Chapter 5: Prelude to Rhapsodia

The three days passed quickly as Rodric was given the All Clear from the Infirmary for his Duties as an Executioner just in time for Father Charles' debriefing and given how serious the man was about the mission... This was going to be hellish.

"There have been... kidnappings within London Children from ages seven to fifteen and a total of twenty-eight cases have been reported missing. Normally we would have let the authorities deal with it however..." Charles clicked the pen to the next slide where a child no older than nine with crimson eyes and oddly colored teal hair was presented to the room. "This, is the reason why we have decided it to be something the Holy Church has to participate in. This is Willow Windsor, a supposed direct descendant to Mother Theresa by blood that is. She was reported missing seven years ago by her family until she was seen with several figures taking children from the streets and before you lot say why is this important Willow is no Ordinary child as she has the aptitude to be a valuable asset to the Holy Church for... a multiple of reasons. The files will be forwarded to you. We meet at the University of London where she was last seen at 2100 hours. Dismissed."

Everyone left except for Elizabeth and Rodric as they waited for Father Charles to calm himself.

"So this Willow... was she of importance to you?" Rodric asked as Charles simply shook his head which then confused the Italian. "Then why rush a dismissal? Shouldn't Clockwork be involved?"

Father Charles was a Kind yet blunt man everyone knew of this but the way the Gentle Green eyes sharpened and hardened when the Mage Associatiom was mentioned as he glared at Rodric and Elizabeth was terrifying as if they were faced with a Basilisk. Rodric reacted with his Ash Lock half way through its conversion and Elizabeth simply sighed. It was no doubt a personal matter for the older man.

"Read the files and you'll understand..." Charles Cryptically said as he exited the room leaving Rodric with more questions than answers. The italian turned to Elizabeth for answers.

"It's... not my tale to tell Rodric. I'm sorry... I... Have to prepare, see you at 2100." The Brunette answered with a sigh walking away from the confused Rodric.

"Willow Windsor, a member of the Minor Magus Family Windsor, Last seen at the Southwark Cathedral at age two and reported missing. The Child has High aptitudes in Being a Natural Sensor for Prana and has similar abilities to a Caren Hortensia(See K.K. File Paragraph 98 for more details) whose body is compatible for Spirits(Being mostly demons and some Minor fae from records of her birth). The Child's Element is Water and Origin is Sea, The child has been given a Sealing Designation from Clockwork."

It was peculiar but not lost to Rodric as to why Clockwork was not notified about this. A sealing Designation, was mostly given to those whose flesh, blood, or circuits were special and cannot be attained through study, most of these individuals were dissected either alive or after expiring in the hands of the Enforcers, the Mage Association's version of the Executioners and Chivalric Codes. Although comparing enforcers to the Latter, being Zealots, was a bit much even for him but back to the file at hand.

"Origin Sea... Water Element... and something that can rival Exorcist Caren's Spiritual Masochistic Body..." Rodric instantly rummaged into his pockets for the Rusted card. "A Body that Can House A Daemon... at most. It can't be!"

"Oh It is— My friend."

Rodric Glared at the Familiar voice.

"Kaleidoscope." He glared down the Dead Apostle with much fury that it made the Old Man smile seeing such fire in the Eyes of this Priest. "You... YOU!"

"Ah ah Ah, Easy there Boya, I'm here to Aid you." Zelretch replied with hands casually raised as he walked over to Rodric passing a Book. "I believe you, Have met Gil? Great! This'll be far more easier to explain. Do you have the Card he gave you?"

Rodric Glared at the Old Man.

"That's a Yes when I see one! Now You know You Are a Master for this Grail war Correct?" Rodric nodded as the Apostle Continued."Now You've read about Servants but what About Class Cards?"

"You mean the Ainsworth Sealed Cards? Those Cards?!" A Hearty Laugh from the Wizard Marshal was all Rodric received.

"Indeed Boy! Willow here has been subjected to A Class Card Assimilation, a permanent Install so to say. As both Souls are Bound until death."

"A Permanent Install... that would mean she's a Master Too?" Rodric inquired to receive a Thunderous Laugh that nearly shook the whole room.

As soon as Zelretch calmed himself the Vampire replied with a toothy grin similar to children whose parents guessed what the surprised was. "Sadly no, She IS however Valuable. So I suggest you pack up and bring earplugs!"

Earplugs? Why would Rodric need earplugs?

"Why would I need them?" Rodric asked.

"Need What Rodric?" Zelretch retorted.

"The Earplugs."

"What about The Earplugs?"

"Why would I need them?"

"Need What Rodric?"



"You are insufferable." Rodric sighed and Zelretch cackled as he held onto his supposed class card. "What does this one contain?"

"And Ruin the Surprise?! My Boy that is Bad Form! Forgive and Old Man who's bored out of his Mind." Zelretch coughed as he walked out of the room. "Anyways Have fun!"

"I doubt it." With a defeated sigh Rodric made his preparations.