
The story, entitled 'VAL: The Undying Hunter', is the second game-themed story after HUNTER: Rebirth of the Darkness Monarch. Of course, I hope that the VAL story can please the readers, where this story belongs to the type of fantasy-games story where the main character is very different from the main characters I've ever made.

First of all, I would like to thank someone who has helped a lot in providing criticism and suggestions regarding the story of VAL: The Undying Hunter, namely Lenaya. Also, thanks to Lenaya for helping out with World Building this story, thus explaining what and how the main character will be like.

Although I have tried to avoid many errors in the delivery of the writing, I realize that this story still has many shortcomings. Therefore, I hope that readers will be pleased to provide criticism and suggestions in the future, as well as support me as a writer for this story to continue.

