Twenty two long years

Pov. Enji

Ever since my sister fell into Nomad hands I've been forced to spy on the Taimanin for them. I was a big reason why so many of our elites fell into Nomads hands, of course there were others that worked with me to make sure the plan succeeded.

"Is the information that is on this file true?" Asked Asagi.

"More than likely that man has ways to find out what he wants to know" answered Shiranui.

"Then we have to stop them," said Yukikaze.

"But we don't even know how?" Said Rinko.

At this moment all the Taimanin that are under my new masters control are in a room waiting for him to call us. Unfortunately that includes me and my sister, it is awkward for us to be around them after all I've done.

"So Enji, what will you do from now on?" Asked Sakura, making everyone focus on me and my sister.

"It doesn't matter Sakura after all the Taimanin have no room for traitors" said Asagi.

"I'm not going back to Gosha Village or Taimanin, my sister and I will stay by our new master's side to return the debt we owe him" I said.

"So you're continuing to work with us?" Asked Yukikaze.


"I don't understand why you would choose to work with that man," said Asagi.

"Maybe because unlike the Taimanin he won't fail to save or help you" said a new woman entering the room.

"Kaede, I thought you were dead!" Shouted Asagi, while Shiranui looked at her in shock.

"No unfortunately I wasn't but I wished I was dead after all I suffered while I was still in Edwin's hands" she said.

"But how you've been gone for-"

"Twenty two long years I know, believe me I know. For twenty two years I've been experimented on and forced to give birth to many of Edwin's children."

"But I thought Kurenai was the only one," said Shiranui.

"Yes she was the only one my father was able to save when he alone tried to save me when I was held at the Nomad facilities in Dark World. She alone was spared the pain of being raised by Edwin into a killing machine. As for my other children Edwin said that he wasn't raising a human farm so two were enough and proceeded to make them fight to the death with only one winner."

"If I would have known, I would have tried to save you," said Asagi.

"Like you tried to save me when my father came to Dark World on his own when the village knew my location. You know I used to believe you would save me but now you can really blame me for thinking that your little group is worthless."

"We wanted to help you but the village wouldn't let us, they said it was too dangerous," said Shiranui.

"And that's why Enji here betrayed the village because it is unreliable. When her sister was presumed dead you didn't even try to find out if it was true. Letting Nomad capture her and blackmail her into doing their will, now compare that to an organization that is willing to fight someone like Nomad for their members. It's obvious who anyone will pick."

"But your situation was different compared to Enji," said Asagi.

"How was it different they captures me, tortured me, and threaten my sister into doing the what they wanted. Was she supposed to let them do what they wanted with me" said my sister.

"Rei, it's not like that, she could have asked the elders for help," said Murasaki.

"I couldn't do that because like Qin said there are more spies in Taimanin that work for Nomad then just me" I said.

"Like who?" Asked Asagi.

"Like your teacher."

"That impossible he will do anything for the greater good, there's no way he would work with someone as evil as Edwin."

"Even if he believes that he is doing it for the greater good in his mind? He has worked with Nomad to get rid of some Taimanin members that he believed will hurt Taimanin future. How do you think you were so easily led into a trap?"

She couldn't answer back because she was lost in thought. Her face turned pale as she continued her thoughts. As far as I know there are more spies then just use but I don't know who the rest of the spies are.

"Master is calling for you," said one of his subordinates who came into the room.

'Hopefully he's able to keep us safe' were my thoughts as we were led to him.

Pov. Qin Shi's

"Okay that's your part of the plan but for the moment I will put you to fight in my fake war at Muscle Duke's territory. Keep in mind that even if it's not a real war at this point since I've already killed Duke, that doesn't mean that you can't lose your life if you're not careful. You can rest for now but Yatsu Aiko, Oboro, and your subordinates. I would like it if you were to stay here for the moment."

As I watched all the mercenaries leave the room to go to their room leaving us with only the five of us.

"So what do you want?" Asked Aiko.

"First things first would you mind bringing the girls in here as well as Anise Maquinon in here" I say to one of my subordinates inside the room.

"Yes master" she says before leaving.

"Okay now then I would like to talk to you Crimson Lady or should I call you Ferris Bond" I say to the new subordinate Oboro drought with her.

As soon as I said that she tensed up and was ready to run but unfortunately for her two of my girls were already behind her ready to attack her if they needed to.

"Now, now don't worry I won't hurt you, I just want to talk to you about the US and your army."

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Nothing really but I want to make connections to your country, unfortunately some of your politicians are working with demons as well from both Nomad, Dark World, and hell. So that is going to be a problem for me and my group."

Just then the door opened with one of my girls leading Anise Maquinon inside, she looked around to see Ferris with two of my girls ready to attack her at a moment's notice.

"So they caught you too," she said.

"Unfortunately he isn't like the usual people we deal with. If it makes you feel better he won't kill us, it seems like he wants to make a deal" said Ferris.

"I can't wait for the higher ups to find out we have been compromised" answered Anise.

"Well it's like your companion said but I wouldn't really call it a deal after all you are foreign nation spies that are illegally in another country. So your existence would be denied if they were ever to be caught."

"I see you drive a hard bargain so I'm in" said Anise.

"Really Anise your caving that fast" said Ferris.

"Yes because what he says is true, we technically aren't even here so the US will deny everything if we are ever discovered. So we are at his complete mercy and you should know we-aghhh!" Suddenly Anise screams while grabbing her head and falling to the ground panting as whatever pain she experienced passes.

"Neughty girl, did you really think master does have a plan for people like you" said Desire as she appeared on the TV screen.

"I take it you used your cybernetic brain to try to send the information that you learned as well that you've been captured to one of your people. Let me guess was it Farilla the sleeper agent in Taimanin, or IO Orion that is spying on Nomad, there's also the chance you're trying to contact Lydia Baretta that is spying on the Taimanin. I could go on and on about the spys you have here like Ogino Maki and Tsujiki Mikoto but I think you get the idea."

"Of course she does master you would have to be a fool not to know you have information on every spy they have in the country and I'm watching over all of them at every moment to make sure they don't do anything against us" said Desire.

"Well I guess if you know about them and my brain then I guess what you said earlier may be true" said Anise.

"There's no maybe, it is true and everyone is heading towards self destruction because even the Brain Flayer has no idea how dangerous hell is. It's an organism that likes to swallow other worlds and as soon as they connect their empire to it is the moment it will try to swallow it whole."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Ferris.

"Don't worry about it even if you understood what I was talking about I doubt the higher ups would do anything about it after all they get too many benefits from keeping hell open."

"Master, I brought the women," said my subordinate, bringing all the Taimanin with her.

"Ah what are you doing here Murasaki!" Shouted Aiko.

"Aiko! How did you end up in Yomihara?" Murasaki asked.

"It wasn't that hard since I'm a mercenary and all. There are a lot of jobs that take me here and people that I become bodyguards for like to come here."

"And you didn't ever tell the Taimanin about it, do you have any idea how hard it was to find this place was for us."

"Well I never really liked the Taimanin, they were too strict but the reason I never told you was when I started working as a mercenary. I found informant that showed there may be a spy in Taimanin, so it was too dangerous to get in contact with you."

"So you couldn't even tell me?"

"Well like I said the Taimanin always was weird to me especially the fact that they tend to just give up on those they thought were dead or going to die soon. Those thoughts became stronger when I started to work on my own and I realized how much the older generation restrains us in the weirdest ways like they don't even really want to save those that go missing or many of the missions that they send us are more dangerous than they tell us."

"Do you still feel that my actions were wrong after hearing this Asagi?" Asked Eiji.

"It was most likely the only action she was able to do after all, even the elders are useless," said Kaede.

"Enough, I would like to get started on what I want you to do" I said.

"Of course master," said Eiji and Rei.

"Well for now I want to take care of three things, take over the House of Greed which is a slave auction house that doubles as Edwin's safe house. Taking control of Yomihara from Oda Nobunaga that is also under Nomad's control. And finally take control of Nomad's wallet, which Oboro would help in by helping me meet Takshaka so I can make her a slave. There's one more thing I would like to do but Desire is already taken care of that."

"So what will happen to us?" Asked Ferris.

"Simple you will help me clean up your country, after all I don't want someone that can become a danger later on." I say as I walk up to both Ferris and Anise placing the slave seal on them.

'So much to do so little time, after making sure there's no threats in Japan I should move on to the US. But even then there's so many more places to take care of like Russia, China, and even countries that never existed in my old world.'

"Keep up the good work" said Lucy as she appeared trying to comfort me.

'Dammit I was fooled, all those op isekai protagonists lied. Sure I get beautiful women but all the work is a pain.'

"What did you expect? You may be op but you're not the most op person here. After all there are at least 50 people that may be able to kill you in the human world alone. And that's not even because they are stronger than you, it's because their abilities are so broken that I'd they were able to fully master them then they would be unstoppable."

'I doubt you'll tell me who those people are right.'

"Right, but you should know Edwin may be able to kill you if you're not careful right."

'I had an idea since the guy was modeled after Shiva in the game so there's no doubt he is strong.'

"Well then let's go over what you have to do" I said to the woman in this room.