"Where's she going?" Squeak bitch shouted, and I could tell Cliff and Joel both grabbed at her to stop her from coming after me.

Sighing, I sat on the toilet, while he sat on the edge of the tub. "They're turned on, if you were wondering." I mumbled. "What is?" "My humanity." I breathed, meeting eye contact with him. "So that's why you're doing this. Cause' you feel guilty, not cause you want too." He said more to himself, nodding and chewing his lip as he thought about it. I shrugged. "Isn't it mostly guilt that we do things out of?" I asked. He shrugged this time. "Sometimes. Other times its anger, or ..." he started, and paused for a moment. I kept my eyes casted on the ground, but he lifted my chin and finished with "Or love." I nodded and pulled my chin away. "I think I'll stick to

guilt and anger if that's okay with you." I muttered, and looked up at him after taking a deep breath. "Let's get this done and over with, I have more apologises to make