
Gut-wrenching screams, curses, and begging came from the room Xasha had dragged the captives into. Everyone outside, including the remnant spirits, felt their chest tightened, and their blood ran cold.

"Are you sure you want to set such a malignant star loose on the world, Lyn?" Kan actually spoke. He couldn't take it anymore.

Mylyn had a wide grin on her thin lips. She placed her hand on her hips as she looked at the door with interest. "I'm sure this world needs a good shock."

"But he's so barbaric, he has no discipline," Old man Kan retorted. He obviously disliked Xasha's tactics.

"Discipline?" Mylyn scuffed. "Where did discipline take us but to an early grave? This man brought our races back, and I want him to take them further than us, or our ancestors ever did. I'm surer that even if we fail in the end, we will leave our names in the annals."

"The annals, huh?" Old Kan said in a reminiscing tone. "Alright, we will do it your way."

Mylyn froze. She turned her head to look at old man Kan with eyes filled with both joy and disbelief. She met his green eyes and saw his sincerity. Her face lit up with an unbelievably profound smile, then turned to stare at the door Xasha was behind wordlessly.

The smell of burning hair and flesh filled the room, but Xasha didn't seem to mind. He held a handle made of compressed air particles and turned it slowly. The handle was attached to a pole suspended above a large, open flame. Xasha casually took a log from his void ring and tossed it into the fire.

Muffled screams came from the man tied to the pole. The metal wire around his body turned red from the heat. This was not any regular flame but a spell from Saxon himself that Ari had frozen in time some time ago.

"Let him off, let my brother off. We have no quarrel with you," the man begged with a face full of stares and snot.

"No quarrel?" Xasha turned to him in fuming rage. He let go of the handle and walked over to the man. "You want to say that again?" He said as he had his face inches away from the bawling man.

"We have never met before. How could we? We didn't kill your men. They are still alive. We would never treat them like you have treated my brother. I'd rather you kill us both than keep going this," the man screamed frantically with tears, snot, blood, and spit mixed on his face.

"You want to tell that to my injured daughter?" Xasha asked, almost growling.

"But, but..."

"Nevermind that. I am not the one who is doing this to your bother. You are. Tell me where my people are, and I will leave you and your brothers alone." Xasha walked away and back to the handle and quietly continued to turn.

The man remained quiet, only whimpering under his breath. The room only had sounds of searing flesh, muffled screams, panting, and sobbing.

"Ninety-five thousand miles southeast, in the Greenwall Forest near the Silver Waterfall." The man said in a defeated tone.

"What was that?" Xasha asked casually.

"Ninety-five thousand miles southeast. In the Greenwall Forest near the Silver Waterfall. That is where your friends are. Please let my brother off. I've told you what you want to know." The man stared fiercely at Xasha.

"Oh?" Xasha approached. "You're finally in the talking mood? In that case, u have a few questions. First, what is your name?" Xasha's mood had immediately changed, and his attitude became uncomfortably friendly.

The man looked up at Xasha, shocked. Not knowing what to do about this. "I am called Mulou. Son of Muroe." He said in an uncertain tone.

"Brother Mu, I believe we can be friends," Xasha said as he released Mulou from his binds and helped him up. He fed him a few healing potions and some moon potions to give him a bit of energy.

He pulled out a couch for him to sit on and pulled out food and drink for him to enjoy. With a wave of his hand, he put the fire under Mulou's friend out, and the smell pervading the room disappeared. Mulou looked at Xasha with such confusion it seemed he had lost his mind.

What was this situation? This man went from his worst enemy to an attending host in a split second. "What is this?" He asked suspiciously.

"I have a bit of bad news for you, my friend. You see, Mulan and the others are dead," Xasha said this in a sympathetic tone.

"You're lying. Shaman Ulock is the strongest of the Mu people. No one in Ethos is powerful enough to kill him. Especially not in Rimton or Leighton. How could he have died?" Mulou shot up from his seat, sending the food and drink sprawled out on the floor.

"We are friends, brother Mu. Why would I lie to you? I will tell you the truth. It's not just your shaman, the man called Low and the elves Livell and his son Lovell are also dead. As to how they died, I can't help but say that I'm somewhat responsible for it," Xasha's tone became even more apologetic.

"What are you saying?" Mulou began to believe a little bit. He dropped back in his seat with a horrified face.

Both men's necks snapped in the door's direction that had just been pushed open. Ari walked inside wearing a black dress, her golden hair braided behind her. "Dad, you called for me?"

"Yes, come here," Xasha said, calling her over.

Ari looked around the room at the bloodstains on the floor, walls, and ceiling, and her blood ran cold. She looked at her father with a peculiar expression.

Xasha smiled and pulled her to his side, "Ari, this is my new friend Mulou, son of Muroe. This is my daughter, Ari. She will take us on a trip," Xasha declared. He then whispered in Ari's ear, and she nodded.

The next moment, the three of them were on the beach. Mulou was shocked out of his mind when he realized they changed locations. He looked at Ari with fear and greed in his eye. Xasha led the group to a stone house with a single door and no windows. Ari and Mulou followed, the door was pushed open, and the three entered.

Xasha put on an apologetic expression, "I am sorry for your loss, brother Mu." Before them was the dead body of all the people killed by Lovell and scraps of flesh and blood left by the three leaders. He allowed Mulou into the building by himself while he and Ari stepped outside.

From outside, they heard Mulou crying and mourning over his brother's deaths. Xasha gave him all the time and privacy he needed.

After some time, the door opened, and a downtrodden Mulou walked outside."I believe your words. What do you want?"

Xasha spoke in a humble tone. "As I'm responsible for the deaths of the three leaders. I have been informed that their territory now belongs to me. I could even slaughter their entire tribe and take everything for myself."