My parents died when I was a teenager, and since then I work for myself, to study, to fulfil me needs. And since then I babysit. And I love it. Babies are the best thing in the world. I rent a house with my best friend, Aimee. She's a single mother, a HAPPY single mother.

I hadn't have good experiences in relationship, so I don't expect the dates Aimee set up for me, to get serious, but for her I go on some.

The night my parents died still haunts me, it's something I can never forget. It's something that guilts me everyday.


At the age of 24, I have a child. My brother's child. But I take him as mine. My brother and sister-in-law died three years ago, in an accident. That time, Dustin was just 1 year old. No mother, no father. So I took care of him. I don't date, don't commit. Because I don't want to cause anything uncomfortable for Dustin.

I as a multimillionaire, a famous person, am capable of taking care of Dusting on my own. And with the help of my bandmates, who take Dustin as their own kid, has taken care of Dustin well. He's three now, and we're more famous than anything.