Battle of the hill, easy victory

along the warm water current, a series of small boats carried warriors without stopping.

7 days have passed since the attack on the Magnar clan, Ossan was filled with hatred but he still managed to gather all the small settlements and reinforcements from the two main allied clans, Crowl and Stane

Valbar Crowl, the leader of the Crowl clan, gathered 700 warriors, Theod Stane gathered 600 warriors, along with more than 50 small tribes to the creek, 1000 more warriors were gathered

Ossan still wanted to send messages to the cannibal clans that live isolated in the mountains of the far north, although he hates cannibals, he hates his father's murderer even more

The cannibal clans do not have clan names, they have totally abandoned any social customs, even the smallest possible, due to a major food crisis over 100 years ago, a small part of every clan on the island decided to invade the island of Skane, where they massacre and feed on residents

After knowing this, the 3 main clans got together and attacked the cannibals, forcing them to the extreme in the mountains, where there is almost no hunting and even today they have the habit of feeding on humans, the older children stay alive while the younger ones become food

However it became impossible to kill all the cannibals, the huge mountains of the far north are a place that no one wants to go, for the next 100 years, although isolated there is still trade, as cannibals have an iron mine and exchange iron for other items, less of course food

However Ossan was persuaded not to do this, no stone born wants to fight alongside the cannibals, the cannibal's fame was given to everyone on the island and made trade with the northern kingdom even more difficult, with the pride of ancient men it's impossible to explain that not everyone is a cannibal, hence the bad reputation

"2300 warriors, the stane clan brought the poison from the tree to the great winged beast, why are you still with that ugly face Ossan" Valbar Crowl

Valbar was happy, with the fall of the Magnar clan, the Crowl clan is the most powerful and will take the lands to the south, where it is less cold

As for the huge animal described by Ossan, he was not afraid, he once made an expedition north of the wall and fought giants, although he didn't win, he shot an arrow in the huge giant's chest and is proud of it.

"2300 warriors are still few, we could gather more than 3000 thousand if it wasn't winter" Ossan

"You are too scared, don't forget that our island has had many invaders, but they all died in our icy fields, we know the land" Valbar

Theod Stane, the leader of the clan Stane was in the boat next door and was listening to the conversation, he had no desire to fight in winter, his idea was to wait 1 month and send news to the king of the north

The Stane clan is the closest to the northern kingdom, they often trade with the men in black on the wall, including one of their ancestors already participated in Night's Watch, although the weakest of the 3 clans, the Stane clan is the one that uses the most the brain

400 soldiers with weapons of invincible steel, huge shields the size of a man and a fire-breathing winged beast, Theod never wanted to fight, unfortunately the oath of war is something he must follow

"We are near the end of the stream, we must organize and attack the enemy camp at night, we will massacre them all before they organize" Ossan

Ossan, Valbar and Theod led the 2300 warriors forward, after 2 hours of walking they stopped, Ossan had a terribly ugly face

On the hill in front of him, a small wooden encampment was raised, soldiers with steel weapons were looking coldly down, the attack plan was completely overturned.

"They took the hill, we can go around it, but it would take days walking in snow, we only have two options attack or retreat, obviously they are prepared" Theod

"Cowardly as always Theod, no matter if they're prepared, look, there are only 200 soldiers, obviously they split, it's our chance to kill half their army" Valbar

"Valbar is right, we have to seize, I don't see the fire-breathing beast, 2300 warriors can kill 200" Ossan

Although Ossan is afraid of enemy weapons, he doesn't believe 200 soldiers can defeat 2300 warriors.

"We'll attack in waves from all sides, let's use the numerical advantage and slaughter" Ossan

Although with inferior technology, no one can say that the old men are weak, they soon prepare for war, the 2300 soldiers started to climb the hill

In the sky, Namon looked at everything, he arrived with his troops 3 days ago, organized a small wooden fort and dug holes in the hill to hide troops, as well as hiding archers crouched behind shield soldiers.

Honestly these are weak and common strategies, however due to the winter the vision is just shit and they actually managed to hide for the trap to work.

Namon spotted some wildlings in the back of the army, carrying bows and a fur backpack filled with green liquid, probably poison.

Before leaving the camp, Namon used flammable oil and placed it in a huge bag, which he threw from above to burn enemies.

Iberion is just a cub, he doesn't want to underestimate his enemies and end up having his dragon killed like a Targayen imbecile

The savages ran down the hill, then the hidden soldiers came out and suddenly raised the shield wall to 300, while the 100 archers used the top of the hill to fire and kill enemies.

Even with the terrain disadvantage, the surprise of the trap, the savages still fought bravely, the battle was difficult

Ossan wielded a war axe, he was the first to cut and kill one of Namon's soldiers

Unfortunately the battle was not epic, suddenly huge flames appeared in the rear of the barbarian army, the poisoners were covered by liquid that fell from the sky and caught fire

Theod on the front line looked back, and saw his poison archers smoldering in flames, but to make matters worse the winged creature appeared among the clouds.

"We are just children, we cannot defend the flames that fall from the sky" Theod

Valbar unfortunately cannot see this, as he died pathetically to a Valyrian steel spear whose nameless slave wielded

The Greek phalanx held firm, Iberion burned the savages in the back, while shields and spears prevented any savages from escaping.

The numerical advantage was undone thanks to military disorganization and the panic of the unknown fire-breathing animal

Theod Stane, raised his spear and screamed

"the Stane clan of Log Hall, surrenders"

The rest of the Stane clan dropped their weapons, and simply knelt on the ground.

Ossan continued to attack with hate and rage, tears fell from his eyes, he already knew the result, but he still fought to his death, his body was pierced several times by the spears, a fair death for a strong warrior
