
Pov. Qin Shi's

"But I am a merciful God and would forgive your insolence if you offer up a thousand of your people, accept my blessings which would make you stronger, and kneel before me. And I shall allow you to rule over the rest of your people as you have been doing so until now."



"Your face, your voice, and your attitude before kneeling to someone as Disgusting as you, I choose death."

"Impudent whelp, do you understand that you say this to a God."

"Bold of you to call yourself God, you man eating beast."

"You fool cease your insolence!! All those opposing me up till now have suffered before submitting to me, so ought you."

I get in my combat stance and say "you stand in front of an emperor and you will kneel to me you beast."

"Space lock!" Shouted the eye hydra.

'Shit the strings I was using to control the enemy were cut off, but really they shout their attacks in this world while let's see if this works.'

"What have you done?" I asked the hydra.

"Hahaha, did you think I don't know you have powers over space? The leftover residue of your power was all over the place where you killed my son. Now you are trapped in this space, I used a space lock so you won't be able to escape or use your ability and I will force you under my control."

"Hahahaha, that actually worked his a fucking idiot" said Lucy while laughing her ass of.

'I know only in an anime world with anime logic will that ever work but hey I'm not complaining if my enemy will tell me what they are doing by just asking.'

Trying to use some of my abilities like black flash, infinity, lapse, red, blue, purple, and unlimited void while he was gloating about how smart he is or something wasn't really paying attention. And learning that only infinity and black flash was working right but my opponent also had power over space so that won't help much. 'So that leaves me with my haki, black flash, martial arts, and strings, not bad but I don't know my opponents moves.'

Trying to stealthily contact my strings to the back of his neck to gain control of him. But he somehow noticed them and used his power over space to cut them before they could reach him.

"I don't know what you were trying to do but it's useless now be a good worm and kneel." He said while shooting some flames from his red eye and ice from his blue eye, rolling out off the way. Because I didn't want to give away infinity so I can save it as a trump card.

"I see Dark Soul has trained you well" said Lucy with a smile.

'Not the time Lucy I'm in the middle of a boss fight.'

Using my strings to cut one off his neck as I punched him with a haki infused fist causing him to scream out in pain. Unfortunately for me he has quick regenerative powers and he was back to normal in seconds, slightly more pissed off but normal nonetheless.

"You insolent insect I will turn your brain to mush for that!" He shouted while using all his eyes to shoot some kind of magic at me from multiple directions. Like the veteran I am I just rolled out of the way, unfortunately that doesn't always work due to not knowing all the bosses move set the first time. He hit me with one of his tails sending me flying till I hit the space boundaries. He followed that up by shooting all the magic he had straight at me so I used my string to pull myself out of the way just in time. So he quickly came towards me and tried to use his claws to grab me but I cut his arm off with my strings.


He screamed in agony but he was still aware enough to use his tails to try and hit me.

'Chi you armor form, heavenly hand of defense.' Using my haki infused arm's I deflected the tails and sent the energy of his attack along with some black flash right back to his body hitting him in the center of his eye.



As soon as he said that he went berserk and started attacking in all directions, lost in his pain he didn't care if he hit me or not he just wanted a distraction from his pain. Dodging all his attacks while attacking I attacked him with my strings. The eye in the center of his body was slowly recovering but as he calmed down he started using his other eyes to start attacking me.

'Fuck I need to find out a way to kill him quickly, I've spend far to much time fighting him.'

But his attacks are too fierce, I had no chance to counter attack and had to focus on dodging. His eye was finally healed up and he was using all his power to try and kill me, all of a sudden the eye on the center of his body started to faintly glow and I was unable to move as I see his claws approach me I us infinity to slow it down and dodge his attack. Unfortunately I did come out unscathed and he was able to cut off my arm. Grunting I grabbed my arm and reattached it with my string, using reverse cursed technique to heal while my regeneration abilities helped me.

Rotating my shoulder I start to think 'I won't be able to fully control my arm as normal for a while.'

"Interesting technique, I would have to practice it once you are dead. Then no one under God's realm would be able to hurt me."

Strangle I'm calm I feel something within the depths of my body a power that I will awaken, I feel it I just needed a push to bring it out and this fight is just that push. I hold out my hands and feel my strings connect to something. That's when I feel my awakening I instinctively know what this power is and how to use it. Space and time start to form into my strings, I feel the strings that hold reality together and I pull at them so they will fall under my control.

Pov. Eye hydra

'The human will pay for the humiliation he put me through, I will grind his bones and drink his blood. I will make he's every waking moment full of pain and suffering and there will be no escape.'

Cutting his arm off and seeing him reattach it brought me great joy, knowing that he would soon pay made me smile. But I will first learn how he used that ability even though it may not be as useful with an opponent that has abilities over space. But that is only a handful of beings and even God's only have a small grasp of any insight over space to really be a threat to me.

"Interesting technique, I would have to practice it once you are dead. Then no one under God's realm would be able to hurt me."

All of a sudden he starts to lift his arms up like he's going to do something but there's nothing he can do. All of a sudden I feel a threat and the surrounding space shakes, it feels like the space is no longer under my control.

"Whatever you are doing, it's too late so you might as well die!"

I rush towards him hoping I can kill him before he does whatever he is planning. But all of a sudden I fall face first into the dirt trying to get up. I find out my arms, legs, and eyes have been cut off. When I try to regenerate them but to my horror they aren't healing, no matter how much I try or how much energy I use they won't heal. All of a sudden I hear him walking towards me so I lift my face up so I can see him and there he was slowly walking towards me.

Pov. Qin Shi's

I slowly walk towards the eye hydra after cutting off his limbs, knowing he can't regenerate because of my new ability. I even destroyed his space lock with my new strings made of space and time.

"Please have mercy" begged the eye hydra.


It's funny watching someone without knees try to kneel to you but after a bit it gets boring so I decided to end his suffering.

"You may be a merciful god but I'm not."

Using my strings I cut him into several pieces and store the body in my storage so I can be useful later. Taking back control of the cerberus and noticing that my people are gathering and tieing up their own people from the enemy's army I decided to help them. While killing all the demons because unfortunately I haven't found a way for them to follow my orders. I start walking back towards my wife and remember that Christine was sent flying somewhere around here. Looking around I spot someone heading towards me and it's not my wife but she was just as beautiful. She had long red hair covering one of her green eyes, she was dressed as if you combined greaser style clothes with a rocker. She has an hourglass figure and large breast threatening to spill out of her red corset.

'Lucy, what is Jessica Rabbit doing here? Last time I checked she didn't deserve going to hell.'

"That's not Jessica, that's Christine, she turned into a human."

'Of course she did, how did I not see this coming I mean we are in an anime world after all where everything can turn into a waifu.'

As she walked seductively toward me I noticed she would step on and crush the demon's head in her way with her high heels.

'Yup, that's Christine all right.'