I have a proposition

Pov. Mina

Finishing my meeting with Qin he left to take care of his business leaving me and my Verato alone in the room.

"That man was strong and dangerous," said Verato.

"Not too many humans cause one the vampire lords fear after all, there were only a handful if I remember right" I say.

Well after the god's stopped getting involved with earth the supernatural started to go into hiding and the only real threats we face were the werewolves. The war was never ending even with our strength, the werewolves had their numbers as well as being able to walk in the sunlight. Which only a handful of vampires can do, not to mention the rules that most of the supernatural community set in place so we can stay hidden. If we broke those rules then it isn't only the werewolves that would be our enemy.

"It looks like we would have to make sure our people follow his rules but that also means the werewolves have to follow his rules as well" I said.

"That means that they won't be able to attack us anymore because I doubt he would allow his subjects to attack each other," said Verato.

"Yes and maybe that means my people can finally know peace," I said. Even though I don't like how he's going about it he is right even though I'm supposed to be the vampire queen not every vampire listens to me because of those three fools but that's over now that they're dead. Maybe now I can finally unit my people and lead them but there will still be problems. Many of them would probably be killed as he goes to make sure he takes care of any future problems. As soon as we start leaving the castle we run into a very beautiful but large woman wearing a white dress.

"Oh you must be the troubling vampires my husband went to deal with, I must admit I'm surprised you're alive" she said.

"He did kill three other lords and decided to leave me alive to lead the rest of my people he doesn't kill" I answered her back.

"That sounds more like him, so you're a vampire, would you like to try some of my wine? It has the best blood I can find in it, and back in my world it was highly praised for its rich flavor" she asked. That surprised me the thought of there being vampires in another world is amazing.

"Are you a vampire as well?" Asked Verato.

"No, no there are no vampires in my old world but due to reasons I had to drink blood to survive. I guess that makes me the closest thing to a vampire back in my old world" she said.

"We would love to join you, my name is Mina Ţepeş, queen of the vampires back in my old world."

"My name is Alcina Dimitrescu, hair to the Dimitrescu house and now one of my husband's empresses. So you're the queen, I would like to have a nice chat with you."

"That sounds lovely, I would love to join you," I answered.

"Rem prepare the wine"

"Yes mistress."

"Follow me"

We followed her to a leaguer room to have wine.

Pov. Alcina

Take them to a guest room to talk, I must admit I was surprised when I found out this little girl was the queen of vampires. But if the legends are true her appearance can be deceiving, she could have been alive for more than a hundred years and her appearance won't change. But it gives me an idea that maybe I can get her under my wing and have her as a potential backer if I put her as my husband's harem member. We set around the table with her attendant standing behind her as Rem brought my best bottle of wine.

"I really hope you enjoy it has my husband's blood in it's really the best blood I have tasted so far."

"Qin Shi has allowed you to take some of his blood!" She says in surprise.

"Oh do you know my husband?" I asked curiously because he hasn't talked too much about his past.

"Not directly, but I have learned some things about him through my life" she answered.

"Oh and what might those things be?"

"He was the only human to scare one of the vampire lords called Li after he almost killed all the vampires in China after becoming the first emperor. There's also stories about him killing the Demon God Chi You and becoming the first true king of all China."

"First true king what does that mean?"

"From the stories I've heard Chi You would allow you to be king if you presented him with a sacrifice and kneel before him. Something Qin Shi refused to do so he killed him. The last thing I heard before my world was swallowed was humanity and the gods were fighting to decide humanity's fate. Only humanity and gods were able to witness the fight but from what I heard Qin Shi was one of humanity's representatives and he was fighting Hades. The results of the fight are unknown to me though but from what I heard humanity was not giving up without a fight."

"Sounds like something that man would do or else I wouldn't love him as I do. So Mina, I have a proposition for you, if you accepted it can help your people in the long run."

"What is it if you don't mind me asking?"

"You join my husband's harem as one of his empresses and follow me as your leader, after all we are similar in some aspects." That surprised her but she still went into a deep thought, not that I blame her this is a big discussion.

"Do I have to join his harem? I just got out of a similar problem since I'm the only vampire that can give natural birth, the three vampire lords were trying to force me into picking one of them. Luckily for me my body is as you see it and it would cause problems during birth so I've been able to keep them at bay" she answered.

"You poor thing but it looks like my husband took care of the problem for you, as for joining his harem you don't need to but it would be easier for you to help your people. And you don't have to worry about him forcing himself on you, he would only take you to bed once you're ready. After all that's what he did for me" I explained to her.

"I would like to think about it if you don't mind," she answered.

"Of course take all the time you need, by the way what do you think of the wine?" I asked.

"It's wonderful I have never tasted such good wine before" she answered.

We spend the rest of our time talking about random things and about our life experiences. We really had many things in common then we thought. I really hope she takes my offer but I at least planted the idea into her head. All I need to do is wait for the answer and convince my husband to accept her if she chooses to join me. If she joins and becomes one of my people I would be less worried about my and my daughters future.