We arrived at the real estate office in a little over and hour. We stopped at McDonalds to grab something to eat on the way, and were now waiting in the lobby to talk to someone about buying the lodge. A lady in slick black clothing, looking very professional came out to greet us. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Hern. I heared you want to buy one of our largest owns?" She asked shaking Elijah's hand. "Yes, I'm Elijah, and this is my wife Katerina." He told her and I blushed. Would I ever really be his wi- Stop thinking

that ahead, I scolded myself. He's only saying that to be professional. I shook my mind free of thoughts and smiled sweetly. "Nice to meet you, ma'm." I told her and

shook her hand as well. "Now, let's talk buisness." she said and led us to her office.

"So. The Great Wolf Lodge Indoor Waterpark? Alright, let's see." She said and started typing away on her computer.

Elijah and I walked out of Mrs. Hern's office grinning wide at the rest of our friends.