Maximum effort

Pov. Ririko

This assignment is such a bother not only do I have to take care and watch over the justice idiot that is the hero. I even need to pretend that I'm a good student that just transferred into his school to get close to him. His looks are so plain with brown hair, brown eyes, and a face that looks like a background character. I would mind so much if he was at least a little handsome but I'm stuck with this. I'm even forced to wear this plain school uniform.

'Haaa, I wish it could be cuter. At least this assignment lets me get out of the village. The atmosphere has been weird there since most of our strongest members went missing.'

"We should hurry, we don't want to be late," said Celia.

She was the student council president of our school as well as the princess agent. It seems like she doesn't really believe in the hero, not that I blame her after all Celie and I usually have to clean up after his mess when he doesn't finish the job he started. Which happens more often than I would like, mostly because the world isn't so black and white as he thinks. The real world is messy, ugly, and hard for those that are lucky. For those that aren't it's hell where no hero can help no matter how hard they try.

"Princess, what are you doing here!?" Says Ito.

We ran into the princess as we were heading to the principal's office, surprising me.

"Hello Haruto I'm transferring into this school" she says as she smiles at Ito causing him to blush.

"W-well that's nice but you must be careful something is going on in this school and it's not safe."

"Oh my that sounds dangerous but I'm sure a hero like yourself will take care of it right away."

"Yes princess!"

Can he be any easier to control just one smile and he's already fallen for her, I guess I shouldn't really complain, after all it makes my job much easier. To be honest I was ready to sleep with him so I can gain his trust, after all that's a Kunoichi specialty. We have been trained to use are feminine wiles to get what we want whether that's information or to get close enough to eliminate our target. That's why I was sent because I can adjust my image to fit the target's preferences.

"Nice to see you again princess" said Celia as she bows to her.

"Yes nice to see you too Celia, now then I think it's best if we don't keep the principal waiting."

"Yes of course princess" says Ito as he opens the door.

"Hello my name is Ito Haruto and I'm the hero."

"Hey, that's not polite, knock first before entering," said Kuroha.

As I go inside my focus is immediately taken by the handsome boy sitting on the sofa and his maid standing behind him.

"Hello I'm the principal of this school, Shiraishi Kanako and this is Qin Shi Huang, the student council president. He will be in charge of giving you the tour."

"I still think giving the blind person the task of leading them through the school grounds isn't the best idea."

"Oh hush up you, it's not like it would be a problem for you. After all, you couldn't be the student council president if being blind stopped you. I'm sure you would be able to accomplish this task."


"Well then let's get started, by the way this is my maid Shiranui and she will be helping me because you know the whole blind thing"

'So I wasn't mistaken, but she went missing for more than a month. What is she doing here as this boy's maid?'

"Okay fall me" Qin says as he is led by his Shiranui outside the principal's office.

'Looks like I'm going to have to find a time when she's alone to talk to her.'

"As you can see the hallways are nice and clean or so I'm told so do keep them that way" he says as they lead us to the cafeteria.

"Well this is the gym with everything a gym would have."

"Young master, this is the cafeteria."

"Is it, well then this is the cafeteria with all kinds of good food."

"Young master, I think they need a better explanation than that," said Shiranui as she sighed.

"I see, oh wait I don't" he said as he chuckled to himself.

"Moving on" he says as they take us to the gym next.

"This is the swimming pool where the swimming club holds their club activities."

"Young master, this is the gym."

"Oh then this is the gym we got everything you will need to train. We even have special rooms to help you advance easier while cultivating."

"I have a question," said Celia.

"What is it?" he answered.

"To get rooms like that your student council would have to win them during challenges or battles right?"


"And you're the president right?"


"So how did you win because we have tried to get those rooms for the school we came from. But unfortunately the challenge we were given was too difficult, so how did you pull it off."



"Maximum effort!"

"Maximum effort?"

"Oh I get you maximum effort!" Shouted Ito.



'What the hell are they talking about?'

"Sigh, I'm sorry the young master can be an idiot sometimes and unfortunately when another idiot is nearby he likes to mess with him" say's Shiranui.

"Yes" said both idiots at the same time.

"Moving on" he says as they take us to the pool.

"This is the arena where we fight to the death."

"Young master, we don't have an arena where people fight to the death and this is the pool."

"We don't, then why were those people attacking me saying they'll kill me."

"Because they were jealous that most of the girls were paying attention to you."

"Oh then it's a good thing I didn't kill them then."

"Yes young master."

I can't figure out if this man is an idiot or highly dangerous but one thing is for sure he is strong.

"Well whatever, you come over here" he said as he pointed at no one.

"You're pointing at no one, young master."

"Oh then you come over here" this time pointing at Ito.

"Me, okay" he says as he gets close to Qin. As soon as he does Qin grabs him with one of his hands but Ito quickly releases himself. Unfortunately that was a faint and Qin used his other hand to throw him in the pool.

"Maximum effort!" He says as he throws him in.

"Okay I'm bored, Shiranui you guide them know I'm going to class" he says as he starts to walk away.

"Young master, your class is in the other direction."

"I'm blind he says as he continues to walk in the same direction.

"He's not blind is he?" I asked.

"I don't really know to be honest" answered Shiranui.

"Well then let's keep going."

"Maximum effort!" Shouted Ito as he jumped out of the pool.

"I guess we should get him a change of clothes first, follow me to the nurses office then" she said.

'This is going to be a long mission.'