
1 November 1923


Our story starts on a stormy afternoon in front of the St. Pietersburg train station.

'One ticket to Warsaw, please,' Sofia, a woman with long red hair and sky blue eyes holding a large bag, asked.

'I'm sorry, mam, but that train is fully booked'

'Oh, and when will the next one get here?'

'Ah, sorry, mam, but due to the storm, we won't be making a return until next month.'

'What am I supposed to do now?'

'I don't know, mam; it seems you'll have to wait it out.'

'I can't afford to wait it out,' she says while looking around.

A man wearing a giant overcoat with short brown hair suddenly pushes past her forcing her to drop her bag. 'Sorry, can I get one ticket for the train heading to Warsaw' this was Noah.

'Excuse me!'.

'Yeah, sorry,' Noah passively answers.

'As I said to the lady over here, no more trains are heading out; you'll have to wait at least a month.' The conductor informs him.

'I can't wait a month; there has to be something you can do. I'll even settle for the storeroom. Please' he pleads while rubbing his hands together.

'There is nothing I can do the conductor says as he closes down his ticket stand.

Noah stood there, his mouth wide open as he dropped his bag and placed his hands on his waist, and begins to mumble to himself.

He suddenly looks at Sofia and rushes up to her. 'You got the last ticket, didn't you? Sell it to me.'

'What? I didn't get one either.' she says as she takes a few steps back.

'Come on, what do they expect us to do?'

They both look at each other and sigh as they make their way to a bench that faces the train tracks.

'Um, excuse me. Are you looking for a ticket?' there stood a little girl with long black hair holding a white teddy bear in one hand and dragging a large suitcase on the other.

Noah shot to his feet' Yeah, do you have one? I don't mind paying full price.' he says with a giant grin on his face.

'Wait, don't tell me you're going to take this little girl's ticket.' Sofia asked as she crossed her arms.

'Of course not, I was going to buy it.' as he pulls out an envelope from his coat.

'What? That's even worse. What is she supposed to do with that much money?'

'I don't know buy some candy or something.'

'I actually have 3 tickets and you don't need to pay me.' The girl explained.

'Wait you didn't steal them, did you?' Noah said as he started to put his envelope away.

Sofia stood up from her seat, pushed Noah to the side, and knelt. 'Hey sweetheart, where are your parents?'

A large whistle suddenly swept through the station, followed by an echoing voice. 'The last call for Warsaw.'

'If we don't leave now we're going to miss the train.' The girl says while dragging her towards the train.

The pair looked at each other and grabbed their bags, and followed the girl whispering to each other.

'Hey I'm not so sure about this,' Sofia said.

'What's the worse that could happen. She probably found the tickets and they're free so I'm not complaining.' Noah exclaimed,

'what if she's a runaway? This could be considered kidnapping right?' Sofia said as her voice started to crack, and she began to slow down as they reached the conductor at one of the train's doors.

'Ticket please' he said as he stared at Noah.

Noah's eyes instantly darted to Sofia, and they both stared at the little girl.

'Is there a problem?' the conductor retorts as he raises his eyebrow.

'Ah, I forgot I had the tickets, sorry papa.' the girl says in an innocent voice.

'Papa?' Sofia exclaimed as her eyes shifted to a shocked Noah.

'I'm sorry mister' the girl says she as pulls out three tickets.

'Aw, it's okay. What a smart little angel you have here.' The conductor says as he stamps their tickets. 'Everything seems in order. You can leave your luggage here we'll pack up for you.'

'Mhm?' the girl says as she clings to her bag.

'It's okay we'll get them back at the end.' Sofia assures her.

'First time? Lucky you that your mom and dad are here.' The conductor says as he pats her head.

They enter the train passing the dining car straight to their roomette.