Chapter 5: Cafeteria Mishap

I refused to meet with Darren and Drew the next day, even after Beca begged me. I just wasn't up to meeting with the two guys who had no clue what was going on. Both had annoyed me to no end so I didn't want to meet with them.

When Monday rolled around, unfortunately, it wasn't any better. I was still mad.

I got up only to find Beca dressed and ready to go. It wasn't typical for her but I didn't have to get her up so I wasn't complaining.

She sat patiently on her bed as I showered and got ready. My bag was packed from the night before after I finished my homework and it was still by the door. After I pulled on my jacket and wound my scarf around my neck, I grabbed it and headed out the door, Beca at my heels.

I didn't pay any attention to Beca following me did since we had Pierce's class first. I was dumbfounded when I got to the bottom floor. Parker was waiting there, hands in his coat pocket as junior girls flocked around him. He looked up when I hit the last step. He left the girls to come to me, smiling slightly.

Oh, dear. How was I going to explain this?

I didn't have time to think it over. I was hungry and it was breakfast time. Ever since I was a kid, I had never missed breakfast and I was not about to start now.

Walking past him, I got out the door unscathed. Another batch of snow had been dumped on Broken Bow last night. The custodial crew had been hard at work this morning making sure we were safe as we walked to class, or in our case, breakfast.

We walked into the cafeteria. Word spread fast in high school. By the time I had gotten my food and was heading to my table, people were staring with mixed emotions. Some were confused, some relieved and others were angry. The ones who were angry were the ones loyal to Casey. Oh, what a tangled web we weave…

The murmuring ceased. That's how I knew Casey had come into the room. Parker was stiff as I watched the door. Some of the girls were talking quickly to Casey and the girl's face was contorting.

Was I scared?

Uh, yeah. Who wouldn't be?

Bianca broke off from the little group and came over to us, concern on her face.

"What did you do, Maddie?" she asked in a hushed whisper.

I frowned. "What are you talking about?"

"Parker isn't supposed to be here. He's supposed to be with Casey. That's how it works."

I didn't do this. He chose to sit here." Well, that was partially true but my heart clenched when I said it. Being able to tell only the truth sucked but I'd learn to twist it for my own means at times. This was one of those times.

Bianca was going to say something but Casey decided to make an appearance. She wasn't angry. Oh, no. That would be too nice. No, she was livid as she stared down that perfect (fake) nose at me. I felt Beca tense beside me.

"Parker, what the hell are you doing?" she asked. It actually sounded more like a growl to me.

Parker, bless his heart, didn't turn. "I want to be here."

Obviously that wasn't the answer she wanted so she smacked him in the back of the head. "You're with me. That means you stay with me, listen to me, and even do as I ask. You belong to me." When he didn't answer, she turned that glare to me. "You. You're the one who did this. I'm going to mess you up so bad you won't be able to see straight."

As she came at me, Parker stood and grabbed her arm while Beca leapt over me with such agility I was floored. I shouldn't have been. She was a cheerleader.

Casey flailed against Parker but he had a good five inches on her so he held her steadily.

"Let me go!" she yelled in a high pitched voice. "I'm going to kill her!" Well, that confirmed all our suspicions.

"You will not touch her," Parker stated as he turned and slung her into her own people. They caught her as he and Beca stood side by side in front of me. "If you ever come after her again, we won't be so lenient."

I watched as Casey tried to control her temper. It almost didn't work. A few seconds later, she righted herself and fixed her uniform. When she looked up, it was directly at me and with such hatred I thought she was the Wicked Witch of the West.

"I will get revenge for this. Parker and Darren will both be mine. Just wait. I will rip everyone away from you." She made a grand turn and stalked from the cafeteria, her entourage following her.

I sighed and rubbed my suddenly tired eyes. "I have Trig with her."

"Forbes won't let her bother you," Beca said. "He hates Casey. That's why she failed Trig last year."

"That and she didn't do her homework," Parker added.

"Yeah, well, Forbes wasn't there when she punted me in the face." I shook my head, all appetite lost. I heard footsteps approaching and looked to my left. "Hey, Darren."

Darren, with Drew at his right, came to our table. Obviously they could sense the distress that was permeating the air around me. They looked around for a few moments to make sure I wasn't in complete danger before sitting with us. I could tell they weren't happy.

"What did she do now?" Drew asked. His normal, cheerful self was taken over by a concerned tone but intense gaze.

"Tried to attack her again," Parker said as he leaned back in his chair. He was the bulkiest of the guys at the table and right now he was exuding raw power.

I watched all the muscles in Darren's shoulders tightened as he stiffened. He looked directly at me. "Did she hit you?"

I shook my head. "No, she tried but Parker and Beca stopped her."

That took the others by surprise. Drew even cracked a crooked little grin. He knew what was going on. Why didn't I?

"Beca stopped Casey?" he asked. I nodded. "Beca can't stop a bouncing ball. How could she stop Casey MacDowell in one of her rampages?"

"You're so mean, Drew!" Beca wailed, kicking him under the table.

Drew laughed but Darren was still too quiet. I looked at him and noticed the strain on his face. Something was seriously going on with him. I was beginning to think he wasn't going to say anything to us. He was way too introverted when things like this happened.

When he met my gaze, it was only briefly. He had done something he wasn't too proud of and it concerned me. I kept my face passive as I let it sink in.

The door to the cafeteria opened as the secretary came in. She was dressed in a pinstriped suit with matching black pumps. Her hair was pulled back in an immaculate bun. I noticed she was making a beeline for us.

"Maddie Bates?" she said. She knew who I was.

"Yes?" I replied to be polite.

"You're wanted in the headmaster's office." She turned and headed back out the door before I could answer.

Beca sent me a warning look. "What did you do?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, but I better go."

I stood and turned towards the door. As I passed by, Darren grabbed my arm and stood. I didn't say anything as I headed for the door. We were halfway down the hall when he spoke.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered so low that I barely caught it.

"What for?" I asked.

"You'll see in a moment."

I hated when he did that. It made me feel as if I was on the butt end of a joke.

We came to the headmaster's office and went right in. The secretary nodded us in without even looking at us. I glanced over at Darren. He nodded slowly then motioned me forward. I took a deep breath and went to open the door.