Bad First day at School
Few months after Adrian came out of the prison, Adebayo suggested he goes back to school. When Adrian heard, many questions flipped through the pages of his mind. It had been three years since he left school for prison. Where would he start from now? Most of his mates are already in the universities and other high institutions. Would he now go back to Senior Secondary School Senior Class 2? Even the village school that used to house "after-farm’’ students had stopped doing so now. A new disciplinarian principal has been posted to Lagelu Community Secondary School, and had compelled all the teachers to take their jobs seriously. The era of work-in-my farm-for-high-marks had become something of the past. Perhaps, no secondary school would admit a student to Senior Class 3 in the state. Constitutionally, admission of students started from Junior Class 1 ended in Senior Class 2.