A thing for bad girls

Alcina Dimitrescu point of view

After being killed by Ethan and woke up in this hell but it wasn't all bad I had my daughters back and my castle. As soon as I got myself settled down I noticed that my thoughts weren't all about being Miranda's number one. That's when I realized she was controlling my mind and that made me furious but what can I do now? Looking out the window I spotted two humans heading towards my castle and so did my daughters. It's been so long since I had human blood, demon blood is good but there's something about human blood and how it tastes that makes me long for it.

The man had the audacity to kick my doors open and start screaming something about my car warranty. So my daughters went to take care of him while I slowly walked to the human, 'I do so love having a great presentation.' That all changed when I heard one of my daughters scream in pain.

'Not another one but those two should only be human l.' When we got here my daughters could finally leave the castle because it was not cold at all. But that changed when we learned that some demons can hurt us so we started wearing armor to protect us and even started using weapons because some demons even had dangerous blood. When I got to them I tried to distract them but it didn't work for the man and he used some type of power to hurt my daughters. That got me angry, I lost them once, it won't happen a second time. "You dare hurt my daughters, I will bleed you dry."

I attacked the man but he was too quick and threw me to the wall which surprised me because even though I wouldn't admit it I am not light. "You dare lay a hand on me" I said.

"Yes because I believe in true gender equality" he said while he dropped kicked me with some type of black lighting coming out of his feet. And to my surprise it actually did damage that my regeneration had trouble healing.

As one of my daughters helped me up I saw the other two try and fail to attack him 'so he has some kind of space ability, well he's not the only one.'

"I think we should stop this, I can kill you whenever I want and you can't hurt me."

"What do we do mother?"

"Leave this to me" I say while I used my claws to cut space but by some kind of luck he dodged. I licked some of his blood off my claws and it was one of the most delicious blood I have ever tasted.

"Delicious, I can't wait till we make wine out of you."

"Tempting but no and I doubt you can grow many grapes down here anyways" he annoyingly reminds me.

"Don't remind me, demon blood is good but I miss a good wine."

As I start fighting I notice he's cutting me with something invisible and my wounds aren't healing like they should. The fight continued till my daughters subdued the woman that he came with.

"Stop hurting mother if you don't want her to get hurt."

He sighs and the woman apologizes but this is good. Now I won't have to worry about my daughters getting hurt again. 'Your blood will be mine and that woman will make an excellent thrall.'

"It's okay, it's just I was having fun with an opponent that can actually hurt me."

"What are you on about fool, now if you don't want your friend to get hurt you'll just do as I say." I can't believe this man thinks he can get out of this he must be bluffing.

All of a sudden I put my claws near my neck, almost cutting it. I try to move my claws and my body but I can't move, next my daughters suddenly turn back to flies and let the hostage go and something pulls the woman to his side. 'He must have done something to me and my daughters, he's been playing with us from the beginning. No, I must do something, anything. I can't let my daughters die again, not again.'

"Now then let's try this again, let's stop trying to kill the guy that can kill you without breaking a sweat" he said while smiling at me.

"What have you done to me?"

"Nothing yet but if you're daughters think of doing anything who knows your hand might slip" he says while facing where my daughters are.

"Okay calm down I won't do anything to her I just want to make a deal."

"What sort of deal?" I say because at this point I would accept almost anything he said.

"I'm thinking of making an empire in hell and I need someone to help rule it while I'm away."

'He can't be serious a human ruling hell it's laughable' but he was serious I could tell by his voice.

"Hahaha, a human thinking to make a empire in hell that jokes so funny it makes me question if I heard you right."

"You heard right, but my empire won't be just in hell, I want it in every realm where ever world my feet touch I will make a part of my empire. What do you say? If you help me I can get you some of that wine you want."

"And you want my help, how exactly?"

"Simple every emperor needs an empress, I want you to be one of my empresses of hell."

'I must admit I did not see that coming' to say the least I know I'm beautiful but my height would turn off most men. 'But he's deal isn't bad, I always felt that I was a royal, maybe being an empress won't be so bad.' I looked at the woman accompanying him dressed in a sexy bunny suit and frowned.

"I won't have to dress like her right?"

"No, that's just what she's in to try not to judge."

"It's not! It's just the only thing that I've been able to find down here to wear."

"Can you give me humans so that me and my daughters can drink their blood."

"Yes and no, when I get back to earth there will be a lot of humans that need to be disposed of and why waste their blood."

I looked over to his woman and she looked scared. 'Doesn't look like he's isn't lying to me, maybe I may have to take up his deal.'

"And how am I sure you can build a empire down here?"

"Mou mantai there's no one that can stop me from walking the road I must walk."

'This man may be crazy but it would be nice to finally be the one in power, not someone's puppet like I was for Miranda.' As I stood there thinking about the positives and the negatives of accepting his proposal I looked at my daughters 'I would do anything so they don't get hurt again.'

"Fine I will accept your proposal and be one of your empresses."

"Hăo, now that we got that out of the way, my name is Qin Shi Huang. Nice to meet you, my dear wife."

"Alcina Dimitrescu, I'm not changing my last name, I need to keep the Dimitrescu line going."


"Mother, is he going to be our father?"

"Yes, make sure he and his guest well taken care of."

"Can I bring some of my people to live near here?"

'Looks like he wasn't joking about building a empire down here he already has people.'

"Yes" I go back to my room thinking if I made the right choice.

Qin Shi's point of view

"Come father, we will show you around the castle."

"Sure sweetie" I said to her that got a big smile out of her for some reason.

'Looks like things are going to get interesting.'

"Ya you got your big mommy milker's aren't you happy" said Lucy with a teasing smile.

'I'm the type of man that knows what he wants and goes for it.'

"I'm starting to think you have a thing for bad girls."

'Guilty but it's not my fault so many bad girls are so good.'

"You won't live long if you keep adding these types of girls into your harem so might as well have fun, after all your soul will be mine in the end."