I would love to (2)

After scanning the plateau for a few hours, he found nothing out of the ordinary. The plateau was packed to the brim with Spirit Fantasma. There were three hundred Heaven Sages and an uncountable number of Sky, Earth, Aqua, and Lava Sages. There were a few spots he was sure were crystal deposited. He found a few large Undying Jade Deposits and a few spots he was sure had a few natural oddities. It was unfortunate that these natural oddities were inside the territories of the Heaven Sages.

There were dips, valleys, and canyons of different sizes inside the plateau. Powerful Spirit Fantasma occupied almost all the valleys and canyons. There was one unusually large canyon that wasn't occupied by a Heaven Sage to the east. Only Sky Sages and below were inside. Xasha investigated the egg-shaped canyon with a tail, trying to figure out why that was.