walking].

[Water Walking] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can walk or run on the surface of the water by literally defying the surface tension and can move across the surface of the water as easily as they would be able to on land.

Basic - Step: 1 | Control Success Rate: 10%

Lawliet feels like crying, but suppress the urge to the moment he saw that this [Skill: Water Walking] is absolutely useless with the way it is right now. For one thing, not minding the control success rate. That step part is what made it worse for Lawliet since even if the [Skill] actually activated. He can only take a single step on the water before it deactivates from what Lawliet could understand. And afterward, he will have to reactivate the [Water Walking] to walk on water again, but for just a single step before the need to reactivate it. In other words, for Lawliet, every single step has a 90% chance of failure for not working at all.

Therefore, Lawliet quickly got [Automatic Cultivation] back to work, because he really needs some help right about now.


It will take [Automatic Cultivation] 1-10 minutes to develop a [Skill].

Again, Lawliet tries his luck with [Authority Manipulation] since that's his best bet on surviving this whole fall to his death threat hanging over his head; well, behind him really. Lawliet already has an idea of what kind of authority he would get with [Authority Manipulation] to help him get out of this bad situation Lawliet is having right now.


The user has failed to use the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

If only it would activate! Lawliet roar in his mind, wondering why his luck is so bad right now and wonder if he had used it all up by getting the [Skill: Authority Manipulation] so early or even getting such a thing in the first place.

Nevertheless, Lawliet continues to run with all his might, not bother to stop for a moment and just glad he is lucky enough not to waste too much time moving around walls and that it's already lucky enough that there no buildings in the way in a straightforward path out of this town.


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept.

[Decay Reversal] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can reverse the decaying and decomposition of anything organic, whether food or corpses.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Decay Reversal]?


Lawliet look at this [Skill], where he might have become lucky again. Because with this [Skill], he really doesn't have to worry about food at all since he can find one that's already been expire and use this [Skill] to reverse it. Turning it back to edible food to eat. Though, Lawliet seriously hopes this [Skill] would activate a bit more often compared to [Authority Manipulation]. A useful [Skill] to have in case Lawliet is desperate enough to go through the trash for food and using this [Skill] to make it edible.


The user has accepted the [Skill: Decay Reversal].

[Decay Reversal] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can reverse the decaying and decomposition of anything organic, whether food or corpses.

Basic - Reverse: 10% | Control Success Rate: 10%

Looking at this, Lawliet has no idea if he should laugh or cry, maybe doing both. Because this [Skill] is also useless as how it is right now. Nonetheless, Lawliet kept on running without stopping for a second.


It will take [Automatic Cultivation] 1-10 minutes to develop a [Skill].

Lawliet feels his leg muscles are on fire and he knew after this if he survives, that he will be in a lot of pain afterward.

The sound of people screaming behind Lawliet was enough motivation for him to continue moving without any problem. Though, this might not be enough for Lawliet.


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing a [Skill] for the user to accept.

[Tactile Sexual Arousal] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: The user can cause sexual arousal through touch, further increasing the sexual quality of anyone just by touching them and induce complete sexual arousal, this can create extreme lust, enhanced sensitivity to sexual pleasure, and cause them to crave sexual interaction.


Would the user like to accept the [Skill: Tactile Sexual Arousal]?


Lawliet didn't even bother with this [Skill] and just reject it. Since he has no idea if there is a limit of how many [Skillls] he could hold before he hit the cap limit. By then, the only thing Lawliet could do is regret for not thinking properly of picking out what [Skills] he should grab. Though, this is just an excuse Lawliet is making up for not being smart enough to get that [Skill: Gas Bomb Generation].

Suddenly, Lawliet got an idea and wonder if he could use [Automatic Cultivation] for something other than developing a random [Skill] that he may or may not take. Hoping for a miracle to happen.


The user has activated the [Skill: Automatic Cultivation] to develop the [Skill: Stealth] - [Rank: Basic].

Time of Development: 0 second


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing the [Skill: Stealth].

[Stealth] - [Rank: Basic]

Description: To avoid open combat, minimize making noise, and strike enemies from the shadow and behind. Completing objectives without being detected by any enemy.

Basic - Reduce Noise: 10% | Reduce Presence: 10% | Increase Damage: 2x

Lawliet blinks a couple of times, to see how fast the [Automatic Cultivation] have developed the [Skill: Stealth]. This made Lawliet wonder if he should stop developing random [Skills] and just pick out the [Skills] instead of with how fast it developed.

Lawliet look at this new [Skill], which didn't seem like the same as the rest, excluding [Automatic Cultivation], that have a control success rate. Nonetheless, that's fine for Lawliet. Since this will help Lawliet, where the people that have given up and wanted to drag others to their death with them wouldn't be able to detect Lawliet. Saving Lawliet from wasting stamina on having to knock a few people away from touching him. Thanks to having his presence lower, causing other to subconsciously ignore Lawliet's existence.


The user has activated the [Skill: Authority Manipulation].

Please pick a [Authority] to use.

And just like that, Lawliet's good luck is back! As for what [Authority], Lawliet will pick. It will be something useful in the long run and right now!


Beginning to grant access to the chosen [Authority] to the user.

Lawliet wonder how this will work before his vision went pitch black and beginning to hear whispers of many languages, with countless people speaking all at once. This leads to Lawliet feeling very uncomfortable and wonders how long this will last. Then, it got worse when he starting to see numerous of very bright lights, that nearly blinked Lawliet if he hasn't closed his eyes right away.

Then, everything went back to normal. This made Lawliet wonder if what he experienced was just an illusion or not. Yet, at the same time, he will be having nightmares for a long time after going through that hellish experience. Making Lawliet wonder if he should continue to use [Authority Manipulation] or not, but knew he will have to.


The user has successfully gained control over the [Authority: Space].

[Authority: Space] -

Description: The user can create, shape, and manipulate the physical aspect of [Space] within an area of one's choosing, including an area and whatever is inside fo that area. The user can trap subjects or objects in space and push that space, throwing subject and object away from the use or to create wormholes, paradoxes, and other strange events by warping spatial areas and twisting them around.

Lawliet blanks out again, for a single second. Yet, this single second alone felt like forever as knowledge, and more knowledge of anything related to [Space] is being shoved into Lawliet's head until his brain reboots. Afterward, Lawliet discovers he now has access to a massive amount of knowledge in the subject of [Space]. Include a small part of manipulating [Time] too, but barely.

Talk about overpowered beyond belief. If that wasn't enough. Lawliet doesn't even need to practice nor discover the powers related to [Space]. Lawliet just 'know' it and can 'do' it with just a thought.

Though, Lawliet wonders why he wasn't brain dead due to gaining the information of everything related to [Space]. And maybe just hope it's because the [Authority Manipulation] helped him or whatever is producing these holographic screens. Kind of like a system, but so far, Lawliet didn't see anything like stats or anything else other than a screen to list out his [Skills] when he needs to check it out, but it wasn't really needed. As it wasn't there to allow Lawliet to access his [Skills]. He just will it to activate and it does so. Well, kind of.

But, this isn't the best time for Lawliet to be distracted too long about his newly acquired [Authority] as the ground crumbling away is soon to spread towards Lawliet's present location. In fact, Lawliet found his butt on the ground, unable to get up at all. As his legs are too in pain for him to get back on his feet to run again.

It was literally a miracle that up to now, that Lawliet managed to run so fast compared to his normal running speed back on Earth.

Without even thinking about it. Lawliet disappears from the area. As in, Lawliet has teleported away via using [Space] without realizing it and more on the line of a subconscious action of Lawliet's, and by the time his brain registers he is now out in the open green field. No longer were there any flesh vines aiming to crush him.

Lawliet blanks out for a moment before slowly starting to laugh until it became full-blown laughter of happiness and a small bit of Lawliet's sanity disappearing.

After a while, to distract himself from what happened back in that town that may as well become a ruin now. Lawliet reactivates [Automatic Cultivation] after forgetting about it for a bit.


The user has activated the [Skill: Automatic Cultivation] to develop the [Skill: Stealth] to [Rank: Trainee].

Time of Development: 9 minutes

{Timer: Start | 9 minutes}

The screen now has a timer on it, allowing Lawliet to keep track of how long until the [Automatic Cultivation] is finished. It will take 9 minutes for [Automatic Cultivation] to finish. Shaking his head, Lawliet starts looking around to see where the hell he is now. But, all he see is grass and a few trees. Other than that, nothing else.

Honestly, Lawliet wonders if he just dreaming right now and any moment now. He will wake up, but Lawliet knew he was just grasping straws and this wasn't a dream nor a nightmare.

So for the time being, Lawliet just slowly wait for the {Timer} to be finished and sat down on the grassy ground. As he begins to think about what his life will be now or what could he do. Because unlike those main characters, where most of them have a goal already or finding one in no time flat. Lawliet got nothing. Drawing up a blank on what he could do. Being a hero wasn't something he wanted. As he has the memory of all these 'heroes' that end up having a tragic life or ending.

Seriously, look at the character he was supposed to grow as. Both in the anime and manga, L Lawliet died, either way, no happy ending for him really in Lawliet's eyes.

{Timer: End}


The [Automatic Cultivation] has finished developing the [Skill: Stealth] to [Rank: Trainee].

[Stealth] - [Rank: Trainee]

Description: To avoid Open combat, minimize making noise, and strike enemies from the shadow and behind. Completing objectives without being detected by any enemy.

Trainee - Reduce Noise: 30% | Reduce Presence: 30% | Increase Damage: 5x

Seeing this, Lawliet smiles and surprised the 20% increase in both noise and presence, and that 5x increase damage is a big thing. Making Lawliet wonder if his [Skill: Stealth] is different from the ordinary one that people trained in or not. Nonetheless, that 30% reduce noise and presence will make a big difference in Lawliet's opinion.

So, to make it even better. Lawliet wants to quickly raise this [Skill]'s [Rank] as high as possible with [Automatic Cultivation].


The [Automatic Cultivation] is unable to develop the [Skill: Stealth] above the [Rank: Trainee].

And suddenly Lawliet wonders if he was a bit too hasty.