The concept of infinity

Happy New Year

hopefully this year is better for everyone then the last two, good luck to all those who need it but then again we all need a little good luck ever now and again.


Qin Shi's point of view

"Girls!" I shouted out after I left Alcina to be embarrassed by herself in the room. I didn't have to wait long before I started to hear a buzzing noise.

"Yes father" the three said to me after reforming.

"We're going hunting, go and get your things ready."

After saying that they left happily and giggling to get their armor and weapons, 'I don't know what to do with those girls.'

"What do you mean?"

'The cadou is no longer affecting their mind which makes them less violent but they still remember everything they've done till now. To make things worse, they were made using dead bodies and have no memories before waking up after their rebirth.'


'Their personalities are twisted because of who knows what they have done till now and that won't change anytime soon. That's not a problem in hell in fact it's a plus but anywhere else it can be a problem. I can make sure they don't kill the people I tell them not to kill, but what if they meet someone one I haven't told them not to hurt.'

"Yaaa, the people they meet will most likely be killed."

'Yes, and that's not something they can do if they want to go with me around other realms.'

"We ready father" the three said after coming back with their equipment. They follow me through the castle to the front gate.

"Nee-san, nee-san master is leaving again without telling us."

"Looks like it, Rem what an ungrateful master we have."

"Rem, Ram I forgot to inform you last time but it matters not because nothing can hurt me."

"Master that makes no difference to us, we are your maid's and our duty is to make sure you're safe and attended to."

"Mou man tai, an emperor never relies. And if you don't remember I was the one to train all the oni that regain their strength including you two."

"Nee-san, nee-san he used logic but that won't work on us."

"Right you are Rem, how can something like logic get in the way of a maid's duty."

"No! father said he would take us hunting and that is only time for us and no one else."


"Danielle calm down as you heard her, my time with my daughters is only for us. I hope you understand."

"Of course master, come along Rem we need to clean the castle."

"But nee-san."

"No buts Rem master needs his alone time with his daughters, we talked about this."

"Okay nee-san."

After stopping their little staring contest I started making my way to Christine. Knowing what kind of girls they are, I would take them out hunting to try to control their sadistic tendencies. As well as try to make them calmer and more in control of their emotions because they tend to let them run wild. It also helps with their fighting experience and puts them in scenarios that make them use their head without them being in danger because I'm here.

"Father, what's this?" asked Bela as all three girls surrounded Christine.

"This my daughter is Christine, a car that you three would get along with." When I said that Christine roared it's engine like she disagreed with me which shocked my girls. "Easy girl, they are my daughters and you should remember the rules and who knows you four may have more incommon then you realize. No girls get in, we are going to go hunting in style."

They get in and we start driving towards the Freddy door because I want to warn my daughters about going there. We run into a few imp, zombies, and necromorphs looking demons. 'Hey sensei, are those from dead space?'


"Now should I tell you or would it be more fun if you're keeped in the dark?"


Unfortunately Lucy thought it would be more interesting for her if she keeps me in the dark. Thinking things through what I call zombies are not really zombies just weak humans that have been demonized and I have not met a real zombie till I ran over the necromorph and are those really zombies as well. It's something I would have to look in two but this realm is so big and much of it is unknown I don't even know where to start.

'Hey Lucy, how big is this realm?'

"I guess it's close enough where you humans can call it infinity."

'What do you mean?'

"The concept of infinity can not be grasped by any being with a physical form, small parts can be understood which would allow the being to use a small fraction of its power like gojo. How much you can understand and use is different for each individual even Ouroboros, a dragon born from infinity can't use it's true power because it has a physical form. That's also why there's the multiverse and different versions of the multiverse, the original universe as you humans call it in your world is only the first universe your world has seen. In fact that's not true because an infinite number of multiverses were created at the same time your original is only the one you saw first and licensed into an anime, manga, comic, and many more."

'Can you use the power of infinity.'

"Yes, but again not fully that's why I can know I'm the only one of my kind in this small part of infinity but there are different versions of me just not as powerful. As for the rest of infinity that I can't understand, it is unknown to me if there are different versions of me."

'Are there other beings as strong as you?'

"Frustratingly yes, like God, Ouroboros, Michael, and a few others but I'm talking about the original, not the weaker version of them in other worlds."

'Good to know.'

As I'm talking to Lucy we come up to where the bodies start to reach the door but to my surprise at what's waiting for us. Right in front of us is golden Freddy on the ground but it flopping around like it's ready to attack. So I stop the car and get out to see what's going on, till I hear Christine's engine roaring like it is challenging it. 'So that's what's going on, it must feel something similar to itself in Christine but also different and she's not like it.'

"Of course she doesn't like Christine while she killed to get revenge, Christine kills for fun."

'So now you know who Christine is?'

"Hey, I do my research when I need to."

"Father, is this our new prey?" Asked Daniela while giggling in excitement to start hunting.

"No, I brought you out here to tell you to stay away and leave this bear alone."

"But why?"

"Because you would get no fun in hunting something that doesn't move from one spot."

"That would be pretty boring for a prey but we can still play with it," said Cassandra with a sadistic smile on her face.

"That doesn't matter Cassandra if father says not to touch it we don't" said Bela with a stern face.

"That's right Bela, good job remembering" I said while patting her head. kind of weird sense she is 2 inches taller than me.

She looked quite happy with that while the other two were pouting. So we get in the car and drive off with golden Freddy just staring at us leaving.

After we get a good distance I let them go out to find prey making sure they know what they can and can't take on. They always love to go and see what kind of prey they find so I made a game out of it. The rules are whoever brought back something new or interesting will win. If two or more of them bring something interesting back I judge the winner. After waiting a while for them to come back they each brought something back.

"Father I couldn't find any new prey but I found something interesting" said Bela.

"Father, I found new prey," said Daniela.

"Father, I found new prey and he is holding something interesting," said Cassandra.

"Looks like Cassandra is the winner, maybe you'll win the next round girls" I said after looking at what they brought me.