
Pov. Qin Shi's

As I look around I see something that makes me think I'm on drugs.

"Is that Recardo dancing in a bathtub being chased by the cops with a dog driving the bathtub being powered by a rainbow."

As I see the cops use a rpg to try to shoot the bathtub Master Chief driving a warthog crashing into the police car causing it to miss. As I see them drive away I turn around and walk away.

"Nope I'm not getting in the middle of that."

But as I turn around I see a giant Shrek mecha fighting Godzilla.

"Okay I'm either high as fuck on shrooms or I'm sleeping."

"Hehehe, you have the most interesting dreams, it's so chaotic and fun. I don't even know what's going on or what some of these things are but it's so fun. I expect nothing less from the human that has caused so much chaos in Yomihara" said a young sounding girls voice.

"So this is a dream and I take it you're a succubus" I say to no one in particular.

"You're correct I'm Lilim the beautiful and sexy succubus and you are my next target" said a young girl that appeared out of nowhere. She had her purple hair in twintails, yellow eyes, reddish wings, a thin tail, and dressed in one of those bikini armor.

"So what can I do for you Lilim?"

"I'm going to make you madly in love with me so you will let me borrow money."

"No you can't borrow any money."

"You have no choice in the matter now become my slave and let me borrow some money" she says as she strikes a sexy pose and her eyes start glowing.

"No I won't give you money but here's a lollipop" I say as I make a lollipop appear in my hands.

'It seems like it's not that hard to control my dreams.'

"Yay a lollipop" she says as I hand it to her and she starts eating it. As I look at the Shrek vs Godzilla fight in front of me.

"This isn't what I wanted" she says as she throws the lollipop at the floor.

"Well then here's some money" I say as money starts to rain from the sky.

"Mine" she says as she runs around trying to collect all of it.

"What this isn't really you tricked me. You have made a fool of me prepare to face the full might of the mighty Lilim."

"Sure, sure but do you want to join me for a picnic while we watch them fight" I say as I'm sitting on a picnic blanket with a sandwich in one hand a #1 Shrek foam finger in the other.

"A it looks good don't mind if I do" she says as she sits down, gets a sandwich and the Godzilla foam finger.

"Go Godzilla, you're the king of all monsters you can win."

"Foolish child, his foe is too great to win."

"I don't even know who he is fighting but nothing can stand up to Godzilla's atomic breath. I'll even beat you 12380 yen" she says, holding out her hand.

"Deal" I say as I shake it.

'Easys money I've ever made.'

Right on que Godzilla shoots his atomic at the mecha Shrek engulfing it in flames.

"See, what did I tell you, nothing can beat Godzilla."

I just scoffed at her and said "foolish one you don't even know ogres have layers."

Suddenly a pair of hands come out of the flames grabbing Godzilla's neck and grabbing him in a choke hold. Following it by bbt causing the earth to shake, Shrek separates from him and gets a bit far from him and gets down low.

"What the hell is going on there's no way Godzilla can lose to anyone."

"Well in his defense, Shrek is one of a kind."

As Godzilla gets up Shrek spears him and brings him down again. Shrek pins him hooking his leg up when I see the bathtub pulling up next to them and Ricky gets off and starts counting.

"1 … 2 … 3 and the winner and still heavyweight champion of the world Shrek."

"What just happened?"

"You owe me 12380 yen, that's what happened."

"No way you cheated, there's no way Godzilla could have lost. I call a do over double or nothing."

"I mean I don't mind but do you even have the money to pay me?"

"Shut up! I won't have to pay him if I win the next round" she says whispering the last part.

"Here's my next fighter" I say with ultra instinct Shaggy appearing behind me.

"Then here's mine" she says as King Ghidorah appears behind her.

"Let them fight," says Mr. Miyagi.

"Fucking hell my dreams are weird."

As soon as they started, Shaggy punch obliterated Ghidorah.

"Like zonks, I didn't even use five percent of my power."

"Looks like I win, again."

"Who the hell is he anway! How did he even do that."

"Doesn't matter, I win now you owe me 246830 yen."

"Shut up! Wake up!"

I open my eyes to find myself on my bed with Kana still sleeping on my chest and the rest of the exorcism club girls trying to cuddle with any part of my body they can get their hands on.

'Looks like I got a succubus to find and get my money.'

Pov. Lilim

'How did this happen? My charm always works on humans. Who the hell dream did I go into this time anyways. How am I going to pay him the money I owe him, no wait it was a dream so that means it didn't really happen so I technically don't owe him any money. Yes let's go with that, he might not even remember what happened when he wakes up. Yes, that's what is going to happen after all, most humans have weak and pathetic minds. I'm sure he already forgot everything.'

"Ohohoho, I'll let you off this time human but next time you will let me borrow some money" I say as I use my wings to fly away.

'Hopefully he forgets.'

Pov. Qin Shi's

After waking up and having breakfast with everyone I get ready to go to school.

"Master, all the mercenaries have arrived and are ready for your orders," said Kana.

"Good, have a meeting set up when I get back and get all of our spies to join as well."

"Yes master"

"Oh and before I forget, find a succubus called Lilim for me and capture her for me but don't hurt her."

"It will be done right away."

"Well then I guess I'll see you after school."

"Yes master, have a wonderful day at school."

"I wouldn't count on that."

"Here let me help you," says Shiranui, locking arms with me, causing my arm to touch her boobs.

"Well I guess it won't be so bad" I say as she leads me to school.