Back to the start!

Zuhaib pulls the liver and the bright beam of light emits out of the portal and hits Rameez. Rameez is now unable to move and can't see anything because of the bright light

As Rameez is in complete agony,Faisal is holding the exorsict stone.Fully ready to capture Rameez's past self's consciousness.

Zafar who is all confused and feels betrayed looks at that beem of light,thinking about what he has done and regrets everything with the bottom of his heart.Zafar with that puppy face thinks that he shouldn't have done it.Well at least he gets to meet his family again!Rameez was unaware that Zafars family died because of him,sort of died because of him.

As Rameez is in agony of trying to resist from that position he has been trapped in.Zafar is he is agony of his heart regretting everything.And as both of them are in agony,Faisal and Zuhaib are filled with joy to the brim,because their mission was successful

Finally Zuhaib pulls the liver back to the other side and Rameez is absorbed back by the portal with the light

Well anyways Zuahib pull the liver and quickly presses the button with his foot and with in a split second Rameez vanishes.Cool right?

As Rameez is jumping in back in time Rameez's past self's consciousness comes in the present time.The exorsict stone quickly detects it and Faisal absorbs the that conciousness of Rameez's past self. Faisal can only know that because stone starts vibrating when there is a soul or any conciousness,and stops vibrating when the soul or any conciousness is trapped in the stone.Now all Faisal has to do is point the stone at someone,a living being.And that conciousness will go inside that person.And obviously that some living being is Zafar.

Faisal points the stone at Zafar,after stone stopped vibrating,indicating that the conciousness is trapped and when Faisal points the stone at Zafar. Zafar's conciousness is still inside but has a company of Rameez's inside of him

Rameez wakes up or Zafar wakes up,whatever he wakes up and is trying to procees everything but before he could process anything,he looks up and sees Faisal pointing a gun at him. So long you can see your family Zafar. Before they could say a word,Faisal shoots them, killing Him.

Meanwhile...Rameez is travelling time while all that stuff was happening.Lucky him or so I say unlucky him.Rameez traveling time and he seems to find him self in a void with colorful shades going from here to there carrying a space time of vibe.He is looking around.

He doesn't really know how he is moving forward because he is not trying to.

But he doesn't care about anything,all he is lost in thoughts and in the beauty of this void.

He can't hear a thing,just calm a peaceful vibe with the touch of the amazing colorful space theme.He is just enjoying the time.All he can hear is his own thoughts.He hears the echoes of his thoughts which is just really soothing.Suddenly he feels the presence of something.He doesn't know what that was.Was his past self?

Well anyways,he is thinking how did he get hear now that he is out of that joy and peacefulness thanks to his past self.He can hear the echoes of him thinking

"How did I get here? All I remember is that I saw Zafar tied up to a chair and I couldn't move after Zuhaib pulled some liver and a light just came out of nowhere and now I m here.Maybe I'm in a dream,well if it's a dream I just wanna wake up already my day was just so tough i want sort out things with Faisal and Zuha- Oh wait! I know that I am dreaming so does that mean I am lucid dreaming? Huh? I can't really seem to do anything. I can't even move on my on. Maybe I am not lucid dream- wait what?"

Rameez's eyes widens as he is moving forward the void is ending and he can see his past memories

"What is this? Huh? I remember this,this when I failed my final exams and my parents beat me like shit.Huh? What is this? Ahh! I remember this.This was when a boy in my class framed me for something their group did and school complained to my parents and my parents beat me like shit.Huh? I remember this also this is when I scored 90% in my exams and my parents beat me like shit for not scoring 100%.

sigh* my life was just filled with trauma...huh? what's happening?"

Poor Rameez! Who is gonna tell him that he is exactly going back there.As Rameez was remembering his memories and the echoes of his thoughts were bouncing in his mind,the peacefulness and silentness turns into a disgusting screech noise and a bright light is shining infront of him and as he moves forward he is moving forward towards the shining light.And..


'Huh? What happened to me, what is this? Why am I here? What is this pla- wait is this my room? This place just oddly seems familiar so it just has to be my room.Though the question is how did I get here? Maybe I am lucid dreaming after all? '

Rameez is all confused as he looks in his mirror he sees that he looks younger.He can't process anything.

"What is this,am dreaming? No! Rameez get real.Collect your thoughts.All I remember is that I saw Zuhaib,Faisal and Zafar and a weird looking machine which led me to that weird dimension and then am here. So does this means I travelled back in time? "

He doesn't want to believe this that because his past is filled with trauma.He doesn't know if he should be happy or worried. A normal person would be happy because he can change the future now, but Rameez just didn't realize it yet! He panicked around to see everything around him and sees a pen and he stabs his self with the pen in his palm.

"Ahhhhhh! Shit why the fuck did I stab myself uhhhh. That hurts like sh*t

"Get out of your room you bastard and get down,have breakfast you are lucky we are even giving you this.Didn't you hear me? Stop acting spoiled.Don't make me say that again."

The footsteps could be heard,going further away. Guess who it was? It was his father how surprising.

Rameez tries to get through and stabs himself but nothing happens execpt he is now in pain.He holds his hand to stop the bleeding it was really painful so he grabs a bandage from the drawers and puts it around his wirst.

As the family already started eating.



Still eatin- oh Rameez already walked down stairs with a traumatized look on his face.He sits down and before he could start eating,he is interrupted by his father saying

"Where are your manners boy?"

'Huh? oh yeah I m supposed to greet them' "Good morning"


' What,just hmm? Well what ever.Huh others are not going to say anything,well whatever I don't care anyways"

So as Rameez sits down on the chair for breakfast.There could be seen four more members of the family the table.Ma,Pa,Big bro,Small sis,Small bro

They all finish their breakfast and the father drops all of them to the school.In school Rameez sees others with their friends chatting and he is all alone.Rameez doesn't have any friends but alot of bullies.Man's got like 20 bullies.Though the whole school bullies him but we are talking about specific ones,the ones who have ruined is life.

Rameez walks up to his class and sits in his chair.As he is sitting and minding his own business. Two muscular boys walk upto Rameez and asks him with a deep

"Did you do our homework?"

Rameez thinks about which homework these cheap cbums are talking about and he remembers that these 2 boys are the ones who bullied him in highschool

He doesn't want to bother with anyone so he checks his back if there is homework but only his.He looks up to see them glaring at him homework

" Nope I didn't do it "

" What? "

" You ret*rd or some shit? I said I didn't do it"

One of the boys grabs and pulls Rameez from his collar and asks

"Tell me did you do the homework or not?"

Rameez doesn't like his attitude because he is a billionaire and these are just some normies.Well what he doesn't realise is that he was a billionaire .And he proceeds to order them

"Remove your hand of my collar"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I won't repeat my self,so you better do it now"

"Hmm,seems like someone is trying to stand up for himself. I admire that.But look your attitude is not going to scare so you better fight.First you didn't do our homework and now you are ordering us?"

"Seems like you have a hearing problem,well I will say it agai-"

Before Rameez could finish he is gifted with punch.The bullies proceed to punch him,kick him.After the beating is done.Rameez can be seen laying down on the floor.Wow what a great start of living the life again!