My plan

" What?! What the hell are you talking about? "

Shocked to hear that Rameez asks him, because he was sure that Taheer was just kidding around

" Yep that's right "

With a bright smile on his face as usual he continues to say that he wasn't kidding

" Okay wait, first thing you are under 18 for that and second thing how did you even manage to convince her. You can't fool me with that "

" Didn't I tell you before that I was quite popular? "

" When did you ever say that? "

" When we first met, and it was just really easy for me to convince her. About we being under age, that will only be a problem if some one finds out about it "

" What do you mean, didn't you just say you got caught doing it- Wait! How did they even find out even if they did find it out shouldn't you be suspended or something. Why would the teacher make you stand outside? "

I think Rameez just broke the code

" ... "

Taheer stares at Rameez and then starts to giggle.Seeing that Rameez gets real furious

" You mother fucker! You were joking with me the whole time? "

" Bhaha! Really I don't know, if you are smart or really dumb at the same time "

He isn't wrong about that though. Rameez starts to stare at him, almost wanting to kill him but the only thing that stops him is the fact that he helped him in past and will only help him in future

" What are you doing here anyway? "

" I was just kidding around in the class and the teacher send me outside "

" .... "

Rameez stares at him with a dead face and Taheer asks him with a dumb founded smile

" Huh? Why are you staring at me like that, am I that handsome that you can't stop but admire? "

' This stupid mother fucker! Always acting retarded '

Rameez then gives him a life long advice

" Listen to me carefully, if you act like that then everyone will look down on you, even the teachers will dislike you and you might even fail your exams if you act like that "

And with the same smile Taheer replies

" Huh! Fail my exams? Says you, listen you are the one who needs that advice since you standing out here with me too. Also your studies records is far worse than mine "

' Absolute mother fucker! '

" Besides why should I even bother if someone looks down one me? Because I know for sure I am far stronger than anyone in the class "

" Thinking too high of yourself? You can never be sure "

" No I am serious. I am sure I can even beat you in a fight "

".... Maybe you can actually do it, I won't argue on that "

Rameez didn't really try to argue on that since he knows that he is weak, especially now that he is back in the past

" You are underestimating yourself aren't ya? "

" What "

Now it's time for Taheer to give Rameez an advice

" Didn't you say that you were able to defeat Kutta and kameena, right? "

" Yeah I did defeat them but couldn't defeat them the second time "

" It doesn't matter since you weren't prepared second time. You have a lot of potential just the wrong person "

" What do you mean by wrong person? "

" What I am saying is that you are a pussy, can't fight for yourself "

" What are you trying to say? I wasn't afraid to fight either of them. Whenever they picked up a fight with me, I didn't try to run or hold back. Didn't even try to snitch on them either"

" That's not what I am talking about.When fighting the only thing that you were concerned about was, if you lose the fight everyone would just mock you. That over-thinking got you to lose the fight. Just imagine if your mind wasn't diverted away from the fight, you could've easily fought back but thinking about other people actually lead to your defeat. That's what made people to actually mock you "

" ... "

Rameez is silenced after hearing those words come out of Taheers mouth. Who could've imagined Taheer could say such words. Rameez staring at Taheer got him to ask

" Why are you staring at me like that? "

"Oh nothing I just didn't think you could say such things, I always thought of you as stupid, weak, idiot and retarded "

Saying those words turns Taheers smile into an awkward one

" You didn't really have to say those things, as a friend I should always come in need right? "

Hearing that Rameez starts to think about something, then Taheers ask him

" Hmm, What are you thinking about?Why do you keep staring at me like that, do you not think of me as a friend but as a lover- ? "

" I need to ask you for something, can you help? "

Taheer is stopped by Rameez for him to ask for yet another favor

" Hmm? Go on tell me, when have I ever not helped with information "

" How did you know I needed information? "

" Because that's all you ever ask me about, then what do you need ? "

" Well, remember when you said that there is a rumor that Zindar actually killed someone? I want you to look into it and tell me its actually a rumor or its real "

" I told you before that not even police could resolve this case, Hwo do you expect me to do it. Who knows maybe the police were bribed but the case was shout down soon, for no one to talk about it "

" Then we can just bribe some members of their gang to give us info "

Silly ideas coming from Rameez

" There is actually someone who is more dumber than me? "

" What do you mean ? "

" Listen to me, Murda Zameer and Bahir Murdar are not some odinary teenagers delinquent gang. They are group of grown ups more like an organisation. They don't go on to cause trouble in the society. What they do is business "

" Ughh! I don't know, I am thinking for infiltrating their base to gather info! "

Rameez opening his plan to Taheer gets Taheer a bit shocked

" What !? "

" Yeah I think I am gonna do that! "

" Alone? "

" Who else will I come with me? Everyone is a pussy "

" Murda Zameer, you brothers gang? Anyone but why alone? They might just kill you if they find you out "

" I told I don't work with Murda Zameer also just don't trust My brother in anyway "

" If there is no one then I will come with you "