
Skip this for the story

First of all, thank you for understanding my situation and for all the condolences. But to be honest, I'm surprised he was still alive. Most of the family already knew and were ready for him to pass away soon, unfortunately, it happened at a pretty shitty time. After all, my mother was finally able to go back and see him after 19 years due to personal reasons, we were even planning to go see him this month.

Unfortunately, death waits for no one, though the way he was still drinking and smoking even though he was in his late 80's it's surprising he lived this long. And when I talk about him drinking I'm not talking about beer, apparently it didn't do it for him anymore so he only drank hard liquor. I always bought a bottle of his favorite brand when I visited so we would spend the night drinking while he talked about his past, good times. Well enough talking about the past on to the story.


Pov. Qin Shi's

"Right this way," says the staff leading me into a room full of cages with women inside of them.

"Here is where we keep all the female battle slaves," he said as he gestured towards the cells in the room.

Each one of them held women of different kinds of species. From humans to demons even some elves but most of them shared some similarities. Like they were all beautiful but some of their eyes were empty like they have given up on life, many also had some scars. But two women caught my eye one had blue hair with a black and white gothic type dress with roses on it with a black ribbon with a white streak. She had armor on top of it with red lines webbing across it like cracks originating from a red jewel she had in the center of her armor. Red looking crystals were floating next to her face and her yellow eyes were staring right at me as she had an eerie smile on her face.

The other girl had green hair with red eyes and pointy ears. She didn't look broken like some of the other girls but it looked like she had very few emotions. She was wearing a black hood over a white dress with a red string holding the hood on her. Around her hood looked like teeth with a bone like accessory in her hair.

"Can you tell me about those girls?" I asked, pointing those two out.

"Ah yes, excellent taste sir. The one with green hair is called Noah Brown and she is a homunculus chimera created by Nomad. The more things she is fed, for example, demons, the stronger she gets. She also gains some of the powers, and abilities as well as being able to change her body parts into the demon she just ate. As for the blue haired one…"

"To be honest we aren't sure what she is but she can turn any part of her body into a sharp sword. As well as being able to drain the body fluid and moisture of any person that she comes into contact with."

'Looks like they don't even know how dangerous Sarah is, she probably even let herself be captured to see if she can find a master.'

As I looked at them Noah didn't even look at me, she just kept staring at nothing while the other one didn't stop looking directly at me with that smile.

"I'll take them both," I said.

"Exactly well get them ready right away, while you wait please feel free to enjoy the arena while you wait for the auction to start," the staff said as he led us to a cage fighting arena before he left.

Inside were two guys fighting to the death while around them sat a bunch of rich men and women. Eating, laughing, talking, eating, and betting on the results.

"How distasteful," said Shiranui.

"Agreed, are you keeping track of the people here?" I asked.

"Yes, we have already identified many of these people," she answered.

"Good have anyone that's free start scouting them and when you kill take all their money. Along with anything worth taking and I doubt this needs to be said but don't leave a trail back to us."

"Yes master"

As we kept seeing those two men try to beat each other to death I looked at the menu and ordered a whiskey.

"So this is what happens to male slaves down here," said Shiranui.

"They are also turned into food for those demons that like to eat humans but don't have enough money to buy women. As well as bodyguards and experiment subjects" I said while looking at the menu item called long pig.

As we continue our little talk one of the men gets his opponent on the ground and gets on top of him to beat him to death.

"It looks like we have a winner and the meat has been tenderized to perfection," said the announcer, getting some chuckles from the audience.

"Sir your slaves are ready and the auction will begin shortly," said the staff members after coming back followed by Noah and Sarah before leaving.

Noah doesn't even seem to care as for Sarah she is still smiling while looking at me.

"Looks like I'm your new master and Sarah will do that later," I tell them, causing Sarah to nod while Noah still doesn't look like she cares.

As the next fight gets started I continue to watch it, even though I kinda want to help them since I feel a little bad for them. I don't since I don't know them, for all I know they are killers that have been captured and forced to fight. There's also the fact that if I help them then I may only be able to help them and possibly doom everyone else that is being captured.

After all, I may be op but that doesn't mean this world is weak, Rinko herself has the ability to cut through space. That means if she was powerful enough she could kill me, there are many more people with powers that can hurt me or kill me in this world even if I'm using infinity. So it's best to move carefully in this world of gods, demons, and whatever Mismarin is.

"Ladies and gentlemen the auction will start now please make your way to the theater," said the announcer followed by two gunshots killing the fighters.

Standing up and following the crowd I come to a theater. Going up to the staff I ask for a seat, turns out I can sit anywhere or pay for a private booth. So I paid for a booth, once inside Shiranui took out a device to check for wires and found none.

"Looks like it's safe, master," she said.


"Ladies and gentlemen the play is starting, for our opening act we have the oni," said the announcer on stage.

Out came a beautiful oni with extremely long purple hair, purple eyes, pointed ears, and a single horn on her forehead. She was wearing a sexy outfit with white string panties, torn stockings, purple high heels, and a sweater that showed a lot of her side boob. The weirdest thing was all the restraints she had, she was even chained up to an ironball.

"She doesn't have a name so we call her Nimie, as you can see she's part of the oni clan. So that means you will be able to have a rare slave under you to do as you like with her. But unfortunately, as many of you have already noticed she has restraints, that is because she is prone to fall into intense rage and become destructive," said the announcer.

"Fortunately she is calm and quiet most of the time and can be controlled with restraints and medicine. But when she does lose control she is stronger than any other oni so you can even use her for death matches after having fun with her. She is also a virgin so we will start the bidding at 20,000 dollars."

'She looks kinda like Shion, may as well buy one or two slaves so I don't standout.'

"25,000 can I get 30,000, 30,000 can I get 35,000…"

And so it continued until I won the bidding at 200,000. The auction continued and even though I felt a little bad for what those women would go through it wasn't enough for me to make a move to save them right away. True I had some of my past life's morals with me but I was always kind of an odd duck. Though I was a psycho that doesn't mean I was normal, though who knows if normal real even exists. After all, most people have had the idea to kill one person in their lifetime, and technically speaking that's not normal.

Even though I'm confident that at least 95% of the human race has had the thought of killing an individual in their life. But the difference between me and them would be the thought process. Like if I should do it, what are the pros and cons, will I be able to get away with it, or how should I do it? I didn't realize this until high school when I was at a library doing a project.

I was bored after working on it for an hour and decided to take a break, suddenly a baby that had just started to walk came in with his family. Now you know when a baby has just started walking because of all the wobbling and how he grabs onto stuff to stabilize himself. I looked at this baby and thought to myself 'I wonder how far I can kick this baby?'

Now if my thoughts stopped then my thoughts would be considered normal to an extent. Because after asking around I found out a lot of guys and even some women have had similar thoughts but no, I got more detailed in my thought process. How much strength to put in the kick, how to kick him, which body part is the best place to kick him, and can I get away with it?

And after spending more time than I would like to admit thinking about it I came to the conclusion that I might as well use all my strength, like a football, the torso, and no I would not get away with it. And to a lesser importance that I'm probably not normal.

"And that leads us to our final act, the princess," said the announcer. Bringing me back from my thoughts about the past and back to the present.

"The tail of the princess is a tragic one indeed folks, she was a beautiful noblewoman trapped in an arranged marriage with someone she did not love. So one night she and her prince decided to elope together. Unfortunately or fortunately for us, it was not meant to be since she was captured by slavers before they could get far and torn away from her prince. Now she is here for the lucky person that wins her affection" says the announcer as they bring out a woman.

She was a beautiful woman that had long violet hair and blue eyes. Dressed in a black baby doll, she had pointy ears and a curvy body.

"Her name is Lucrecia and she is a noble from Dark World and has a beautiful singing voice. Wither you buy her for yourself or to work for you as a prostitute you will not regret your purchase. She is also a virgin like all the other merchandise sold tonight after all we do only sell the best. The bidding starts at 20,000,000 and you can only raise it by 1,000,000" said the announcer.

Chuckling at my luck I start bidding for her, as the price for her starts to climb higher and higher Shiranui asks me a question.

"Master, why are you bidding for her? I can understand why you wanted the oni. After all, she looks like Shion and can be used as a combatant when you help her control her rage. But for her I can only see you wanting her to have your way with her since she has no other use. But if that was the case why did you not save the other girls. With the money you're going to spend on her you could have saved many other girls in the auction."

"Because she is an excellent way to enter into Dark World's business. Sure I have Ingrid but it's always best to have more than one option."