Side story 1

Short story


Pov. Nagisa Haruki

I was at Under Eden to sell my pig bitchs and finally break that annoying piggy. But suddenly the light went out and some girls busted through the door and started to kill everyone. This wasn't the first time a situation like this happened so we knew what to do, an orc grabbed me and used me as a hostage. But before he could get a word in he had a bullet shot through his skull.

'Okay calm down and let's get out of this situation' I thought to myself.

"I was so scared" I said while pretending to cry and running up to the girl to hug her.

"It's okay we are here to rescue you" said the girl.

"Please help my mommy and teacher. They were caught and were using me to make them do as they said."

"Sure kid, we'll help them."

So they started to help the other girls and my pigs but now that I looked at these girls clearly they had great bodies. They also dressed like sluts and had Masked covering their faces but they were most likely beautiful. They send us to the top floor with the rest of the women they saved and more of the girls from their group.

"Are you okay kid, what's your name?" I heard someone ask and when I turned around I saw a tanned girl in a micro bikini with small tits.

"My name is Nagisa Haruki" I said in a way that sound like I'm shy and scared.

"What are you doing here?"

"They did something to my mommy and teacher and now they're acting weird. Th-they said they would hurt me if they didn't listen to them. And now they won't even talk to me, it's all my fault" as I answered as I started to cry and hug her.

"There, there it's all right and don't worry your mom is just tired and needs rest, they'll be back to normal before you know it" she said as she hugged me back.

'So easy she'd be fun to break.'

As we waited I looked around to see all the new pig bitchs I would break soon. Until the last group came back with the only man I'd seen in the group. So I let go of my future bitch pig and go up to him.

"Are you a hero nii-san, did you save all of us? I was so scared, until this nee-san saved me and my mother. There are so many beautiful nee-san, are they all your girlfriends?" I said, trying to get on his good side, maybe he'll see me as a little brother like that other idiot Takashi. It would make things easier to corrupt his girls.

"Something like that kid and don't worry everything will be going to be alright" he said as I look around at my future sex slave's.

'Idiot has no idea that he is going to be cucked.'

"NO!!!" I heard someone scream before a bang then everything went dark.

Pov. Lucy

"Holy shit, you just General Shepherd his ass."

'I'm surprised you know how that is.'

"I've been doing research on multiple thing to know more about different worlds."

'Are you going to send me to a call of duty world?'

"No but I started playing games for research but it just got a little out of control and I just got into games that had nothing to do with worlds that you would be sent to."

'It's fun huh.'

"Well yes but that's not important why did you not torture the brat more."

'That is important because I died when I finally got a series x and I'm still mad I couldn't even play one game on it. As for the kid, I don't mind killing a kid but torturing one is to much for me right now.'

"Man you can hold a grudge, as for the kid he'll get tortured one way or another so I guess it's okay."