esp 19

Anthony you shouldn't be sounding that way okay I know you want the best from me but it will take time, okay If you really want to help me,

When never you are reading you will help by calling me to inform me so we can read up together, "how" just call me you know I won't be able to come over and before the text we still have 3 days in the school without any subject before the text we can also read together

Okay I will help you on that but just make sure you are serious that all I can say now not you will be looking for ladies or how you can spend your night in the clubs parties

No no no I am a change person now okay just don't worry I will be here with you as you just said"okay no problem"

Anthony that reminds me but I won't tell you first untill you promise me, max you know I hate things like this, when someone give me a condition to some thing I don't really like it and you know well of that so

Well I know but sorry to say in this you have too,  the condition lead to what I wanted to tell you but if you don't want to hear I can't force that on you and you know that, "ohh really okay here is my own since you don't want to tell me I also withdraw my statement of teaching you, on how to read and pass your test

So now you can actually keep what ever you want to say, because I'm even thinking on how to go with the reading with you but you saying just give me a conclusion to it so no need then,

Awwww that so bad of you,"yours is really baddest too" okay fine I will tell you everything, "I ment a beautiful girl on my way coming and I was trying to approach her, "this is what you know how to do best "

No no no don't say that I'm for real here I know you won't like to listen but trust me this girl is so beautiful beyond what you think of now,

Okay so what happened...

I ment her when coming like I said earlier she is so so beautiful, she is fear and tall with a sweet shape of hers, she is perfect so perfect"are you through?"

Yes Anthony, why is your face that way it seems what I've been saying since is nonsense"well thank God you said so I shouldn't tell you before you know what you just say is nonsense

Well to me I'm still on it I won't read with you again, "do don't just start here with me,,, Anthony that is really bad and you know that, so why are you doing this, well no problem " I'm just kidding for sure we will read together okay"wow thanks a lot

Anthony that remind me"what is it" is about penny"what happened  her, hope no problem?

Not at all but she actually came to me today and she said according to her and what she told me she said she is very sorry of what she did to you and she has been looking for away to talk to you but for goodness she is afraid

She was crying undo I told her she is to be blame but she also know she is wrong about everything, "max I respected that girl I like her I make sure I did everything as soon as possible to make it happen to her, like I share my secret with her just to become a friend

I took her like my sister and my friend including my mother because I'm staying with her and all she can simply pay me with is to send me out from her house without even pitying

That is some one who can kill because she have a strong heart , she didn't realize her mistake for 1 week ago is now, that is been like months she remember to apologize

Well as for me I don't have anything to do with her and I'm not ready for all these apologizies,"

"Anthony calm down, I knew you were upset with her, when ever you are around your like going early after the lecture teaching when ever we close you don't even share a little time with anybody any longer I know you are not this type, That do sit with other cause mate, but you stay back a little

Max you and I know that I am working, and surviving to make my education complete I'm trying my single best,  So why are you counting the point of me staying back or waiting after the lecture when I've work to do in my home, office look look look I am not even for this so just change the topic

Anthony relax I know how far you are mad at Penny but you know in everything run something happened for something to happen to a man, you are also enjoying today because of penny No matter what even do it seems as if she's the worst person but the truth is that she's the best person

How Will it have been after your uncle true you out from his house and you didn't get any help on anybody how will you have gone now but everything happened for something for reason and for a purpose it happened like this because Penny was a ladder to your destiny If she didn't grant you the little help you deserve That was things around to this point how would you have been

Remember I know she actually stopped you to work but remember she's the one who look for the work for you If you never come across penny you won't have been like this today so Man just try to think twice and don't take wrong decision in life

I know I am not brilliant rather I am not good in reading but every man must be good in one place and that is to say for you Anthony I am actually good in advising"really "(laughing)

Max at list you should have wait for me At least to praise you first instead of your prison yourself already well what you just said I understand and I know is the right thing so don't get me wrong

Thanks, for at least listening and taking correction

Max so so sorry you have been here sense I didn't make you food rather give you a glass water to  drink I'm really sorry forgive my wrong manners sorry