Dormant demon blood

Pov. Qin Shi's

As soon as I pressed the button the explosions went off, shaking the entire building.

"What's going on!?" Shouted Sabato.

"Don't worry I'm just taking over this place, don't want my new employee to feel like his life is on the line after all."

"Master the operation is underway and the guards are offering little resistance. Do to the explosions and surprise attack" said the person on the other side of the communication device.

"Tell Daiki and the others to eliminate any Nomad agents that some how manage to find out about this attack and try to keep this from reaching Edwin. Also have Ingrid come over once we are done."

"Yes master."

"Looks like you weren't lying about Nomads ending soon Oboro. If he is able to take this base without Edwin finding out then he will be killed or kicked out of Japan sooner or later" said Sabato.

"Of course I only pick the winning side after all," answered Oboro.

"To think Edwin thought mind control would make you absolutely loyal. Could I ask how you free yourself?" Said Sabato.

"I was never fully under his control but decided to be loyal to him because he was the only person I knew. Well him and your teacher but I chose Edwin because I was mostly with him and since I had nothing, I desperately held on to the only thing I had. Which I thought was Edwin, but it's different now. I don't only have him, I know much more about this world and after he chose to betray me after my use is done I decided to kill him."

"If you two are done I would like Sabato to get Asagi out of this" said Shiranui.

"And while you do that, get me a copy of the information this facility has. As well as the experiment it has preformed and knowledge it has gained" I said to him.

While he was doing that guards came in to see if Sabato was all right.

"Mister Sabato the base is under attack and unfortunately we can not contact other bases so it's best to evacuate" said the head guard.

"Don't worry, everything is under control. I will come to no harm," he answered.

Suddenly several Shiranui appear behind them stabbing them in the back with a bagger. After making sure they were dead they turned back into water. Looking over to her location she was just making sure Sabato didn't do anything strange to Asagi as he let her out.

"Surprising, I wonder how they were able to capture some so strong?" Asked Lucy.

'They led her into a trap that made her outnumbered as well as used a hostage against her. To make matters worse she was with Saya so she couldn't just run away.'

"Yes but if she can just make clones appear out of nowhere and kill those guards, couldn't she rescue the hostage and Saya with them as she escaped?"

'I don't know, just chalk it up to the plot of this world because Asagi is supposed to be stronger and she got captured. In fact Most of the Taimanin that we helped so far were supposed to be the strongest of the group, along with the most talented.'

"You're telling me they were the strongest of their group, no wonder Japan is screwed."

'To be fair it all depends on the timeline and world they are in. Sometimes they get captured and escape, other times they don't even get captured. Then there's the times they get captured then corrupted only to be freed later on or just stay corrupted. Hell there's even times when they time travel back here to either stop a dimensional alien invasion or it's their future lovers trying to save them from being corrupted in the first place. They also tend to go or have people come from different worlds and timelines.'

"That's a lot, so which world or timeline are we in anyway?"

'None of those because the world is too different from what I know but the closest one is probably the one they get corrupted in. Whether they get freed or stay that way I have no idea. But it doesn't matter I wouldn't have just remanded a bystander just to make sure I know what happens next. After all that won't be any fun, it's best when things are a little chaotic after all.'

"And that's why I picked you after all many of the people that get reincarnated just let the story pass by them so they would know what happens next. Or they make very little changes but those people are boring after all, what's life if you don't mix a little chaos in every now and again."

"Master, we have finished securing most of the base and have found multiple human experiments as well as prisoners. Ingrid will be there in a few minutes as well" said HQ.

"Is there anyone important among the prisoners or experiments?"

"No it's just random civilians that have been reported missing."

"Are you really going to have that guy work for you? He has committed many sins, after all just the type of person I like to punish" said Lucy.

'He has his uses so yes, he also redeemed himself in the original story most of the time. But he will be punished if he betrays me, after all he won't be escaping your punishment after he dies.'

"True, okay do as you like. I can wait after all I have all the time in the world."

"Okay she's out and here's the date on what this facility has been working on, so now what?" Asked Sabato.

"Now you will continue to work here after it's fully under my control. My people will also make sure no one ties anything and I will send someone you will work under for the moment" I said.

"Excuse me, work under someone? Do you have any idea who I am? I would rather die than be forced to work with someone beneath me."

"Yes I know who you are as well as your teacher Fulst and what you two have done. As for dieing that can be arranged, after all I don't need you. You're just someone that has my caught my interest with your work but you are expendable so don't think otherwise. After all, your sister would be much easier to work with."

"Fine then but if he is inferior to me then he should just stay out of my way."

"Don't worry, he is my top scientist and he has similar interests as you in the field of modification. He also has more experience in working with the Cadou parasite and will make sure this place remains under my control."

"It's like master says I will be in charge of this base" says Kenta as he walks in.

"So you will work under me, well we should start by turning them back to normal. It should be a simple process" he says as he points at Sakura and Murasaki.

"Simple, do you have any idea about the geniuses of my work?" Said Sabato.

"Yes all you're doing is activating the dormant demon blood in their body to try to make them stronger. It is very simple and sloppy work after all you need to resort to these modifications in some of your subjects to allow you to do it. In fact you could have made their demon blood fuse with their human blood to allow a much easier process with little change to the subject."

"And how would you go about doing that?" Asked Sabato, clearly interested in what Kenta is talking about.

"Well it's easier than you think, all you really need is a catales to help the blood fuse together safely. Maybe a half human half demon's blood or the Cadou could be used but further experiments are needed to find out what works."

"Fascinating I never thought about that, maybe it won't be so bad working under you."

"Glad you two are getting along but we have work to do. I want you two to get started on getting those two back to normal" I said.

"Of course master it would be done right away" said Kenta.

"Good now then, Shiranui get Asagi and let's go."

"Yes" said Shiranui carrying Asagi in a bridal style.

"Oboro stay her and make sure everything goes as I instructed you. Also if Edwin happens to find out about this little operation tell him it was the Dawn Bringer and that you fought them of I will have Ingrid give him a similar story."

"Yes master" she said.

"Ah before I forget the Jiralhanae and Sangheili have finished in making there ships and are ready to fight for you. The locust have also managed to get there beast battle ready and your empire has also been expanding and adding more people by the day" said Kenta.

"Good have them be on stand by their will be a war to fight soon."

"Of course master."

As I was walking out of the base HQ contacted me to tell me the facility has been cleared and taken over.

"So can you tell me about the whole thing about us having demon blood dormant inside us?" Asked Shiranui.

"Of course but only after you all are together after all I don't wish to repeat my self. So you will have to wait until Sakura and Murasaki are all better."

"Okay I'll wait and thank you for helping them."

"You don't have to thank me after all I am getting paid to do this."

"Yes but I don't want to think about what would happen if you weren't here to save us. My daughter and friend would have suffered I would have suffered but you saved us even thought you didn't do it out of the kindness of your heat. But you still save us and unlike my daughter I understand we're your coming from after all I lived longer then her."

As we walked out of the facility we see Ingrid pull up in her car.

"Shiranui put Asagi in the back and get in with her. Start driving to my base" I said to Ingrid as I get set in the front passenger seat.

"Why did you call for me?" Asked Ingrid.

"To talk about what to say to Edwin if he ever finds out about what I did here now drive."

So we headed home to talk and reast.