Raza’s secret

" Aren't you gonna say anything?"

" Say anything? Like what? "


" You really wanna hear something from me?"

" Like I told everything, obviously I do"

" What! you want me to motivate you or something? "


"When you are so weak that you let everyone in the school laugh at you like that!"

"What was I supposed to do?"

"Don't know about you, but I wouldn't let that slide like that! I didn't ask anything to support you mentally but just to find out what actually happened, nothing else to it!"

"You- "

Rameez's eyes widens as hears that. He didn't expect to hear that. He thought at least he would support him mentally if not avenge him but thats a bit too much

" There is nothing to be sad about it. Look my brother wouldn't get beaten up by some thugs and expect some comfort from me! My brother would fight off all the ones laughing at him "

"Just how do you expect me to fight them all alone"

"Carry a weapon or something"

"You want me to kill them?"

" I am not telling to keep a pocket knife with you at school but like a stick would be enough"

"How am I supposed keep a stick inside my pocket?"

"Then pick something up from the floor or something! Fight with bear hands, but do something!"

" Why the hell are you yelling at me? "

" Even if you cannot defeat them all, at least fight few of them. And the other ones you couldn't beat, then just hunt them down in the streets"

" You want me to be a creep"

" If it takes for you to be feared in the school? Then sure, go ahead. How do you expect everyone to fear a p*ssy like you? Why do you think everyone in school doesn't mess with me or dare to confront me. Because they fear me, they fear me and Hafeez. We both made a name to ourself in school"

' Okay but how have I not heard about you in school then. N*gga you say to much'

" When you were in junior classes and flexing your grades. I was making my name in school"

"Then why haven't I heard your name in school?"

"Because I made a fear inside everyone's heart. Nobody dares to speak about me and my friend"

' His friend Hafeez? That's why Taheer fears him!'

" You know why I always pushed you aside? Because you are weak, that's why. I don't want other people to know that a p*ssy is my brother"

" You are the worst brother. Couldn't you help me and beat up the crowd for me?"

" It's not like I couldn't jump in to help you. Its because I didn't want to. I could surely help you but I would rather have my mentain that attitude of me in the school"

" What attitude?"

"In school everyone knows is me that one emo student, right?"

"Yeah! And that's cringe!"

"Yeah,couldn't care much about happened to you! You are nothing to me"

Now that's one sentence that made Rameez real mad

" But still! You would rather have the respect than your brother? Then why did you ask me about my life before and now too! You said you wanted to help me yesterday, because you knew I had connections with the a gang. You damn lied!"

"Are you angry?"

" F*cking bi*ch! What do you think?!"

" Rameez! I will tell you once! Don't ever talk to me in that tone ever again!"

"Shut the f*ck up bi*ch! You are nothing but a talk!"

"You bastard- Huh?"

Raza who was going to hit Rameez stops after he notices Rameez's tears a little in his eyes. That reminded it of him when he was younger

" I am going now"

Raza stands up and just stare at Rameez before he says this

" Get lost, you dog sh*t!"

' This bastard'

' What was I thinking that he would help me, he is just an a*shole'

" Rameez what do you think of me? "

"Why do you ask me? I think of you same as you think of me! A worthless turd"

" So you know that you are a turd? "

' Bi*ch trying to crack jokes '

"Well I will say it for real because I know that's what you think of me. You probably think of me as an arrogant son and a brother who doesn't give a sh*t about his family. But have you ever thought of what made me this way?"

" No not really. Besides I don't care"

" Then I will tell you. You probably think that mother and father value me more than you, thats why they have no problem me always sitting in my room and not bothering with them, right? "

"Yeah obviously "

"Well that's not the case, it's because they both value me the same as you"

"Could you please say it more clearly?"

" All I am saying is that they don't wanna see my face "

" And why is that?"

"Because since you were little and you were shining infront parents about your grades, I was the same you are right now. I had the wrong atmosphere around me,involved in gangs and stuff. They got a lot of complains about me from the school. And so because I was involved in thug life, it affected my grades. Hence they hated me so they do you now. They still do. What makes you think that father doesn't speak a word with me? Is it because he knows I don't like to talk much with my family but still let's me stay in the family? You think father would allow that arrogance? He doesn't talk to me because he hates me"

" Oh really? You knew how I felt, nobody knew better than you, yet you still ignored me! You expect me to pity you?! "

"It's just as I said before! I don't care about you. Not about any of my siblings. And I don't want any pity from you!"

"What! What kind of brother are you? Besides what did they the Raheela and Rehman did?"

" You say that even though they tease and mock you. That's what makes me hate them! They are just hypocrites! That's why I don't get involved with either of you guys"

After saying that Raza walks towards the door and Rameez is pretty shocked after hearing that and starts to tear a bit tilting his head down

' He doesn't care about any of us? Yeah that's right, why do I even care about the fact he doesn't care about me? I don't! I don't care!

… Why? Just the one person I thought I could trust in this life,why would you break my trust like that? I just want to go back to how things were. Why did things end up like this? '

" Oh! And you asked me why did I ask you about Murda zameer gang's connections with you. It's because that gang is dangerous and you might even get killed if you work with them. Sure I despise you but that doesn't mean I want you to be dead. Don't know how I will live in the grief of not avenging your death about the fact that I hate you. That would be just cruel of me,right? And you wanted proof about me being a thug right? Come with me tonight, got it? I want to show you something!"